ACAT Meeting - April 25, 2019

Meeting Info

Date:Thursday, April 25, 2019
Location:7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street
Meeting No:342
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

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  • Mazin Aribi, Chair
  • Marian McDonell, Co-Vice Chair
  • Margo Brodie
  • Mary Burton
  • Jessica Geboers
  • Bobbi Moore
  • Craig Nicol
  • Igor Samardzic
  • Sam Savona
  • Chris Stigas

Pool Members

  • Ian Payton
  • James Pyo


  • Anita Dressler
  • Angela Rebeiro, Co-Vice Chair
  • Thomas Richardson
  • Lauri Sue Robertson
  • Shindujan Yogaratnam

TTC Representatives

  • Lodon Hassan, Assistant Manager - Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
  • Matt Hagg, Senior Planner – System Accessibility
  • Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications
  • Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans (Acting)
  • Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
  • Charlene Sharpe, Assistant Manager – Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans
  • Paul DiClemente, Human Rights Consultant
  • Shawn Broderick, Divisional Assistant Manager – Mt. Dennis


  • Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, TTC Board Member


  • Rick Leary, Chief Executive Officer
  • Kirsten Watson, Deputy CEO – Operations
  • Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, Chief Customer Officer (Acting)
  • Collie Greenwood, Chief Service Officer
  • Susan Reed Tanaka, Chief Capital Officer
  • Dan Wright, Chief Financial Officer
  • Susan Sperling, Executive Director – Corporate Communications (Acting)
  • James Ross, Chief Operating Officer
  • Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans (Acting)
  • Deborah Brown, Head of Customer Communications
  • TTC Board Members

1. Call to Order / Attendance

Mazin Aribi, ACAT Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. and attendance was taken.

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


3. Approval of Agenda

On motion by Bobbi Moore and seconded by Chris Stigas, the agenda was approved with corrections and additions.

The E-bus Update has been deferred to a future ACAT meeting.

The deputation by Adam Cohoon, Chair of the TTCriders Accessibility Committee, was deferred until the next meeting.

The following items were added to the agenda under New Business:

  • Accessibility Training for Customer Service Agents (CSAs) and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)
  • Interchange Station Accessibility
  • New Accessibility Signage at Subway Stations (e.g. York Mills)

4. Remarks from ACAT Chair

ACAT Chair, Mazin Aribi, thanked all ACAT members who volunteered their time at the ACAT booth at the Abilities Expo that was held on April 5 to 7, 2019. He also thanked the TTC and Wheel-Trans team for making all the arrangements to make this show as success.

Mazin Aribi reported that he attended the first meeting of the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC) at City Hall on April 11, 2019, where the following items were discussed: 

  • Accessibility Feedback on Vehicle-for-Hire Accessibility Strategy
  • Accessibility Review – On-street Bikeway Design Guidelines
  • Accessibility Review – Toronto Vision Zero 2.0 Road Safety Plan Update and Improving Representation of Persons with Disabilities on City Boards, Committees, and Tribunals (Adopted)

The next TAAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

Mazin Aribi informed ACAT that Shindujan Yogaratnam’s resignation was received just before today’s meeting. Mazin and Wheel-Trans staff accepted the resignation and wished Shindujan all the best in his future endeavours. An ACAT Pool member will be selected to continue the remaining term.

Comments and Questions from Committee Members

A member expressed how much they had learned from other ACAT members and event attendees at the Abilities Expo.

5. Review and Approval of March 28, 2019 Minutes

On a motion by Sam Savona and seconded by Mary Burton, the minutes of the March 28, 2019 meeting were approved.

6. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items

ACAT Information Sessions

Members expressed concern about the plan to hold ACAT Information Sessions in July this year. This is earlier than in recent years and was noted as being a significant change. There was concern that many people might be away at that time of year. TTC staff were asked how and when the sessions would be advertised.

Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications, advised that plans are to start advertising for the ACAT Information Sessions in late May or early June, with the hope of not starting too early and having the information get lost with people.

They are finalizing the details and plan to advertise in the Wheel-Trans spring Access newsletter, on the Rideline, the TTC and Wheel-Trans websites (including on the home page), in Star Metro, on platform screens, on PA announcements, possibly in a news release, and in flyers distributed in public libraries. These are all the typical channels for advertising TTC/Wheel-Trans initiatives, with the addition of the library flyers.

