ACAT Meeting - December 16, 2010
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Susan Davidson (Chair)
- Mazin Aribi
- Adam Cohoon
- Heather Green (Vice Chair)
- Angela Marley
- Carol Anne Monet
- Robert Muzzy
- Craig Nicol
- Elaine Prescod
- Angela Rebeiro
- Sam Savona
Pool Members
- Anita Dressler
- Jessica Geboers
- Igor Samardzic
- Bill Castor
- Marian McDonell (Vice Chair)
- Anna Noviss
TTC Representatives
- Evelyn Gartner
- Bill Frost
- Tom McPherson
- Glenn Johnston
- Gary Webster
- Rick Cornacchia
- Al Chocorlan
- Vince Rodo
- John Sepulis
- Dave Dixon
- Mitch Stambler
- TTC Commissioners
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Review and Approval of November 25, 2010 Minutes
5. Business Arising from Minutes/Outstanding Items
The Committee reviewed the list of outstanding items and requested that ACCES updates be placed on the outstanding list and that they be provided with monthly updates from staff.
Action: Heather Green to advise ACAT regarding Station Layout Pages RFP deadline at the January 27, 2011 meeting.
7. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Administration Subcommittee
Susan Davidson reported that the Administration Subcommittee held two meetings. An Ad Hoc committee reviewed the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation Subcommittee Guidelines. The Administration Subcommittee will provide ACAT with suggested revisions in 2011, which address subcommittee attendance and participation, subcommittee transition periods, and pool members.
ACAT discussed and provided their suggestions regarding attendance and participation of the ACAT Chair and Vice Chairs at subcommittee meetings. ACAT felt that one member of the Executive may attend and participate at each subcommittee meeting. If a Chair designates a Vice Chair, then the Vice Chair could speak on behalf of the Chair at a subcommittee meeting. ACAT members may attend subcommittee meetings as observers.
Action: Susan Davidson to provide ACAT comments to the Administration Subcommittee for further discussion relating to the re-draft of the guidelines.
Communications Subcommittee
Heather Green (Chair) advised that the Communications Subcommittee met on December 2, 2010 and reviewed Vehicle Messaging Signage Policy/Procedures, 2.82 - Identification of Routes, Stations and Stops. The Subcommittee discussed naming inconsistencies and requested a status update from staff regarding the External Signage on Buses in Revenue Service Programming Guidelines document. They also reviewed the complaints process.
The Subcommittee reviewed a list, compiled by Heather Green, of approved vehicle destination messages from a master list provided by Carla Basso.
The Subcommittee reviewed the wording regarding priority seating which currently appears on the TTC website and asked that all references to the disabled be changed to read: “Priority seating for elderly and persons with disabilities”.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)
Craig Nicol (Chair) advised that the Design Review Subcommittee held two meetings. DRS participated in a site visit to Hillcrest to examine mock-ups of the Legacy Vehicle. At the second meeting, the Subcommittee began compiling a report on their comments and observations of the Legacy Vehicle.
DRS viewed a presentation on Steeles West Station and noted that Steeles West Station designs have improved from their original plan and have incorporated elevator redundancy into the design.
DRS will continue to meet on Wednesdays throughout 2011, with their next meeting tentatively scheduled on January 12th, when they will review the Coxwell Station upgrade.
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS)
In absence of Anna Noviss (Chair), Glenn Johnston summarized the activities of the Service Planning Subcommittee meeting on December 8, 2010, as follows:
- The approved November SPS minutes were provided electronically to ACAT members, with a request to Wheel-Trans to include them in the January ACAT meeting package.
- The Subcommittee members were briefed on the observations made at the session on Legacy Vehicle design from the Design Review Subcommittee.
- The Subcommittee decided to pursue various possible service integration improvements in advance of the 2014 target that Wheel-Trans discussed in October.
- The Subcommittee’s paper, Submission on TTC Customer Service, December 8, 2010, was distributed to ACAT. It was noted that the Subcommittee may continue to develop this document as other subcommittees provide their requested input, and as other issues arise from future public forums regarding TTC’s conventional and specialized services.
