Board Meeting - September 22, 2004
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
- 2:00 p.m.
Commissioners’ Correspondence
CC-1 Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc Re: Implementation of Ridership Growth Strategy
Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations
- The Bus Fleet – Making The Right Choice
- Ridership Growth Strategy Funding in 2004 (Presentation)
- Chief General Manager's Report – Periods 6 & 7 May 30 to July 31, 2004
- Procurement Authorization Design, Supply and Install Commuter Parking Lot Gate Control, Revenue Collection and Communications Equipment Contract G50-5
- Procurement Authorization Lakeshore Garage Power Replacement and Modifications Service Pit Rehabilitation Contract WT1-15
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Uniform Parkas, Topcoats and Windbreakers
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Uniform Suits
- Procurement Authorization Contract Amendment C02PC03820 #3 – Reserved Transit Lanes on St. Clair Avenue – Environmental Assessment Study
- Procurement Authorization – Supply of 20 Emergency Trip Control Cabinets
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Rail Grinding Services
- Procurement Authorization – Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Bus Fuelling Station at Wilson Complex
- Procurement Authorization - Contract Amendment C02PC0293 Environmental Assessment – Bus Only Lanes (Bus Rapid Transit) Downsview Subway Station to York University
- Procurement Authorization – Contract Change C32D01836-4 Design and Supply of Speed Control System
- Procurement of Low Voltage Power Supply and Inverter Equipment – CLRV Life Extension Program
- Project Financing Approval – Harvey Shop – Tools and Shop Equipment
- Procurement Authorization – Advertising on the TTC (Presentation Available)
- Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Electronic Components
- Purchase of Thermo King Parts
- Purchase of Rear Brake Chambers
- Downsview and Kennedy Station Parking Expansion – Approval of Pricing Strategy
- Sale and Removal of Various Mixed Metals For A One Year Period Commencing December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period May 30, 2004 to July 31, 2004
- Notice of Award - Procurement Authorization – Lakeshore Garage Electrical Power Upgrade Contract WT1-14
- Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation, Hillcrest Yard Contract M1-50, Change Directive M1-50-6
- Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization Armoured Car Service
- Notice of Award – Bio-Diesel Fuel Test at Queensway Garage
- Council Motions re TTC’s 2004 Budgets
- Russell Hill Subway Train Accident of August 11, 1995 Due Diligence Checklist Update
- Transit Service to Variety Village
- 73 Royal York – New Off-Peak Service to Claireport Crescent
- Bus-Only Lanes (Bus Rapid Transit) Downsview Subway Station to York University – Update
- Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
- Current Billing Process for Hydro Costs
- Correspondence – See Attached
- New Business
Budget Matters
Procurement Matters
Other Business
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
H. Moscoe (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), A. Giambrone, B. Ashton, Mayor D. Miller, P. Li Preti, D. Shiner and S. Bussin (Commissioners), R. Ducharme (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), G. Webster (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager - Engineering & Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), R. Hughes (Chief Marketing Officer), S. Blakey (Manager - Human Resources), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
M. Aribi, Vice-Chair, TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation was also present.
H. Moscoe was in the Chair.
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager, Surface Operations was present for Item No. 1.
K. Colley, Manager, Financial Reporting, City of Toronto was present for Item No. 32a).
In this section
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting Nos. 1844 And 1845, And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.
The Motion By Commissioner Ashton Carried.
Business Arising Out Of The Minutes
July 14, 2004 Minutes
a) Corporate Policy Review – Commissioner Giambrone
Commissioner Giambrone gave a verbal update with respect to the status of his review of the TTC’s Corporate Policies.
The Commission Received The Update For Information.
September 13, 2004 Minutes
b) St. Clair Avenue West Transit Improvement – POP System & Time-Limited Transfers
In response to a request made at the September 13th meeting, M. Stambler, Manager, Service Planning gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission Received The Presentation For Information.
Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That Staff Report Back By June 2005 On The Pop System And By February 2005 On The Time-Limited Transfer, Including Its Applicability On A System-Wide Basis.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.
a) Taste of India, Dragon Fest and Roncesvalles Harvest Festivals – Waiving of TTC Fees Re: Replacement of Bus and Streetcar Services
Councillor Sylvia Watson
City of Toronto
Subu Chintaluri
Co-ordinator, Gerrard India Bazaar
Dale Cheung
Chinese Chamber of Commerce East Toronto
(Kevin Lee spoke on behalf of Mr. Cheung)
The Commission Received The Deputations.
