ACAT Meeting - October 28, 2010
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Susan Davidson (Chair)
- Mazin Aribi
- Bill Castor
- Adam Cohoon
- Heather Green (Vice Chair)
- Angela Marley
- Scott McArthur
- Marian McDonell (Vice Chair)
- Carol Anne Monet
- Robert Muzzy
- Craig Nicol
- Anna Noviss
- Elaine Prescod
- Angela Rebeiro
- Sam Savona
Pool Members
- Anita Dressler
- Jessica Geboers
- Igor Samardzic
TTC Representatives
- Evelyn Gartner
- Bill Dawson
- Bill Frost
- Tom McPherson
- Carla Basso
- Adam Giambrone
- Gary Webster
- Rick Cornacchia
- Al Chocorlan
- Vince Rodo
- John Sepulis
- Dave Dixon
- Mitch Stambler
- TTC Commissioners
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
2. Shirley Martin
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Review and Approval of September 29, 2010 Minutes
On motion of Sam Savona and seconded by Bill Castor, ACAT approved the minutes of September 29, 2010.
6. Business Arising from Minutes/Outstanding Items
a. Elevator Redundancy Motion
The approved motion regarding elevator redundancy at new stations will be outlined to the TTC in a letter by Susan Davidson.
b. Station Managers
Bill Dawson advised that 40 Station Manager positions have been approved for hire, pending budget approval. Once the Station Manager job specification is available, it will be provided to the Service Planning Subcommittee.
Action: ACAT to forward suggestions to Anna Noviss, Chair of Service Planning Subcommittee, regarding accessibility-related tasks that Station Managers may be able to address.
ACAT will await further information from the Service Planning Subcommittee before making any recommendations regarding Station Manager tasks.
8. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Administration Subcommittee
Susan Davidson reported that the Administration Subcommittee held two meetings during the month of October and discussed an addendum to the Customer Service Advisory Panel Report and reviewed the ACAT Terms of Reference.
Communications Subcommittee
Heather Green, Chair, advised that the Communications Subcommittee met on October 19, 2010 and discussed the following items: Priority Seating, Policy 2.82, Identification of Routes, Stations and Stops, External Signage on Buses in Revenue Service Programming Guidelines, and General Public Education regarding the Subway Gap. The Subcommittee reviewed the Fall issue of the Wheel-Trans Reporter.
Design Review Subcommittee
Craig Nicol, Chair, advised that the Design Review Subcommittee held three meetings in October. The following items were discussed:
- Legacy Streetcar Vehicle
The Subcommittee supplied comments regarding the design of Module II, the accessible car. A new layout will be provided for review before the end of 2010. - Legacy Streetcar Ramp Design
Two mock-ups of the ramp will be available for inspection at Hillcrest Yard. The Subcommittee will examine the slope, deployment, and gap. - Legacy Streetcar Stop Design
The Subcommittee viewed a presentation regarding design options for streetcar stops on new and/or existing platforms. The Subcommittee suggested that: a ramp request button be installed to alert the driver in advance that a passenger requires ramp deployment; clear demarcation of stops be made for passengers and mixed traffic; adequate space be supplied on the platform to manoeuvre mobility devices. The Subcommittee to provide continued input. - LRT Design Principles
TTC is in the early stages of developing design criteria. The Subcommittee advised their concerns regarding elevator redundancy, service disruption notifications, the number of exits, gap dimensions, and consideration of Wheel-Trans drop off locations along the LRT line. Designs will be presented to an accessibility design consultant and the City of Toronto for approval.
In December, members of the Design Review Subcommittee will attend a Rocket Subway Train inspection and will invite all ACAT members to attend.
ACAT members expressed a concern regarding the capacity for mobility devices in Module II. The members were advised that it is impossible to increase capacity on the Legacy Streetcars due to design; however, there is some leeway for more capacity on the LRT.
Service Planning Subcommittee
Anna Noviss, Chair, reported that the Service Planning Subcommittee met on October 20 and 27, 2010 and discussed the following items:
- The recommendation clauses were forwarded to the appropriate subcommittees from the 2010 Public Forum and Customer Advisory Panel Report, which the committee worked on last month. The involved subcommittees will report back to Service Planning by year end.
- Service Integration: Service Planning was provided information regarding Wheel-Trans policies for trip integration by accessible taxis, which was discussed, and will be followed up with additional information.