The TTC is working on finalizing the ACAT application. There have been requests in the past to make it more easily accessible. To address this, they want to make the application available online. This will require going to the TTC Board to make a change to the ACAT Terms of Reference.

Members indicated that making the application available online is a major change and that ACAT needs to be involved in the discussion. The Committee expressed that they wanted the opportunity to input before this goes to the TTC Board.  

Members indicated a concern that a lot of people do not understand what ACAT actually is. They signaled that there could be challenges if people do not participate, or are not required to participate, in an information session and the application is made available online.

A member indicated that they liked the concept of making the application digital, perhaps emailing people a fillable form. The paper or CD options available when they had applied to join ACAT posed a challenge, as many computers do not have CD drives anymore.

Heather Brown acknowledged that there are pros and cons to changing the application approach. She agreed that staff would take the ACAT’s concerns back and consider them. She said that they were exploring making the information presentation on ACAT accessible online and requiring applicants to indicate in their application that they had reviewed the presentation.

Heather advised that the TTC was considering potentially trying to make ACAT applications available at the Access Expo, June 5-6.

Outstanding Items:

  • Item: Lack of Tactile Information on Poles for Shared Bus Stops – Change completion date/status from “Ongoing” to “Spring 2019”. However, it will not yet be listed as “completed”. The Communications Subcommittee reviewed this in February and Heather Brown had shared additional information that day.

Members emphasized the need to be clear about different aspects of this issue, noting that Ian Dickson, Manager – Design and Wayfinding and his team are still working on the challenge of making the poles accessible for people who have visual impairments. There is now also a pilot program in the process of rolling out 20 poles, which will be tested and on which feedback will be sought. 

  • Item: Access to Subway Stations and Wheel-Trans Stops at Entrances - the issue of bike lanes interfering with Wheel-Trans pick-ups and drop-offs, including at addresses, would be raised to the TTC Board as a separate item, and to be added to the agenda for the ACAT Executive’s next quarterly meeting with the TTC Chair and CEO.

The Service Planning Subcommittee has been dealing with this issue and it was covered at the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting on April 11, 2019. However, ACAT is not satisfied with the manner in which the issues are being addressed. Matt Hagg, Senior Planner – System Accessibility, advised that the minutes from the April 3, 2019 Service Planning Committee had been shared with the City and that these were thought to capture some of ACAT’s objections.

A member suggested that an approach similar to a school bus crossing be considered, in which everything stops when the school bus stops.

Charlene Sharpe, Assistant Manager – Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans, indicated that Wheel-Trans is planning to consider this as an operational issue. Staff are looking at putting procedures in place for Operators to assist in these instances. She suggested that it be brought to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee to review with Operations staff.

  • Item: Pre-Boarding Announcement on Subway Trains – No change to completion date/status of third quarter 2019.  
  • Item: Give Higher Priority to Resolving Inconsistencies with Wheel-Trans Pick Up and Drop Offs at Subway Stations in support of Family of Services - Ongoing.

Charlene Sharpe, Assistant Manager – Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans, advised that it had been referred to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee. It was agreed that Wheel-Trans would go through all of the landmark identification information issues and report back to the subcommittee.

In response to committee questions, Charlene advised that staff are going through each subway station. Once the review process is complete, the information will be turned over to the TTC website, and they expect to have this done before September. Members expressed a desire for a complete audit and suggested that the starting point be the list compiled and submitted by former ACAT member Angela Marley.

A member raised the additional issue of notes being given to Operators. Charlene advised that Wheel-Trans has reminded Operators to read the notes. The subcommittee also emphasized that notes should be given to both dispatch and drivers. This might help to address additional problems sometimes generated when drivers reach out to dispatch for direction.

A member asked about the impact of these issues on the smartphone app planned for rollout in fall 2019. Charlene advised that there are plans for this app to pilot a feature that will allow customers to see the vehicle approaching 10 minutes prior to pick-up, though this feature will not be available to all vehicles. In the future, customers will also have the choice to opt in so that the operator can see their location.

