ACAT Meeting - December 14, 2023
Meeting Info
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Please be reminded only ACAT members can speak during the meeting. Members of the public are invited to observe all ACAT meetings.
As a member of the public your feedback, ideas and suggestions are important to the TTC and ACAT. To make a verbal, written or video deputation at an ACAT meeting, you must make your request in writing ten (10) days prior to the upcoming ACAT meeting. Deputants must provide a written statement or a brief, written overview of the topic(s) to be addressed in your verbal or video presentation. Please forward your request and accompanying statement or overview to
- Call to Order / Attendance
- Land Acknowledgement
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest
- Approval of Agenda
- Remarks from TTC CEO, Rick Leary
- Remarks from ACAT Chair
- Review and Approval of November 30, 2023 Minutes
- Outstanding Items
- Deputation:Nil
- Review of Correspondence:Nil
- Wheel-Trans Transformation & COVID-19 update from Cameron Penman
- Acknowledgement of the 2023 Retiring ACAT Members and Introduction of the 2024 ACAT Members and Pool Members
- Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
- -Communications
- -Design Review
- -Service Planning
- -Wheel-Trans Operations
- Other/New Business
- For ACAT Members’ Information
- ACAT New Member Orientation – January 9, 2024 at 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- ACAT Executive Elections – January 15, 2024 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
- Next Meeting – Friday, January 26, 2024
- ACAT Chair’s Closing Remarks
- Adjournment
Minutes of Meeting:
ACAT General Meeting
Meeting Date:
Thursday, December 14, 2023
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hybrid meeting via WebEx/7th Floor Boardroom, TTC Head Office
Anita Dressler, ACAT Chair
Gwyneth Dalzell, ACAT Co-Vice Chair
Erica Tanny, ACAT Co-Vice ChairLauri Sue Robertson, WTOS Chair
Maria Marin, CS Chair
Craig Nicol, DRS Chair
Betty Rivington-Law
Bobbi Moore
Lavarnan Mehavarnan
Mei Hung
Rob Lackie
Wangari Muriuki
Valdo Tammark
Tammy Adams, Pool Member
Frank Lockhart
Howard Wax, SPS Chair
Nic Paterson
Incoming ACAT/Invited Guests:
Debbie Gillespie
Michelle Pena Escobar
Oda Al-Anizi
Paul Manna
Angela Marley
Lori Bailey
Chau Sheung Wong
Mazin Aribi
Renate Bradley
Roberta Butler
TTC Representatives:
Shakira Naraine, Chief People Officer
Cameron Penman, Head, Wheel-Trans
Joanne DeLaurentiis, Vice Chair, TTC Board
Matt Hagg, Manager, Customer Policy, Strategy & Foresight
Dean Milton, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
Levenson Lincoln, Assistant Manager, Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
Heather Brown, Director, Customer Experience
Michael Pimentel, Coordinator of Contracted Services
David Lo Presti, Manager, Contracted Taxi Services, Wheel-Trans
Arlen Orellana, Travel Specialist, Wheel-Trans
Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy & Foresight
Lodon Hassan, Divisional Manager, Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
Alexandra Nicastro, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans
Ike Onuoha, Program Manager, Wheel Trans
John Boucher, Manager, Wheel Trans garage
Shima Eghanian, Operations Manager, Streetcars
Oma Okolocha, Coordinator, Human Rights & Investigations
Sneha Madhuri, Communications Advisor, Corporate Communications
Giuseppe Lombardi, Manager, Training, Operations Training Centre
Omar Jabbar, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans
Michelle Edwards, Project Coordinator, Vehicle Programs
Items Discussed
- Call to Order / Attendance
- Land Acknowledgement
- Remarks from Shakira Naraine, Chief People Officer
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest
- Approval of Agenda
- Remarks from ACAT Chair
- Review and Approval of November 30, 2023 Minutes
- Outstanding Items
- Deputation:Nil
- Review of Correspondence:Nil
- Wheel-Trans Transformation and COVID-19 update from Cameron Penman
- Acknowledgement of Retiring ACAT Members and Incoming 2024 ACAT Members
- Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
Design Review
Service Planning
Wheel-Trans Operations - Other/New Business
- For ACAT Members’ Information
ACAT New Member Orientation – January 9, 2024 at 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
ACAT Executive Elections – January 15, 2024 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. - Next Meeting – Friday, January 26, 2024 (adjusted due to Board Meeting conflict)
- ACAT Chair’s Closing Remarks
- Adjournment
1. Call to Order/Attendance
Anita Dressler, ACAT Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m., welcomed attendees and attendance was taken.
