Board Meeting - April 9, 2003
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Committee Of The Whole Resolution
- 2:00 p.m.
Commissioners’ Correspondence
CC-1 - Commissioner B. Ashton: Letter re: TTC Purchasing Methods
Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations
- Chief General Manager's Report Period 1 & 2 - January 1 to March 1, 2003
- Procurement Authorization Proposal No. P11P103721 Architectural Design Services Triennial Contract
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply and Cleaning of Hand, Continuous Roll and Automotive Shop Towels
- Procurement Authorization - Purchase of Transmissions Contract P32PJ02910
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Janitorial Products
- Procurement Authorization - Ashphalt Repairs and Maintenance
- Purchase of Automotive and Building Filters
- Purchase of Bus Brake Blocks
- Supply of Subway Vehicles Air Filter
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period February 2, 2003 to March 1, 2003
- Subway Expansion Plan (Presentation Available)
- Central Waterfront Transit
- Annual Security Statistics 2002
- Commuter Parking Expansion Opportunities
- Automatic Fare Collection - Update
- 16. Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
- Union Station Second Platform Project - Relocation of Utilities
- Correspondence
- New Business
Budget matters
Procurement Matters
Other Business
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, April 9, 2003 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
H. Moscoe (Chair), S. Shaw (Vice-Chair), B. Ashton, D. Miller, J. Flint, P. Li Preti and D. Shiner (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager - Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), P.F. Buttigieg (Acting Chief Financial Officer & Chief Accountant - Financial Services), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Chief Security Officer) M. Stambler (Manager - Service Planning), T. Middlebrook (Chief Engineer - Engineering), W. Dawson (Superintendent, Route and System Planning), C. Wheeler (Manager - Property Development), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
H. Moscoe was in the Chair.
Prior to commencing with the agenda, Chair Moscoe read the following proclamation from Mayor Mel Lastman:
Whereas Earth Day will be held on April 22, 2003, and it is our responsibility to do everything we can to reduce the harmful effects that the use of automobiles have on the environment; and
Whereas on April 22, everyone who normally travels to work each day by automobile can contribute towards reducing the hazardous effect on the environment by using public transit; and
Whereas the Toronto Transit Commission provides one of the best and most efficient transportation systems in the world, offering passengers an environmentally sound, economical, safe and efficient mode of transport.
Therefore I, Mayor Mel Lastman, on behalf of Toronto City Council, the Toronto Transit Commission and the 2.5 million people of our great City, do hereby proclaim April 22, 2003 as "Transit Tuesday" in the City of Toronto and urge everyone to "Ride the Rocket."
In this section
In this section
Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Commissioner Shiner declared an interest with respect to Deputation a) - "King Street Streetcar Reconstruction" as a portion of the work will take place in front of property which his family has an interest in. Commissioner Shiner took no part in the discussion or decisions made by the Commission concerning this matter.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1825 And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
a) King Street Streetcar Track ReconstructionPrior to hearing the deputations, M. Stambler, Manager, Service Planning Department gave an overhead slide presentation to provide some context to the issue of establishing replacement bus service when streetcar service is disrupted.
The Commission then heard from the following deputants:
Councillor Pam McConnell
City of Toronto
Edward Nixon
Past President
St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association
(Submitted communication)
Lester Brown
Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association
Peter Lambert
David Scott
The Commission Received The Presentation And Deputations.
Commissioner Miller Moved That Staff Be Directed To Provide A Shuttle Service, Generally As Requested, And That A Meeting Be Held With Representatives Of The Community To Resolve The Details.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
Commissioner Flint Moved That The Costs Of The Shuttle Service Be Charged To The Capital Project.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Flint.
b) Report No. 15 - Automatic Fare Collection Update
Philip Webb
Centre for Urban Studies
University of Toronto
(Submitted brief)
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Report No. 15 For Minute)
Commissioners Correspondence
CC-1 Commissioner Ashton submitted an e-mail dated March 5, 2003, from Peter Camm, President, Lucerix International expressing his frustration with the TTC and its purchasing methods.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Commission Refer Mr. Camm's Communication To Staff For Report On The Comments Contained Therein.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
Budget Matters
1. Chief General Manager's Report - Periods 1 & 2 January 1 to March 1, 2003
It is recommended that the Commission:
(1) Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period January 1 to March 1, 2003, noting that:
• 2003 TTC Operating Budget
the projected shortfall of approximately $17 million will be covered by a reduction to the Commission's retained earnings;
• 2003 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
that no budget variance is currently projected but that the potential impact of a proposed 20% increase in taxi rates is being evaluated;
• 2003-2007 Capital Program
that the year-end cash flow is projected to be $3.0 million over budget; and
(2) Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Commission Request The Province Of Ontario By Regulation To Provide The Same 4.3-Cent Per Kilowatt Hour Protection As Accorded Other Industrial, Commercial And Public Sector Bodies In Ontario.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
Commissioner Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The Next Meeting On The Effects Of The Proposed 20% Increase In Taxi Rates, Including What Options Will Be Taken To Minimize The Impact On The Wheel-Trans Contract.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Moscoe.