Members pointed out that this feature might only work if customers had data access on their mobile device and there was cellular coverage at the location (e.g. not at St. Clair West Station). Charlene indicated that there would be some options for customers to connect to wireless access so that they would not have to use data, and that they are keeping these dynamics in mind as they develop options in the next one to three years.

  • Item: GTA Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) Joint Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications, advised that it would be livestreamed.   
  • Item: Concerns regarding Wheel Trans Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs and Cellular Communication at St. Clair West, Don Mills, & York Mills stations – Ongoing.

It was noted that a procedure has been established to address these circumstances. If a customer’s ride is not there after 30 minutes, they can use the intercom and be connected to a Customer Service Agent, who will contact Transit Control.

Charlene Sharpe pointed out that all subways stations have only one designated pick-up area, and if there is a bus platform, the pick-up will be at the platform.

A member asked if this point could be added to the Wheel-Trans newsletter in the section on Family of Services. Heather Brown advised that staff would check to see if there was space to do this.

Members discussed whether it would be helpful to communicate this point more widely, or whether that would be confusing. Members indicated that for some people using stations for the first time, there would be a learning curve and this could help. Another member indicated that it would provide relief for people with anxiety even before they book a ride.

It was confirmed that this information is currently included in the travel training.

A member suggested that this was one indicator that the system needed to be ready before conditional trip-matching is introduced.

A member recommended that Wheel-Trans needs to do some kind of audit addressing this issue, including whether riders are being dropped off and picked up at the right locations by the right vehicles, and how many no-shows are there. They expressed their concern that the approach is not working. Dwayne Geddes, Acting Head of Wheel-Trans, agreed that this recommendation would be taken to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee to discuss. 

  • Item: Subway Platform (Vertical and Horizontal) Gap – Ongoing.

7. Deputation

Wheel-Trans customer Louise Bark made a deputation about the challenges of using Wheel-Trans with an environmental sensitivity and highlighted problems with the current Wheel-Trans environmental sensitivity policy and approach.

She advised that she had been on the committee that helped to develop the Wheel-Trans environmental sensitivity policy last year. However, she thinks the intent did not get captured in the final document. As a customer with an environmental sensitivity, she said she does not think she is being accommodated. Specifically, she recounted her experiences in which she feels she has been the one who has been the most inconvenienced (e.g. had to leave the vehicle) in cases where her condition has been triggered by scented products worn by other customers, some of whom have repeatedly worn such products.

She recommended that if a customer must wear a scent, for example, that it be listed on their profile so that customers wearing scent and those with environmental sensitivity to scented products are not scheduled on the same vehicles at the same time.

This issue was referred to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee.

Comments and Questions from Committee Members

A member suggested that perhaps customers who repeatedly wear scented products be given a no-show.

Members asked whether scent lingers in a vehicle if a customer is removed. Louise Bark advised that, usually once the person leaves the vehicle, it is okay. Also, if a person wearing a scented product is already on a vehicle when she boards it, she can quickly tell if there is a problem and she does not get on. The biggest problem is when she is already on a vehicle and a person wearing a scented product boards after her. This poses the biggest safety challenges, as sometimes the doors close and the vehicle gets going again before she realizes there is a problem. Then, there are less safe and operationally easy options for someone to leave the vehicle and get another ride.

Members asked clarifying questions about what triggers Louise’s environmental sensitivity. She advised that it is a sensitivity to strongly scented products, including some deodorants and body sprays, that triggers her asthma and she cannot breathe.

8. Subcommittee Reports and Updates

Communications Subcommittee (CS) – Mary Burton, Chair

CS did not have a meeting since the last ACAT meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 2019.

Design Review Subcommittee – Craig Nicol, Chair

A DRS meeting was held on April 3, 2019.

Easier Access Phase III (EA3) Summerhill Station

Steve Stewart, TTC Project Manager – Easier Access Program, provided an update on the current plans for accessibility modifications to Summerhill Station.

The EA3 upgrade will provide an elevator from the street directly to each of the northbound and southbound platforms. The flow-through elevators are in the paid area with stops at street and platform levels. There is no concourse level at this station. The existing street level will be enlarged to provide automatic sliding doors and a new fare line. Tactile attention indicator tiles will be provided at the top of the stairs.

