Board Meeting - May 8, 2000

Meeting Info

Date:Sunday, May 07, 2000
Start Time:1:00 P.M.
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1785
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest


Business Arising Out Of Minutes



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence

CC-1 Vice-Chair Rob Davis Re: Provision of Coffee Vending and Sales in Subway Stations

Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. TTC Fare Collection Study Update (deferred from April 5/00)
  2. Procurement Matters

  3. Procurement Authorization - Construction Management Services for 2000-2002
  4. Procurement Authorization Legal Services for the Engineering and Construction Branch Contract C15K6930 Contract Amendment No. 2
  5. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Two Rectifier Transformers at Victoria Park Substation
  6. Procurement Authorization - Hydrovac Excavating Services
  7. Procurement Authorization - Replacement of Non-Powered Subway Workcar RT-11
  8. Purchase Order Amendment Surface Special Trackwork 2001
  9. Purchase of Automotive Filters
  10. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Queens Quay Streetcar Connection Civil & Electrical Works - Stage 2 Contract Change Directive R7-2-5
  11. Other Business

  12. Stormwater Management at TTC (deferred from April 5/00)
  13. Filming on TTC Property (deferred from April 5/00)
  14. Student Discount Card Eligibility Policy Change
  15. Corporate Security Department 4th Quarter 1999
  16. Status of TTC/GO Transit Station Connections (Leslie, Kennedy and Dundas West Stations)
  17. Outstanding Commission Items
  18. Catastrophe Liability & Property Insurance - June 1, 2000 Renewal
  19. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period February 27, 2000 to April 1, 2000
  20. Lease Agreement Renewals - Rogers Cantel (Union and St. Andrew Stations)
  21. Information Report - Sheppard Subway Contracted Services and Workforce
  22. Information Report - Duriflex Grouting Material for Tunnel and Station Leak Remediation
  23. Post-Implementation Review - 163 Rustic Road
  24. Staff Attendance at MIT "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning Course", Cambridge, Massachusetts
  25. Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
    • TTC Mission Statement (deferred from April 5/00)
    • Management Program for Elevators and Escalators
    • Option for Reduced Dependency on Fossil Fuels
    • Potential for Marketing the TTC Image
    • GTA Accessible Transit Service Integration
  26. Correspondence - See Attached
  27. New Business
    • Committee of the Whole Resolution

Supplementary Agenda

  1. Chief General Manager's Report - Period 1 & 2 January 1 to February 26, 2000
  2. North Toronto Railway Station: Second Entrance for Summerhill Station

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in the Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Monday, May 8, 2000 commencing at 1:10 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

H. Moscoe (Chair), R. Davis (Vice-Chair), D. Miller, G. Lindsay Luby, C. Korwin-Kuczynski, B. Ashton and J. Mihevc (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate) B. Leck (General Counsel), M. Walker (Chief Security Officer), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials and Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), M. Stambler, (Manager - Service Planning), R. Brent (Chief Marketing Officer), F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) and A. Patrone (Administrative Coordinator) were present.

R. Davis was in the Chair.

M. Stambler, Manager - Service Planning Department was present for deputation, Item b "Correspondence #2 - Relocation of Bus Stop on Marlee Avenue."

D. Bryant, Senior Planner, System & Policy, Service Planning Department was present for Item #1 entitled, "TTC Fare Collection Study Update."

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

On Motion Of Commissioner Lindsay Luby, The Commission Approved The Minutes Of Meeting Nos. 1782, 1783 And 1784 And Authorized The Chair And General Secretary To Sign The Same.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

a. Meeting No. 1782 - Item No. 23

Twin Pass Discount During Gardiner

Expressway Reconstruction

On Motion Of Commissioner Miller, The Commission Adopted The Following Resolution:

"That The Toronto Transit Commission Request Council, At Its Meeting Of May 9, 10, 11, 2000 To:

1. Endorse The Creation Of The "Construction Season Twin Pass", To Be Offered For The Months Of June, July, August And September 2000 As A Method Of Addressing Congestion From The Gardiner Construction Activities;

2. Request Council To Authorize Funding For This Initiative For 2000 In The Amount Of Up To $200,000 From The Corporate Contingency As The Initiative Arose After The Capital Budget Process Was Complete;

3. Request council to allow advertising of the twin pass on the Citys' electronic messaging billboards;

4. Advise the city that the chief general manager of the TTC Has Been Requested, In Consultation With The Commissioner Of Works And Emergency Services, To Report On The Result Of This Part Of The Project In Time For Consideration In The Transportation Department's Year 2001 Capital Budget.

