ACAT Meeting - February 27, 2020
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
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Please check the meeting minutes for meeting details.
- Mazin Aribi, Chair
- Marian McDonell, Co-Vice Chair
- Igor Samardzic, Co-Vice Chair
- Margo Brodie
- Anita Dressler
- Carmen Galvan
- Jessica Geboers
- Debbie Gillespie
- Sean Hollingsworth
- Angela Marley
- Bobbi Moore
- James Pyo
- Sam Savona
- Mahendan Sivabalasundaram
- Chris Stigas
ACAT Pool Members
- Ann-Marie Cole
- Hans Winther
- Mary Burton
- Jessica Geboers
TTC Representatives
- Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications
- Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans
- Matt Hagg, Senior Planner – System Accessibility
- Lodon Hassan, Assistant Manager – Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
- Sibtain Kiani, Assistant Manager – Bus Transportation
- Lloyd Livingstone, Diversity Business Partner
- Desrianne McIlwrick, Wheel-Trans Travel Trainer
- Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
- Cameron Penman, Manager – Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
- Lema Salaymeh, Senior Community Liaison Officer
- Rick Leary, Chief Executive Officer
- Kirsten Watson, Deputy CEO – Operations
- Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, Chief Customer Officer
- Orest Kobylansky, Executive Director – Operations
- Susan Reed Tanaka, Chief Capital Officer
- Josie La Vita, Chief Financial Officer
- James Ross, Chief Operating Officer
- Dwayne Geddes, Head of Wheel-Trans
- Deborah Brown, Head of Customer Communications
- TTC Board Members
Items Discussed
1. Call to Order / Attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Remarks from ACAT Chair
ACAT Chair Mazin Aribi reported that the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC) had its first meeting for 2020 on February 3. Its members received a presentation from a City of Toronto Senior Project Manager, Transportation Services on the development of an oversight and management program for e-scooters.
TAAC members passed the following motion recommending that:
City Council prohibit e-scooters for use in public spaces including sidewalks and roads, and direct that any City permission granted to e-scooter companies be guided by public safety, in robust consultation with people living with disabilities, and related organizations serving this population.
For more info, please visit the TAAC website:
The next TAAC meeting is scheduled on Friday, March 27, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall Committee Room 1.
On February 18 and 19, 2020, ACAT members were able to test drive the new Wheel-Trans ProMaster Plus seven-metre vehicle, as part of the ongoing review process for this pilot vehicle.
On February 26, 2020, ACAT members, including the Chair, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremonies to celebrate the completion and opening of Royal York Station accessibility upgrades, making it the TTC’s 46th subway station to become accessible.
5. Review and Approval of January 30, 2020 Minutes
On a motion by Angela Marley, seconded by Bobbi Moore, the minutes of the January 30, 2020 meeting were approved with the following changes:
- Item #14, under PRESTO Update, Questions and Comments from the Committee, paragraph 5, sentence 2 to read, "She said the updated station descriptions would be included in the new site as soon as it goes live."
6. Business Arising Out of Minutes/Outstanding Items
Outstanding Items:
- Item: Review of the Impact of Curb-Side Bike Lanes on Wheel-Trans Customers and Operators in Accessing Certain Pick-Up / Drop-Off Locations – Ongoing. There will be an update in the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS) report at this meeting.
- Item: Give Higher Priority to Resolving Inconsistencies with Wheel-Trans Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs at Subway Stations in support of Family of Services. Ongoing. Marco Iorfida, Scheduling and Policy Specialist, provided an update at the February 20, 2020 WTOS meeting. The WTOS report will include more details.
- Item: GTHA Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) Joint Meeting – Ongoing. No date has yet been set for the next meeting. Peel Region had earlier offered to host it, but York Region has now offered to host. ACAT to be informed about the meeting date and time.
- Item: Subway Platform (Vertical and Horizontal) Gap – Ongoing. Vertical gap repairs being worked on at five platforms; upon completion horizontal fillers where necessary. Gap measurements to be completed and then reviewed by DRS to determine next steps. – Upgrades on the platform edges are continuing.
- Item: Motion – Need for Dual elevators at Finch West Interchange Station to the LRT platform level. Ongoing. The progress of the motion with the TTC Board is being tracked.
- Item: Motion – TTC Second Elevator at Subway – LRT Interchange Stations. Ongoing The progress of the motion with the TTC Board is being tracked.