- ACAT was provided with a copy of the October 20th draft motion, “Service Planning Subcommittee Draft Motion on Maintaining an Accessible Route at Interchange Stations for Transfer between Subway and/or LRT Lines”. The motion was referred back to the Subcommittee.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee
Angela Marley advised that the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee met on October 26, 2010 and reviewed ACCES software details, discussed community buses, and customer service complaints. The top five complaints are Vehicle No Shows, Discourteous Service, Late Vehicle 5-10 minutes, Late vehicles 20+minutes, and policy and fare disputes.
10. 2011 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
Bill Frost provided background information regarding the 2011 Wheel-Trans Operating budget.
On motion of Carol Anne Monet and seconded by Marian Mcdonell, ACAT unanimously approved and endorsed the Wheel-Trans 2011 operating budget, including the service improvements embodied within it, and the funding request of approximately $95 million.
Action: Bill Frost to provide copies of Wheel-Trans Budget presentation to ACAT once it has been presented to the Commission.
11. ACCES System
Tom McPherson provided an overview of Wheel-Trans schedule and information system upgrade. The current system, which was developed in 1994, does not meet Commission database standards and has no ability to improve items such as grouping trips, trip times, internet and telephone bookings, or being integrated with vehicle tracking systems. The goal is to upgrade the existing system to meet Commission standards and maintain current functionality.
Impact of Upgrade to Scheduling
- Update the street network
- Adjust for changes in traffic patterns at street level
- React to construction zones on short notice
- Create seasonal traffic patterns
- Configure overlapping zones
- Easily update changes to major landmarks
- Improve trip grouping by rescheduling later in the day (based on location and direction)
- Allow multiple vehicle configurations
- Provide improved functionality for contracted service
- Connect to a vehicle tracking system
- Introduce improved RideLine system
Impact of Upgrade to Staff
- Reservations trip booking simplified (shorter booking times)
- Improved customer information on driver run sheet
- Return ride for no show customers held for 30 minutes
- Change in home address will change all trips automatically
- Adjust for changes in traffic patterns at street level
The result of the system upgrade will be that customers would see improved trip patterns, time service, RideLine trip booking, and reduced time for Reservationists to complete bookings. The ACCES upgrade is currently on schedule; staff training begins in March 2011, final testing in Spring 2011, and the system rollout in Summer 2011.
Next steps after the system rollout are integration with the vehicle tracking system and development of any new requirements.
12. Station Layout Pages
13. Lost Articles on Conventional TTC / Photographs for Passes
Roman Muetz, TTC Customer Service, provided information that was distributed for ACAT’s review:
When receiving inquiries from customers who have disabilities, and the item is on hand, they are given several options. One option is to ask if they would like the item mailed. They can also send a family member or friend on their behalf to pick up the item. Another option which has been done in the past, is to meet the customer upstairs on Bay Street, and give the item to them directly.
If it is a Wheel-Trans customer, the lost article is sent back to Wheel-Trans and have the item put on their next trip.
As the photo facility at Bay Station is not accessible, an alternative method is provided for students who have disabilities, post-secondary students, and seniors to obtain their photo ID’s. These customers can go to the Customer Centre on the main floor of the McBrien Building and have their photos taken. The digital images are emailed to Sherbourne Station where the card is produced and mailed to the customer.
ACAT provided the following suggestions:
- Lost article procedures should be outlined in CommunityLINK and posted in the Lost Articles section on the TTC website.
14. Other / New Business
a) On behalf of ACAT, Susan Davidson thanked Adam Giambrone for his support to ACAT members. Mr. Giambrone thanked ACAT for their work and said that it was an honour to represent the TTC for the past seven years.
b) Heather Green reported on the Toronto Rocket Press Event that was held on October 14, 2010.
c) Angela Marley recommended an HRDC pamphlet, “A Way Words and Images”, which promotes a fair and accurate portrayal of people with disabilities and outlines appropriate terminology.
d) Adam Cohoon requested that communication with alumnae and spectators regarding invitations to open ACAT meetings be placed on an upcoming ACAT agenda.
e) Angela Marley suggested that ACAT meet with new City Councillors in order to provide them with an orientation to ACAT. Bill Frost advised that Wheel-Trans planned on meeting with Councillors individually, and will consider including ACAT members at the meetings.
15. Next Meeting
The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, November 25, 2010, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.
16. Adjournment
On a motion by Angela Rebeiro, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Lori Blinn
Recording Secretary