Committee of the whole resolution



a) Sheppard Subway - Construction Bayview Station

Councillor David Shiner

City of Toronto

Linda Spiegel

Steven Havelock

Katherine Chaplick

Stuart Rice

Above speakers represented vendors of Bayview Village Shopping Centre

The Commission Received The Deputations And Approved That Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Davis, Councillor Shiner And Patty Simpson, Solicitor, City Of Toronto, Meet With The Merchants Of Bayview Village Shopping Centre To Discuss This Matter Further And Bring Back Recommendations.

b) Correspondence #2 - Relocation of Bus Stop 15 Marlee Avenue

Tom Tsilfidis

Resident of 15 Marlee Avenue

(submitted letter from residents of 21 Marlee Avenue)

Prior To Hearing The Deputation, The Commission Received An Overhead Presentation From M. Stambler, Manager - Service Planning.

The Commission Received The Deputation And Approved That An On-Site Meeting Be Held Between Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Davis, TTC Staff, Mr. Tsilfidis, The Owner Of "Smileback Mattress Co." And Councillors Johnston And Walker To Decide The Best Location For The Bus Stop.

(Also See C-2 For Communication From Mr. Tsilfidis)

a. Report No. 14 - Status of TTC/GO Transit

Station Connections (Leslie/Kennedy/Dundas

West Stations

Philip Webb

(submitted brief)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 14 For Minute)

b. Report No. 23c - Option for Reduced Dependence

on Fossil Fuels

Philip Webb

(submitted brief)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 23C For Minute)

c. Report No. 27 - North Toronto Railway Station: Second Entrance for Summerhill Station

Councillor Ila Bossons

City of Toronto

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 27 For Minute)

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1) Vice-Chair Rob Davis submitted his communication dated April 17, 2000 requesting a staff report on the feasibility of leasing space (kiosks) in subway stations to commercial enterprises.

The Commission Received Vice-Chair Davis' Communication And Referred The Matter To Staff For Report Back On The Feasibility Of Leasing Space In Subway Stations To Commercial Enterprises, Including Revenue Potential That Can Be Derived From Such Action And Any Potential Problems Thay May Be Associated With This Initiative.


1. Presentation: TTC Fare Collection Study Update

D. Bryant, Senior Planner, System & Policy, Service Planning Department gave an overhead slide presentation entitled, "Fare Collection Study Update."

After Hearing The Presentation, The Commission Adopted The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

"It Is Recommended That The Commission Receive For Information The Attached Presentation Entitled, Fare Collection Study Update, Noting That:

• Staff Are Reviewing The TTC'S Current Fare Collection System And The Potential For Using Automated Fare Collection (AFC) Technology In Toronto;

• TTC Staff Have Visited Several Cities To Observe AFC Systems First-Hand And To Obtain Real-Life Information From Major Multi-Modal Transit Agencies Regarding The Effects Of AFC Systems On Customers, In-Service Opeations, Costs, Benefits, And Risks; And

• There Are Many Different Reasons Why Transit Operators Are Developing Or Implementing AFC Systems, And The Attached Presentationsummarises These Reasons And Presents Observations About Their AFC Systems."

The Commission Also Approved Establishing A Sub-Committee Consisting Of Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Davis, Commissioner Ashton, And Commissioner Miller

To Review This Technology In More Detail.

Chair Moscoe Advised That He Would Be Travelling To Berlin, Germany And Requested Staff To Arrange A Meeting With Transit Officials In That City To Discuss The Foregoing Technology.

Budget Matters


Procurement Matters

2. Procurement Authorization - Construction Management Services For 2000-2002

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

a) acceptance of the proposals for Construction Management Services from Revay/Trow (a joint venture of Revay and Associates and Trow Consulting Engineers Limited), RPA+UMA (a joint venture of RPA Consultants and the UMA Group), and McCormick Rankin Corporation; and

b) the issuance of purchase orders to Revay/Trow, RPA+UMA, and McCormick RankinCorporation in the amount of $1,500,000 each for a total authorizati9on amount of $4,500,000 for Construction Management Services for a two-year period.


3. Procurement Authorization Legal Services for the Engineering & Construction Branch Contract C15K6930Contract Amendment No. 2

It is recommended that theCommission authorize contract Amendment No. 2 to increase the authority of contract C15K6930 with Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt in the additional amount of $500,000 bringing the total authority to $1,000,000.


4. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Two Rectifier Transformers at Victoria Park Substation

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $295,924.99 to Stein Industries Inc., for the supply of two rectifier transformers at Victoria Park Substation including disposal of the obsolete transformers.