- Item: TTC Service on Kilgour Road (Deputation from Meenu Sikand and Dennise Carrasco) – Ongoing. At the time of opening of the Eglinton Crosstown, this will be reviewed with the possibility of service. ACAT has asked that TTC staff meet with the deputants ahead of this to share information and discuss solutions.
- Item: Update on the New TTC Website and Updated Station Descriptions which have been on hold – Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications, reported that the TTC website is scheduled to go live in Q2 of 2020 (the second quarter – April to June). The updated station descriptions will be included in the new site as soon as it goes live. Ongoing
- Item: PRESTO Card Registration and whether it can be activated without an email/online process – Ongoing. Heather Brown will report back after this is discussed at the next Communications Subcommittee meeting.
8. Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy Update
Dean Milton, Manager – Strategic Initiatives, provided an update on the Wheel-Trans 10-Year Strategy.
Communication Deliverables
ACAT members were thanked for their submissions to the Wheel-Trans Spring Access newsletter, including the tribute Angela Marley wrote in honour of ACAT member Tom Richardson.
The Travel Training Handbook is currently with the design team. It is to be reviewed by ACAT members of the Communication Subcommittee in mid-to-late March.
Wheel-Trans has prepared for a potential strike involving City of Toronto outside workers and a contingency plan is in place. All ACAT members will receive a copy of the email that will go out to all customers on what to do it there is a strike.
Family of Services (FOS)
Family of Services trips scheduled in 2020 (Year-to-date Week 8):
- 610 trips (subway/bus/streetcar) scheduled on Wheel-Trans
- 93% of trips are to subway
119,000 total FOS trips (including full diversion)
Target (15%) – 645,000 trips
Conditional trip-matching (mandatory FOS travel) will be instrumental in helping us to achieve this target. The planned start date for conditional trip-matching is summer 2020.
Total number of approved FOS routes and stops:
- 42 routes
- 273 transfer stops
- Plus all accessible subway stations
Access Hubs
Two Access Hubs were completed.
- Meadowvale/Sheppard
- Humber College North Campus
The final 14 Access Hubs are to be completed with a target date of March 2020.
Six access hubs have been constructed, though not yet electrified and operational:
- Jane/Eglinton - SW
- Jane/Eglinton - NE
- Neilson & Ellesmere - SW
- Victoria Park and Ellesmere - SE
- Victoria Park and Ellesmere (Parkwoods Village) - NW
- Overlea/Thorncliffe - SW
Additional eight planned Access Hubs:
- Neilson & Ellesmere - NE
- Overlea/Thorncliffe - SE
- Yonge & Steeles (Centrepoint Mall)
- Bingham Loop
- Freshmeadow/Don Mills (Steeles)
- Kipling/Dixon - NW
- Kipling/Dixon - SW
- Long Branch
Travel Training
Desrianne McIlwrick, Travel Trainer, provided an update on travel training.
A Station Orientation Day had been scheduled for February 26, 2020 at St. Clair West Station with 20 confirmed attendees. Due to a Wheel-Trans Severe Weather Contingency Plan in effect, the event was rescheduled for March 4, 2020. Thirteen attendees have responded. Another Station Orientation Day is scheduled for March 25, 2020 at Main Street Station. Nine customers have responded.
Travel Training Program statistics:
- Customers who have expressed interest:
- 114 in 2020
- 1,249 total
- Customers who have participated in Travel Training:
- 30 in 2020
- 417 total
- Customers with appointments booked or in the process of booking:
- 37
- Customers who were interested and then changed their mind:
- 50 in 2020
- 196 total
- Customers who have been contacted but have not accepted or declined:
- 599
Questions and Comments from the Committee:
Possible City Strike
Members asked questions about the Wheel-Trans contingency plan in the event of a strike by City of Toronto outside workers and asked for more detailed information
Cameron Penman, Manager - Customer Service, advised that, in the event of a strike, Wheel Trans would communicate with customers through email, the RideLine, the Reservation line and the self-booking website. He explained in further detail the plans for facilities which will be open or closed.
Eligibility Appeals Panel Concerns
A member who had recently served on a Wheel-Trans eligibility appeals panel reported a lack of clarity and a difference in understanding between herself and the occupational therapist on the panel regarding issues affecting customer conditions and eligibility.
Cameron Penman noted that clarity on issues arising at appeal panels was vital. Members and staff agreed there was a need for clearer appeals panel direction on key issues, including written guidance.