2. Land Acknowledgement
A member read the Land Acknowledgement.
A member asked that at the end of the Land Acknowledgement it should be added that “…Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.”
3. Remarks from TTC Executive – Shakira Naraine
Shakira Naraine, Chief People Officer, attended the meeting to speak on behalf of Rick Leary as he was unable to attend. She thanked all of the ACAT members for their hard work and guidance, advocating for accessibility needs and making the TTC better for everyone. She thanked the outgoing members, Rob Lackie, Gwyneth Dalzell, Valdo Tammark, Lauri Sue Robertson, and Craig Nicol for completing a successful term on the committee. A special mention for Lauri Sue Robertson, Gwyneth Dalzell and Craig Nicol for helping the committees through the difficult Covid years. The information they provide on the subcommittees has been invaluable.
The TTC was recently awarded the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion award for their partnership with the Special Olympics, and they were honoured to receive this important award. She summarized some of the improvement to the new streetcars, with thanks to additional input from ACAT. She noted that they launched the Wheel-Trans Mobile App recently and thanked ACAT members for their tireless work in helping. They are keen on leveraging technology to build a more accessible system. Recently, the rear doors of many new buses had chimes added similar to the subway to alert people that are blind or have low vision that the doors are closing and put into some stations a pilot project of touchless elevators. She thanked all the committee members and welcomed the incoming members.
4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
5. Approval of Agenda
Bobbi Moore brought a motion to approve the agenda, Betty Rivington Law seconded. Carried.
6. Remarks from ACAT Chair
Anita Dressler began her remarks by commenting that the committee had a busy year and that each subcommittee made large strides. This group has changed and improved accessible transit in many ways. She is sad that some members will be leaving, but happy to welcome new members. She hopes that those outgoing members will apply next year. Everyone, she noted, has left a mark, giving the TTC accessible transit. They will be facing new challenges in 2024 and welcome the 10 new members joining the committee, five members and five pool members. She thanked the ACAT members for their commitment to ACAT, the Wheel Trans staff, and TTC staff that were invaluable and attended so many meetings. She thanked the TTC Board, Chair, CEO, Cameron Penman, Head of Wheel-Trans and Alexandra Nicastro, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans, who joined recently and has been invaluable and always available. She thanked the recording secretary, Cindy and the captioner, they have been phenomenal. She wished the best holiday season ever for everyone.
7. Review and Approval of November 30, 2023, Minutes
Craig Nicol brought a motion to approve the November 30, 2023 minutes as presented, and Lauri Sue Robertson seconded. Carried.
8. Outstanding Items
The outstanding items have been deferred to the New Year.
9. Deputation
10. Review of Correspondence
11. Wheel-Trans Transformation & COVID-19 update from Cameron Penman
Cameron Penman, Head of Wheel-Trans, provided a Wheel-Trans update. Workshops with the consultants have begun to develop the Request for Information for the new Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems. These will be followed by a Request for Proposals for the new systems which are expected to be issued next year. Regarding phases 5-8 of the Reservations, Scheduling and Dispatch software upgrades, Cameron explained that internal discussions continue regarding a way forward based on the recommendations from the solution assessment.
The COVID update included that Wheel-Trans will continue to monitor the public health environment over the coming months and will re-implement safety related COVID policies if deemed necessary by local public health officials and TTC Safety.
