Board Meeting - April 10, 2002

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, April 09, 2002
Start Time:1:00 P.M.
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1811
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest


Business Arising Out Of Minutes



  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. World Youth Day Update - VERBAL
  2. Budget Matters

  3. Chief General Manager's Report - Periods 1 & 2 (January 1 to March 2, 2002)
  4. Procurement Matters

  5. Procurement Authorization - Rental of Trucks with Operators
  6. Procurement Authorization - Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Safety Equipment
  7. Procurement Authorization - Drain Cleaning and Power Washing
  8. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Duraflex Chemical Grouting Material
  9. Purchase Order Amendment Authority - Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services - Presentation Available
  10. Purchase of Paint Supplies
  11. Purchase of H6 and T1 Subway Car Gear and Pinion Sets
  12. Additional Project Approval and Procurement Authorization - Supply of GTO Fins for SRT Vehicles
  13. Supply of Miscellaneous Electrical Components
  14. Summary of Monthly Expenditures for Period February 3, 2002 to March 2, 2002
  15. Other Business

  16. Corporate Security Department Year End 2001 Statistical Report
  17. Staff Attendance at MIT "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning" Course
  18. Outstanding Commission Items
  19. City Policy for Entitlement to Proceeds from the Sale of Surplus Property - TTC Response
  20. Correspondence
  21. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 commencing at 1:35 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

B. Ashton (Chair), M. Silva (Vice-Chair), D. Miller, G. Altobello, B. Disero, J. Mihevc, H. Moscoe, S. Shaw and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), M. Walker (Chief Security Officer), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), T. Clarke (Director - Compensation & Organizational Design), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager - Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.

B. Ashton was in the Chair.

R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager - Surface Operations was present for Item No. 1.

Prior to commencing with the agenda, Chair Ashton noted the recent passing of Lorna Jackson, Mayor of the City of Vaughan. Chair Ashton then asked for a moment of silence in memory of Mayor Jackson.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Commissioner Moscoe declared an interest with respect to Report No. 7 on the agenda, as his brother is the owner of one of the firms listed in the report. Commissioner Moscoe took no part in the discussions or decisions made by the Commission concerning this report.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

On Motion Of Commissioner Shaw, The Commission Approved The Minutes From Meeting Nos. 1809 And 1810 And Authorized The Chair And General Secretary To Sign The Same.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

Item No. 18 - World Youth Day: Feasibility of a One-Week Pass for Non-Pilgrims

Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following:

1. That When Staff Bring Forward Their Report On The Establishment Of A Weekly Pass For Events Such As Caribana Or Gay Pride Week, That They Also Report, Under Separate Cover, On The Origin, History And Rationale For The Present TTC/Go Weekly Joint Pass; And

2. That In Bringing This Additional Report Forward That It Include As Appendices The Go And TTC Reports That Resulted In The Establishment Of The Go/TTC Pass.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.

Committee of the whole resolution

a) Labour Negotiations

Commissioner Altobello Moved That The Commission Ratify The Summary Of Offer Presented By S. Blakey, Manager - Human Resources At The Committee Of The Whole And That The Same Terms Be Extended To Non-Union Staff.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Altobello's Motion.

Chair Ashton thanked staff and the Executive of the Amalgamated Transit Union for their efforts in reaching a settlement.

R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager also extended his thanks to the members of the Commission for their cooperation and support during the negotiations.


a) 91 Woodbine Bus Service to Sheppard Subway Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong was listed to appear as a deputant concerning this matter.

Commissioner Moscoe Advised That Due To Other Commitments Councillor Minnan-Wong Was Unable To Be In Attendance. In View Of This Fact, Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Councillor Minnan-Wong's Deputation Be Deferred Until The Next Meeting.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.

b) Funding of Public Transit

Jean Smith
(Submitted communication)

The Commission Received The Deputation.

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Comments From The Deputant Be Referred To Staff For Consideration With A Report Back At The Appropriate Time.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1 Chair Ashton submitted for the information of the Commission a letter dated March 28, 2002 from Premier Harris responding to his letter dated March 5, 2002 requesting the Province to resolve the current stand-off with the Federal Government concerning the funding of public transit.

The Commission Received The Communication For Information.

CC-2 Commissioner Miller submitted his communication dated April 5, 2002 to Chair Ashton with respect to the development of a ridership growth strategy.

Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Begin Development, In Consultation With Commissioners, Of A Report On A Ridership Growth Strategy.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.


1. World Youth Days

R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager - Surface Operations gave a verbal update with respect to this matter.

