ACAT Meeting - October 30, 2024

Meeting Info

Date:Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Start Time:1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location:7th Floor Boardroom, 1900 Yonge St, Head Office
Microsoft Teams
Meeting No:411
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
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  1. Call to Order / Attendance
  2. Land Acknowledgement
  3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Review and Approval of September 26, 2024 Minutes
  6. Remarks from TTC Executive
  7. Remarks from ACAT Chair
  8. Wheel-Trans Transformation Update from Cameron Penman
  9. Accessibility Plan Update
  10. Easier Access Program – Recognizing ACAT
  11. Outstanding Items
  12. Deputation:Nil
  13. Review of Correspondence:Nil
  14. Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
    -Design Review
    -Wheel-Trans Operations
  15.  Other/New Business
    -Honorarium Update
    -CNIB – Get Onboard Transit Campaign
  16. Next Meeting – Thursday, November 28, 2024
  17. Adjournment

Minutes of Meeting:

ACAT General Meeting

Meeting Date:

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Hybrid meeting via Teams


Anita Dressler, ACAT Chair
Betty Rivington-Law
Mei Hung
Debbie Gillespie
Bobbi Moore
Angela Marley
Chau Sheung Wong
Tammy Adams
Maria Marin
Lavarnan Mehavarnan
Frank Lockhart
Lori Bailey

Pool Members:

Paul Manna
Michelle Pena Escobar
Roberta Butler
Oda Al-Anizi


Erica Tanny
Wangari Muriuki
Howard Wax

TTC Representatives:

Gary Downie, Chief Capital Officer
Fortunato Monaco, Chief of Operations and Infrastructure Officer
Joanne DeLaurentiis, Vice Chair, TTC Board
Cameron Penman, Head, Wheel-Trans
Levenson Lincoln, Assistant Manager, Wheel-Trans
Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy & Foresight
John Boucher, Manager, Vehicle Maintenance, Lakeshore Garage
Natalie Francis, Manager, Planning and Policy, Wheel-Trans
David LoPresti, Manager, Contracted Taxi Services, Wheel-Trans
Alexandra Nicastro, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans
Dean Milton, Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Wheel-Trans
Mohammed Shaikh, Divisional Manager, Operations, Wheel-Trans
Sneha Madhuri, Communications Advisor, Corporate Communications
Warren Rupnarain, Accessibility Consultant, Diversity
Omar Jabbar, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans
Ilana Raynai, Investigator and Advisor, Human Rights & Investigations
Hung Hong, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans Facilities
Adrienne Isaac, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans
Lodon Hassan, Divisional Manager, Customer Service, Wheel-Trans
Chrisanne Finnerty, Director, Commission Services
Matt Hagg, Manager, Customer Policy and Planning, Strategy & Foresight
Ike Onuoha, Program Manager, Wheel-Trans

Items Discussed

1/ Call to Order / Attendance
2/ Land Acknowledgement
3/ Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4/ Approval of Agenda
5/ Review and Approval of September 26, 2024, Minutes
6/ Remarks from TTC Executive
7/ Remarks from ACAT Chair
8/ Wheel-Trans Transformation Update from Cameron Penman
9/ Accessibility Plan Update
10/ Easier Access Program – Recognizing ACAT
11/ Outstanding Items
12/ Deputation:  Nil 
13/ Review of Correspondence:  Nil
14/ Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates
- Design Review
- Wheel-Trans Operations
15/ Other/New Business
a. Honorarium Update
b. CNIB – Get Onboard Transit Campaign
16/ Next Meeting – Thursday, November 28, 2024
17/ Adjournment

1. Call to Order/Attendance

Anita Dressler, ACAT Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Attendance was taken. 

2. Land Acknowledgement

A member read the Land Acknowledgement.

3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest


4. Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda:  Lori Bailey

Seconded:  Betty Rivington Law

Carried:  Agenda approved.

5. Review and Approval of September 26, 2024 Minutes

Motion to approve the Minutes of September 26, 2024: Angela Marley

Seconded:  Betty Rivington Law

Carried: Approved.

6. Remarks from TTC Executive – Fortunato Monaco

The Chair welcomed Fortunato Monaco, Chief Operations and Infrastructure Officer to the meeting.