Questions and Comments from the Committee
12. Acknowledgement of Retiring ACAT Members and Incoming ACAT Members
Cameron Penman honoured the retiring members of the committee, Craig Nicol, Gwyneth Dalzell, Lauri Sue Robertson, Rob Lackie and Valdo Tammark for their dedication to this committee and improving transit for everyone. On behalf of the TTC, thanked them for making a significant difference for transit and hope to see them in a year.
Cameron Penman welcomed the new members, Angela Marley, Chau Sheung Wong, Debbie Gillespie, Lori Bailey, Tammy Adams and the five new pool members Michelle Pena Escobar, Renate Bradley, Roberta Butler, Oda Al-Anizi and Paul Manna. He wished everyone the best for the holidays and a Happy New Year.
13. Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates:
Communications Subcommittee (CS)
Maria Marin, CS Chair, provided a summary of the Communications Subcommittee meeting that was held on December 8, 2023.
A presentation was made by the Diversity and Inclusion team, they provided an overview of the Anti-Racism Strategy and Policy, providing high level points and asking for feedback from ACAT. The Subcommittee asked for a copy to provide further feedback. There were some suggestions and feedback from the Subcommittee that included removing the word “wish” from the Land Acknowledgements, so that it would state “we acknowledge”. The team will provide more clarity to some of the buzzwords and clarified how they will be collecting data and the analysis they will be using. This will include an intersectional diversity lens, to help them form a framework to do future data collection and analysis. A member was not comfortable with the second acknowledgement that was for people of African descent, stating there are many others that are also being subjected to racism and felt it took away from the Land Acknowledgement given right before. [BH1] A member recommended communication is important to ensure that customers know the Strategy and Policy is out there. The presenters explained that they want to change the culture at the TTC and hopes this will show and the customers will also notice the change and follow suit. A member recommended the message remain positive as more people will listen. A suggestion that the Strategy and Policy be available for the public to read was also taken back. [BH2]
Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy & Foresight gave a short summary of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan consultations, explaining they are waiting for the report for Phase 1 and will have a second phase that will be shorter and include online surveys and focus groups. Jeff Short also summarized pertinent questions from the Accessibility Forum.
Sneha Madhuri, Communications Advisor, Corporate Communications, confirmed the winter Wheel-Trans newsletter was mailed December 7, 2023, there were upgrades to cameras and lighting to Meadowvale and the training video was recorded for the training of drivers. [BH3]A few items were brought from the ACAT General Meeting, which will be brought forward at future meetings. There was a suggestion that customers be educated on the cancellation system and their ability to edit their information on the website, which also requires a call to customer service. A comment from a member regarding trouble with the mobile app screen reading feature that lowers the volume halfway through so that it cannot be heard.
The next meeting will be held on February 8, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
Questions and Comments from the Committee
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS)
Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy & Foresight, presented the information on the SPS meeting held on December 5, 2023.
Curtis Batuszkin, Senior Planner, Transit Stops was available to discuss mid-block transit stops after the deputation at the November 30, 2023 ACAT General Meeting from 250 Davenport residents and the Annex Residents Association. A member commented that the tenants felt they were not considered when the bus stop in front of their building was moved. They also felt that the City was prioritizing bikes. There was a recommendation that the City could put a gate at the far end of the parking lot to ease access to the transit stop and crosswalk. Curtis Batuszkin, Senior Planner, Transit Stops, also stated that on the suburban streets that will retain mid-block stops, the TTC will be recommending the City add either a crosswalk or a crossing where possible. Jeff Short also noted that route diversions in the downtown will be easier soon, as the project on Adelaide will be finishing up, allowing the Queen Street 501 Streetcar to use that as a regular diversion route. Jeff Short will also have staff at a meeting in the New Year to discuss the diversion issues all over the City, not just focused on the downtown.