Station Drop-Offs
In response to a member query, Dean explained that currently the FOS system only uses accessible subway stations for transfers. The system uses algorithms to determine schedules – it is not a dispatcher action. The TTC is currently fine-tuning the scheduling system parameters in the testing environment to better ensure that FOS trips make sense and will be acceptable to customers before Conditional Trip Matching is live.
In response to another query about unfamiliar routes, Dean explained that this is addressed in the assessment process.
A member asked if the Easier Access EA3 subway stations are included in the FOS subway stations. Dean advised that only stations with fully operating elevators are included in the list of accessible stations that FOS currently uses, but eventually other stations will be added.
Members asked additional questions about the FOS scheduling system algorithms, specifically can it select specific stations based on customer preference. Dean indicated that this was not possible during the next phase of the Scheduling System (Phase 2). In future phases, FOS trips will allow for multiple transfers on the conventional system.
A member asked how long it would take to get the newly accessible Royal York Station into the FOS booking system. Dean reported that staff are working on updating the information and making the landmarks live for Royal York Station.
Staff clarified that currently 273 accessible conventional stops have been evaluated and equipped with special poles and no-show boards are being used by the FOS system at this early stage to transfer customers to and from Wheel-Trans. In the future, all accessible conventional stops will be imported into the system to minimize the reliance on Wheel-Trans for connections when the distance to/from the origin or destination is 300 metres or less.
Accessible Washrooms
There was an in-depth discussion about the lack of accessible washrooms in the subway system and its potential impact on FOS trips
Staff confirmed that the average FOS trip will take longer than the average door-to-door Wheel Trans trip. It was suggested that being in transit for longer periods of time opens up a new, relevant set of needs for washroom usage and access. Another member mentioned that there are advantages on the conventional system when compared to Wheel-Trans, as you can always get off at a station with a washroom. A member noted that washrooms matter for everyone, especially as people age.
Dean confirmed that FOS trips are generally longer than door-to-door Wheel-Trans trips, but that a fairer comparison is travel on the conventional system. A member suggested that there be a maximum time for FOS trips in their entirety, not just the portion to one’s home or the subway. Staff confirmed there will be a maximum time for an FOS trip, somewhat similar to the Wheel-Trans maximum trip time of 90 minutes, but more comparable to the amount of time for a trip taken fully on the conventional system. They would plan to build a feature into the system so that if the estimated travel time exceeded this amount of time it would convert to a door-to-door trip.
Members asked if the system takes into account the impact of weather and construction on trip times. Dean advised that while weather and construction are not specific system parameters, travel time is accounted for during rush hour and over routes with known construction. Operators can also report unrealistic travel times so that they can be adjusted.
Construction Issues
A member asked what kind of information and adaptation occurs within the FOS system when there is road construction, noting for example the major impact construction has on her ability to take the conventional bus to the subway.
Dean advised that planned construction is easier to manage and stops/routes can be closed to avoid travel to and through these areas in the city. Unplanned/emergency service issues are more challenging to manage on the day-of service, and Wheel-Trans Dispatchers will rely on the TTC’s internal reporting systems and on updates from Transit Control to modify rides. In response to a member’s question, Dean noted that Wheel-Trans Dispatch would advise the contracted taxi service dispatch who would inform their drivers about any ongoing issues affecting service.
In response to a member’s feedback Dean advised that the TTC relies on its in-field operators to funnel back information on construction impacts.
A member asked if construction was considered as a Wheel-Trans eligibility condition and recommended that it be noted somewhere in the eligibility or appeal process. Dean advised that there is no reference to construction in the application, it is not a condition, and customers are not being asked about construction issues where they live. He agreed to note this idea for further consideration.
Questions about FOS Statistics and the Survey
Members had many queries about the annual Wheel-Trans diversion survey which Dean addressed.
Dean advised that the survey email comes from Environics as the sender, and the survey link expires after a certain time period. Survey recipients are not chosen alphabetically. Different customers are contacted throughout the 12-week period. If some members have not yet been contacted for this survey, they might be contacted later in the survey period.
Customized FOS Customer Profiles
Noting that there are customized profiles for Wheel-Trans customers, a member asked if the same could be done for FOS, or if perhaps this would be possible in FOS Phase 3 or 4. He offered one example of a customer who does not need an elevator and prefers a station they are familiar with, wondering if this station could be included in their customized FOS profile as a station of choice.