He summarized the work that is being done and has been done to support accessibility on the TTC. Noteworthy projects include the modification of the York University stairwell railing, automatic door replacements in stations, subway platform edge tile gap remediation, and plant maintenance activities that are responsible for keeping more than 100 elevators and 333 escalators running. He noted that one of the experienced challenges in maintaining escalators and elevators availability has been flooding that occurred in the summer months. The escalator availability in 2024 was between 92% and 95%.

Fortunato noted that the TTC recently added an escalator/elevator real time monitoring system in each of the six station hubs that will alert the TTC when an elevator/escalator is not functioning correctly for more expedient response. He summarized the tile gap project, which is expected to complete nine platforms in 2024  and current estimates indicate project completion in 2027. 

Work is continuing on the stairwell revitalization project and some of the high priority stairwells are nearing completion.

Questions and Comments

A member noted for reference, the stairs at York University Station referenced, had railings that are angled and difficult for those that have low vision or blind to navigate to provide further clarification to complement Fortunato’s description.

A member noted there had been a deputation last year regarding the steps at York University station and that the issue was dealt with by the TTC and thanked staff.

A guest asked through the Chair if the glass at the York University station were clear or opaque. Fortunato confirmed they were clear.

Joanne DeLaurentiis, Vice Chair, TTC Board asked if the angled step issue would be captured in construction architectural specifications for future station construction and renovation projects. Fortunato confirmed this information has been passed along to the Master Specification sections within the TTC Engineering, Construction, and Expansion team.

7. Remarks from ACAT Chair

The Chair asked members to be respectful and not talk while others are speaking and to hold to the five minute rule when speaking or asking questions.

She noted that October has been another busy month, including the opening of Donlands Station with the Easier Access Program. ACAT was represented by Betty Rivington-Law, ACAT Co Vice-Chair. The Electric Bus Showcase allowed members to review the new electric buses and had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

The subcommittees have been busy and engaged and she thanked the members for their dedication. She welcomed Adrienne Isaac, Administrative Assistant, Wheel-Trans back and said goodbye to Alexandra Nicastro, Administrative Assistant, along with thanking TTC staff. The 2025 new and returning ACAT members would be invited to the December meeting.

Questions and Comments


8. Wheel-Trans Transformation and Update from Cameron Penman

Cameron Penman, Head, Wheel-Trans, gave a short update on the Transformation Program. Regarding the new Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems RFPs have been sent to the Procurement department. They still expect to release those to the industry for bids later this year. He noted that they have a kick off meeting planned in November with the vendors for phases 5-8 of the reservations, scheduling, and dispatch software upgrades, which should also be ready for implementation next year.

The re-registration campaign continues to progress successfully. Approximately 2100 additional legacy customers have re-registered in 2024, reducing the number of legacy customers which still need to re-register to less than 3,000.

Questions and Comments


9. Accessibility Plan Update

Jeff Short, Senior Accessibility Planner, Strategy and Foresight, provided an update on the 5-Year Accessibility Plan. This plan included two phases of consultation. He noted key accomplishments from the 2019-2023 Plan, which included updating hundreds of surface stops to make them accessible, Easier Access work at 11 stations and beginning construction at 14 other stations. Work has been continuing on reducing the gap between platform and train at subway stations, along with new tactile wayfinding and signage. The new Wheel-Trans Mobile App and accessible website were also highlighted.

Going forward, there are new initiatives and continuation of those that are not completed. The new initiatives will be grouped into six pillars, with a new pillar dedicated to employee accessibility. The completed Accessibility Plan will be presented to the TTC Board at their next meeting on December 3, 2024.

Questions and Comments

A member asked if there would be a budget that would go along with the costs for the projects. Jeff confirmed that part of the TTC Board Report included a financial summary section, outlining the funding of key projects to improve accessibility.

A member asked whether the employee accessibility pillar will focus more on creating more accessible work environments for employees or on how employees will help enhance accessibility for customers. Jeff explained the employee accessibility work is in an early stage, and he will get back to the Committee members.

