ACAT Meeting - November 27, 2008
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Bill Castor
- Adam Cohoon
- Marcia Cummings
- Penny Lamy
- Angela Marley
- Scott McArthur
- Marion McDonell
- Robert Muzzy
- Linda Napier
- Anna Noviss
- Christene Rowntree
- Julian Stein
- Howard Wax
TTC Representatives
- Bill Frost
- Tom McPherson
- Dean Milton
- Glenn Johnston
- Freda Stanois
- Jo-Ann Bentley
- Susan Davidson
- Gary Webster
- Vince Rodo
- John Sepulis
- Rick Cornacchia
- Al Chocorlan
- TTC Commissioners
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4. Review and Approval of October 30, 2008 Minutes
On motion of Howard Wax, ACAT approved the minutes of October 30, 2008 noting the following:
Item 12 “Subcommittee Reports” Angela Marley clarified that her comments were specifically related to the Easier Access Brochure.
5. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items
6. Report on Commission Meeting Accessibility Matters
Anna Noviss reported that representatives from ABC Ambassador Taxi Inc. and Arrow Cab Inc. made deputations at the November 26, 2008 Commission meeting with respect to the Sedan Taxi Service Contracts.
Tom McPherson advised that the Commission approved the award of these contracts to Associated Toronto Taxi-Cab Co-Operative Limited and Beck Taxi Limited and that staff will provide a performance report to both the Commission and ACAT every six months.
7. Deputation
8. Subcommittee Reports
Dean Milton advised that the Subcommittee met on November 7, 2008 to review the December Wheel-Trans Community Newsletter in depth. Copies were distributed to members at the meeting.
Penny Lamy commented that she was very pleased with this issue of the newsletter and expressed appreciated to staff on behalf of ACAT.
Terms of Reference
Dean Milton advised that the Subcommittee met on Novembers 21, 2008 to review the current Terms of Reference and is in the process of recommending some changes as follows:
- Attendance requirements at General meetings and Subcommittee meetings and an Appeal process for members removed from a committee due to excessive absence;
- The restructuring of Subcommittees from the current 11 down to 5 which will ensure that all members are involved on an active subcommittee and to help reduce the frequency of meetings.
Design Review
On behalf of Design Review Subcommittee Chair Christene Rowntree, Glenn Johnston reported on the recent activities of the Subcommittee and distributed notes from meetings on November 5th and 24th as follows:
- The Subcommittee had received a deputation on stair design and materials and information on standards applied by the TTC and others. Further assistance in assessing the TTC’s standard is being sought from former ACAT members who helped form the current TTC standard and from others with knowledge of this matter.
The examination of stairs, handrails, edge markings, etc. will be included in the station audits to be carried out by the Subcommittee in 2009.
- The number of volunteers to assist with fare card analysis and work with Service Planning staff on Metrolinx initiatives was increased to four.
- The Subcommittee completed its assessment of comments from the Open Forum and the Public Meeting on TTC system accessibility, the grouping of the issues, and the actions to be taken, including an update to the Commission. It was noted that many of the service issues raised in May have been addressed by the increase in service or will be addressed by the TTC’s planned accessibility improvements. It was also noted that the Communications Subcommittee will meet with Glenn Johnston and will follow the Design Review Subcommittee’s model for assessing the comments and developing recommended actions and finish the analysis of public comments.
- An update on the work of the Transportation Standards Development Committee and the letter to the Minister of Community and Social Services and the draft information and Communications standard that ACAT was informed of at an earlier meeting. The Commission may receive reports on these matters as well.
- Discussion on the use of captioning at the annual Open Forums.
- Update on the test of a platform edging to reduce the gap between subway cars and platforms.
- Other information items included the release of the Metrolinx regional transportation planning document; the various regional transportation proposals including the notice on the concept of an extension of the Yonge Subway into southern York Region (noted approximately two months ago), and the numerous improvements to TTC bus service.
- Thirteen (13) notes and documents were distributed for the consideration of the Subcommittee and other ACAT members.
9. Standard Development Processes
10. Open Forum
11. 2009 ACAT Member Selection Process
12. Other/New Business
Scott Mcarthur moved a motion requesting that, over the next five years, staff study the feasibility of having TTC operate the contracted wheel-trans service at the conclusion of the current contracts.
ACAT approved the foregoing motion unanimously.
Angela Marley raised the issue of communication as it relates to integration of transit services in the GTA and that more emphasis could be put on transit for the disabled.
Penny Lamy advised that she would discuss this with Chair Giambrone and ask him to comment at the December ACAT meeting.
Penny Lamy requested an update on elevator installation in the subway. Bill Frost advised that the current schedule (Easier Access Phase III) will be attached to the minutes.
Howard Wax reminded the members that another of the meetings on initiatives discussed by the Design Review Subcommittee (i.e. the Yonge Subway into southern York Region) was to be held on December 3, 2008.