Staff advised that this could be considered in later phases if it is deemed very beneficial to customers. A member noted that these kinds of requests are actually complex, challenging to code effectively, and would require a certain care in order to not backfire and create trip-booking issues.
Access Hubs
A member requested that the Access Hub photos that Dean had previously agreed to provide also include pictures taken at night with people around and the Access Hub lights lit up, and with no people around and the lights dimmed. Dean agreed.
Dean also advised that the ACAT Design Review Subcommittee would be invited to review the Access Hubs once they were operational as they had with the first ones.
A member asked for a list of Access Hub locations so they could tell other customers about them and Dean agreed.
9. Subcommittee Reports and Updates
The Communications Subcommittee had not yet met in 2020. The next CS meeting will be held on March 5, 2020.
The Design Review Subcommittee had also not yet met in 2020. The next DRS meeting will be held on March 11, 2020.
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS) – Anita Dressler, Chair
A Service Planning Subcommittee meeting was held on February 5, 2020. An election for Subcommittee Chair was held and Anita Dressler was selected.
John Beynon, Chief Instructor - Operations Training Centre, and Paolo Chermaz, Manager – Queensway Division, Bus Transportation, attended the meeting to give feedback and answers to the subcommittee’s questions and suggestions regarding ramp bus deployment.
SPS members focused on the numerous issues of ramp deployment at stations. The challenge usually occurs when the Operator goes off on a break, before proceeding on route. Issues discussed dealt with safety, risk factors, staff resources, and the need for reminders to Operators during training of the need to board passengers using mobility devices before taking a break, or raising the seats to prepare for boarding for those with mobility devices. Further discussions will ensue on this matter in the future.
The second issue of changes to streetcar door operating procedures was discussed. Claire Patrigeon, Vehicle Engineering Manager, gave a short presentation.
One concern was the difficulty for persons with vision loss to find the button to alert the Operator for them to enter or exit the vehicle. Another concern was passengers exiting the vehicle safely. Claire advised that flashing lights would indicate to car drivers to stop; however, ACAT members were concerned that with doors opening on request, only some of the lights would be flashing and not necessarily the lights embedded in the side of the sliding doors.
Members suggested that the TTC do an advertising campaign to educate passengers and motorists on the changes regarding streetcars.
Barbara Battistuzzi, Chief Instructor – Operations Training Centre, requested that members sign up for the upcoming bus and streetcar operator recertification training sessions.
Angela Marley, ACAT member, gave valuable input and joined the discussion on ramp deployment and streetcar operations.
The next SPS meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2020.
Questions and Comments from the Committee:
A member requested clarification on the proposed streetcar door procedure change. Matt Hagg explained that currently all streetcar doors open at every stop, and this would no longer happen. Individual doors would be opened on request from both inside and outside the vehicle.
Matt Hagg reported that there had been additional feedback since the SPS meeting. It was thought that a demonstration to compare and contrast the current procedure and the proposed change would be a good idea. This will likely be in March at a date and time to be confirmed, and all ACAT members are welcome.
Heather Brown, Manager – Customer Communications, advised that a communications plan for the proposed change was being prepared, as SPS had recommended.
In response to members’ concerns, Matt Hagg advised that part of the procedure is that the vehicle Operator needs to look for people with accessibility challenges, including people with visual impairments and people using a mobility device. This would be part of the Operator training on this procedure change.
Members pointed out that relying on the Operator to look out for people with accessibility challenges can be very challenging. It was recommended that there needs to be a failsafe or different method to get to the ramp-request and door-open buttons.
Staff requested that if there are particular stops where ads are obstructing the line of sight to please advise them and it would be addressed. It was noted that the ads at the stop on Cherry Street at Front Street northbound line up exactly with the second door of the streetcar and obstruct the sightline.
Members asked why this change was being proposed now. Matt explained that the streetcars were not originally designed to have all the doors open all the time and the impacts on the heating and air conditioning systems were the primary reason for the proposed change. Members asked as to why these issues were being addressed three years into the service life of some of the vehicles and indicated that they may actually have been raised by ACAT when the streetcars were being designed.
Members and staff discussed how the Operator will now come out to deploy the ramp wherever and whenever it is requested. So even with the proposed door change, there is actually no change for a person outside the vehicle who requires the ramp.