Commissioner Bussin Moved That TTC Fees To Replace Bus And Streetcar Services Be Waived, On A One-Time Only Basis, For Dragon Fest And The Taste Of India Festivals.
The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Carried.
Commissioner Bussin Moved That TTC Fees To Replace Bus And Streetcar Services Be Waived, On A One-Time Only Basis, For The Roncesvalles Harvest Festival.
The Motion By Commissioner Bussin Lost.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Review The Capital Costs Of Track Repair Programs In Co-Operation With The City Works Department To Determine If Some Allowance For Special Circumstances Can Be Built Into The Capital Program With A Report Back At A Future Meeting On The Results Of These Deliberations.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
b) Improving TTC Efficiency
Shaya Petroff
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(Also See Correspondence C-4 For Minute)
c) Report No. 31 – Bus-Only Lanes (BUS RAPID TRANSIT) Downsview Subway Station to York University – Update
Dr. Ted Spence
York University
(Submitted presentation)
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(Also See Report No. 31 For Minute)
d) Report No. 2 – Ridership Growth Strategy Funding in 2004
Steve Munro
(Submitted brief)
Gord Perks
The Commission Received The Deputations.
(Also See Report No. 2 For Minute)
Commissioners Correspondence
a) Vice-Chair Mihevc – Ridership Growth Strategy
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 26, 2004 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, Implementation of Ridership Growth Strategy.”
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
(Also See Report No. 2 For Minute)
1. The Bus Fleet – Making the Right Choice
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager – Surface Operations gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission Received The Presentation For Information.
Commissioner Giambrone Moved That The Chair, In Consultation With The Mayor’s Office And The Chief General Manager, Contact The Federal Government And Enter Into Discussions To Change The Current Federal Standard For Purchasing Buses.
The Motion By Commissioner Giambrone Carried.
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Bus Fleet Presentation Be Given At Meetings Of The City Budget Advisory Committee And City Policy And Finance Committee.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
Budget Matters
2. Ridership Growth Strategy Funding in 2004
It is recommended that the Commission receive the approval of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to:
1. Confirm the verbal direction received from Chair Howard Moscoe and Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc on June 29, 2004 and June 30, 2004, respectively, to operate an additional $450,000 over the approved budget in 2004, to prevent making service adjustments at a time of ridership growth and to, instead, accelerate the implementation of Ridership Growth Strategy service improvements noting that this will result in $1.2 million of total expenditures in 2004 on the Ridership Growth Strategy, and
2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto Budget Advisory Committee.
Commissioner Shiner Moved That The Ridership Growth Program Go Forward As Originally Planned By The TTC, With The Balance Of Implementation In January 2005, And If Necessary, The Funding Come From The Surplus The TTC Earned This Year.
Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That Commissioner Shiner’s Motion Be Deferred Until The Next Meeting.
Chair Moscoe Called For A Vote On Vice-Chair Mihevc’s Deferral Motion.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.
Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved The Following Motions:
1. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The Next Meeting With An Option That Allows For This Phase Of The Ridership Growth Strategy To Be Completed By September 2005; And
2. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The Next Meeting On The Best Strategy For 2006 As It Relates To The Ridership Growth Program.
The Motions By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Prepare And Report Back At The Next Meeting On The Next Phase Of The Ridership Growth Program.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
3. Chief General Manager's Report Periods 6 & 7 – May 30 to July 31, 2004
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager's (CGM's) report covering the period May 30 to July 31, 2004; and
2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM's report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission).
Procurement Matters
4. Procurement Authorization Design, Supply and Install Commuter Parking Lot Gate Control, Revenue Collection and Communication Equipment Contract G50-5
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the revised proposal submitted by Traf-Park Inc. (Traf-Park) in the amount of $2,536,512.25, which includes Optional Pricing Items 1 to 8, as outlined in Appendix B, for Contract G50-5 – Design, Supply and Install Commuter Parking Lot Gate Control, Revenue Collection and Communication Equipment.
