ACAT Meeting - April 29, 2010

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, April 29, 2010
Location:1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom
Meeting No:227
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.


  • Susan Davidson  
  • Mazin Aribi   
  • Bill Castor   
  • Adam Cohoon  
  • Angela Marley  
  • Scott McArthur  
  • Marion McDonell  
  • Carol Anne Monet
  • Robert Muzzy 
  • Anna Noviss
  • Craig Nicol
  • Angela Rebeiro
  • Sam Savona

TTC Representatives

  • Bill Frost
  • Tom McPherson
  • Evelyn Gartner
  • Dean Milton
  • Glenn Johnston
  • Donna Bryant


  • Heather Green
  • Garnett Martin 


  • Gary Webster
  • Vince Rodo
  • John Sepulis
  • Rick Cornacchia
  • Al Chocorlan
  • TTC Commissioners

1. Call to Order / Attendance

Susan Davidson, Chair, called the meeting to order at approximately 1:05 p.m. Roll call was taken.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


3. Approval of Agenda

On motion of Mazin, ACAT approved the agenda with some additions under new business.

4. Feedback – ACAT Chair – Meeting with Customer Service Panel

Susan Davidson informed the members that through a series of emails, she was in contact with Steve O’Brien of the Customer Service Panel and that she had invited him to speak with the Committee.

5. Presentation by Steve O’Brien – Customer Service Panel

Steve O’Brien apologized for any confusion concerning the exclusion of ACAT on the panel.  He informed the group that the initial process was extremely quick. In a matter of days, it was necessary to meet with TTC senior management and build a panel that represented the community in all its diversity. He confirmed that the panel needs ACAT input and that Susan Davidson and Mazin Aribi have agreed to act on behalf of ACAT, seniors, and persons with disabilities by conveying advice and comments from ACAT members to the Customer Service Panel. It was agreed that their names would be added to the panel’s website,

The four areas covered by the panel are:

  • Complaint Process
  • Customer Engagement
  • Communications
  • Human Resources

Steve informed the group that the last two months have been dedicated to studying TTC service to better understand its operation. An ad campaign and website have been developed to assist in gathering input from the community. They have already received over 1,000 recommendations.

Angela Marley suggested that the panel look to Wheel-Tans for their leadership in many areas including the Wheel-Trans Customer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

Steve O’Brien can be available to attend a meeting with ACAT at any time to update them on progress.  Susan Davidson suggested that a special ACAT meeting could be called to discuss the panel’s progress.
It was suggested that the panel set up at the TTC Roadeo and the People in Motion Show to gather input from TTC employees and persons with disabilities.

Members of ACAT are requested to bring their views to either Susan or Mazin or use the online form at the website.  Minutes from all panel meetings will be forwarded to Susan for distribution to the members, but the members are reminded that the minutes are not public.

The panel will require ACAT input toward the final report which will be a public report that may assist ACAT’s position by bringing forward the concerns and initiatives of seniors and persons with disabilities and any associated funding issues. The final report is due by the end of June 2010, but because the panel is committed to a job done right, it may take longer.

6.  Presentation – PRESTO

Donna Bryant, Project Manager, gave a presentation regarding an update on the TTC/GTA Farecard Project, and invited comments. In response to questions from the members, she informed the group:

  • The pass cannot be used more than once in a 15-minute period, but that can be modified
  • The money on the card can be transferred to a new card if the existing card is lost or stolen
  • The card can be set up for auto-reload
  • The card will take off one appropriate fare as set up, i.e. one adult, senior or child fare
  • The TTC has requested different colour cards for adult, senior, child, and student fares
  • The data linked with the cards will assist the TTC in establishing patterns of misuse
  • You can load a Metropass on the card
  • The IVR line will be available 24/7
  • Loading money on the card may take up to 48 hours
  • The card contains value data and will have the actual up-to-date balance
  • Kiosks will provide digital display to check balance
  • TTC is investigating adding audio
  • Cards must be registered to a specific customer to obtain a refund
  • Streetcars will be Proof-of-Payment, all other service will be turnstile/bus operation
  • The personal information on the card is kept separate from the trip tracking and only the police can subpoena the information
  • Trip tracking information will provide TTC will information to improve scheduling, etc.
  • Metrolinx owns PRESTO for use in the Metrolinx area only
  • The card is not easily damaged, the chip is imbedded in the card but the antenna can be broken, disabling the card
  • There are only 500 cards in circulation at this time but, on May 10, it will be available to the public for limited use at specific locations.

The card does not meet all of the needs of the TTC, but PRESTO has committed to meeting those needs. The cards will have to be able to accommodate changes to technology, such as open payment. The biggest concern at this time is funding.
ACAT will ask Staff to pass on request for a presentation from PRESTO.

7. Review and Approval of March 25, 2010 Minutes

On motion of Angela Marley, ACAT approved the minutes of March 25, 2010 with one change on page 5, which should read “the issues that affect people with various disabilities”.

8. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items

On the Outstanding ACAT Items List:

  • Bus Destination Messages was deferred to May due to the unavailability of Carla Basso for the April meeting.
  • Trip Planner and Information Panels in Shelters were split into two items.
  • The members were informed that the first phase (test) for the Internet Trip Planner has already been released but ongoing input from ACAT is still welcome. Feedback was given to Michelle Jones concerning the next phase at the March 19 Communications Subcommittee meeting.
  • The Customer Service Panel issue was addressed by Susan Davidson’s contact with Steve O’Brien and a subsequent presentation by Steve O’Brien.

9. Deputations


10. Subcommittee Reports

Deferred to May 2010 meeting.

11. Public Forum

Glenn Johnston reported that, subject to certain assessments requested by the Monitor, the TTC is to repeat the communications and other aspects which were successful in 2009. This year’s forum will be held in mid-June.

The changes requested by the Monitor include additional Wheel-Trans service for the shuttle buses, decreased time for presentations/increased time for customer advice and comments, and a ½-hour opportunity for customers to provide comments in a face-to-face situation.

The Service Planning Subcommittee is assisting and will discuss the forum at an upcoming meeting(s). Further details will be communicated as they become available.

12. Other/New Business

Marian McDonell requested an update on the People in Motion Show. Janet O’Sullivan informed the members that Wheel-Trans and the TTC will be participating in a manner very similar to the previous year and requested the members to give her their availability for the two days of the show. Members were also requested to email their size requirements for ACAT polo shirts to Dean Milton. Mazin Aribi requested that a 40-foot TTC city bus be used for the shuttle to acclimatize customers to accessible TTC.

Mazin Aribi informed the group that he had been approached by Disability Issues Committee, City of Toronto, to investigate the possibility of a discount for people with disabilities using TTC. Members responded that the issue had been carefully reviewed and ascertained that this discount was not feasible at this time.

13. Next Meeting

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, May 27, 2010, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.

14. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 p.m.

Janet O’Sullivan
For Secretary

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