10. Easier Access Program – Recognizing ACAT

Gary Downie, Chief Capital Officer provided a quick update on the Easier Access Program. He noted their commitment in 2024 to make three stations accessible would be complete, and there are 13 more stations to be made accessible. He was excited to confirm that Old Mill Station, which has been going through expropriation processes, has finally been approved by City Council. He stated TTC staff worked with Ernst & Young in 2023 to provide a risk analysis on all of the projects.

Questions and Comments

A member asked if the TTC knows how many stations they expect to be made accessible in 2025. Gary noted that they expect all of them to be complete by the end of 2026, except for Old Mill.

Easier Access – Donlands Station

Betty Rivington-Law was invited to represent ACAT at the opening of the station’s elevators. She noted the hard work from ACAT in making the system more accessible, and this station reflects all of that. At the event, Councillor Paula Fletcher thanked ACAT for their hard work and asked that this be passed along to the Committee members.

11. Outstanding Items

a. Honorarium:

Cameron Penman provided an update on the honorarium and confirmed it was approved at the TTC Board meeting. This not only compensates ACAT for the work they provide, but recognizes their efforts.

Questions and Comments

A member noted that during the TTC Board meeting, Board members commended ACAT on their work providing accessibility advice. Seasonal prohibition on lithium-ion battery powered e-bikes was discussed, along with deputations given on both items.

12. Deputation


13. Review of Correspondence


14. Subcommittee Reports, Highlights and Updates:

Communications Subcommittee (CS)

The Communications Subcommittee did not meet in October.

The next CS meeting will be held on November 7, 2024.

Design Review Subcommittee (DRS)

Jeff Short gave a report for the meeting held October 23, 2024.

Jeff summarized the feedback from ACAT members that attended the Electric Bus Showcase on October 21, 2024. The update included feedback about the sound generator not being loud enough, the ramp width on the New Flyer being one inch wider, grab bars, and priority seating decal that was on the floor. Members had feedback regarding the stop request button locations, and about how customers using the companion seating might get hit by a wheeled mobility device if the device is not secured. ACAT members were satisfied with the plastic seats, and liked the sliding rear doors as well as the light touch door openers.

Updates were provided for three outstanding items – the fare gate timing issue will roll out in November and December 2024; fixes to the pre-boarding announcements are expected to be completed by November 22, 2024; and a confirmation that the Scarborough subway extension minimum platform width requirements under the Ontario Building Code will be met. DRS members asked to keep the minimum platform widths item open, in order to get more information at a future DRS meeting.

The next meeting would be held on November 12, 2024.

Service Planning Subcommittee (SPS)

Debbie Gillespie, SPS Chair stated there was no meeting in October.

The next SPS meeting would be held on November 15, 2024.

Wheel-Trans Operations Subcommittee (WTOS)

Mei Hung, WTOS Chair, gave the report for the meeting held October 9, 2024.

Ross Visconti, Project Manager, Wheel-Trans, shared the updates made to the Wheel-Trans booking and scheduling system, to ensure it is more accessible, equitable, and inclusive.

Marco Iorfida, Scheduling and Policy Specialist, Wheel-Trans, shared updates at the Toronto Rehab Hospital, noting one entrance was not accessible. He noted that Glencairn and Donlands stations would soon be noted as landmarks.

Levenson Lincoln, Assistant Manager, Customer Service, Wheel-Trans, provided a summary of the 396 complaints received during September.

Next WTOS Meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2024.

15. Other/New Business

a. CNIB Get Onboard Transit Campaign

Debbie Gillespie, ACAT Member noted that she is moderating the panel and that Jeff Short is on the panel for this event. It will be held October 31, 2024 and will include information about the TTC.

b. E-Bikes

The Chair noted that there was a lot of discussion regarding the issue of e-bikes and whether a ban would affect those using mobility scooters. She suggested it would be important for ACAT to look at the issue between e-bikes and mobility scooters in the future.

Members were asked to think about issues that have not been brought up in the past, that they think might be of interest to ACAT for future discussions.

16. Next Meeting

Next ACAT General Meeting: Thursday, November 28, 2024.

17. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. on a motion by: Lori Bailey.

Cindy Edwards

Recording Secretary

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