5. Procurement Authorization Lakeshore Garage Power Replacement and Modifications Service Pits Rehabilitation Contract WT1-15
It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by ICL Construction Limited (ICL) in the amount of $274,990.00 for Contract WT1-15, Lakeshore Garage, Service Pits Rehabilitation.
6. Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Uniform Parkas, Topcoats and Windbreakers
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of Purchase Orders for the supply of parkas, topcoats and windbreakers for a three-year term from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007 as follows:
1. Avon Sportswear for Supervisor uniform parkas and windbreakers and Operator uniform parkas and windbreakers in the amount of $626,951.25.
2. R. Nicholls Distributors for male and female Operator uniform topcoats in the amount of $59,789.37.
Vice-Chair Mihevc noted that the Union Made Requirement automatically includes a “no sweatshop principle”, as per City policy.
7. Procurement Authorization for Supply of Uniform Suits
It is recommended that the Commission approve issuance of a Purchase Order to CFM Uniforms Incorporated in the amount of $2,428,871.30 for the supply of uniforms for a three-year term from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007.
Vice-Chair Mihevc noted that the Union Made Requirement automatically includes a “no sweatshop principle”, as per City policy.
8. Procurement Authorization Contract Amendment C02PC03820 #3 Reserved Transit Lanes on St. Clair Avenue – Environmental Assessment Study
It is recommended that the Commission authorize unbudgeted expenditures to issue purchase order amendment #3 to Marshall Macklin Monaghan in the amount of $326,675.93, to allow for the much-expanded amount of work required to complete the Reserved Transit Lanes on St. Clair Avenue – Environmental Assessment Project, bringing the total upset limit from $323,324.07 to $650,000.00
9. Procurement Authorization – Supply of 20 Emergency Trip Control Cabinets
It is recommended that the Commission authorize acceptance of the proposal submitted by McDowell Electric Inc., in the amount of $3,097,610.00, for the Supply of 20 Emergency Trip Control Cabinets on a sole source basis.
10. Procurement Authorization – Supply of Rail Grinding Services
It is recommended that the Commission approve the award to Loram Rail Services LLC, for the supply of rail grinding services in the Subway/SRT system, for the contract period of September 2004 to December 2006, in the upset limit amount of $1,035,000.00
11. Procurement Authorization – Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Bus Fuelling Station at Wilson Complex
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to FAB Industries Inc., in the amount of $478,004.42, for preventive and corrective maintenance of the compressed natural gas (CNG) bus fuelling station at Wilson Complex, for a period of one year from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005.
12. Procurement Authorization Contract Amendment C02PC02923 – Environmental Assessment, Bus-Only Lanes (BUS RAPID TRANSIT) – Downsview Subway Station to York University
It is recommended that the Commission authorize a contract amendment in the amount of $192,870 to URS Canada Inc., to allow a more-detailed study of the property requirements associated with the Bus-Only Lanes proposed between Downsview Subway Station and York University.
13. Procurement Authorization – Contract Change C31D01836-4 Design and Supply of Speed Control System
It is recommended that the Commission authorize an increase to Contract Change No. 4, in the amount of $339,249.00 bringing the total amount authorized to $539,249.00, to Alcatel Canada Inc., for the provision of miscellaneous features related to the onboard control and train operator display for the new Speed Control System.
14. Procurement Authorization – Design and Supply of Low Voltage Power Supply & Inverter for CLRV Fleet as Part of the CLRV Life Extension Program
It is recommended that the Commission authorize:
1. the award of a contract to I-Power (Intelligent Power Systems LTD.) in the amount of $161,138.00 for the design and supply of two prototype Low Voltage Power Supply and Inverters units;
2. the conditional awarding of an upset limit contract to I-Power in the amount of $8,838,862.00, subject to subsequent satisfactory performance of the prototypes during in-service testing of the prototypes and confirmation of receiving additional financing approval from City of Toronto Council; and
3. forwarding this report to City Council to seek additional financing approval of $8,840,000, increasing the current financing approval for this project from $4,187,000 to $13,027,000, to cover contract production commitments through 2012.
15. Project Financing Approval – Harvey Shop – Tools and Shop Equipment
It is recommended that the Commission approve the authorization to purchase:
1. Lighting guarding system for the Harvey Shop Brake Press in the estimated amount of $60,000.00, due to legislative requirements.
2. Personnel lift system for Harvey Shop employees in the estimated amount of $60,000.00, due to safety and production requirements.