The Commission Received The Update For Information.

Budget Matters

2. Chief General Manager's Report - Periods 1 & 2 - January 1 to March 2, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period January 1 to March 2, 2002 noting that, based on the approved City of Toronto TTC Operating subsidy of $152.2 million, there existed a $14 million budget shortfall; that, based on the soft ridership results, for the first two months, ridership is now forecast to be 412 million causing the shortfall to grow by a further $9 million to $23 million; and that to this would have to be added any costs resulting from the negotiation of the TTC's collective bargaining agreements (which expired March 31, 2002); and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).


Procurement Matters

3. Procurement Authorization - Rental of Trucks with Operators

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Tri-Nacc Construction Limited in the upset limit amount of $470,000 including applicable taxes for the rental of heavy haulage trucking with operators on an as required basis for the period April 16, 2002 to April 30, 2005.


4. Procurement Authorization - Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Safety Equipment

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment in the upset limit amount of $340,000 to Hansler Smith Limited, to increase the total upset limit amount of the contract to $3,740,000 for the supply of safety equipment and reduce the duration of the contract from December 15, 2002 to now terminate on July 15, 2002.


Chair Ashton Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back To The TTC Audit Committee On The Types Of Difficulties Faced By The TTC In Relation To Pricing And Terms Of Contracts.

The Commission Approved Chair Ashton's Motion.

5. Procurement Authorization - Drain Cleaning and Power Washing

It is recommended that the Commission approve acceptance of the proposal submitted by Aquablast Corporation for the contract period May 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 in the upset limit amount of $700,000.00 for drain cleaning and high power washing operations within the subway system.


6. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Duriflex Chemical Grouting Material

It is recommended that the Commission approve acceptance of "Option 2" of the tender submitted by Wallace Construction Specialists Ltd. in the upset limit amount of $4,285,000.00 (US) for the contract period May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2004 for the supply of Avanti Duriflex grouting material to facilitate the Tunnel/Station Leak Repair Program.


7. Purchase Order Amendment Authority - Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

1. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #2 to Purchase Order PC34671 to increase the upset limit by $885,000 to a total upset limit of $1,810,000 for Ian Martin Information Technology Inc.,

2. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34673 to decrease the upset limit by $147,800 to a total upset limit of $502,200 for Ajilon Canada,

3. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34692 to decrease the upset limit by $184,100 to a total upset limit of $465,900 for GE Capital I.T. Solutions,

4. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34672 to decrease the upset limit by $73,400 to a total upset limit of $576,600 for IT/Net Consultants,

5. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #2 to Purchase Order PC34744 to decrease the upset limit by $184,100 to a total upset limit of $190,900 for Project Management Recruiting,

6. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34742 to decrease the upset limit by $147,800 to a total upset limit of $502,200 for Pinstripe Consulting,

7. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34693 to decrease the upset limit by $37,200 to a total upset limit of $612,800 for QLogitek, and

8. Purchase Order Amendment Authority #1 to Purchase Order PC34674 to decrease the upset limit by $110,600 to a total upset limit of $539,400 for The Employment Solution (T.E.S.).

The original approved contract amounts total $5,200,000 and remain unchanged as a result of this reallocation.


8. Purchase of Paint Supplies

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the following:

1. A supply of contract for paint supplies from April 2002 to December 2004 for $260,000 including applicable taxes, to Gard-X Automotive Refinish Supply.

2. A supply contract for paint supplies from April 2002 to December 2004 for $194,000 including applicable taxes to Pro Glo Paints Ltd.

3. A supply contract for paint supplies from April 2002 to December 2004 for $1,300 including applicable taxes, to Painters Supply & Equipment/Global Paints.

4. Amendment in the amount of $26,000 for a revised upset limit of $1,626,000 for the supply of additional paint supplies to Fincham Automotive Parts Ltd.


9. Purchase of H6 and T1 Subway Car Gear and Pinion Sets

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase of 125 gear and pinion sets for inventory from ZF Bahntechnik in the amount of $587,949.06 including applicable taxes.


10. Additional Project Approval and Procurement Authorization - Supply of GTO Fins for SRT Vehicles

It is recommended that the Commission approve:

1. Additional project approval in the amount of $292,000, to cover higher than anticipated costs for the supply of GTO Fins for TTC Project 4.14 - SRT Car Overhaul, bringing the total approval to $12,260,000, noting that there will be no impact on the 2002 budget.

