ACAT Meeting - July 25, 2024
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Meeting Minutes
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Please be reminded only ACAT members can speak during the meeting. Members of the public are invited to observe all ACAT meetings.
As a member of the public your feedback, ideas and suggestions are important to the TTC and ACAT. To make a verbal, written or video deputation at an ACAT meeting, you must make your request in writing ten (10) days prior to the upcoming ACAT meeting. Deputants must provide a written statement or a brief, written overview of the topic(s) to be addressed in your verbal or video presentation. Please forward your request and accompanying statement or overview to
- Call to Order / Attendance
- Land Acknowledgement
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest
- Approval of Agenda
- Review and Approval of June 27, 2024 Minutes
- Remarks from TTC Executive
- Remarks from ACAT Chair
- Wheel-Trans Transformation Update from Cameron Penman
- Outstanding Items
- Deputation:Nil
- Review of Correspondence:Nil
- Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
-Design Review
-Service Planning
-Wheel-Trans Operations - Other/New Business
a. ACAT Training and AODA Training Motion - Next Meeting – Thursday, August 29, 2024
- Adjournment
Meeting Date:
Thursday, July 25, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hybrid meeting via Teams
Erica Tanny, ACAT Co-Vice Chair
Betty Rivington-Law, ACAT Co-Vice Chair
Mei Hung
Debbie Gillespie
Bobbi Moore
Angela Marley
Lori Bailey
Frank Lockhart
Chau Sheung Wong
Tammy AdamsLavarnan Mehavarnan
Pool Members
Michelle Pena Escobar
Paul Manna
Oda Al-Anizi
Anita Dressler, ACAT Chair
Wangari Muriuki
Maria Marin
Roberta Butler
Howard Wax
TTC Representatives:
Dhaksayan Shanmuganayagam, Chief Information Officer
Cameron Penman, Head, Wheel-Trans
Lodon Hassan, Divisional Manager, Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
Stephan Boston, Chief Instructor, Bus Training
Dean Milton, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
John Boucher, Manager, Vehicle Maintenance, Lakeshore Garage
Adrian Grundy, Senior Communications Advisor, Corporate Communications
Natalie Francis, Manager, Planning and Policy
Shima Eghanian, Operations Manager, Streetcars
Omar Jabbar, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans
Ike Onuoha, Program Manager, Vehicle Programs
Michael Pimentel, Coordinator, Wheel-Trans Contracted Services
Michelle Edwards, Project Coordinator, Vehicle Programs
Nofil Nadeem, Investigator and Advisor, Human Rights
Mike Macas, Chief Engineer, Bus Procurement, Vehicle Programs
Mohammed Shaikh, Divisional Manager, Wheel-Trans
Wendy Reuter, Head of Research and Analytics
Alexandra Nicastro, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans
Sneha Madhuri, Communications Advisor, Corporate Communications
Jasmine Eftekhari, Manager, Service Planning
Ross Visconti, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans
Josh Colle, Chief Strategy and Customer Service Officer
Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy &
Items Discussed
- Call to Order / Attendance
- Land Acknowledgement
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest
- Approval of Agenda
- Review and Approval of June 27, 2024, Minutes
- Remarks from TTC Executive – Dhaksayan Shanmuganayagam
- Remarks from ACAT Chair
- Wheel-Trans Transformation Update from Cameron Penman
- Outstanding Items
- Deputation: Nil
- Review of Correspondence: Nil
- Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
- Communications
- Design Review
- Service Planning
- Wheel-Trans Operations - Other/New Business
a. ACAT Training and AODA Training Motion - Next Meeting – Thursday, August 29, 2024
- Adjournment
1. Call to Order/Attendance
Betty Rivington-Law, ACAT Vice-Chair and Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. Attendance was taken.
2. Land Acknowledgement
The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement.
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda: Debbie Gillespie
Seconded: Chau Sheung Wong
Carried: Agenda approved.