Jeff Short and Stephan Boston, Chief Instructor, Bus Training, gave a short presentation on priority seating and securement; one of the members recommended mandatory securement of mobility devices for safety. There was discussion on this, feedback from customers and drivers being that most people don’t want securement, for different reasons. A member commented that is because they never ask in their experience, so they wouldn’t really have any pertinent information. It was suggested an audit would be beneficial, perhaps with one or more of the ACAT members using different modes of transportation, as was done prior to COVID. Other comments included the bus driver letting passengers on before the mobility device, making it difficult to get on the bus, sometimes having to leave them behind. Jeff Short recommended having the drivers reminded that they need to check these securements during their circle check every time, as one member commented they are unfamiliar with the equipment, which is often dirty and jammed, and thus it appears many drivers don’t check equipment as they are trained to do. The TTC should consider having mandatory securement for bus routes that travel on expressways, due to the higher speed and the possibility of quick stops and starts that could result in more serious injuries if a customer falls over. Jeff Short will investigate what other transit agencies are doing for securement and whether it is mandatory. ACAT members were reminded about the hybrid meeting in December and both Anita Dressler and Jeff Short thanked outgoing members Craig Nicol, Lauri Sue Robertson and Valdo Tammark for their dedication and hard work.
The next meeting will be in the New Year.
Questions and Comments from the Committee
A member asked why we would consult other transit agencies regarding mandatory securement in the conventional bus system; they noted the TTC should be leaders. Jeff Short stated they want to understand what the broader industry is doing; most already have mandatory securement in place. They are just information gathering, and the customer survey is expected to be a key piece of information.
A member wanted to ensure that the TTC is consulting with agencies that are similar to the TTC, for instance those in the United States are very different, and would not help add information. Jeff Short noted that is an important point, they are primarily looking in Ontario and through CUTA for across Canada, looking for similar transit systems with similar layouts, this information will all be considered.
A member recommended that the TTC should look into the rear facing seating as they heard that securement is quicker and easier. They also noted that at the DRS meeting they talked about the potential difference in securement policy on slower city routes as opposed to the higher speed travel on the highway. Higher speed routes might be more prone to injuries if something were to happen.
A member agreed with the above statements about the difference in routes and mandatory securement policies. They noted that the drivers are often standoffish if they ask to be secured. They also noted that drivers should be efficient in securing so people are more inclined to ask for it, and it doesn’t add time to everyone’s day.
A member suggested the TTC should see what would be required to switch the current system to a rear facing as part of their research. Jeff Short will take this back to the appropriate teams to explore.
A member recommended being clear on the purpose of securement, is it to keep the individual with a mobility device safe, or for the safety of other passengers. If it is for the individual, you will have to be careful it is not done in a paternalistic way, imposing this on other people. If it is for the safety of others, you might have to look at other things in the bus, like shopping buggies or strollers, that are also not secured and can cause a great deal of harm in the event of a hard stop, or other situation. They suggested doing research with the specific purpose they have in mind.
A member commented that they were not looking in a paternalistic way regarding securement, that was not the objective. Their objective was safety for all people on the bus, including those with mobility devices of all kinds. They don’t want anyone injured, but their concern is not tied to other devices like shopping buggies and strollers, they should deal with the securement issue of mobility devices first.
A member agreed with this, it is about the safety of the person using a mobility device being thrown in the event of a hard stop, and the safety of those that might be in the way. Add to this a person that is not looking or can’t see, they could be badly hurt, along with the person that was not secured and their device. They noted that drivers rarely ask if a customer wants to be secured, and a lot of people don’t know they can and have the right to ask the driver. It should be automatic, like on Wheel-Trans so everyone on the bus is safe.
Anita Dressler thanked all of the members for their input, they are the eyes and ears of the committee and TTC and they bring all this information forward. She is looking forward to welcoming new eyes and ears and their different perspectives. She thanked Jeff Short for stepping in to Chair this meeting.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS)
Lauri Sue Robertson, WTOS Chair, explained the meeting was held yesterday, December 13, 2023 and they will have to present the information at the January 2024 ACAT General meeting.
