ACAT Meeting - June 30, 2011

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, June 30, 2011
Location:1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom
Meeting No:241
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.

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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.


  • Sam Savona (Chair)
  • Mazin Aribi
  • Brayan Bratanov
  • Dorothy Creaser
  • Heather Green
  • Lori March
  • Scott McArthur
  • Robert Muzzy
  • Anna Noviss
  • Craig Nicol
  • Angela Rebeiro
  • Valdo Tammark (Vice Chair)
  • Howard Wax (Vice Chair)
  • Susan Davidson (Ex-Officio)


  • Carol Anne Monet
  • Elaine Prescod

TTC Representatives

  • Eve Wiggins, Head of Wheel-Trans
  • Ricardo Couto, Division Manager, Streetcar
  • Mark Mis, (Acting) Manager – Service Planning


  • Gary Webster
  • David Dixon
  • Bill Frost
  • Vince Rodo
  • John Sepulis
  • Jim Teeple 
  • Mitch Stambler
  • TTC Commissioners

1. Call to Order / Attendance

Sam Savona, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and attendance was taken.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


3. Approval of Agenda

On motion of Howard Wax and seconded by Mazin Aribi, ACAT approved the agenda.

4. Review and Approval of May 26, 2011 Minutes

On motion of Howard Wax and seconded by Angela Rebeiro, ACAT approved the minutes of may 26, 2011, with amendments.

5. Business Arising from Minutes/Outstanding Items

) Public Forum

In response to questions about the objective of the forum format, Glenn Johnston noted that the Forum was established so TTC management could hear public concerns and comments and take them into consideration. He reminded ACAT that at the start of the 2011 Public Forum program, Mitch Stambler both advised those in attendance of the intent to gather and record as many comments as possible during the allotted time, and extended an invitation to visit the information stations to ask questions, obtain TTC information, and participate in one-on-one discussion with staff after the open microphone session.

An ACAT member suggested information on the TTC website would help inform the public, show that work was being done to address issues raised at the Forum, and feature customer service improvements that were achieved by the TTC. 

The ACAT Service Planning Subcommittee will review the forum processes and provide advice to staff.


As requested at the previous ACAT General meeting, ACAT members are to forward their concerns and other comments regarding the Public Forum to Anna Noviss, Service Planning Subcommittee Chair.

b) Deputation at Commission Meeting

It was noted that Sam Savona did not make a deputation regarding Subway Station Naming Conventions at the Commission Meeting on June 8, 2011, as the item was removed from the agenda. 

c) Wheel-Trans Service to Dialysis Patients

Bill Frost, Susan Davidson, and Howard Wax have met with several organizations related to dialysis treatment, regarding Wheel-Trans service to dialysis patients. Responses from the organizations at these meetings have been favourable, and in future, updates regarding service to dialysis patients will be provided by Dorothy Creaser, WT Operations Subcommittee Chair.

d);Outstanding Items

As Angela Rebeiro had not received any updates from the Marketing Department, she could not provide any further information regarding Bus Destination Messages, Station Layout Pages, or Station Managers.


Bill Frost to discuss outstanding items with the Marketing and Customer Service Department and place the item on the agenda for the next ACAT General Meeting.


6. Deputations

Audrey King – Bus Stops

Audrey King did not attend the ACAT meeting; however, she supplied a written submission. The Committee discussed Ms. King’s concern regarding being able to use a non-designated bus stop to board which is closer to her home. Some bus drivers have permitted her to board at the non-designated bus-stop, as she is able to do so using her power wheelchair; other drivers have not permitted her to board at that stop.

Valdo Tammark advised that he investigated the stop that Ms. King referred to, and that the stop has now been made inaccessible due to a bench being placed there. 

Glenn Johnston advised that Ms. King has been informed that the City of Toronto has been provided with the accessible stop standards, and according to budget approval from City Council, will apply necessary changes as they are able. Glenn was advised that City of Toronto staff would be reviewing the stop in the next week and he expected that they would subsequently follow up with Ms. King.

While the City of Toronto and TTC were striving to make a more accessible system, ACAT noted that barriers such as benches, newspaper boxes, Astral shelters, etc., impede safe access to bus stops.

ACAT Executive to discuss building access to stops according to standards and City of Toronto responsibilities at bus stops, at a meeting with Karen Stintz in August.


ACAT members to report bus stops, made inaccessible due to street furniture, to the City of Toronto by calling 311 and to the ACAT Chair, in order to compile a list for Karen Stintz.

b) Angela Marley and Marian McDonell - TTC/ACAT Response to Customer Submissions at the TTC Public Forums on Accessible Transit

The Public Forum on Accessible Transit was established in 2008 on the order of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Members of the public and customers of the TTC have attended these forums and provided their comments/concerns/suggestions. For the first three years, reports were submitted to the Tribunal; however, TTC will continue to hold annual Public Forums to gain valuable customer feedback. ACAT unanimously recommended taking a leading role in organizing Public Forums.
Many customers want to know how their concerns/comments are being addressed. In order to understand that their comments are being taken seriously, the public needs timely feedback in an easy-to-understand language.

