Board Meeting - November 17, 2004

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1849
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution


  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence

CC – 1  Commissioner Adam Giambrone Re: Feasibility Study – Should TTC Build Its Own Buses? (deferred from Oct. 20/04)

CC – 2 Commissioner Adam Giambrone Re: Bicycle Racks on TTC Buses (deferred from Oct. 20/04)

Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. Award of Merit – Track Patrol Frank Kirk and Track Patrol William Salazar
  2. Budget Matters

  3. 2005 TTC Operating Budget
  4. 2005-2009 Capital Program and 10-Year Capital Forecast
  5. 2005 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget
  6. Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 9 August 29 to October 2, 2004
  7. Procurement Matters

  8. Procurement Authorization Davisville Station Structural Paving Rehabilitation Contract S5-32
  9. Procurement Authorization Malvern Garage Overhead Speed Doors Contract H1-6
  10. Procurement Authorization New Maintenance Facilities – T1 Cars (Wilson/Davisville) Davisville Carhouse – Electrical Equipment Supply Contract AW-18-E5
  11. Procurement Authorization Contract No. G85-194 Building/Fire Code Consultants – Triennial Contract
  12. Procurement Authorization Contract No. G85-172 Architectural Design Services – Triennial Contract Amendment No. 1
  13. Purchase of Steel Wheels
  14. Purchase of Bus Mirror Assembly and Components
  15. Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts
  16. Supply of Orion VII Bus Parts
  17. Procurement Authorization – Supply of SRT Power Rail Insulators and Coverboards
  18. Purchase Order Amendment Authority – Supply of Ride Guides
  19. Disposal of Surplus Buses
  20. Notice of Award Procurement Authorization Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A23-8 Contract Change A23-8-2
  21. Notice of Award Procurement Authorization Woodbine Beach Bus Loop – Lakeshore Boulevard East & Northern Dancer Boulevard Contract DC9-2
  22. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period August 29 to October 2, 2004
  23. Other Business

  24. Union Subway Station – New Platform Project - Conceptual Design Approval (PRESENTATION)
  25. 172 Cherry Street Bus Route – Update on Trial Service
  26. Woodbine Beach Bus Loop – Agreement to Facilitate TTC Use
  27. 1998 & 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audits – Update
  28. 2005 Commission Meeting Schedule
  29. Accounts Receivable Considered Uncollectible
  30. Approval of an Amendment to TTC Pension Fund Society By-law 3.01 to Expand the Number of Directors to 10 and the Appointment of Mr. Scott Blakey as a TTC Appointed Director
  31. UITP World Congress and Mobility and City Transport Exhibition, Rome, Italy – June 5 -9, 2005
  32. Bus Only Lanes (Bus Rapid Transit) Downsview Subway Station to York University – Keele Street Corridor (REPORT TO FOLLOW)
  33. Correspondence
  34. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 commencing at 1:15 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

H. Moscoe (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), A. Giambrone, B. Ashton, B. Balkissoon, P. Li Preti, D. Shiner and S. Bussin (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), S. Blakey (Manager – Human Resources), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.

R. Roberts, Chair and Carol Anne Monet, TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation were also present.

H. Moscoe was in the Chair.

R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans was present for Item #4.

The meeting recessed at 3:00 p.m.  Chair Moscoe reconvened the meeting at 3:10 p.m.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Shiner Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1847, And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

a) Item No. 3 – Mount Dennis Bus Garage Conceptual Layout Approval

Chair Moscoe Moved That The Commission Approve The Conceptual Layout For The Mount Dennis Bus Garage As Detailed In The Staff Report Dated October 4, 2004, And That This Report Be Forwarded To The Etobicoke Community Council For Information.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

Committee of the whole resolution

Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That The Commission Meet As The Committee Of The Whole At 9:30 A.M., Or Later, On Wednesday, December 15, 2004, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitior-Client Privilege.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.


a) CC-2 – Bicycle Racks on TTC Buses

Nikki Rendle
Toronto Cycling Committee

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Item Cc-2 For Minute)

b) Report No. 2 – 2005 TTC Operating Budget

Steve Munro
(Submitted brief)

Peter Lambert

Gord Perks

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Item No. 2 For Minute)

c) Report No. 3 – 2005-2009 Capital Program & 10-Year Forecast

Steve Munro
(Submitted brief)

Gord Perks

Hamish Wilson

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Item No. 3 For Minute)

d) CC-1 – Feasibility Study – Should TTC Build It’s Own Buses?