The next WTOS meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2024.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)
Craig Nicol, DRS Chair provided a summary for the Design Review Subcommittee, held on December 12, 2023.
ACAT members, TTC staff and City of Toronto staff visited the Avenue and St Clair intersection on December 11 2023 to test the new Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) audible messaging. This messaging notifies individuals who have low vision or are blind that the crosswalk connects to a mid-road streetcar stop and informs which direction they will be travelling when they reach the stop. There was a suggestion that the addition of a message at the platform APS would be helpful, and this suggestion will be taken back to City staff.
The manufacturer of the PRESTO gates was contacted as there are issues when you proceed into the fare gate that might make it difficult to pay your fare without having to back out. It was determined that they should be able to change the timing on this and it will be done for all current fare gates and any that are still owned by Metrolinx (prior to the opening of Lines 5 and 6).
For the pre-boarding announcements issue, operators will be encouraged to put the buses on “day run” mode when they are in the stations to allow the announcements to keep playing so that people with low or no vision know that the bus is there, and which bus is parked. Although not all operators will remember to do this, they will be reminded, and it should help those with low or no vision.
The TTC and the City of Toronto are discussing the design of the floating bus stops, as there does not seem to be a standard. Members wondered if having a bike lane between the bus and the stop is safe at all.
There were no updates about the Bloor Yonge platform edge doors, but when the team is ready they will reach out.
There are discussions regarding third party entrance doors, snow clearing, and reliability of the power doors and the team will be attending a meeting in the New Year.
The DRS was provided some design-related feedback from the Accessibility Forum in October. There was also a concern that the TTC would not be fully accessible by 2025. Staff will be responding back to the customers and the DRS Committee members provided some guidance and input for that feedback.
The next meeting will be in the New Year.
Questions and Comments from the Committee
14. Other/New Business
- Special Constable and Revenue Protection Overview
- South-Facing Doors at Union Station
- Planned Closure Process
- Closures in the Downtown Core
These will be discussed in the New Year.
15. For ACAT Members Information
a. New ACAT member Orientation – January 9, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
b. ACAT Executive Elections – January 15, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Levenson Lincoln noted that emails will arrive shortly before these events with more details. Also, after the Executive elections, there will be AODA training, following a hybrid model.
Joanne DeLaurentiis, Vice Chair of the TTC Board started by thanking the ACAT members for their participation in the committee. She applauded the efforts of the outgoing members, the number of hours they spent thinking and deliberating the advice they give. Their work improves the ability of the TTC to deliver good service to everybody regardless of what they come with when they start. Thank you from the TTC Board and she wished everyone a Happy Holidays.
16. Next Meeting
The next ACAT General Meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 26, 2024.
17. ACAT Chair’s Closing Remarks
Anita Dressler asked ACAT members if they wanted to share their thoughts, as this is the final ACAT meeting of the year.
Erica Tanny, ACAT Co-Vice Chair, thanked everyone for an interesting experience as Vice-Chair, she appreciates being nominated and hearing different perspectives from people. The incoming members bring diverse backgrounds and experiences, and she is looking forward to another year. She thanked Gwyneth Dalzell and Anita Dressler, as they do not have easy positions, but she has done her best to lead everyone. She thanked the TTC staff who have been very supportive, and a big shout out to Alexandra Nicastro that started part way through the year, and has been very diligent and available. She thanked all of the fellow members for a wonderful experience and looks forward to another great year.
Gwyneth Dalzell joined the committee at 21 years old and has grown during that time, learning and understanding their own disabilities as well as a feeling of community and feeling welcomed. They have lived their entire life dealing with circumstances and has since been diagnosed with a disability, but found a welcome community feeling, guidance and connection with people who have shared their experience about what it means to be disabled, be part of the community and find pride; turning fear into power, an action-oriented approach, a pride and identity that can be difficult to find. They thanked everyone for the mentorship and guidance, it has been very meaningful and provided constant support. This community has been a big part of their journey in finding disability pride for themselves.