5. Review and Approval of June 27, 2024 Minutes
Minutes were put on hold for approval.
6. Remarks from TTC Executive – Dhaksayan Shanmuganayagam, Programmer Analyst, IT Department
Dhakasayan Shanmuganayagam, Chief Information Officer gave a short update regarding the recent TTC Board meeting in July. He further provided update on the IT department upgrades, noting that those improvements would further assist accessibility options within the TTC, including easier Wheel-Trans bookings and the upgrade to the onboard Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL).
Questions and Comments
A member commented on the station description information contained on the TTC website not being updated in a timely manner, specifically mentioning Kennedy Station, which did not have the updates that were implemented at the station in February. Josh Colle, Chief Strategy and Customer Service Officer will look into this as the website should be updated in a timely manner, and check other stations to ensure they are all up to date.
A member asked regarding the ongoing security concerns with large companies and the safety of customer information. Dhakasayan explained he cannot release any security information, but confirmed that the TTC takes this very seriously and has measures in place to protect and mitigate any issues.
7. Remarks from ACAT Chair
Erica Tanny, Co-Vice Chair updated the Committee on the recent TTC Board meeting, highlighting some items discussed in the past at the Committee. This included a positive update to the 203 High Park bus route that would now be stopping at Keele Station, in addition to the existing stop at High Park Station and circuit around the park. Members were asked to take advantage of this route and provide feedback. She thanked Wendy Reuter and TTC Board Chair Jamaal Myers for their support and actions to put this into place quickly, as it would be starting July 28, 2024. She also thanked Commissioner Matlow for his comments regarding the importance of consultation with ACAT, and taking advantage of their significant expertise.
She noted that there were comments on the subway announcements being difficult to hear, which ACAT had also noted in the past, but the general population is now also raising these concerns. She raised the issue of people with sensory issues travelling on the TTC. There would be updates to the roaming staff in the stations and details will be forwarded to ACAT for future feedback.
There was a discussion on the platform edge doors, which highlight the project was costed globally over the system, not at any specific stations, and there is currently no budget to do this work and no timeline.
Questions and Comments
A member suggested that a presentation be made at a future ACAT General Meeting regarding the safety concerns raised by the member for customer information.
A member asked if the High Park seasonal bus route would be stopping at both Keele and High Park Stations next year as well. Erica Tanny confirmed this was her understanding, unless High Park Station becomes completely accessible.
8. Wheel-Trans Transformation & Update from Cameron Penman
Cameron Penman, Head, Wheel-Trans, gave a short update.
Staff have met with the consultants regarding the new Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems RFIs. They have requested that the timeline for implementation be brought forward and the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the new systems are expected to be posted later this year. He noted that they are close to signing the contracts for phases 5-8 of the reservations, scheduling, and dispatch software upgrades, which should also be ready for implementation next year.
The re-registration campaign continues to progress successfully. Approximately 1,500 additional legacy customers have re-registered in 2024, on pace for 2,800 this year.
Wheel-Trans has received all 137 7M Promaster buses and will be moving on to their next project, upgrading their fleet of gasoline buses to electric.
ACAT members were encouraged to spread the information about the ACAT membership drive for 2025 and Jeff Short encouraged Pool members that are interested in being full members to reapply.
Questions and Comments
A member asked if, prior to developing the Request for Proposal (RFP), they would be consulting the WTOS, specifically asking how they would be gathering the information. Cameron explained that it is a long process with many different ways of gathering information, including ACAT feedback.
9. Outstanding Items
a. Scarborough Centre Station Motion
This item was deferred to Q3.
b. Sam Savona Tribute Update:
This item is deferred to 2025 for the completion of the College station elevators.
10. Deputation
11. Review of Correspondence
12. Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates:
Communications Subcommittee (CS)
Frank Lockhart, Chair for the Communications Subcommittee gave the report for the meeting held July 4, 2024.