Procurement Matters
2. Procurement Authorization ProposalNo. P11PI03721 Architectural Design Services Triennial Contract
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Richard Stevens Architect Ltd. (RSA) for Architectural Design Services in the upset limit amount of $750,000 for a three-year period commencing from the date of notification of award.
3. Procurement Authorization for the Supply and Cleaning of Hand, Continuous Roll and Automotive Shop Towels
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to G&K Services Canada Incorporated for the Supply and Cleaning of Hand, Continuous Roll and Automotive Shop Towels in the upset limit of $305,000 for the period of May 5, 2003 to March 31, 2006.
4. Procurement Authorization - Purchase of Transmissions - Contract P32PJ02910
It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, 6 two speed powershifted transmissions and 4 spare parts sets from General Gear (division of General Donlee) in the amount of $314,934.40.
5. Procurement Authorization - Supply of Janitorial Products It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Jestlyn Products Inc. (Jestlyn) in the total upset limit amount of $5,200,000 for the supply of janitorial products over a three-year period commencing May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2006.
6. Procurement Authorization - Asphalt Repairs and Maintenance
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by IPAC Paving Ltd., in the upset limit of $380,000.00, for the repair and maintenance of on-grade pavement at various Commission properties for the contract period May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2005.
7. Purchase of Automotive and Building Filters
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of automotive and building filters to the following companies for the period from May 2003 to May 2006:
• British Auto Supply for $480,000 including applicable taxes.
• Harper Detroit Diesel Limited for $300,000 including applicable taxes.
• Traction Heavy Duty for $270,000 including applicable taxes.
• Filtration Group Canada for $210,000 including applicable taxes.
• Freightliner Mid Ontario Incorporated for $160,000 including applicable taxes.
• Fort Garry Industries Limited for $35,000 including applicable taxes.
• Prevost Parts for $2,000 including applicable taxes.
8. Purchase of Bus Brake Blocks
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for bus brake blocks for the period from June 2003 to June 2006 to Fort Garry Industries Limited for an upset limit of $4,400,000 including applicable taxes.
9. Purchase of Subway Vehicle Air Filters
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of subway vehicle air filters to the following companies for the period from April 2003 to April 2006:
• Puraire Incorporated for $644,000 including applicable taxes.
• Camfil Farr for $172,000 including applicable taxes.
• Filtration Group Canada Corporation for $27,000 including applicable taxes.
10. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period February 2, 2003 to March 1, 2003
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period February 2, 2003 to March 1, 2003, which were approved by Senior Management.
Other Business
11. Subway Expansion Plan
Prior to considering the report, T. Middlebrook, Chief Engineer, Engineering Department gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission Received The Presentation.
Commissioner Shiner Moved That The Toronto Transit Commission Request City Council To Implement A 1% Property Tax Increase In 2004, 2005 And 2006 Across The Entire Tax Base To Be Dedicated To The Subway Expansion Plan And Ridership Growth Strategy; And That This Be Conditional Upon The Federal And Provincial Governments Committing Their 1/3 Share Of This Capital Program In Addition To Their 1/3 Share Of The Current TTC State Of Good Repair Budget For 2003.
Commissioner Miller Moved That Commissioner Shiner's Motion Be Amended To Indicate A TTC Position That The Province Should Return To The Traditional Funding Of 75% Of Capital Expenditures.
Commissioner Miller Moved That The Report And Motion By Commissioner Shiner Be Deferred And That Staff Report Back On What Levels Of Development Are Required To Ensure The Proposed Subways Are Operated On A Break-Even Basis; And Further What Financial Methods Relating To The Aforementioned Development Could Be Used To Accomplish This.
Commissioner Miller Moved That City Of Toronto Council Be Requested To Put The Question Of Implementing A Dedicated Tax For Transit On The Ballot For The Next Municipal Election.
Commissioner Flint Moved That Staff Be Requested To Investigate What The Deadline Is For Including A Question On The Ballot For The Next Municipal Election.