Members discussed ideas and suggestions for handling the proposed change and it was suggested that Desrianne McIlwrick, Travel Trainer, be invited to the in-person demonstration.
Matt Hagg and the ACAT Chair suggested that these questions and concerns highlighted the need for the demonstration so that ACAT members could check out all of these issues and provide feedback.
The Chair said he hoped staff were hearing there were serious issues regarding the proposed change and that they would find solutions to ease the concerns. He suggested that other stakeholders also be brought to the in-person demonstration.
It was noted that Matt Hagg would follow-up with ACAT to advise on the exact date, time and location for the demonstration.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS) – Sam Savona, Chair
A WTOS meeting was held on February 20, 2020.
Cameron Penman, Manager - Customer Service, called the meeting to order. Nominations for WTOS Chair were called. Sam Savona was acclaimed as WTOS Chair.
Bem Case, TTC Head of Vehicle Programs, provided an update on Wheel-Trans vehicle procurement. He planned to present this report to ACAT on February 27, 2020.
Jason Neudorf, Transportation Planner, WSP and David Dunn, Project Manager – Cycling and Pedestrian Infrastructure, City of Toronto gave a presentation, answered questions and sought the subcommittee’s feedback on the City of Toronto’s planned Bloor West Bikeway Extension. The detailed presentation had been emailed to all WTOS members in advance of the meeting.
Charlene Sharpe, Manager – Planning and Policy, has been representing Wheel-Trans on the project team. While this project focuses specifically on Bloor West, the expectation is that the City of Toronto can include the input and feedback on Wheel-Trans and accessibility issues in all other bike path developments in the future.
Jason Neudorf emphasized that the WTOS’ feedback and insights were welcomed on the proposal both at that day’s meeting and going forward. He encouraged members to send additional feedback to the project email address at
The project is currently in its public engagement phase with the aim of finalizing the proposed design for its first phase in April and then, pending Toronto City Council approval, installing it in August.
Flexible bollards mounted to pre-cast concrete curbs are being proposed as the preferred type of separation for most of the bikeway extension. Measures for maintaining access for Wheel-Trans operations were outlined, including mid-block curb access at high-volume Wheel-Trans locations. A number of strategies are also being proposed to improve cyclists yielding to pedestrians.
Stephanie Gobin, Project Coordinator, Wheel-Trans, provided an overview of the Customer Ability Liaisons’ (CAL) role and the Wheel-Trans eligibility process. CAL staff are trained to evaluate applications to Wheel-Trans. Copies of the letter and conditions checklist that customers receive when they have been approved for conditional eligibility status were distributed to WTOS members. WTOS members provided suggestions on how to improve the training and letter.
A member who serves on the appeals panel also advised that TTC/transit expert and occupational therapist representatives seem to think, that they should not make any unconditional status determinations.
Staff advised that there was never a direction to have a certain breakdown or number of decisions on conditional and unconditional status. Occupational therapists and TTC/transit expert representatives on the appeals panel have been retrained, sending this message very clearly.
Marco Iorfida, Scheduling and Policy Specialist, provided an update on changes to Wheel-Trans stops and stop descriptions at subway stations. A list of the changes and their status was distributed to members and had been emailed to them before the meeting. Almost all of the changes, and the related signage requests, had been completed. The next steps would be addressing the next requests that come in, via Customer Service and to staff. This will be an ongoing process and updates will be brought to each WTOS meeting.
The next Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2020.
Questions and Comments from the Committee:
Members highlighted their concern that occupational therapist and TTC/transit expert representatives on the Wheel-Trans eligibility appeals panel are still saying that “life-threatening” is the only criteria for door-to-door Wheel-Trans service.
Staff agreed to follow-up with the ACAT member who had served on the appeals panel and then take any necessary further action. The ACAT Chair requested that staff also seek feedback from the other representatives on the appeal panel at that time.
Staff requested that if a perceived oddity occurred during an appeal process, that ACAT members report it to Lodon Hassan, Assistant Manager – Customer Service; Cameron Penman, Manager – Customer Service and the ACAT Executive immediately for follow-up.
A member suggested that appeals panel representatives be invited to the Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee. Cameron advised that he would follow-up and extend the invitation.
Lodon confirmed that an appeals panel training meeting, reviewing the appeals process, was being scheduled for March. It will be open to all ACAT members and will also include transit experts / TTC representatives on the appeals panel. It was discussed that the occupational therapist representatives on the panel meet separately each month.
