TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee - May 29, 2018
Meeting info
Date:Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Start Time:9:30 AM
Location:Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:14
Meeting Minutes
TTC Board Members
TTC Board Members
- Josh Colle (Chair)
- Rick Byers
- Vince Crisanti
- Alan Heisey
- Q.C. and Ron Lalonde
Declarations of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Resolution – Committee of the Whole
That the Committee recess as the Committee of the Whole to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations, employee negotiations, security of the property, to receive advice which is subject to solicitor client privilege and for the purpose of education/training.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Meeting No. 13 held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Business Arising Out of the Minutes
Public Presentations
Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day. A final deputation list will be distributed at the meeting.
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Audit Results Report on the Toronto Transit Commission Consolidated Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 (For Action)
- Draft Consolidated Financial Statements of Toronto Transit Commission for the Year Ended December 31, 2017 (For Action)
- Draft Annual Report for the Toronto Transit Commission for 2017 (For Action)
- Accounts Receivable Considered Uncollectible (For Information)
- Auditor General’s Report: Toronto Transit Commission – Managing Telecommunication Contracts and Payments (For Action)
- Auditor General’s Report: Toronto Transit Commission – 2018 Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations (For Action)
- Internal Audit Quarterly Update: Q1 2018 (For Information)
- Risk of Employee Impairment Leading to a Catastrophic Event (For Information)