There was a discussion regarding the elevator/escalator presentation and concerns regarding the timeliness and dissemination of information pertaining to planned and unplanned service outages. This involved the flow of communication to stakeholders and follow up with the frontline operators. Concerns arising from the discussion included communication to and from third party property managers and the TTC on their accessibility devices. Service/Lift line information and Heather Brown would be following up on how it works, with or without customer service input and other details.
The next meeting will be held on August 1, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)
Lori Bailey provided the July 9, 2024 meeting update for the DRS.
Summary Highlights
Stephen Gagne, Senior Engineer, Cycling and Pedestrian Department, City of Toronto made a presentation on floating bus stops standards. He noted some of the current locations and the difference between integrated and floating bus stops, with a key difference being the location of the bike lanes in relation to the bus platform. Reference standards/documents were summarized, including a CNIB report on bus stop accessibility. Stephen Gagne will be taking back a few items. Members questioned whether bike riders would follow the rules and asked if the City has engaged any bike riders groups. Members also asked about the location of the poles and Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) buttons, and recommended reaching out to CNIB for assistance as they train people with vision loss to travel the TTC and would possibly have some good insights. Some suggestions were made for improvements.
Jeff Short gave a brief presentation on the Initial Recommendations from the Standards Development Committee for the AODA Design of Public Spaces Standard. Members were asked to read through the presentation and be prepared to make comments at the DRS meeting in August. In advance of that meeting, Jeff will ask DRS members to review a summary of TTC staff feedback on the recommendations.
Due to time constraints, Jeff Short only provided a few updates on the DRS Outstanding Items list.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.
Questions and Comments
A member asked for clarification on the floating bus stops and if the platforms would be large enough to accommodate mobility devices and/or ramp deployment to ensure people and/or ramps are not in the path of traffic. Jeff explained the details on the floating bus stops and confirmed that the platforms and stops will accommodate both the mobility devices and ramp deployment.
A member asked if the discussion around floating bus stops included the APS locations. Jeff confirmed that this is still being discussed, but the location was brought up and taken back by the City.
Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS)
Debbie Gillespie, SPS Chair gave the report for the meeting held July 16, 2024.
Summary Highlights
Charissa Iogna with the City of Toronto provided a presentation on winter maintenance snow clearing, sidewalks, roads and bus stops, with suggestions from SPS members. Outstanding Items were discussed and updates provided by Jeff Short.
The next meeting is August 20, 2024, at 2:00 p.m.
Questions and Comments
Jeff Short noted that they did have a staff member from Stations that attempted to join the meeting however, he had no power due to the significant rain storm that day. Stations and Special Constables staff will be invited to a future SPS meeting.
Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS)
Mei Hung, WTOS Chair, gave the report for the meeting held July 10, 2024.
Summary Highlights
The TTC is working hard to keep the landmarks, stops, and the website updated. The number of complaints that Wheel-Trans received for June was 485. The software for the voice over system on iPhone is still under investigation for a solution, they are actively working on correcting the issue.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 14, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
13. Other/New Business
a. AODA Training Motion
Motion will be revisited at the next meeting.
b. High Park Route - Update
Natalie Francis, Manager, Planning and Policy, summarized the changes to the route.
Questions and Comments
A member asked for clarification if after the park opens weekdays to vehicular traffic after Labour Day, if the Wheel-Trans bus would still operate and if it would be hop on and off, or if there were specific stops. Natalie confirmed there were specific stops in the park. The service is seasonal and not available in the fall.
A member asked when the communications part for this new route update would be coming out. Jasmine Eftekhari, Manager, Service Planning confirmed they are working in conjunction with Heather Brown’s team and they expect it out by July 28, 2024.
A member commented on their great experience with a bus driver who made timely and detailed announcements on the bus arriving at York Mills yesterday, along with giving customers a lot of notice so they could prepare.
14. Next Meeting
Next ACAT General Meeting: Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
15. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. on a motion by: Angela Marley
Cindy Edwards
Recording Secretary