Board Meeting - December 9, 2002
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
- 2:00 p.m.
Commissioners’ Correspondence
See Attached
Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations
- APTA 2002 International Rail Rodeo - June 5th to 10th
- Chief General Manager's Report - Period 10, October 6 to November 2, 2002
- Procurement Authorization - Old Mill Station Roof Rehabilitation Contract W3-5
- Procurement Authorization - Sheppard Subway Consultant Services Contract - Delcan Hatch
- Procurement Authorization - Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens
- Procurement Authorization - Contract Amendment C32Y01883-1 Supply of Low Floor Diesel City Buses
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Laundering Services for Maintenance Work Clothing
- Procurement Authorization - Installation and Removal of Steel Poles for the TTC Overhead System
- Procurement Authorization - For the Repair/Overhaul/Replacement of Submersible Pumps Throughout the Subway System
- Purchase Order Amendment Authority - Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services
- Approval of Funds for a Call Centre Management Information System Upgrade
- Purchase of Weatherhead Parts
- Purchase of CLRV Bearings
- Purchase of Rail
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period October 6, 2002 to November 2, 2002
- 1998 APTA Rail Safety Audit - TTC Management Actions Update #3
- Broadview Station Modification Approval of Conceptual Layout - PRESENTATION AVAILABLE
- Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit Commission Shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc.
- Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit Commission Shares in Toronto Transit Consultants Limited
- Correspondence
- New Business
Budget Matters
Procurement Matters
Other Business
Supplementary Agenda
- Procurement Authorization - Three 55 Foot Flatcars for Tunnel Liner Rehabilitation Project
- Procurement Authorization - Rebuild and Overhaul of Transformers
- Streetcar Rapid Transit on St. Clair Avenue
- Use of Camera to Enforce Transit Lanes
- Request for Travel - Subway Operations Track Maintenance
- Confirmation of Federal Funding Agreement Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Monday, December 9, 2002 commencing at 1:05 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
B. Disero (Chair), S. Shaw (Vice-Chair), H. Moscoe, B. Ashton, D. Miller, J. Flint, P. Li Preti, and N. Kelly (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Acting Chief Security Officer), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary), and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
B. Disero was in the Chair.
In this section
In this section
Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Commissioner Moscoe declared an interest with respect to Item No. 10 entitled, "Purchase Order Amendment Authority - Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services", as his brother owns one of the companies listed in the report. Commissioner Moscoe took no part in the discussions or decisions made by the Commission concerning this matter.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1821 And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
Business Arising Out of the Minutes
Item No. 19 - UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition - Madrid, Spain - May 4-8, 2003
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Commission Grant Approval For Chair Disero, Commissioner Ashton And R. Ducharme To Attend The UITP World Congress And Mobility And City Transport Exhibition In Madrid, Spain, may 4-8, 2003.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
a) Report Nos. 5 & 5a) - Procurement Authorization -
Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens
Lou Cairo
Trans ID Photos Inc.
Ari Gaertner
Counsel for Trans ID Photos Inc.
The Commission Received The Deputations.
(See Report No. 5 And 5a)
b) Report No. 24 - Streetcar Rapid Transit on St. Clair Avenue
Councillor Joe Mihevc
City of Toronto
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Report No. 24 For Minute)
Commissioners Correspondence
CC-1 Communications Dated November 20, 2002 from
S. Wood, Downtown Yonge BIA to R. Butts, City of Toronto
Chair Disero submitted a communication dated November 20, 2002 from Sheila Wood, Operations Co-ordinator, Downtown Yonge BIA to Richard Butts, Director, Solid Waste Collections, City of Toronto requesting a meeting with representatives of the Toronto Transit Commission, City of Toronto and the Downtown Yonge BIA to discuss and resolve concerns with respect to TTC violating a City By-law on waste collection and set out times.
Chair Disero Moved That The Communication Be Referred It To Staff For Their Information And Appropriate Attention.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.