5. Procurement Authorization - Hydrovac Excavating Services

It is recommended that the Commission approve acceptance of the tender submitted by K-Line Maintenance and Construction Ltd. for the contract period May 4, 2000 to May 4, 2002, in the upset limit amount of $455,499.00 for a high capacity water assisted vacuum process (Hydrovac) for Excavating Services on an "as required" basis to facilitate track and construction excavating for various Capital and Operating programs.


6. Procurement Authorization - Replacement of Non-Powered Subway Workcar

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase of a replacement vehicle for RT-11 from CLN Industries International Inc. in the amount of $263,350, including applicable taxes.


7. Purchase Order Amendment Surface Special Trackwork 2001

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an amendment to Purchase Order No. PC0019400 to H.J. Skelton Canada Ltd. for the supply of special trackwork castings required for the completion of the 2001 surface special trackwork replacement program in the estimated amount of $952,360.40 for a revised total cost of $10,640,000.00.


8. Purchase of Automotive Filters

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three-year inventory supply contract for automotive filters to Harper Detroit-Allison, Neopart, Freightliner Mid Ontario Inc., and Avenue Motor Works Inc. with a combined upset limit of $903,000.00, including applicable taxes for the period from May 2000 to April 2003.


9. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Queens Quay Streetcar Connection Civil & Electrical Works - Stage 2 Contract Change Directive R7-2-5

It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Commissioner Miller and Chief General Manager to authorize an interim increase to Contract Change Directive R7-2-5, to Grascan Construction Limited, in the amount of $45,000 bringing the total interim amount to $140,000 for the provision of Paid Duty Officers (PDO's).


Other Business

10. Stormwater Management at TTC

The Commission Received This Report, Which Reviews And Reaffirms Current Commission Practice With Respect To Stormwater Management And Approved Forwaring A Copy To The City Of Toronto Stormwater Committee.

11. Filming on TTC Property

The Commission Deferred Consideration Of The Foregoing Report Until Its Next meeting.

The Commission Also Approved The Establishment Of A Sub-Committee To Deal With Issues Regarding Filming And That Members Of The City Of Toronto Film Office Be Invited To Participate On This Sub-Committee In An Advisory Capacity.

12. Student Discount Card Eligibility Policy Change

It is recommended that the Student Discount Card Eligibility policy be revised to allow home-educated students to be eligible to receive a Student Discount Card.


13. Corporate Security Department 4th Quarter 1999

It is recommended that the Commission receive the attached report for information.


14. Status of TTC/GO Transit Station Connections (Leslie, Kennedy and Dundas West Stations)

After Hearing The Deputation, The Commission Referred This Report To The City Of Toronto Council Members Of The Greater Toronto Services Board, And Alternates, With A Request That They Pursue Partnership Through The GTSB And Go Transit On The Affected Stations.

15. Outstanding Commission Items

It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the attached list of outstanding Commission items for the period covering April 1998 to March 2000.


16. Catastrophe Liability and Property Insurance - June 1, 2000 Renewal

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the placement of its Catastrophe Liability and Property insurance through Marsh Canada (the Commission's insurance broker), for one year from June 1, 2000, with the following provisions:

(A) Catastrophe Liability Insurance

1. A liability limit of $100,000,000 ($95,000,000 in excess of a $5,000,000 retained limit).

2. An annual premium of $662,796 (incl. 8% Provincial Sales Tax).

(B) Property Insurance

1. A per loss limit of $180,000,000.

2. A deductible of $1,000,000 per occurrence of Railcar (Subway/SRT) Collision, Upset or Derailment.

A deductible of $250,000 All Other Losses.

3. An annual premium of $641,877 (incl. 8% Provincial Sales Tax).


17. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period February 27, 2000 to April 1, 2000

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000.00 up to $200,000.00) for the period of February 27, 2000 to April 1, 2000, which were approved by Senior Management.


18. Lease Agreement Renewals - Rogers Cantel (Union and St. Andrew Stations)

Chair Moscoe Moved That This Matter Be Deferred To The Next Meeting Of The Commission And That A Copy Of The Report Be Forwarded To The Telecommunications Steering Committee For Their Information And Comment.

The Commission Approved The Foregoing Motion.

19. Information Report - Sheppard Subway Contracted Services and Workforce

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report on Sheppard Subway contracted services and workforce for information.

20. Information Report - Duriflex Grouting Material for Tunnel and Station Leak Remediation

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report on the Duriflex Grouting Material requirements for Tunnel and Station Leak Remediation for information.