Commissioner Li Preti Moved That Staff Be Requested To Submit A New Application From The TTC, York Region And York University To Gtip For The Necessary Environmental Assessments Identified In This Report.
Chair Moscoe Moved That This Matter Be Referred To The Chair And That He Be Directed To Call A Special Meeting Of The Commission, Prior To The City Budget Advisory Committee And City Policy And Finance Committee Meetings Scheduled For May 2003, To Consider The Staff Report And All The Associated Motions That Have Been Tabled In That Connection.
Chair Moscoe Called For A Vote On His Motion.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Moscoe.
12. Central Waterfront Transit
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive this report for information; and
2. Forward this report to the Budget Advisory Committee.
(Also See Minute For Item C-2 And C-3)
13. Annual Security Statistics 2002
It is recommended that the Commission receive the attached report for information.
14. Commuter Parking Expansion Opportunities
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.
Chair Moscoe Moved The Following:
1. That Staff Be Requested To Bring Forward A Plan For The Additional 75-100 Parking Spaces To Be Installed As Soon As Possible, And Funds Be Appropriated From Either:
A) Money Being Allocated From Delayed Or Cancelled Projects Within The Present Capital Budget;
B) As A Loan From The Capital Fund Of The Toronto Parking Authority.
2. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back With The Above Plan, As Well As, The Following Additional Matters No Later Than September 2003:
A) Re-Locating The Employee Parking To The Wilson Complex
B) The Leslie Station Land Swap And The State Of Negotiation With Canadian Tire; And
C) The Identification Of Potential Commuter Parking Locations In Other Wards Across The City.
The Commission Approved The Motions By Chair Moscoe.
15. Automatic Fare Collection: Update
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information, noting that:
• a number of GTA transit operators outside Toronto are considering implementing new smartcard-based automatic fare collection (AFC) equipment because their current electronic money-counting or ticket-cancelling equipment is old and no longer repairable;
• a number of North American transit operators, including Montreal, Atlanta, and Boston, are planning to introduce smartcard-based AFC systems in the foreseeable future, most because of the need to replace their old worn-out fare collection equipment, but some because of objectives such as achieving better integration between their transit system and other services such as commuter parking, or the desire to achieve better inter-regional service integration;
• there is no substantive evidence, from experience in other cities, that adoption of a smartcard-based fare collection system will increase ridership or decrease net operating costs;
• smartcard technology has not been standardized, so properties which are considering adopting smartcard technology must make a "VHS vs. DVD" type of decision; and
• the TTC's current fare collection system is in good working condition, is cost-effective to operate and, therefore, does not support a business case to replace it with smartcard-based technology at this time.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The TTC Request The Minister Of Transportation To Consult With The TTC On Any Automatic Fare Collection Initiatives That Impact The Operation Of The TTC; And Further That The Implementation Of Any Automatic Fare Collection Technology That Integrates With The TTC Give Consideration To:
I) A Business Case Evaluative Approach;
II) Optimization Of Ridership Based On Value For Investment; And
III) Any Automatic Fare Collection Application Not Negatively Impact On Ttc Operations.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
a) Union Subway Station Second
Platform Project - Relocation of Utilities
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated April 9, 2003 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, "Staff Response to Commission Inquiry - Union Subway Station Second Platform Project - Relocation of Utilities."
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:
1. That Staff Explore With The City Legal Department The Extent To Which This Policy Can Be Applied To Utilities On Road Allowances In Order To Minimize City And TTC Costs.
2. That Staff Introduce A Clause With Regard To Its Own Property, And In Co-Operation With The City, The City's Non-Road Allowance Property Which Will Require The Utility Locating On That Property To Remove Its Services At No Cost To The TTC Upon The Provision Of Appropriate Notice.
The Commission Approved The Motions By Chair Moscoe.
C-1 Jocelyne Girard-Bujold, MP for Jonquiere dated March 5, 2003 requesting the Commission to support her private member's bill (Bill C-400) to allow individuals who use public transit services to deduct public transportation costs from their taxes.
Commissioner Miller Moved That The Communication Be Referred To The Commission's Communications Sub-Committee For Consideration.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Commission's Communication Sub-Committee Also Consider The Possibility Of Setting Up A Petition In Subway Station Locations For Riders To Sign And Support The Proposed Initiative By Mp Girard-Bujold.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Moscoe.
C-2 C. Archibald, City Clerk's Office, City of Toronto advising that the City Planning and Transportation Committee at its special meeting on April 4, 2003, forwarded the report dated March 12, 2003 from the Commissioner of Urban Development Services entitled, Central Waterfront Secondary Plan "Making Waves" to the Toronto Transit Commission with a request that the Commission consider this report on April 9, 2003 and report, if necessary, to City Council for its meeting on April 14, 2003.