10. ACAT Subcommittee Meeting Highlights for the Next TTC Board Meeting
- Bus ramp deployment at stations
- Streetcar door operating procedures
- Feedback on the City of Toronto’s Planned Bloor West Bikeway Extension
11. Report on TTC Board Meeting and Accessibility Matters
A TTC Board meeting was held on February 25, 2020 at City Hall.
The approved ACAT meeting minutes for December 19, 2019 were received by the Board.
The ACAT Chair extended an invitation to TTC Commissioners to attend the February 27 ACAT meeting at TTC Head Office.
In response to a query from TTC Commissioner Jennifer McKelvie, the ACAT Chair reported that ACAT was seeing an improved working relationship with Metrolinx in relation to Toronto transit.
Bem Case, TTC Head of Vehicle Programs, provided a report on Wheel-Trans vehicle procurement. Staff recommended that the TTC Board authorize the procurement of 20 six-metre Wheel-Trans buses; one seven-metre Wheel-Trans bus for the purpose of a pilot vehicle; and, subject to approval of the seven-metre pilot bus by ACAT, procurement of 90 seven-metre buses. Although there is a plan to procure electric buses for the conventional system, there are no electric paratransit vehicles in development at this time.
TTC staff presented a report on the award of Wheel-Trans taxi service contracts. The Board approved awarding service contracts for the Accessible Taxi Service to the following taxi companies: Co-op, Royal, Scarborough, Checkers and Beck. The Board also approved contracts for the Sedan Meter-Based Taxi Service to the following companies: Co-op, Scarborough and Beck.
TTC Vice-Chair Alan Heisey moved the following motion:
That the TTC Board direct TTC staff, in consultation with ACAT and the City of Toronto’s Municipal Licensing and Standards Division, to conduct a jurisdictional scan of how other transit agencies deliver paratransit service, with a specific focus on the integration of new mobility technologies and services, for consideration in the development of future procurements related to Wheel-Trans services.
The motion carried.
TTC Commissioner Denzil Minnan-Wong moved the following motion:
That the Board request staff to report back in Q2 2024 regarding the process for the next award of service contracts for the Accessible Taxi Service and for the Sedan Meter-Based Taxi Service.
The motion carried.
The next TTC Board meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2020 1:00 p.m., at Toronto City Hall.
Questions and Comments from the Committee
Sam Savona, WTOS Chair, indicated that he had understood Bem Case was going to present an update on Wheel-Trans vehicle procurement at the ACAT meeting. As a result, Sam Savona said he had not included more detail on this item in the WTOS report.
The ACAT Chair advised that Bem Case had been scheduled to present at today’s meeting, but is now planning to wait for the feedback from the test drive of the ProMaster Plus model vehicle. Staff will present on Wheel-Trans vehicle procurement, the proposed test process and ACAT engagement at an upcoming meeting.
A member expressed appreciation to the Chair for sharing links to specific items that might be of concern to ACAT. However, she noted that the PDF files are not always as accessible as they could be. Members discussed how they had also heard this feedback from the public, reporting that the accessibility of the files seemed to vary, that it had worsened at one point, but then improved again recently. The Chair indicated that he had raised this issue in the past, and asked Heather Brown if there were any further updates and to continue to pursue the issue. Heather Brown confirmed that she had shared this concern with the TTC web team.
12. Review of Correspondence
A letter from a member of the public was received about the inability to physically tap their PRESTO card on a bus while using their mobility device. The writer said they did not want to hold up the bus and were unclear about the procedure.
ACAT sent a response advising that the Design Review Subcommittee had examined the best location for the PRESTO card reader on buses and done testing with a movable reader. The response explained that one of the main reasons for the current location of the PRESTO reader is that customers need to clear the ramp first before tapping their card. Customers can also request assistance from bus Operators to tap their card. This is now the official procedure and ACAT has recommended that bus Operators be trained on it.
The Chair continued to say that this correspondence was a signal that further work was required to improve the writing of the procedures and increase education and reminders to Operators. He added that these efforts should be extended to include fare inspectors who need to understand the challenges that some customers using mobility devices face in tapping their PRESTO cards on buses.
14. Next Meeting – March 26, 2020
15. Adjournment
On a motion by Margo Brodie, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Stephanie Power
Recording Secretary