Peter Lambert

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Item Cc-1 For Minute)

e) Report No. 17 – Disposal of Surplus Buses

Peter Lambert

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Item No. 17 For Minute)

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1 Commissioner Giambrone - Feasibility Study – Should the TTC Build its Own Buses?

Commissioner Giambrone submitted a copy of a feasibility study conducted by the Toronto Transit Commission dated May 2004 entitled, “Should the TTC Build Its Own Buses?”.

After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Giambrone Moved That Following A May 2004 Preliminary Staff Report On The Feasibility Of The TTC Manufacturing Its Own Buses, The Commission Approve Funding Of Up To $30,000.00 To Engage A Transit Industry Expert To Provide A Peer Review Of The Report, Such Review To Include Confirmation Of The Findings, Assessment Of The Business Potential For The Opportunities Identified And Analysis Of The Associated Risks, To Determine If Further Study Is Warranted.

The Motion By Commissioner Giambrone Carried.

CC-2 Commissioner Giambrone - Bicycle Racks on TTC Buses

The Commission had before it a communication dated October 18, 2004 from Commissioner Giambrone entitled, “Bicycle Racks on TTC Buses.”

After Hearing The Deputation, Commissioner Giambrone Moved The Following:

1. That The Commission Adopt, In Principal, The Need To Encourage The Use Of The TTC By Cyclists As A Way To Advance The Shift Of People Out Of Cars; And

2. That TTC Staff Be Requested To Report Back To The February 2005 Meeting Of The Commission, After Consultation With The City Of Toronto Cycling Committee, On A Pilot Project For The Installation Of Bike Racks On A Limited Number Of Bus Routes With A Report Back To Include:

- Operating Issues And Constraints

- Supporting Educational Promotional Campaigns

- Capital And Operating Cost Implications, Including The Possibility Of Including Bike Racks As Part Of The Capital Plan And All New RFPS For Buses.

The Motions By Commissioner Giambrone Carried.


1. Award of Merit – Track Patrol Employees Frank Kirk & William Salazar

Chair Moscoe advised that on September 27, 2004, at 12:15 p.m., Track Patrol employees Frank Kirk and William Salazar were at St. Patrick Station when they observed a distraught female customer at track level. The employees took immediate action with William Salazar cutting traction power and Frank Kirk signalling the approaching train to stop.  The oncoming train stopped approximately 20 yards away from the female. There was no contact made and both employees then assisted the distraught female back to the platform to await emergency personnel.

On behalf of the Commission, Chair Moscoe thanked Frank Kirk and William Salazar for their prompt and courageous actions and presented them with an Award of Merit.

Budget Matters

2. 2005 TTC Operating Budget

M. Roche, Chief Financial Officer gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

After Hearing The Deputations And Receiving The Presentation, The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

“It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1. Approve The 2005 TTC Operating Budget (Summarized In Exhibit 1) As Described In This Report And The Following Accompanying Reports:

• TTC 2005 Operating Budget Overview

• TTC 2005 Departmental Goals & Objectives

• TTC 2005 Organization Charts

• TTC 2005 Detailed Operating Budget (Blue Book)

2. Consider This Report In Concert With:

(A) The 2005 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

(B) The 2005-2009 Capital Program And 10-Year Capital Forecast

3. Note That Based On City Of Toronto 2004 Budgeted Operating Subsidy Levels (Net Of Gst Savings), The TTC 2005 Operating Budget Includes A Base Budget Shortfall Of $15 Million As Summarized Below:

Expenditures(No Provision For Impact Of The Next Collective Bargaining Agreements (Cbas)) / $960 Million