Prior to considering the communication, W. Dawson, Superintendent, Route and System Planning gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission Received The Communication And Presentation.
Commissioner Flint Moved The Following:
Whereas, At Its Meeting Of April 4, 2003, The Planning And Transportation Committee Of The City Of Toronto Forwarded The Further Consolidated Report - Central Waterfront Secondary Plan To The Toronto Transit Commission For Consideration And Report, If Necessary, To City Council For Its Meeting Of April 14, 2003; And
Whereas, The Success Of The Development Of The Central Waterfront Depends On Achieving A High Level Of Transit Use, And The Establishment Of Transit-Oriented Travel Patterns From The Outset Of Development; And
Whereas, The Commission Wants To Enshrine This Objective In The Plan To Ensure That High-Order Transit Services Are Constructed At An Early Stage In The Development Process; And
Whereas, TTC Staff Have Worked Jointly With City Staff On An Amendment To The Plan To Achieve This Objective.
Therefore Be It Resolved That:
The Toronto Transit Commission Request Toronto City Council To Amend The Central Waterfront Secondary Plan By Adding To Section 5: Making It Happen Of The Report The Following:
2) District-Specific Transit Implementation Schedule Required Before
Development Can Proceed
Because Of The Area-Wide, Integrated, Nature Of Developing An Effective Transit Network, Transit Implementation Must Be Managed On A Broader Area-Planning Basis. It Cannot Be Managed Effectively Through Precinct Planning, Or A Sub-Area Planning Process. To achieve the objectives of the central waterfront plan, a high level of transit use is required in each of the four development areas, and it is essential that transit-oriented travel patterns be established from the outset. For this reason, the implementation of transit improvements will require a separate financial planning and approval process.
For Each Of The Four Development Areas, A Stage Implementation Schedule, And Accompanying Financial Plan For The Construction And Operation Of Transit Facilities, Will Be Required Before Development Can Proceed In that development area. This Will Ensure That High-Order Transit Services Are Constructed At An Early Stage In The Development Process And That The Transit-Oriented Objectives Of The Plan Are Achieved From The Outset.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Flint.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Ttc Inform Council Of Its Concerns Regarding:
I) The Lack Of Clarity Regarding Future Tri-Level Funding Responsibilities With Respect To Allocation Of Transit Monies With The TWRC Business Plan;
II) The Lack Of Commitment Regarding Funding The $600 Million Gap Identified As A Difference Between City Of Toronto Identified Transit Needs Of $1.4 Billion Over 30 Years And The TWRC Business Plan;
III) Concerns Regarding The Absence Of Itemized Transit Projects And Phasing Strategy Necessary To Properly Support The Build-Out Of Precinct Plans; And
IV) The Need For A Re-Statement Of Protocols And Consultation Procedures Necessary To Protect And Ensure The TTC Ability To Apply Good Planning And Due Diligence.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Ashton.
Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Request The TWRC To Ensure That The Funds Earmarked For Transit Are Used To Actually Build Transit At A Very Early Stage In The Proceedings.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
(Also See Minute For Report No. 12 & C-3)
C-3 S. Hoy, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Toronto to D. Lindsay, President & CEO, Ontario SuperBuild Corporation, Ontario Ministry of Finance and L. Ranger, Deputy Minister, Transport Canada conveying the City's strategy with respect to recent provincial and federal funding announcements and related improvements to the GO Transit/VIA Rail corridor in Toronto.
The Commission Received The Communication.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Directed To Draft A Response To Ms. Hoy, In Consultation With The Chair, Strongly Expressing The Commission's Concerns.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Chair Moscoe.
(Also See Minute For C-2 And Report No. 12)
New Business
a) Change of October 2003 Commission Meeting Date
Commissioner Miller Moved That The Commission Amend The 2003 Commission Meeting Schedule As It Relates To The October Meeting By Revising The Date So That The Meeting Would Be Held On Wednesday, October 22, 2003 Rather Than October 15, As Previously Approved.
The Commission Approved The Motion By Commissioner Miller.
b) Loss of Quorum at Meetings
Commissioner Miller expressed his concern with the difficulty of maintaining quorum at the meeting and encouraged the other members to make every effort to allocate the necessary time in their schedules to allow for Commission business to be properly conducted.
The Commission Noted Commissioner Miller's Concern.
c) Committee of the Whole Resolution
The Commission Approved A Resolution By Vice-Chair Shaw To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.