Maria Marin felt she came into the role of Chair of the Communication Subcommittee completely unprepared, but found a lot of support from other committee members and staff. She was very grateful for the opportunity and thanked everyone for their support and a wonderful year.
Craig Nicol stated that it was difficult over the last three years having to meet virtually, feeling that the lack of engagement when working virtually requires more commitment from the members. They feed off each other to come up with comments and suggestions when they are together in person. He hoped they continue to meet in person and can change the Subcommittees to in person soon as well.
Lauri Sue Robertson is at the end of her second term and loved her experience with ACAT. She sees the other committee members not only as partners and coworkers, but as great friends and looks forward to keeping in touch over the next year. She has seen real progress in how the TTC interacts with disabled people, as well as their commitment to accessibility, and the difference that she has been a part of implementing over the last eight years. Thank you for all the work you have all contributed, whether newly disabled or not, everyone has something valuable to offer.
Betty Rivington-Law thanked ACAT for the last year, she is still new and learning and hoping that her contributions have some value. She thanked everyone for their patience.
Bobbi Moore commented this is her third term, and has enjoyed working with everyone. It has been different being online, but the support and comradery is still there, and coming together to work as a community to assist in developing an important part of the City. She has noted on recent TTC trips some good things and some things that need improvement; she is proud of what they contribute.
Rob Lackie thanked everyone who provided another year of service, it has been wonderful listening and sharing. They all have different backgrounds and experiences, whether you can walk or not. The biggest issue is systemic, they need to try and find the problem with the system and try and fix it. ACAT is a very big part of what the TTC is, without this input, how will they know how to advance and improve the system.
Frank Lockhart stated it has been an honour serving with all members this year. He wanted to honour the presence of Craig Nicol, Lauri Sue Robertson, Gwyneth Dalzell and Rob Lackie as outgoing members. He has learned so much, and appreciate most the commitment of, not just diversity, of thought, but multi-generational and lived experience. Their common quest for the TTC and better customer experience is evident. He gave a shout out to Rob Lackie, keep being tenacious, Gwyneth Dalzell for her sensitivity to language and adding depth in how and what we communicate. He thanked the Chair, as this position requires an adept person to bring everything together and thanked Anita Dressler for the leadership and care that was brought to the role. He looks forward in participating in the year ahead.
Tammy Adams felt the year was wonderful as a pool member, learning a lot and is excited to be joining as a three-year term member. She wanted to thank Debbie Gillespie and Craig Nicol for their advice and support. She thanked Anita Dressler for being a great Chair and getting us through all of the meetings and all members for facing the challenges in the last year together. She is proud to be a member and help their community.
Mei Hung thanked everyone who taught her about advocacy work and the TTC. She has learned so much and thanked everyone for the experience. She hoped those leaving the committee find a good future and welcomed those coming in. She noted that the community is so welcoming.
Lavarnan Mehavarnan shared a similar sentiment as others. He sometimes felt out of his depth, but everyone was so supportive and really appreciates this and looks forward to further working with everyone. He wished everyone a Happy Holidays.
Valdo Tammark was very impressed with the current members diversity and differing types of disabilities. Top Management of Wheel-Trans and the TTC and the Board members came to meetings regularly and made presentations when they were asked. Thank you for letting me do a year’s worth of work.
Jeff Short noted he was relatively new, only transferring from Metrolinx to the TTC in March 2023, but often felt like an honorary member as he attended so many meetings prior to March when he worked at Metrolinx. He thanked everyone for being so welcoming and helping with the learning curve. He will miss those members leaving the committee and looks forward to their continued input and keeping in touch and looks forward to working with the new members.
Anita Dressler stated it was a great year, with different challenges but they got through them well. She thanked the Co-Vice Chairs and the staff; she could not have asked for better support and are truly the best to collaborate with. Happy Holidays and have a safe holiday season.
18. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Betty Rivington-Law at 2:34 p.m.
Cindy Edwards
Recording Secretary