Revenues[No Provision For A Fare Increase] / 726 Million

Subsidy Needed / 234 Million

2004 City Operating Subsidy / 219 Million

Base Shortfall / $15 Million

(No Provision For Impact Of The Next Collective Bargaining Agreements (Cbas))

[No Provision For A Fare Increase]

4. Note That Staged Implementation Of The Balance Of The Initial Phase Of The Off-Peak Service Improvements Identified Under The Ridership Growth Strategy Has Been Included In The Budget At A Net Cost Of $4 Million In 2005 ($2 Million Previously Committed).

5. Note That Implementation Of A Weekly Pass Effective In May, And The Introduction Of The Sunday Day Pass Conditions For The Saturday Day Pass With A Net Impact Of $3.1 Million In 2005, Have Been Included In The Budget.

6. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto Requesting:

(A) Approval Of The City’s 2005 Transit Operating Subsidy To The TTC.

(B) Approval That The TTC Be Permitted To Retain The Additional 3/7ths GST Rebate Without Adjustment To The 2004 Budgeted Operating Subsidy Level.

(C) That The City Take Steps To Provide A Property Tax Exemption For All Commission Properties And That For 2005 And Beyond (Until An Exemption Is In Place) The TTC Be Provided With Additional Operating Subsidy To Compensate For The Impact Of New Or Increased Property Tax Assessments (Estimated At $3.8 Million For 2005).

7. Forward This Report To The Ontario Ministry Of Transportation, The Honourable Harinder Takhar And The Ontario Ministry Of Public Infrastructure Renewal, The Honourable David Caplan, For Information And To The Ontario Ministry Of Finance, The Honourable Gregory Sorbara, Requesting Immediate Relief From The Road Tax Assessed On Vehicle Fuel Purchases (Which Cost The TTC Approximately $8 Million Annually).

8. Forward This Report To The Minister Of Transportation Of Canada, The Honourable Jean C. Lapierre And To The Minister Of State (Infrastructure And Communities), The Honourable John Ferguson Godfrey, For Information.”

Chair Moscoe Moved That The Staff Be Requested To Develop A Five Year Operating Subsidy Plan For Presentation To The City Budget Advisory Committee.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

Chair Moscoe Moved That The City Budget Advisory Committee Be Requested To Accept The Principle Of Not Clawing Back Funds In The Same Manner As The City Has Requested The Province And Federal Governments Not To Claw Back Funds From The City.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

Commissioner Giambrone Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back With A Presentation On The Assumptions And Methodology Used To Develop Ridership Projections.

The Motion By Commissioner Giambrone Carried.

Commissioner Bussin Moved That The Commission Request City Of Toronto Council To Ask The Province Of Ontario For Relief From The Assessment Of Provincial Sales Tax In A Similar Fashion As The Federal Government Has Given Relief From The GST.

The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.

Commissioner Bussin Moved That The Commission Request City Of Toronto Council To Ask The Government Of Canada For Relief From The Assessment Of Excise Tax On Its Diesel Fuel Purchases.

The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.

3. 2005-2009 TTC Capital Program and 10-Year Capital Forecast

M. Roche, Chief Financial Officer gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

After Hearing The Deputations And Receiving The Presentation, The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

“It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1. Approve The 2005 Capital Program In The Amount Of $427 Million ($430 Million Including Sheppard As Summarized In Appendix A) As Described In This Report And The Following Accompanying Documents:

• TTC 2005-2009 Capital Program Overview

• TTC 2005-2009 Capital Program (Blue Books)

2. Approve The 2005-2009 Capital Program In The Amount Of $2.9 Billion As Shown In This Report;

3. Approve The 10-Year Capital Forecast In The Amount Of $4.7 Billion As Shown In This Report;

4. Consider This Report In Concert With The Following:

(A) The TTC 2005 Operating Budget

(B) The TTC 2005 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

(C) The TTC 2005 Departmental Goals And Objectives

(D) The TTC 2005 Organization Charts

5. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto For Council Approval Of The 2005-2009 Capital Program And Approval Of The 10 Year Forecast;

6. Forward This Report To The Province Of Ontario And The Government Of Canada Requesting:

(A) Confirmation Of Funding Eligibility Of The Projects Contained Within The 2005-2009 Capital Program And 10-Year Capital Forecast; And

(B) An Increased Funding Commitment In The Amount Of $33.6 Million Each To Cover The Increased Cost Of The Premium To Acquire Diesel-Electric Hybrid Buses.”

Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved The Following:

1. That Staff Be Requested To Review And Report Back On Enhanced Funding And Staffing Levels, In Cooperation With The City’s Planning Department, In 2005 And 2006, For Environmental Assessments For BRT’S And LRT’S, Including The Following Routes:

- Eglinton Avenue East

- Don Mills

- Sheppard Avenue East

- Kingston Road

- Queen’s Quay To Dufferin Then The Queensway

- McCowan

2. That The Fire Ventilation Subway Exit Program Be Amended To The Previous Staff Recommendation Funding Levels.

3. That The Commission Advise The City Budget Advisory Committee That The 10 Year Capital Budget Plan May Change Pending The Results Of The LRT/Streetcar Master Plan.

The Motions By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.

4. 2005 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission Received The Presentation.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Recommendation No. 4 Contained In The Report Be Amended By Adding “Province Of Ontario And Government Of Canada” After (ACAT), So Such Recommendation Reads As Follows:

“4. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto Council For Approval And To The Ttc’s Advisory Committee On Accessible Transportation (Acat), Province Of Ontario And Government Of Canada For Information.”

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

The Commission Approved The Amended Recommendation, As Listed Below:

“It Is Recommended That The Commission Approve:

1. The 2005 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget Of $53.1 Million Provided For In This Report And Companion Documents Which Include $55.9 Million For Service Partially Offset By Revenues Of $2.8 Million, Resulting In A Subsidy Increase Of $2.5 Million Over The Approved 2004 Budget; And

2. The Wheel-Trans Service Plan Which Encompasses The Following Key Factors:

• Eligibility Criteria And Application Process Remain Unchanged;

• Registrant Base Increases From 34,800 To 38,600;

• Trip Demand Increasing By 5.5% To 1,837,300;

• Unaccommodated Rate Remains At 2%;

• Trips Provided By Accessible Vehicles At 88%;

• On-Time Delivery Of Service Maintained At 96%;

• Workforce Will Increase By One (1) Operating And One (1) Capital POSITION Over 2004.

3. Consider This Report In Concert With The Following:

(A) The 2005 TTC Operating Budget; And

(B) The 2005-2009 TTC Capital Program And 10-Year Forecast Which Includes $2.4 Million In 2005; $0.2 Million For A Remote Belt Securement Retrofit On Buses, $1.6 Million For Facility Improvements And $0.6 Million For Scheduling Enhancements; And

4. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto Council For Approval And To The Ttc’s Advisory Committee On Accessible Transportation (ACAT), Province Of Ontario And Government Of Canada For Information.”

Chair Moscoe Moved That The Chair Be Requested To Meet With Staff To Discuss The Feasibility Of Reducing The Unaccommodated Rate To 0% Within The Budget Allocated, And Report Out To The Commission If Any Progress Appears Possible.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried. 

5. Chief General Manager's Report Period 9 – August 29 to October 2, 2004

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period August 29 to October 2, 2004; and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).


Procurement Matters

6. Procurement Authorization Davisville Station Structural Paving Rehabilitation Contract S5-32

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Underground Services (1983) Ltd. (USL) in the amount of $1,195,448.40 for Contract S5-32 – Davisville Station –Structural Paving Rehabilitation.


7. Procurement Authorization Malvern Garage Overhead Speed Doors Contract H1-6

It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the proposal submitted by Ross Clair/Div. of R.O.M. Contractors Inc. (Ross Clair) in the amount of $448,786.00 for Contract H1-6, Malvern Garage Overhead Speed Doors.