CC-2 Communication dated December 3, 2002 from
Carol Anne Monet, Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation
Chair Disero submitted a communication dated December 3, 2002 from Carol Anne Monet, Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation requesting that the Commission establish a liaison with ACAT by appointing a member of the Commission to attend meetings of the Committee.
The Commission Appointed Commissioner Ashton As Its Liaison To The Advisory Committee On Accessible Transportation.
1. APTA 2002 International Rail Rodeo - June 5th to 10th
R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager advised that the TTC had placed second in the American Public Transportation Association Rail Rodeo, which is a competition held annually for subway train operators to compete and measure each team's skill, proficiency and professionalism in a variety of tasks and problem solving events.
Mr. Ducharme then introduced P. Millett, General Superintendent - Subway Transportation and Subway Operators Ed Debeljak and Robert Leithwood who presented Chair Disero with the "Second Place" Award.
On behalf of the Commission, Chair Disero thanked Messrs. Millett, Debeljak and Leithwood and congratulated them on this outstanding achievement.
Budget Matters
2. Chief General Manager's Report -
Period 10 - October 6 to November 2, 2002
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period October 6 to November 2, 2002 noting that:
• 2002 TTC Operating Budget
the year-end shortfall is still projected to be about $30 million; this will be funded through a $24 million draw from the Riders Reserve Fund and a $6 million reduction in the Contribution to Capital;
• 2002 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
That the current expenditures are projected to be on budget but that the unaccommodated rate is expected to be approximately 2.6% for 2002;
• 2002-2006 Capital Program
That the 2002 year-end cash flow is now projected to be $37.0 million under budget; and
2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).
R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager also distributed a synopsis of the action taken by the City Budget Advisory Committee at its meeting on Thursday, December 5, 2002 with respect to the TTC's budgets.
The Commission Received The Synopsis For Information.
Procurement Matters
3. Procurement Authorization Old Mill Station Roof Repairs Contract W3-5
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Land Construction Company Ltd. in the amount of $748,800.00, for Contract W3-5 - Old Mill Station - Roof Repairs.
Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Submit Regular Status Reports To The Commission With Respect To This Project.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
4. Procurement Authorization - Sheppard
Subway Consultant Services Contract - Delcan-Hatch
It is recommended that the Commission authorize additional funding in the amount of $1,457,000 for the contract with Delcan-Hatch for the continuation of consultant services for the Sheppard Subway Project, for the period January 1 through to December 31, 2003, bringing the total authorized amount to $146,507,471.
Commissioner Li Preti noted his opposition to the foregoing.
5. Procurement Authorization - Supply of
Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens
The Commission had before it Report No. 5, entitled, "Procurement Authorization - Supply of Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens", which was dated November 20, 2002.
The Commission also had before it Report No. 5a) entitled, "Procurement Authorization - Supply of Photo ID Cards for Adults, Students and Senior Citizens", which was dated December 5, 2002.
After Hearing The Deputations, Commissioner Miller Moved The Following Motions:
1. That The Subject Reports Be Referred To The TTC Litigation Sub-Committee For Consideration;
2. That The TTC General Counsel Be Requested To Meet With Mr. Gaertner To Discuss And Verify The Information Raised In His Deputation;
3. That The TTC General Counsel Submit A Report To The TTC Litigation Sub-Committee On The Results Of His Discussions With Mr. Gaertner; and
4. That The Commission Delegate Authority To The TTC Litigation Sub-Committee To Award Or Cancel The Subject Contract Based On The Information Brought Forward By The TTC General Counsel.
The Commission Approved The Motions By Commissioner Miller.
6. Procurement Authorization - Contract Amendment C32Y01883-1 Supply of Low Floor Diesel City Buses
It is recommended that the Commission authorize Contract Amendment No. 1, for the provision of an alternative bus interior lighting system, as offered by Orion Bus Industries, resulting in a net decrease in the contract with Orion Bus Industries, in the amount of $214,797.00.
7. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Laundering Services for Maintenance Work Clothing
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Canadian Linen and Uniform Service for Laundering Services for Maintenance Work Clothing in the upset limit of $300,000 for the period January 6, 2003 to March 31, 2006.