DRS Members recommended:

  • Ensuring there are two wide accessible fare gates.
  • Ensuring side access to the elevator hall call button.
  • Increasing visibility in the platform-level corridor by possibly adding a small window, convex mirrors and rounding out the corners.

The subcommittee and Staff also discussed a proposed development connection to the second exit at the future Scrivener Square entrance, which is not planned to be accessible. The subcommittee questioned why the City would approve such an entrance if it was not accessible. TTC’s Property, Planning, and Development staff will be invited to a future meeting to discuss.

Finch West LRT

The Metrolinx and Mosaic Transit Group team reviewed current plans for the Finch West LRT Station.

Subcommittee questions and feedback:

  • DRS requested a second elevator between the concourse and platform levels, pointing out that this is an interchange station.
  • Members requested that washrooms be redesigned to include accessible stalls in male and female washrooms while retaining the universal washroom.
  • Tactile direction indicator layouts were reviewed with the recommendation that they are not required in the corridors to elevators. 
  • For elevator controls, DRS recommended in car side-wall control panels and that hall call buttons be placed to allow for side approach.
  • DRS advised that fare lines must include two wide fare gates.

Other Items/New Business

An issue was raised about fare gates and mobility devices blocking a sensor, thus preventing the gate from functioning. It has since been learned that software upgrades being installed may resolve this.

Gap update: Eglinton Station southbound is complete with work underway on the northbound platform. The vertical gap solution has good reviews from ACAT members.

The next DRS meetings will be held on May 1, 2019 and May 22, 2019.

Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) – Anita Dressler, Chair

SPS Chair, Anita Dressler, was not present; thus, the Subcommittee report was deferred until the next ACAT general monthly meeting.

The next SPS meeting will be held on May 1, 2019.

Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS) – Sam Savona, Chair

A WTOS meeting was held on April 12, 2019.

David Lo Presti, Assistant Manager - Contracted Services, and Michael Pimentel, Contracted Services Administrator, gave a report on the new Wheel-Trans taxi contracts in the new year. Training will be a focus in these contracts along with better service. Staff will use customers’ feedback from surveys and input from the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee members as an indicator as to how well these contracts would be.

David Lo Presti also informed WTOS that Staff are hoping that Wheel-Trans will have PRESTO up and running in sedan taxis under contract with Wheel-Trans by October of this year.

John Boucher, Manager – Lakeshore Garage, provided an update on the new bus delivery. Forty-eight ProMaster buses in total are to be delivered. The TTC is scheduled to inspect the first one on   April 18, 2019. Four are expected to be delivered in April and six in May.

Staff from Sunnybrook who do the functional assessments for Wheel-Trans applications came to give an overview of how the assessments are done. They indicated that the process takes 30 to 45 minutes per application, including application review and preparation; introduction; interview; mobility, cognitive and/or mental health assessment; education; and wrap-up. In the interview, the team also ask about strategies clients use to cope with their symptoms and adapt. The majority of information on the applicant comes from the applicant’s doctor.

Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, gave presentations on the Conditional Trip-Matching and Eligibility Re-Classification of Pre-2017 Customers.

Comments and Questions from Committee Members

A member said they had understood that the PRESTO pilot in sedan taxis would start in the second quarter of this year and asked if it had been pushed back.

Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications, advised that the roll out is scheduled to start in June and complete later in the year. One challenge being addressed is that the system is not compatible with the technology currently being used by a number of the sedans.  

Members flagged that until the rollout is complete, customers will not be able to pay as they go using their PRESTO cards and that many customers do not know this. Heather Brown confirmed that, until the rollout is fully implemented on sedan taxis, accepted methods of payment would include cash, tickets, tokens, or the monthly pass option on a PRESTO card, but not PRESTO    pay-as-you-go. She indicated that TTC staff are working on communicating this out to customers and confirmed that the website note advising what kinds of payments are accepted on sedan taxis is still live.

Members questioned how much income the TTC has lost since the introduction of PRESTO because of technical problems with the system. They recounted recent personal experiences of travelling free because the PRESTO reader was not functioning or did not have battery power. 