To complete the information loop from customer comment to TTC response, Ms. Marley and Ms. McDonell suggested using current TTC communication vehicles to update the public such as: CommunityLINK the Wheel-Trans newsletter, TTC website, Take-Ones, e Alerts, video display screens, posters on WT vehicles, Wheel-Trans calendar, etc.


ACAT Chair referred Ms. Marley’s and Ms. McDonell’s suggestions to the Service Planning Subcommittee for further discussion.

7. Subcommittee Reports and Updates

Administration Subcommittee (ASC)

The Administration Subcommittee met three times in June and continued to review the Terms of Reference and Subcommittee Guidelines. The Subcommittee will present a revised Terms of Reference and Subcommittee Guidelines by August or September, 2011.

Communications Subcommittee (CSC)

Angela Rebeiro provided a written summary of the June 10 and 24, 2011 Communications Subcommittee meetings. The CSC reviewed the latest edition of the Wheel-Trans Reporter and made recommendations regarding the following:

People in Motion

  • That a WT/TTC greeter be located at the show entrance to direct people to the TTC/WT booths and note the accessible bus parked outside.
  • Banners or backdrops be placed behind WT/TTC booths so that participants can easily find and identify them.

Communication Materials

  • That all documents whether to be used by volunteers or given to the public, should first be vetted by the Communications Subcommittee.


The Administration Subcommittee to review Communications Subcommittee’s role in 
reviewing ACAT documents.

Public Forum

  • That the ACAT Executive request that copies of unedited comments from the May 19, 2011 Public Forum, be forwarded to the Communications Subcommittee.

Subcommittee Agendas

  • CSC recommended that all Subcommittee agendas be forwarded to ACAT members, in the event that they might have something to contribute to a discussion, and might like to attend the meeting where an item of interest is to be addressed.

Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)

Craig Nicol (Chair) advised that the Design Review Subcommittee did not meet in June.

Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) 

Anna Noviss (Chair) advised that the Service Planning Subcommittee did not meet in June.

Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WT Ops)

Dorothy Creaser (Chair) advised that she emailed a summary of WT Ops meetings for June 2011 to ACAT members in advance of the meeting. Some of the issues discussed were: early drop-offs at vocational rehabilitation workshops; a deputation by Lorna Rosenstein regarding her experiences as a new user to Wheel-Trans services; and Wheel-Trans statistics for May, 2011.

There are currently 42,370 active users (passengers who used WT system once during past year. 38,000 of those passenger use WT service once per week. There are 170 passengers under the age of 5; 215 passengers are 6-12 years old; 75% of customers are 65 years or older; 5800 passengers are 50-64 years old; 13,000 customers are 75-84 years old, and 12,000 customers are aged 85+.

Dorothy noted that a service disruption on the Davisville elevator on June 16, 2011 was referred to Anna Noviss, Service Planning Subcommittee Chair.

The next meeting of the WT Ops Subcommittee will be on August 4, 2011.

8. Report on Commission Meeting and Accessibility Matters

Valdo Tammark advised that he attended the Commission meeting and that PRESTO is still being considered by the TTC, with the condition that ACAT be able to review the system again. Valdo and Howard Wax noted that they had tested PRESTO equipment in Mississauga, and had concerns regarding its accessibility.

A letter dated June 8, 2011 from Bruce McCuaig, Metrolinx, to David Lepofsky, notes that PRESTO is removing fare collection barriers for persons with disabilities. As no PRESTO equipment has been presented for ACAT testing, ACAT members felt that it was necessary for them to be updated regarding the PRESTO system to ensure that their previous recommendations had been applied.


Glenn Johnston to invite PRESTO representatives to make a presentation on PRESTO accessibility features

9. Other / New Business - Variety Village Shuttle

Bill Frost noted that the Variety Village Shuttle will be terminated as of September, 2011.

Angela advised that she, Craig Nicol, and Mazin Aribi attended a presentation made by Essential Accessibility, a software firm that developed a replacement internet browser, which could be used by persons who have manual dexterity difficulties.

Craig Nicol added that the Essential Accessibility software still requires websites to be designed for accessibility.

As the TTC currently meets accessibility standards, ACAT did not feel that the Essential Accessibility system would be of any benefit.

Angela Rebeiro, Craig Nicol, and Mazin Aribi stated that they did not endorse the Essential Accessibility software, by their attendance at the presentation.

ACAT recommended that before further TTC consideration of the Essential Accessibility software, that ACAT as a whole, be invited to view the Essential Accessibility presentation.


ACAT Chair to discuss Essential Accessibility with Karen Stintz in August meeting.

10. Next Meeting - July 28, 2011

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, July 28, 2011, in the 7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street.

11.  Adjournment

On motion by Dorothy Creaser, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Lori Blinn
Recording Secretary

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