8. Procurement Authorization - Installation and Removal of Steel Poles for the TTC Overhead System
It is recommended that the Commission authorize awarding a two-year contract for the Installation and Removal of Steel Poles for the TTC Overhead System to Marley Line Construction Inc., in the upset limit amount of $988,000.00.
9. Procurement Authorization - for the Repair/Overhaul/Replacement of Submersible Pumps Throughout the Subway System
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to ITT FLYGT for the repair/overhaul and replacement of submersible pumps in the upset limit of $230,000 for a three-year period commencing January 1, 2003 on a single source basis.
10. Purchase Order Amendment Authority - Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of Purchase Order Amendments for the Technical Assistance for Information Technology Services regarding the Global Technical Assistance contracts as follows:
1) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34673 to increase the upset limit by $300,000 to a total upset limit of $750,000 for Ajilon Canada;
2) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34692 to increase the upset limit by $130,000 to a total upset limit of $450,000 for GE Capital I.T. Solutions;
3) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #4 to Purchase Order PC34671 to decrease the upset limit by ($610,000) to a total upset limit of $3,040,000 for Ian Martin Information Technology Inc.;
4) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34672 to increase the upset limit by $290,000 to a total upset limit of $1,000,000 for IT/NET Consultants;
5) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34742 to increase the upset limit by $100,000 to a total upset limit of $200,000 for Pinstripe Consulting;
6) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #4 to Purchase Order PC34744 to increase the upset limit by $40,000 to a total upset limit of $320,000 for Project Management Recruiting;
7) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34693 to decrease the upset limit by ($210,000) to a total upset limit of $1,000,000 for Qlogitek; and
8) Purchase Order Amendment Authority #3 to Purchase Order PC34674 to decrease the upset limit by ($40,000) to a total upset limit of $450,000 for The Employment Solution (T.E.S.).
11. Approval of Funds for a Call Centre Management Information System Upgrade
It is recommended the Commission approve the purchase of an upgrade to the Toronto Transit Commission's Call Centre Management Information System in the upset limit of $85,000.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Explore Technical Alternatives To The Centrex System As It Relates To Future Options For The Call Centre With A Report Back On This Matter As Soon As Possible.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Life Span Of The Upgrade And Its Impact On The Call Centre.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
12. Purchase of Weatherhead Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for Weatherhead parts to the following companies for the period from February 2003 to January 2006:
- Prevost Parts - Coach & Transit for $327,000 including applicable taxes;
- Multi Tech Fluid Power Incorporated for $318,000 including applicable taxes;
- British Auto Supply Company Limited for $60,000 including applicable taxes;
- Deetag Limited for $15,000 including applicable taxes.
13. Purchase of CLRV Bearings
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase for inventory of 80 centre bearings from Rotek Incorporated in the amount of $291,873.04, including applicable taxes.
14. Purchase of Rail
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the purchase, for inventory, the following:
1. 2,000 lengths of 115 lb. Standard rail to VAE Nortrak Limited in the total amount of $1,174,656 including applicable taxes.
2. 425 lengths of 115 lb. Head hardened rail to VAE Nortrak Limited in the total amount of $270,963 including applicable taxes.
15. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period October 6, 2002 to November 2, 2002
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period October 6, 2002 to November 2, 2002 which were approved by Senior Management.
Other Business
16. 1998 APTA Rail Safety Audit - Update #3
It is recommended that the Commission:
i) Receive for information, the third update of the TTC management actions for the 1998 APTA Rail Safety Audit; and
ii) Forward this update to the Minister of Transportation, Province of Ontario and the Clerk of the City of Toronto for information.
17. Broadview Station Modifications Approval of Conceptual Layout
It is recommended that the Commission approve the conceptual layout for Broadview Station Modifications.
Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Requested To Notify The Appropriate Local Councillor Of The Modifications.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
18. Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit
Commission Shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc.
It is recommended that the Commission approve the attached proxy to exercise the 10,000 Toronto Transit Commission shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. for any Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. Shareholders' Meetings that are held during the year 2003.
19. Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit Commission
Shares in Toronto Transit Consultants Limited
It is recommended that the Commission approve the attached proxy to exercise the 1,000 Toronto Transit Commission shares in Toronto Transit Consultants Limited for any Toronto Transit Consultants Limited Shareholders' Meetings that are held during the year 2003.
New Business
a) Committee of the Whole Resolution
The Commission Approved A Resolution By Vice-Chair Shaw To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Friday, January 24, 2003, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.
Supplementary Agenda
22. Procurement Authorization - Three 55 Foot Flatcars for Tunnel Liner Rehabilitation Project
It is recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Arva Industries for the manufacture, shop testing and delivery of three 55 foot non-motorized flatcars, in the amount of $314,332.95.
23. Procurement Authorization - Rebuild and Overhaul of Transformers
It is recommended that the Commission approve the award of contract and the issuance of a purchase order to Primary Power Technical Services Ltd., for the rebuild and overhaul of transformers in the upset limit amount of $600,000.00 for a two year period commencing January 2003, on the basis of the lowest priced acceptable proposal.
24. Streetcar Rapid Transit on St. Clair Avenue
After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Miller Moved That Recommendation No. 1 Contained In The Report Be Amended By Adding The Words "Subject To The Environmental Assessment Being Limited To Only Those Sections Of The Proposed Right-Of-Way Which Are Confirmed To Require Such An Environmental Assessment, And Any Sections Of The Proposed Right-Of-Way Which Are Found To Not Require An Environmental Assessment Undergoing A Separate City-Ttc Study", So Such Recommendation Reads As Follows:
"1. Endorse The Attached Joint City-Ttc Report Entitled, "Feasibility Of Reserved Streetcar Right-Of-Way On St. Clair Avenue", Which Recommends The Undertaking Of An Environmental Assessment Regarding The Establishment Of An Exclusive Right-Of-Way For Streetcars On St. Clair Avenue, Between Yonge Street And Gunns Road, And Regarding The Extension Of The 512 St Clair Streetcar Route, In An Exclusive Right-Of-Way, From Gunns Road To Jane Street, To Be Undertaken Jointly By City Of Toronto Transportation Services And Planning And Ttc Staff, Subject To The Environmental Assessment Being Limited To Only Those Sections Of The Proposed Right-Of-Way Which Are Confirmed To Require Such An Environmental Assessment, And Any Sections Of The Proposed Right-Of-Way Which Are Found To Not Require An Environmental Assessment Undergoing A Separate City-Ttc Study."
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
Chair Disero Moved That Recommendation No. 2 Contained In The Report Be Amended By Deleting The Words "Environmental Assessment" And Replacing In Lieu Thereof The Word "Studies", So Such Recommendation Reads As Follows:
"2. Forward This Report To The Works And Planning And Transportation Committees Of The City Of Toronto In Order To Convey The Commission's Support For The Undertaking Of The Subject Studies;"
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Disero.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Environmental Assessment, Which Is Currently Being Undertaken For The Replacement And Rebuilding Of The Railway Overpass At Dundas Street And Scarlett Road, Be Expanded So That It Also Addresses The Feasibility, Costs, And Benefits Of A Future Streetcar Right-Of-Way Under The Railway Bridge.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
The Commission Approved The Report, As Amended.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That The Following Motions Be Referred To Staff For Report At A Future Meeting:
1. The Study Review The Feasibility Of A Future Extension To Scarlett Road With A Possible Connection To Dundas Street Under The Railway Right-Of-Way For A Future Extension To Etobicoke Via Dundas Street To Connect To The Bloor Subway Line.
2. A Public Art Component Be Included In The Study With A Focus On The Design Of The Loading Platforms And Streetscape Improvements.
3. The Environmental Assessment Include The Feasibility Of Making The Streetcars Accessible To The Disabled By Any, All, Or Combination Of The Following Options:
A) Retrofitting Exsiting Streetcars And Platforms To Provide A Roll-On/Off Option;
B) Raising Loading Platforms;
C) Depressing Trackage At Selected Locations.