- Glenn Johnston mentioned that it is anticipated that the outline of regulation for the Provincial Accessibility Standard will be posted for comment in 2011, and that ACAT, Service Planning, and Design Review subcommittees will again be asked to assist TTC staff in assessing the regulation. The posting will be mandatory for 45 days, which means that ACAT members will have little time to review the standard and provide advice to staff. Glenn will inform ACAT members when the posting is made.
- SPS recommended that the 2010 Subcommittee Chairs help determine who will be on the 2011 Subcommittees, as they are aware of the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to address issues in 2011.
- The issues, opportunities, and outstanding items to be carried forward into 2011 are:
- Public Forums (continue assessments and assisting with 2011 Forum)
- Advice on customer improvements, including those identified at forums
- Service integration improvements
- Accessibility standards pertaining to TTC policies for accessible services
- The tentative Subcommittee meeting schedule for 2011 was determined. In 2011, the SPS will continue to meet on Wednesday afternoons, with the next meeting tentatively scheduled on January 12, 2011.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee
The Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee met on November 26, 2010 and discussed issues related to Wheel-Trans passengers transporting a number of packages, with the expectation of assistance from drivers. The current policy outlines that passengers may transport the number of parcels that they can handle independently. Drivers are not required to provide assistance with parcels.
In order to support Wheel-Trans drivers, the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee recommended that passengers be educated about this policy in the CommunityLink newsletter or RideLine.
Tom McPherson attended the meeting and provided a history regarding community buses, which provide accessible transportation in areas with a higher concentration of senior citizens and people with disabilities. At this time, there is no plan to abolish the community bus routes; however, the vehicles are coming to the end of their operational lifespan, and there are no plans to replace them. The Subcommittee felt that the community bus routes are still needed.
Tom McPherson advised that he spoke to Toronto Police Services regarding sedan taxis receiving parking tickets. The sedan taxis are contracted by Wheel-Trans, and it is the responsibility of the contractors to address any parking tickets on their own behalf.
The Subcommittee reviewed the CommunityLink newsletter and commended staff in view of timing considerations.
The Subcommittee continued to review public forum feedback for the Service Planning Subcommittee.
In 2011, the Subcommittee plans to discuss WT101 - Educating New Registrants about using Wheel-Trans, continue to develop a Bill of Rights and Code of Conduct, discuss passenger safety risks and education about rider safety, and request a presentation be made on Variety Village.
8. Report on Commission Meeting and Accessibility Matters
The Commission Meeting was held on December 15, 2010. According to comments from ACAT members who had attended the Commission Meeting the previous day, a request to divert existing accessible services to the entrance of the Variety Village complex was put forward. A staff report will be provided to the Commission in June 2011. After discussions between members and staff, it was decided that the Service Planning Subcommittee would assist staff in the assessment of services diversions.
ACAT members felt that outreach to the Commission and City Councillors is necessary to better advocate for accessibility issues.
9. Other / New Business
a) Bus Ramp Deployment Problems
Bus ramp deployment problems were first brought to the attention of ACAT at the October meeting and were referred to the Design Review Subcommittee for assessment. The Design Review Subcommittee will report back to ACAT once their analysis has been completed.
Mazin Aribi expressed an interest in attending Design Review Subcommittee meetings on ramp deployment issues.
b) Metrolinx Mobility Hubs Meeting
Susan Davidson and Craig Nicol attended a meeting at Metrolinx regarding a draft paper for Metrolinx GTHA mobility hubs. It was noted that redundant accessible paths have been incorporated to hub design.
Craig encouraged ACAT members to bring accessibility issues forward to additional transportation providers, such as GO Transit and Metrolinx.
c) ACAT 2010
Several outgoing ACAT members thanked TTC staff and their colleagues for the opportunity to participate on ACAT. Bill Frost commended all ACAT members for their role with the Customer Service Advisory Panel and the achievements that ACAT has made in 2010.
10. Next Meeting
11. Adjournment
On a motion by Mazin Aribi, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Lori Blinn
Recording Secretary