8. Procurement Authorization New Maintenance  Facility (Wilson/Davisville) For T1 Cars Davisville Carhouse –Electrical Equipment Supply Contract AW-18-E5

It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the proposal submitted by ABB Inc. (ABB) in the amount of $309,600.00 for Contract AW-18-E5, New Maintenance Facility – (Wilson/Davisville) for T1 Cars, Davisville Carhouse Electrical Equipment Supply.               

9. Procurement Authorization Contract No. G85-194 Building/Fire Code Consultants – Triennial Contract

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to the following two companies for Building/Fire Code Consulting Services – Triennial Contract in the total upset limit amount of $400,000 for a three-year period from November 18, 2004 to November 18, 2007:

1. Morrison Hershfield Limited / $250,000.00

2. Leber Rubes Inc. / $150,000.00


10. Procurement Authorization Contract No. G85-172 – Architectural Design Services – Triennial Contract - Contract Amendment No. 1

It is recommended that the Commission authorize Contract Amendment No. 1 to Richard Stevens Architect Ltd. (RSA) for Architectural Design Services – Triennial Contract in the amount of $300,000.


11. Purchase of Steel Wheels

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of various steel wheels to the following companies for the period from December 2004 to December 2007:

- TSS, Inc. for $4,850,000 including applicable taxes

- Penn Machine Company for $474,000 including applicable taxes.

- CAF Components Div. – C/O JLB International for $106,000 including applicable taxes.


12. Purchase of Bus Mirror Assembly and Components
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract, for the supply of bus mirror assembly and components manufactured by B &  R Manufacturing, to Orion Bus Industries Limited for the period from mid November 2004 to mid November 2007 for $208,000 including applicable taxes.


13. Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of Rockwell Meritor parts to the following companies for the period from January 2005 to January 2008:

- Orion Bus Industries Limited for $6,317,000 including applicable taxes.

- Neopart for $750,000 including applicable taxes.

- Metro International Toronto Incorporated for $244,000 including applicable taxes.

- Fort Garry Industries Limited for $133,000 including applicable taxes.

- Neudoerffer Truck Supply Incorporated for $11,000 including applicable taxes.

- MCI Service Parts Incorporated for $3,000 including applicable taxes.

- Prevost Car Incorporated for $1,000 including applicable taxes.


14. Supply of Orion VII Bus Parts

It is recommended that the Commission award a contract to Orion Bus Industries (Orion) for the supply of parts for Orion VII buses on an emergency basis in the upset limit of $400,000 for a two year period from November 18, 2004 to November 17, 2006.


Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The Feasibility Of Negotiating The Price Of Bus Parts At The Same Time As Negotiations Are Taking Place For The Purchase Of Buses.

The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.

15. Procurement Authorization – Supply of  SRT Power Rail Insulators and Coverboards

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to L.B. Foster Company, in the upset limit amount of $1,850,000.00, for the supply of SRT power rail insulators and coverboards, for a two year period from November 22, 2004 to December 31, 2006. 


16. Purchase Order Amendment Authority – Supply of Ride Guides

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment in the amount of $119,830.00, increasing the total contract value to $237,360.00 for the supply of English and multilingual Ride Guides for the period January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005.


Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report On The Possibility Of Including Routings That Have A Dedicated Right-Of-Way Such As The Spadina Lrt And Harbourfront Lrt On Subway/Srt Route Maps.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.

17. Disposal of Surplus Buses

It is recommended that the Commission authorize staff to sell in the best interest of the Commission any of the 106 remaining surplus buses that have structural failures.


18. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A23-8 Contract Change A23-8-2

It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to authorize an increase of $12,688.17 to Fermar Paving Ltd. bringing the total authorized to $112,688.17 for Contract Change A23-8-2 for the removal of an additional amount of 7,120 cubic metres (M3) of topsoil and the supply and placement of 7,120 M3 of select fill at the Downsview Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion.


19. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization  Woodbine Beach Bus Loop – Lake Shore Blvd.  East & Northern Dancer Blvd. Contract DC9-2

It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by Warren Bitulithic Limited (Warren) in the amount of $495,020.11 for Contract DC9-2 – Woodbine Beach Bus Loop – Lake Shore Blvd. East & Northern Dancer Blvd.


Commissioner Bussin noted her thanks to staff for their hard work on this project.

20. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period August 29, 2004 to October 2, 2004

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.  It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period August 29, 2004 to October 2, 2004, which were approved by Senior Management.


Other Business

21. Union Subway Station New Platform Project – Conceptual Design Approval

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve the concept design of the Union Subway Station New Platform Project; and

2. Authorize staff to present to the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC) the project in the amount of $90 million for funding approval.


22. 172 Cherry Street – Update on Trial Service

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report for information, noting that:

• Monday-Friday service on the 172 CHERRY STREET bus route to Cherry Beach will be discontinued effective November 22, 2004, because ridership has dropped to negligible levels;

• Weekend service continues to operate on a trial basis, providing service to the Distillery District, the Esplanade, and other nearby attractions;

• A formal post-implementation review of the 172 CHERRY STREET summer and fall service will be presented to the Commission in the spring of 2005.

2. Forward this report to Councillors Fletcher and McConnell, the City of Toronto and the Toronto Port Authority.


23. Woodbine Beach Bus Loop – Agreement to Facilitate TTC Use 

It is recommended that the Commission authorize staff to negotiate and execute an agreement with the City of Toronto and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), under the general terms and conditions outlined in this report for the use, construction and operation of the Woodbine Beach Bus Loop.


Commissioner Bussin noted her thanks to staff for their hard work on this project.

24. 1998 & 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audits - Updates

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive for information, the seventh update of the TTC management actions for the 1998 APTA Rail Safety Audit and the fifth update of the TTC management actions for the 2001 APTA Rail Safety Audit; and

2. Forward this update to the Minister of Transportation, Province of Ontario and the Clerk of the City of Toronto for information.


25. 2005 Commission Meeting Schedule

It is recommended that the Commission approve the attached 2005 Commission Meeting Schedule.


26. Accounts Receivable Considered Uncollectible

It is recommended that the Commission receive the following report for information.


27. Approval of an Amendment to TTC Pension Fund Society

ByLaw 3.01 to Expand the Number of Directors to 10 and the Appointment of Mr. Scott Blakey as a TTC Appointed Director

It is recommended that the Commission approve an amendment to TTC Pension Fund Bylaw 3.01 (i) and (iv) to expand the Board of Directors of the Society to 10 Members and appoint Mr. Scott Blakey, Manager of Human Resources as the Commission’s new Director.


28. UITP World Congress and Mobility City  Transport Exhibition – Rome, Italy – June 5 – 9, 2005

It is recommended that the Commission approve a travel request for the Chair, Vice-Chair or designated Commissioner, Chief General Manager and the General Secretary to attend the 2005 UITP World Congress scheduled for June 5 – 9, 2005 in Rome, Italy.


Chair Moscoe Moved That Any Other Commissioners Be Permitted To Attend The 2005 World Congress; And That The CGM’S Office Be Notified Of A Commissioners Interest Within Two Months.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

29. Bus-Only Lanes (BUS RAPID TRANSIT) Downsview Subway Station to York University – Keele Street Corridor

The Commission Deferred Consideration Of This Matter Until Its Next Meeting.

Staff Response to Commission Inquiries



C-1 Edward Spence, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the President, York University dated November 15, 2004, requesting that the Commission defer for one month its consideration of Agenda Item No. 29 entitled, “Bus Only Lanes (Bus Rapid Transit) Downsview Subway Station to York University – Keele Street Corridor.”

The Received The Communication For Information.

(Also See Report No. 29 for minute)

C-2 Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby, City of Toronto dated, November 12, 2004 requesting the Commission include an estimated amount of $110,000 in the TTC’s 2005 budget for the implementation of an Etobicoke Community bus service for seniors.

The Commission Referred The Communication To Staff For Report.

New Business


The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


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