ACAT Meeting - November 28, 2013
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Agenda is not available for this meeting.
Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Susan Davidson, Co-Vice Chair
- Howard Wax, Co-Vice Chair
- Sarah Adams
- Judy Berger
- Brayan Bratanov
- Bill Castor
- Adam Cohoon
- Debbie Gillespie
- Lori March
- Lynn McCormick
- Craig Nicol
- Tim Rose
- Sam Savona
- Valdo Tammark
Pool Members
- Robert Muzzy
- Angela Marley, Chair
TTC Representatives
- Kristen Watson
- Bill Dawson
- Matt Hagg
- Orest Kobylansky
- Carla Basso
- Guests: Maureen Adamson, TTC Board Vice-Chair
- Andy Byford
- Chris Upfold
- Orest Kobylansky
- Sameh Ghaly
- Vince Rodo
- Brad Ross
- Gary Shortt
- Mitch Stambler
- TTC Board Members
In this section
1. Call to Order / Attendance
Susan Davidson, Co-Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Attendance was taken.
ACAT welcomed guest TTC Vice-Chair Maureen Adamson to the meeting. She said a few words, thanking the Committee members and bringing greetings from the TTC Board.
3. Approval of Agenda
On motion by Howard Wax and seconded by Craig Nicol, ACAT reviewed and approved the Agenda.
4. Review and Approval of October 31, 2013 Minutes
On motion by Sam Savona and seconded by Tim Rose, ACAT approved the Minutes with no amendments.
5. Business Arising Out of Minutes / Outstanding Items
The Committee reviewed the following Outstanding Items:
Item Station Pages: Launched on November 28, 2013. Carla Basso requested feedback from ACAT members.
Item Fair Fare Issue: ACAT letter sent to the Board - Ongoing. A Member raised a concern that ACAT needs to monitor the progress of TTC pursuing funding to offset cost of providing reduced fares.
Item TTC Signage Outside Subway Stations: Completed.
Item Texting the Bus Stop Number for Next Vehicle Arrival: Completed.
Item Public Forum - Comments: Completed.
Item Legends on Maps over TR Train Doors: December 2013
7. Presentation – Customer Satisfaction Survey 2013 Results
Presented by Bob Hughes, TTC Chief Customer Officer.
This presentation was given to the Board and to the Customer Liaison Panel, at which time the ACAT Representative advised that it should be presented to ACAT. In the future, Customer Satisfaction Survey Results will be presented to ACAT twice per year. The summary of survey results is on the TTC web site.
The objectives of the survey are to measure customer satisfaction with TTC service performance on a number of key attributes, to track changes in customer satisfaction over time, to use the results as input to assess current service/initiatives, and to identify priorities.
The next steps include continuing the Customer Satisfaction Survey, reviewing content and goals for 2014, updating key measures in the CEO report on a quarterly basis and reporting back to the Board twice a year.
Questions and Comments from ACAT:
Members suggested expanding the survey to include Wheel-Trans service as well as gaining feedback from customers about the accessibility of conventional vehicles and services.
Bob Hughes stated questions regarding accessibility will be included in the 2014 Customer Satisfaction Survey and a separate survey of Wheel-Trans users may be undertaken. ACAT feedback in this survey and results is appreciated. .
Members recommended surveying service satisfaction of customers who are over 70 years of age, anticipating their increased use of transit due to loss of their driving license.
8. Presentation – Draft Customer Charter 2014
Presented by Bob Hughes, TTC Chief Customer Officer.
In 2013, the TTC launched its first Customer Charter, committing to 31 specific improvements, with due dates. The Charter progress is posted on the TTC website and is updated quarterly.
Highlights include listing the performance of individual bus and streetcar routes, naming six new Group Station Managers, piloting of the newly designed bus stop poles and shelter maps, and beginning the Lawrence West Station Easier Access project.
Next steps are to receive feedback from ACAT, present to the TTC Board on December 19, 2013, and launch the Charter in January, 2014.
Questions and Comments from ACAT
Members recommended the section on Accessibility include the integration of Wheel-Trans
and conventional transit services. Bob Hughes explained that specific initiatives are needed in
order to be included in the Charter, such as the implementation of the Support Person
Assistance ID Card and construction initiatives. Members recommended adding the initiative to
communicate and implement the Wheel-Trans to Subway service. A minimum of 4 hours prior
to the trip, Wheel-Trans customers can contact the Service Integration Line at 416-397-5855 or
by email to book a ride to the closest accessible subway station,
or to book a trip from the closest accessible subway station to and from their destination. Bob
Hughes took this back and will add to the Charter.
