Audit Committee - General - July 15, 2010
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
- Adam Giambrone
- Anthony Perruzza
- Bill Saundercook
Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
In-Camera Resolution
Minutes of the Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out of Minutes
Public Presentations
Reports with Confidential Attachments
2. Internal Audit Report – Revenue Operations (2009) (FOR INFORMATION)(This report involves the security of property belonging to the Commission)
3. Internal Audit Capital Report – Engineering & Construction – Project Management Contract G85-211 (FOR INFORMATION)(This report is about litigation or potential litigation that affects the Commission)
4. Internal Audit Capital Report – Engineering & Construction – Construction Management Contract G85-213 (FOR INFORMATION)(This report is about litigation or potential litigation that affects the Commission)
5. Internal Audit Report – Wheel-Trans Operations – Special Audit of TTC Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Service Contract and Sedan Meter-Based Taxi Service Contract (FOR INFORMATION) (REPORT TO FOLLOW)(This report is about litigation or potential litigation that affects the Commission)
Other Business
7. Internal Audit Report – Bus Transportation Department (FOR INFORMATION)
8. Internal Audit Report – Property Development (FOR INFORMATION)
9. Internal Audit Capital Report – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Spadina Subway to York University/Steeles Avenue Project (FOR INFORMATION)
10. Internal Audit Capital Report – Testing and Inspection Services – G85-225 and G85-225A (FOR INFORMATION)
11. Notice of Approval – Appointment of External Auditor (FOR INFORMATION)
- B. Saundercook (TTC Audit Committee, Chair)
- A. Giambrone (TTC Audit Committee)
- J. Mihevc (TTC Vice-Chair)
- G.M. Webster (Chief General Manager)
- V. Rodo (General Secretary)
- D. Beecroft (Chief Auditor)
- R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations)
- J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction)
- D. Garisto (Manager – Property Development)
- S. MacDonald (Manager – Materials & Procurement)
- D. Hughes (Manager – Revenue Operations)
- W. Frost (General Superintendent – Wheel-Trans Operations)
- J. Lee (Director – Project Procurement)
- V. Dimovski (Construction Manager)
- C. DiMondo and S. Harris (City Auditor General’s Office)
- F. Stanois (Co-ordinator – Secretariat Services)
Mr. G. Thomas, Toronto Parking Authority was present for Item No. 8 “Internal Audit Report – Property Development”
Anthony Perruzza
Bill Saundercook
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meetings
A. Giambrone moved that the TTC Audit Committee approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.
Public Presentations
Adam Giambrone moved that the Audit Committee waive section 13a of the TTC procedural By-Law to hear the following deputations with respect to item no. 5, “Internal audit report- Wheel-Trans Operations- Special Audit of TTC Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Service contract and sedan meter-based taxi service contract.”
Peter Rosenthal
(submitted brief)
John Nunziata
The Audit Committee received the deputations for information. (See item no. 5 for minute)
Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
1. Internal Audit Report – Revenue Operations
The Audit Committee:
1) Received the confidential information as set out in confidential attachment 1; and
2) Noted that the information as set out in the confidential attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that involves the security of the property belonging to the Commission.
2. Internal Audit Report – Revenue Operations (2009)
The Audit Committee:
1) Received the confidential information as set out in confidential attachment 1; and
2) Noted that the information as set out in the confidential attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that involves the security of the property belonging to the Commission.
3. Internal Audit Capital Report - Engineering & Construction – Project Management Contract G85-211
The Audit Committee:
1) Received the confidential information as set out in confidential attachment 1; and
2) Noted that the information as set out in the confidential attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety as it may potentially have litigation issues that may affect the commission.
4. Internal Audit Capital Report – Engineering & Construction – Construction Management Contract G85-213
The Audit Committee:
1) Received the confidential information as set out in confidential attachment 1; and
2) Noted that the information as set out in the confidential attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety as it may potentially have litigation issues that may affect the commission.
5. Internal Audit Report – Wheel-Trans Operations – Special Audit of TTC Wheel-Trans Accessible Taxi Service Contract and Sedan Meter-Based Taxi Service Contract
A. Giambrone moved the following motions:
1) That the TTC Chief General Manager meet with the City Auditor General to review the subject audit;
2) That the TTC Chief General Manager and City Auditor general discuss an appropriate course of action to deal with this audit, as required;
3) That the TTC Chief General manager report to the Commission at its in camera session on the results of the meeting with the City Auditor General, or at a special meeting of the TTC Audit Committee, if deemed necessary; and
4) That the TTC Chief General Manager assess what information contained in the subject audit report which may be released to the public.
The Audit Committee approved the foregoing motions.
Other Business
6. Internal Audit Report (January – June 2010)
The Audit Committee received the report for information.
7. Internal Audit Report – Bus Transportation Department
The Audit Committee received the report for information.
8. Internal Audit Report – Property Development
The Audit Committee received the report for information.
A. Giambrone moved that Mr. G. Thomas, Toronto Parking Authority, be requested to forward a letter to the ttc formally advising on how the TPA is meeting the obligations of their contract.
The Audit Committee approved the foregoing motion.
9. Internal Audit Capital Report – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Spadina Subway to York University/Steeles Avenue Project
The Audit Committee received the report for information.
10. Internal Audit Capital Report – Testing and Inspection Services – G85-225 & G85-225A
The Audit Committee received the report for information.
11. Notice of Approval – Appointment of External Auditor
The Audit Committee received the report for information
12. New Business
The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.