9. ACAT Subcommittee Meeting Highlights for the Next TTC Board Meeting


  • EA3 Designs for Summerhill Station
  • Finch West LRT Station Design Review


Members to provide input on new Wheel-Trans taxi contracts

10. Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy Update

Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, provided an update.

Communication Deliverables

  • Access newsletter is in final revision stages; set to go out for mid-June
  • Informational messages for the reservation hold line to partly replace the hold music are underway, being reviewed by management
  • Planning for the Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy Public Meeting on May 30
  • In the process of procuring a regular email marketing service to improve regular communications with Wheel-Trans customers
  • Preliminary communications planning for re- registration, trip matching and Phase 2 of Scheduling and Dispatch IT upgrades

Customer Experience

There are six remaining policies to finalize. These are currently undergoing operational review:

  • Do Not Leave Unattended (DNLU)
  • Fare Payment
  • Layover and Multiple Stops
  • Travelling with Infants and Children
  • Family of Services Conditional Travel
  • Cross-Boundary Travelling

Travel Training

  • Stantec is updating its business case, as a result of staff comments
  • Still receiving customer referrals through surveys – 172 to date
  • Desrianne McIlwrick continues to do travel training
  • Going forward, travel training will primarily focus on Wheel-Trans customers who want to travel on conventional service

Family of Services (FOS)

Trips Scheduled in 2019 (16 weeks):

  • 1,120 trips (subway/bus)
  • 60 trips to bus / 1,060 to subway
  • 21 conventional routes are available

Mode Usage Survey (Diversion):

  • January 22 – April 17, 2019
  • Full conventional TTC diversion – Survey results: 18%
  • This may help to explain that the demand for door-to-door service has been steady, as compared to the recent 8% increases year over year

Trip Matching Based on Condition:

  • Staff continue to work with the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee
  • The term that we would like to use when communicating this to customers is “Conditional Trip Matching”
  • The target date to implement Conditional Trip Matching is tentatively September 2019
  • As discussed, conditionally eligible customers have taken over 200,000 door-to-door trips to date

Wave 3 Routes – Will be live and available for FOS trip bookings in late May or early June 2019:

  • 42 Cummer
  • 116 Morningside
  • 60 Steeles West
  • 11 Bayview
  • 24 Victoria Park
  • 984 Sheppard West Express
  • 995 York Mills Express
  • 985 Sheppard East Express
  • Re-do of 5 pilot routes

Wave 4 Routes:

  • 106 Sentinel
  • 52 Lawrence Wes
  • 57 Midland
  • 92 Woodbine South
  • 161 Rogers Rd
  • 20 Cliffside
  • 77 Swansea
  • 952 Lawrence West Express
  • 111 The East Mall
  • 86 Scarborough

After new Family of Services routes have been identified, the process of rolling them out involves a number of TTC departments and requires multiple steps, taking about two to three months.


Re-Classification Update:

Going forward, the advice that Staff have received from TTC Legal and Diversity and Human Rights is to refer to this initiative as Customer Re-Registration.

The Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee was presented with a number of different options with respect to which customers to begin the re-registration process with (all legacy customers will be re-registered).

It was determined that the 10,000 customers who travel the most frequently and required the most trip options was a logical place to begin. They account for 80% of door-to-door trips taken, are representative of all-age breakdown when compared to the base as a whole, and are representative of ambulatory vs. non-ambulatory customers when compared to the base as a whole.

The TTC Legal and Diversity/Human Rights support this approach.

ACAT’s advice on where to begin the process within this group of customers is welcomed.

Re-Registration will start after Conditional Trip-Matching is introduced. The process will be lengthy, as there are 24,000 customers to re-register overall, in addition to new customers who register for service.

Access Hubs

The Humber College Access Hub had some last-minute construction delays which impacted the scheduled April 2 walkthrough.

The TTC plans on having ACAT review it at the beginning of May and for it to be operational mid-May.

Next wave of Access Hubs to be constructed:

  • Jane/Eglinton -- South-West/North-East
  • Neilson and Ellesmere – South-West
  • Victoria Park and Ellesmere – South-East

Comments and Questions from Committee Members

ACAT members expressed their support for the new eligibility process term “Re-Registration”. 