Regarding the initiative to replace floor tiles in subway stations, members recommended at the same time installing the decals, informing customers about the wide gap at this section of the platform. Bill Dawson explained that this will be done at the four stations identified as needing the decals.
Regarding the off-peak escalator maintenance, members recommended adding elevators to this initiative. Bob Hughes will take this back.
Regarding the Next Arrival displays in stations, members asked when the audio system will come in. Bob Hughes will check. Members recommended making a note in the Charter that the displays will not include audio.
Regarding the roll out of the Rocket Trains on the YUS, members reported there are outstanding issues, including the door chimes and inter-car barriers. Bill Dawson explained Vehicle Engineering has made the commitment to resolve these issues before final delivery. The Charter provides a hard deadline to get these items finished. Once the budget is approved to retrofit the door chimes onto the Rocket Trains, the work will be done by TTC. Bob Hughes will follow up and put this into the Charter, including the timing of retrofit completion.
Regarding the Wheel-Trans initiative to reduce the unaccommodated rides rate to 1%, the stipulations say 0%. Kirsten Watson explained that Wheel-Trans is budgeting for 0.5%, allowing for storms and situations where they cannot physically provide service. In compliance with the AODA regulation, they will be accepting next day booking 3 hours before the close of Reservation lines and expect there might be a waiting list.
A member reported that Bus Operators are not advising blind customers of route information. It is an AODA requirement that they need to give this information on request, but if they see a customer using a white cane and/or guide dog, they need to be pro-active and state this information. Members recommended including this in the Operator Training. Also, Streetcar Operators need to indicate by ringing the bell that it is safe for the blind person to cross the street to the open door. Orest Kobylansky will take this point and reinforce with Operators, and pass on these points to Streetcar Division.
Regarding the reduction of Wheel-Trans phone call abandonment, part of the initiative is to make the website booking process more user-friendly and better promoted to encourage more customers to use Internet Booking.
Members expressed that having a strong ACAT presence on the Customer Liaison Panel will continue to help with the upcoming Customer Charters.
Bob Hughes invited ACAT members to continue to provide feedback.
9. Presentation – SMS Text Messaging for the Fixed Route
Presented by Tony Clunies, TTC Information Technology Services.
This presentation focused on how to send a text message to obtain the Next Vehicle Arrival information. The four ways to obtain arrival times are:, which the TTC utilizes to forecast arrivals; third party applications for Apple, Blackberry, and Android, which use information from; through the TTC website; SMS texts. Texting examples were given by Tony Clunies.
If a route is not currently running, it will respond with “No Predictions Available”. Members recommended using a more informative response, such as "Rush Hour Service Only" or "Not Running At This Time" to ensure that customers do not think there is a problem with the system.
Members stated the times are inaccurate for streetcars and short turns are not reported. Station loops are also inaccurate. The Exhibition Loop stop is especially inaccurate, giving arrival times for routes that do not stop there. Tony Clunies will take this back for investigation.
10. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) – Bill Castor, Chair
The Subcommittee met on November 6, 2013 and discussed the operating procedures for short turning vehicles when someone in a mobility device is on board. They asked to review the revised policy.
Members reviewed the document about Operators providing assistance to customers to pay their fare. This is a new policy that Operators can assist customers to put their fare into the fare box. The Subcommittee recommended revising the document to instruct Operators to ask these customers if they need assistance, because part of determining if a customer requires assistance is to gain consent to assist.
A member brought up the issue of having a longer expiration time on transfers for people using mobility devices as they require a longer travel time because they can use only accessible routes. Staff will investigate.
Regarding the Public Forum, the Subcommittee previously asked Staff to look at the People in Motion show as an opportunity to hold educational sessions. Staff reported that the organizers of the show are in agreement for TTC to conduct a public forum/information session at the show. As this show is in early June, staff recommended conducting a second information session Public Forum in the fall. The Subcommittee agreed to that. Staff are looking for a venue. As the People in Motion show is open only during the day, this educational session will be available for people who can only attend during the day, due to their need to come with an attendant.
The Subcommittee discussed the Support Person Assistance Card. It will be carried by the person who needs a support person. This is similar to Student/Senior card. The terms and conditions are on the back of the card,
The Subcommittee looked at a draft of talking points for ACAT members who participate in the Operator Recertification sessions. Members are to send comments.
They reviewed the Outstanding Items. Members are in agreement that an Operating Procedure needs to be developed for the new streetcars now that the platform format is finalized.
Regarding the Travel Training Program, Staff will contact Customer Communications for a status update regarding this initiative.
There was a concern raised about the inconsistencies of information on TTC, for example the use of different names identifying subway station levels in elevators on the website and on the Lift Line. These elevator level descriptions do not match up, leading to confusion. Staff will ask Harrison for an update. This may be an issue that falls under the responsibility of Station Managers.