21. Post-Implementation Review - 163 Rustic Rd

The Commission Deferred Consideration Of This Matter To Its Next Meeting.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Report Back On The Feasibility Of Operating The Rustic Road Service Express Both Ways Via Highway 401 Between Wilson Station And Keele Street.

The Commission Approved The Foregoing Motion.

22. Staff Attendance at MIT "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning" Course - Cambridge Massachusetts

It is recommended that the Commission approve Chris Foster's attendance at the "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning" course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), from August 7 to 11, 2000.


Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) TTC Mission Statement

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated April 5, 2000 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - TTC Mission Statement."

Commissioner Lindsay Luby Moved That Consideration Of This Matter Be Deferred And Brought Forward With The New Term Of Council On The Understanding That Staff Would Prepare A Process For Developing A Mission Statement That Could Be Circulated To The New Commission, Once Appointed.

The Commission Approved The Foregoing Motion.

Chair Moscoe and Commissioner Miller noted their opposition to the deferral component  of the foregoing motion.

b) Management Program for Elevators & Escalators

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 8, 2000 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Management Program for Escalators and Elevators."

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

c) Option for Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 8, 2000 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry: Options for Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels."

After Hearing The Deputation, The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

d) Potential for Marketing the TTC Image

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 8, 2000 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Potential for Marketing the TTC Image."

The Commission Directed Staff To Proceed With The Concept Contained In The Foregoing Memorandum On The Understanding That A Report Would Be Submitted To The Commission Once The RFP/Scope Of Work Has Been Developed; And Further That The RFP Include Provisions For The Following:

• That The Commission Will Have Final Approval Of All Items As Well As The Decision To Sell On Or Off Commission Property; And

• Ensure That Any Patent Used Incorporate Child Labour Protection

The Commission Approved The Foregoing.

e) GTA Accessible Transit Service Integration

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated May 8, 2000 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - GTA Accessible transit Service Integration."

Chair Moscoe Moved That This Matter Be Referred Back To Staff For Additional Information Which Provides A Better Understanding Of The Accessible Transit Services Around Toronto Including The Number Of Buses That Each System Runs And How Their Policies Differ From TTC Policy With Respect To Cross Border Travel.

The Commmission Approved The Foregoing.


C-1) A.E. McDonald, Commissioner of Transportation and Works, City of Mississauga advising that the suggestions put forward by the Etobicoke Community Council in an effort to resolve the Mississauga bus issue relating to Burnhamthorpe Road were unacceptable; and further requesting that the TTC reconsider an earlier proposal by the City of Mississauga which was approved by Mississauga Council back in 1998.

The Commission Received The Communication For Information And Further Reiterated Its Previous Request To Meet With Mayor Mccallion And/Or Mr. Mcdonald To Discuss This Issue Further.

C-2) Vice-Chair Rob Davis forwarding communication dated April 19, 2000 from Tom Tsilfidis, Pia Carvinelli requesting that the Commission relocate its bus stop in front of their home at 15 Marlee Avenue to Eglinton Avenue West, on the north side.

The Commission Received The Communication For Information.

(Also See Deputation 'B' For Minute)

New Business

a) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Commissioner To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Monday, May 31, 2000 To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

a. Correspondence from Councillor Maria Augimeri

to R. Ducharme dated May 8, 2000 Re: Toronto

Youth Games - July 22 & 23, 2000

The Commission had before it correspondence from Councillor Maria Augimeri, requesting assistance in providing transportation for 28 teams to and from the events associated with the Toronto Youth Games.

On Motion Of Commissioner Miller, The Commission Approved That Staff Meet With City Of Toronto Special Events Staff To Explore Alternatives To Assist The Transporation Needs Of This Worthwhile Initiative.

b. Status Report : Wheel-Trans Contracted Service

G. Webster, General Manager Operations gave a brief update on the foregoing matter.

The Commission Received 
c. Toronto Transit Commission By-Law No. 1

On Motion Of Commissioner Miller, The Commission Approved The Increased Fines For All Section Offences In TTC By-Law No. 1.

Supplementary Agenda

26. Chief General Manager's Report Period 1 and 2 January 1 to February 26, 2000

It is recommended that the Commission:

(1) receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period January 1 to February 26, 2000; and

(2) forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).


27. North Toronto Railway Station: Second Entrance for Summerhill Station

It is recommended that:

(a) the Commission endorse the protection of property for transit use as described in this report; and

(b) this report be forwarded to the City Clerk for City Council's consideration of the City Reports "Site Plan Approval - 10 Scrivener Square" and Site Plan Approval - 1117 Yonge Street", with the request that property be protected for future transit use as described below.


The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

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