2. Awarding a contract on a single source basis to Alstom Canada Inc. for the supply of 54 GTO Fin Modules for the SRT vehicles in the amount of $1,928,205 including applicable taxes.


11. Supply of Miscellaneous Electrical Components

It is recommended that the Commission approve a change in the termination date of the contract for the supply of miscellaneous electrical components from January 31, 2004 to now terminate on September 30, 2002.


12. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period February 3, 2002 to March 2, 2002

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period February 3, 2002 to March 2, 2002, which were approved by Senior Management.


Chair Ashton Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back With Further Information On The Item Entitled, "Licensing For Mainframe Software And Maintenance For All Products Installed On IBM 2003-225 Mainframe" Which Is Noted On Page 1 Of The Summary.

The Commission Approved Chair Ashton's Motion.

Other Business

13. Corporate Security Department Year End 2001 Statistical Report

It is recommended that the Commission receive the attached report for information.


14. Staff Attendance at MIT "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning" Course - Cambridge, Massachusetts

It is recommended that the Commission approve Tim Lawson's attendance at the "Public Transportation Service and Operations Planning" course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), from August 12 to 16, 2002.


Outstanding Commission Items

It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the attached list of outstanding Commission items for the period covering May 1999 to February 2002.


16. City Policy for Entitlement to Proceeds from the Sale of Surplus Property - TTC Response

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Recommendation Contained In The Report Be Struck Out And Replaced In Lieu Thereof With The Following Wording:

1. That Staff Enter Into Discussions With Joan Anderton, Commissioner - Corporate Services Regarding The TTC'S Concerns With The Proposed City Policy Prior To It Going Forward To The City Administration Committee; And

2. That Staff Bring Forward A Recommended Terms Of Reference For The Capital Reserves As Sited In The Report.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.


C-1 Richard C. Ducharme to the Commission members dated April 10, 2002 advising of the TTC's financial contribution of $15,000 towards the completion of Phase III of the implementation strategy for improving inter-regional Bus Rapid Transit System

The Commission Received The Communication For Information.

C-2 J.D. Leach, Clerk, City of Vaughan dated March 22, 2002 forwarding a copy of a Resolution concerning the potential privatization of hydro corridors which was adopted by Council of the City of Vaughan at its meeting on March 18, 2002.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Endorse The Position Of The City Of Vaughan Concerning The Privatization Of Hydro Corridors; And Further Directed That A Copy Of Their Resolution Be Forwarded To City Of Toronto Council For Consideration At Its Meeting On April 16, 2002.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.

C-3 Richard C. Ducharme to P.J. Bedford, Chief Planner, City of Toronto dated April 4, 2002 forwarding TTC comments on the Draft Official Plan.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Communication Be Received And That A Copy Be Referred To The Chair And Members Of The City Planning And Transportation Committee For Their Information.


C-4 S. Birrell, Clerk, Town of Markham dated April 3, 2002 forwarding a copy of a Resolution concerning the potential privatization of hydro corridors which was adopted by Council of the Town of Markham at its meeting on March 26, 2002.

Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Endorse The Position Of The Town Of Markham Concerning The Privatization Of Hydro Corridors; And Further Directed That A Copy Of Their Resolution Be Forwarded To City Of Toronto Council For Consideration At Its Meeting On April 16, 2002.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.

New Business

a) Set Fines - TTC Commuter Parking Lots

Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following:

1. That The TTC Supports The Position Of The Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) That The Set Fines For TTC Commuter Parking Lots Which Are Managed By The TPA Should Be Consistent With TPA Operated Lots;

2. That The Set Fines For TTC Commuter Parking Lots Be $30.00 With A Voluntary Payment Option Of $20.00 Recommended By The TPA Rather Than The $60.00/$40.00 That Was Adopted For Private Lots Now Being Considered For Re-Opening By City Council; And

3. That The Foregoing Be Referred To City Council For Consideration At Its Next Meeting On April 16, 2002.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Moscoe's Motion.

b) Travel Approval - Chair Ashton and V. Rodo

Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Approve Chair Brian Ashton And Mr. Vincent Rodo, General Manager - Executive & General Secretary, Travel To Ottawa, Ontario On Thursday, April 11, 2002 To Meet With The Deputy Prime Minister's Office To Discuss Potential Federal Funding For Transit In Toronto At A Cost Not To Exceed $1,600.00.

The Commission Approved Commissioner Miller's Motion.

c) Committee of the Whole Resolution

The Commission Approved A Resolution By Chair Ashton To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, May 15, 2002 To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


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