The priority seating education campaign is being developed. TTC Customer Communications is finalizing the wording on the priority seating decals and education materials. The change of upholstery from red to blue seats will proceed as reupholstering is scheduled.
Next meeting - December 4, 2013.
Questions and Comments from ACAT
The Committee discussed the short turning policy and implications for customers using mobility devices. As more information about this policy is needed, Kirsten Watson will contact Orest Kobylansky to obtain the updated policy, to be reported back to the Committee.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS) – Craig Nicol, Chair
The Subcommittee met on November 6, 2013 and dealt mainly with the debriefing on Spadina streetcar platforms, which is relevant to mid-roadway platforms for all routes. They identified a number of issues for accessibility and safety. Once the platform design is finalized, Staff will develop a platform standard, a consistent approach to provide accessibility and safety. There are platforms in rebuild this year. When the standard is developed, there will be discussion of retrofitting. It will be up to Staff to bring forward for review.
The Subcommittee suggested improvements that the City needs to make to improve customer accessibility to platforms, such as zebra crossings and accessible pedestrian signals. It was the Subcommittee's opinion that the City needs to make improvements to support the TTC's initiatives. Next month, DRS will draft a motion for ACAT to make in this regard.
The Outstanding Items List was updated.
Next meeting - December 4, 2013.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS) – Lynn McCormick, Chair
The Subcommittee met on November 21, 2013 and discussed the Ombudsman's recommendations regarding the Wheel-Trans reassessment of eligibility for service. A Public Consultation meeting was held on Tuesday evening, November 26, 2013, at the North York Centre Memorial Hall. Due to high response, a second meeting is scheduled for December 10, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Exhibition Place Direct Energy Building. The November 26th meeting was successful and attended by many people using walkers and canes. These are the customers with whom Wheel-Trans staff wanted to consult about the use of video recordings on Wheel-Trans vehicles to reassess service eligibility. There were many questions and people were generally happy with Wheel-Trans.
Next Meeting - December 12, 2012.
Communications Subcommittee (CS) – Debbie Gillespie, Chair
No meeting since the last ACAT meeting.
11. Customer Liaison Panel Report
The meeting was held on November 13, 2013, and was chaired by Bob Hughes.
The meeting started with an informative presentation by Pete Tomlin on Automated Train Control and the improvements being made. It was very comprehensive and gave an overview of the work being done, its challenges, and how the messages to customers should be conveyed. There were many technical questions as well as feedback regarding focusing on positive aspects to the customer (e.g. shorter wait times).
They reviewed a rough draft of the revised Customer Charter. Bob Hughes led a discussion of the issues, and a healthy debate followed. Issues raised included using punchier language, grouping issues together, and using the categories from the previous Charter.
The last two items on the Agenda, the 'Year In Review' discussion, and customer observations, were not addressed due to time constraints.
There will be no CLP meeting in December; the next meeting will be on January 8, 2014.
12. Report on ACAT Executive Quarterly Meeting with CEO and TTC Chair
Deferred to next meeting.
13. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters
The Board approved the TTC's 2014 Operating, Wheel-Trans, and Capital Budgets
Board Members approved the 2014 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget worth $106.4 million to maintain a customer accommodated rate at 99%, and to continue 24-hour service as mandated by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Transportation Standards. 2014 ridership is projected at an all-time high 3.1 million trips.
15. TTC Tactile Map Show and Tell
For information, Debbie Gillespie presented samples of tactile maps of TTC subway lines depicting the station stops on each line. These samples were passed around for members to examine. These tactile maps are developed by Tactile Vision Inc. who specializes in creating tactile graphics for persons with visual impairments to enable them to gain information, reading the maps by touch. The maps will be reviewed by CNIB and the intent is to make the maps available at low cost at a future date.
16. Implementation of Free Fares for Support Persons
Discussed in the SPS report.
The staff report to the Board entitled "Eliminating Fares for Support Persons Travelling With a Person with Disabilities" was included in the meeting package.
18. Reminder – Change of Date of the ACAT General Meeting from December 12 to December 20, 2013 (Friday)
The TTC Board meeting is scheduled on Thursday, December 19, 2013, wherein the 2014 ACAT members and Pool members will be appointed. The ACAT meeting is rescheduled to December 20, 2013 for the new members to attend. The notice of this meeting change has been posted.
19. Next Meeting
The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Friday, December 20, 2013, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom.
20. Adjournment
On motion by Brayan Bratanov and seconded by Tim Rose, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Janet Wright
Recording Secretary