4. The Study Review The Feasibility Of Replacing Lost On-Street Parking For Businesses By Either Selected Throat Widenings Of Local Streets And/Or The Establishment Of Toronto Parking Authority Lots Along The Route That Could Function To Serve Commuters As Well As Local Shoppers.
5. The Study Consider The Feasibility Of Installing Fibre Optic Cable As Part Of The Re-Construction Of St. Clair.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Moscoe.
Commissioner Flint Moved That The Toronto Parking Authority Be Advised And Invited To Explore Possible Sites For Future Parking Lots In Connection With This Project.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Flint.
25. Use of Cameras to Enforce Transit Lanes
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive this report for information, noting that:
- several major cities, such as Sydney, Singapore, and London, use cameras on-board buses and/or at roadside locations, as an effective tool in enforcing traffic regulations related to transit lanes;
- London takes transit priority seriously, and has established reserved bus lanes or queue-jump lanes in 800 locations, constituting 35 per cent of their "high-priority" arterial roads; these are enforced using cameras on buses, roadside cameras, traffic wardens, and parking control officers;
- by mid-2003, London will have over 1000 buses equipped with on-board cameras linked to an automatic vehicle locating system, and 50 roadside cameras; the cameras cost about C$25,000 for each bus and about $60,000 for each roadside installation, with considerable additional costs related to IT hardware and software, and required staffing;
- in Toronto, there are only four roads with transit-only lanes, totaling about 25 lane-kilometres and, given the high cost to install cameras on the requisite number of buses or streetcars, in addition to the necessary vehicle locating equipment, IT infrastructure, and staffing, enforcement cameras on transit vehicles cannot be justified;
- given Toronto's limited commitment to transit priority to date, roadside cameras at site-specific locations could be used to enforce reserved lanes, at much lower costs than on-board cameras;
- TTC staff will meet with City staff involved in the red-light camera initiative in order to assess the feasibility and costs of a demonstration project of transit lane enforcement using roadside cameras, and will report back prior to the 2004 budget submission;
- enforcement cameras on transit vehicles cannot be used for operator or passenger security because transit lane enforcement requires the camera to be aimed at activities in front of the transit vehicle, not inside; and
2. Forward this report to City of Toronto Works and Planning and Transportation Committees, City Transportation Services and Planning Departments, the Toronto Police Services, the Gridlock Subcommittee of the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:
1. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Feasibility Of Installing Security Cameras On TTC Vehicles Similar To Those Used In Taxicabs On A Pilot Project Basis.
2. That Staff Be Requested To Review With The Manufacturer Of The Cameras To See If They Can Be Adapted For Traffic Enforcement Purposes.
The Commission Approved The Motions By Commissioner Moscoe.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Chair Be Requested To Investigate And Report Back On The Response Of The Judicial System In Dealing With By-Law Infractions On Hov Lanes.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
26. Request for Travel - Subway Operations Track Maintenance
It is recommended that the Commission approve the travel request for Mr. Bryan Fahrang - Designer, Track, Mr. Scott Fraser - Designer, Track and Mr. Horacio Werchow - Foreperson - Subway/SRT Track, Track & Structure Department, to attend the training course presented by the Institute for Railroad Engineering in Wilmington, Delaware from January 27 to 31, 2003 at an estimated cost of $15,060.00.
27. Confirmation of Federal Funding Agreement
Under Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program
It is recommended that the Commission receive confirmation of the approval by Chair Disero, Commissioner Ashton and Chief General Manager to:
1. authorize the delegation of authority to staff to finalize and execute a Federal funding agreement for $62.3 million in a form satisfactory to the Commission's Chief General Manager, General Secretary and General Counsel; and
2. authorize staff to execute further funding agreements and/or amendments to funding agreements with the City of Toronto, the Province of Ontario and/or the Government of Canada as required to receive additional funding for TTC's Capital Program, in a form satisfactory to the Commission's Chief General Manager, General Secretary and General Counsel.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.