A member asked if there was any way to gather information from people on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) who are using the discounted fare system but who may not be using Wheel-Trans. This could be another way to access data on how people with disabilities are using the transit system. Dean Milton agreed that this would provide insight and advised that staff would look into whether they are able to track this information and if it would okay to do so.

A member indicated that they were getting a lot of questions about how many conditions a customer can check off or have, and how long the winter season is.

Dean Milton indicated that in the registration or re-registration process, a customer is asked to answer a number of questions, but does not actually check off conditions. Their doctor also answers a number of questions. Then Wheel-Trans reviews this information and assigns eligibility. There is no limit on the number of conditions a customer can have. However, it would be very rare for a customer to have more than five, as then there would likely be the question of whether they were actually unconditional. 

Dean Milton indicated that he thought the winter season goes from the end of November until the end of March, and that he would verify.

A member recommended that the focus of the eligibility process should not be on whether a customer is getting Wheel-Trans, but on how they travel the TTC overall. Taking the focus of the application off of getting Wheel-Trans would help.

A member asked if the TTC is able to capture the reasons why a customer refuses a Family of Services trip. TTC staff advised that they were not currently able to capture this information. The member suggested that it might be beneficial to know the reasons, for example, if the itinerary did not make sense or the customer thought the trip was not convenient. Capturing this info might be useful.

Sam Savona advised that they were more concerned about politicians’ and City Councillors’ reactions with regard to re-registration and the transition to conditional trip-matching. In the past, people have complained to their City Councillors. Some kind of communications and outreach strategy for them was recommended and perhaps ACAT can assist. In the past, ACAT has broken up into small groups and met with every City Councillor to go over their concerns.   

Dean Milton agreed that this was an excellent point and that there would need to be very thorough communications with all stakeholders on these changes. It was agreed that staff would take this idea away for consideration. 

A member asked if, when they book a Family of Services trip, that ride is booked automatically or if it can it go on the waitlist. Dean advised that a Family of Services trip can go on the waitlist.

Committee members suggested that more people might use Family of Services if these rides are given priority. This might be an incentive to use Family of Services and help influence whether the initiative works or not.

A committee member suggested that there needs to be a way for the dispatch to identify Family of Services trips and work to ensure they are scheduled. Dean said staff would look into this.

A member indicated that if a person has anxiety issues, it could increase their anxiety if their Family of Services trip was waitlisted. It would seem more up-in-air, and also inconvenient.

Another member pointed out that another problem with placing Family of Services trips on the waitlist is that the conventional service schedule is different at different times of the day, and this could change your trip.

A member suggested having a different, specific Family of Services number to avoid having to use the regular reservations line.

Dean Milton acknowledged that it would be great if customers could get an instant response to their Family of Services trip requests. This does not happen now, but it might in the future. Right now, customers’ same day trips are guaranteed as long as they provide a minimum of 4 hours’ notice, though not always immediately.

There was a discussion about the specific details and mechanics of how the waitlist process for a Family of Services trip works and how long it takes.

A member expressed that they felt that it had been promised in the past that Family of Services trips would be guaranteed, and that the information at this meeting was different than what had been communicated in the past.

It was agreed that this issue would be taken to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee to pursue.

11. Report on Customer Liaison Panel (CLP) - Anita Dressler, ACAT Representative

There have been no CLP meetings yet.

12. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters 

A TTC Board Meeting was held on April 11, 2019 at City Hall.

The approved ACAT meeting minutes for January 31, 2019 were received by the Board.

While there were no highlights to report from ACAT at the meeting, Mazin Aribi expressed ACAT’s concerns regarding the subway upload discussion with the Province. ACAT recommends that the TTC Board address the importance of having continuity for accessible transit in all new vehicles, systems, and modes of transit. Also, ACAT questions how this upload would impact the TTC’s Family of Services initiative.

ACAT strongly suggests that the TTC Board emphasize the importance of establishing an advisory group around accessibility at the TTC Board Meeting, that accessibility should not be an afterthought.

The TTC Board approved making Lansdowne Station accessible as part of the Easier Access Program.

Commissioner Shelley Carroll asked the ACAT Chair if ACAT is fine with the impact of construction when making a station accessible. Mazin Aribi responded in the affirmative, as TTC staff usually bring station design and impact to the ACAT Design Review Subcommittee for review. Mazin Aribi stated that ACAT would like to consistent with this practice.

The TTC Board approved a contract for temporary Customer Service Assistance during subway closures and surface construction projects. Mazin Aribi noted that ACAT would like to review and participate in the training of these new CSR’s to ensure accessibility issues are addressed.

TTC staff presented to the TTC Board a comprehensive report with recommendations on PRESTO fare policies.

Deputations from the public were made expressing concerns regarding challenges that people with disabilities, seniors, and social agencies will face, such as limited options to purchase PRESTO fares, buying in bulk (400 tickets at a time), fare media expiry dates, Day Pass PRESTO Ticket time limit and PRESTO Ticket Exchange policy. After lengthy discussions the TTC Board approved three motions for staff to report back on.

The TTC recommended that the Board endorse the findings of the joint City-TTC report, entitled “The Future of King Street: Results of the Transit Pilot”, to be considered at Executive Committee on April 9, 2019 and City Council on April 16, 2019.

A deputation from the public was made expressing concerns regarding accessibility challenges at the TTC stop at the southwest corner of King and Parliament. He suggested operational changes solution in the short term and a physical permanent solution in the long term.

Commissioner Jim Karygiannis moved: “That City Council considers approving access for TTC Wheel-Trans contracted taxis through the King Street Transit Priority Corridor when working with Wheel-Trans customers in the same manner as TTC streetcars and Wheel-Trans vehicles”.
The TTC Board approved the motion and the staff recommendations as amended.

Once again, Commissioners were invited and encouraged to attend ACAT meetings.

ACAT members are also encouraged to review the TTC Board meeting agenda, reports, and presentations made at the April 11, 2019 meeting

The next TTC Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8 at City Hall.

13. Review of Correspondence

A letter from Adam Cohoon, Chair of the TTCriders Accessibility Committee, was submitted to the TTC Board and copied to ACAT. His deputation on the issues in his letter had been scheduled for today’s meeting, but has been deferred to the next ACAT meeting on May 30, 2019.

ACAT received an email from a TTC customer about hard stops on streetcars. This issue was referred to the Service Planning Subcommittee to address. It was also noted that ACAT could raise the issue through its participation in upcoming trainings for streetcar operators.

14. Other / New Business

Accessibility Training for Customer Service Agents (CSAs) and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs)

A member expressed their hope that ACAT can get involved in the accessibility training for Customer Service Agents (CSAs) and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs). It was noted that these workers have one day of training, which includes training on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). The AODA training component was understood to be an intellectual exercise focused on written text. It was suggested that ACAT review the materials and possibly volunteer to assist with the training. This item was referred to the Service Planning Subcommittee to pursue.

Interchange Station Accessibility

A member noted that Metrolinx’s LRT developments are creating new interchanges with the subway system. In some of these planned stations, there is redundant elevator access to the street, but not to the subway system. For example, at Kennedy Station and Finch West Station, there is only one elevator to the subway system while there are two to the street. Additionally, conceptual redesign plans for at the second Line 2 platform at Bloor-Yonge Station show elevator redundancy to all platforms, though these have not yet been reviewed by ACAT. It was recommended that ACAT request the examination of adding an elevator to Kennedy Station and Finch West Station down to the subway platform so that there is redundant access. This issue was referred to the Design Review Subcommittee to pursue.

New Accessibility Signage at Subway Stations (e.g. York Mills)

A member raised that there appears to be new signs outside some subway stations. These signs include a pole that is 10 or 12 feet high and a TTC logo that is very large and visible. However, the International Symbol of Access on the signs is really small and not very visible. This issue was referred to the Communications Subcommittee for review.

King Street Transit Priority Corridor design revisit:

A member raised a new, additional item suggesting that ACAT invite the City and TTC to ACAT to review the final design for the King Street Transit Priority Corridor and its stops, now that the pilot project has been approved for transition to a more permanent set-up. This issue was referred to the Design Review Subcommittee to pursue.

15. Next Meeting

The next meeting of ACAT will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 1900 Yonge Street, 7th Floor Boardroom.

16. Adjournment

On motion by Bobbi Moore, seconded by Mary Burton, the meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m.

Stephanie Power
Recording Secretary

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