16. Procurement Authorization – Advertising on the TTC
Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That The “Onestop” Initiative Proposed By Viacom Be Excluded From The Contract.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Lost.
Chair Moscoe Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:
“It Is Recommended That The Commission Approve The Award Of A Contract To Viacom Outdoor Canada For The Right To Sell And Display Advertising On Commission Owned Or Occupied Property Based On A Minimum Total Guaranteed Cash Revenue Return To The Commission Of $93,200,000 Over A Period Of Seven Years From January 1, 2005 To December 31, 2011.”
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
17. Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Electronic Components
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment in the amount of $550,000 to Electro Sonic Inc., increasing the total contract value to $1,650,000 for the supply of electronic components for the period August 29, 2002 to August 31, 2005.
18. Purchase of Thermo King Parts
It is recommended that the Commission approve for inventory, additional funds in the amount of $351,000 for the purchase order with Thermo King of Toronto for the supply of Thermo King parts resulting in a revised total upset limit of $976,000.
19. Purchase of Rear Brake Chambers
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award, for inventory, of a two-year blanket order supply contract to Automotive Undercar Products for the supply of 1,400 rebuilt rear brake chambers in the amount of $272,090 including applicable taxes.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Explore And Report Back On The Possibility Of Rebuilding Parts With Existing Auto Rebuilders.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
20. Downsview and Kennedy Station Parking Expansion – Approval of Pricing Strategy
It is recommended that the Commission approve the following operation and rates for TTC commuter parking lots:
1. The new Kennedy North (Service Road) lot (199 spaces) be operated as a cash lot with a $4 daily rate; and
2. The new Downsview lot (641 spaces) be operated as a Metropass/cash lot with $4 daily rate for cash users.
Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:
1. That Staff Provide The Commission With Monthly Statistical Updates On The Kennedy, Downsview, Wilson And Yorkdale Lots With Such Updates To Begin Immediately On The Downsview, Yorkdale And Eglinton/Allen Lots And Beginning One Full Month After The Opening Of The New Lots.
2. That Staff Advise The Commission If There Are A Significant Number Of Customer Complaints.
3. That Staff Report At The Next Meeting On The Program They Will Use To Advertise These Lots, Particularly Any Advertising Directed At York And Durham Residents.
The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.
21. Sale and Removal of Various Mixed Metals for a One Year Period Commencing December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a one year contract for the period of December 1, 2004 to November 30, 2005 for the sale of various scrap metals to the following two companies:
- Inland Iron and Metal for Groups 1 & 2
- ACS Iron and Metal for Groups 3 & 4
22. Summary of Authorized Expenditures for the Period May 30, 2004 to July 31, 2004
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period May 30, 2004 to July 31, 2004, which were approved by Senior Management.
23. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization Lakeshore Garage Electrical Power Upgrade Contract WT1-14
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to authorize acceptance of the tender submitted by Schneider Canada Inc. in the amount of $269,105.00 for Contract WT1-14, Lakeshore Garage, Electrical Power Upgrade.
24. Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation Hillcrest Yard Contract M1-50 Change Directive M1-50-6
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Vice-Chair, the Mayor and the Chief General Manager to authorize an additional amount of $232,500.00 to Change Directive M1-50-6 to Grascan Construction Ltd. to remove and dispose of approximately 5000 tonnes of impacted soil, which has been encountered while excavating
for the new on-grade paving contract at Hillcrest Yard. This will bring the total authorized amount of Change Directive #6 to $332,500.00.
25. Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization of Armoured Car Service
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Vice-Chair, Commissioner Giambrone and the Chief General Manager to authorize the award of contract to Securicor Canada Limited (Securicor) in the amount of $1,035,454.50 for the provision of armoured car services for the three year period from September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2007.
26. Notice of Award – Bio-Diesel Fuel Test at Queensway Garage
It is recommended the Commission receive the notice of award of Vice-Chair Mihevc, Mayor Miller and the Chief General Manager to authorize the following:
1. the unbudgeted operating expense of $740,000 for testing bio-diesel for an approximately nine month period as an environmentally friendly alternate fuel; and
2. the award of a contract to Canada Clean Fuels Inc. in the upset limit amount of $740,000 for the supply of bio-diesel fuel for an approximately nine month period commencing September 1, 2004.
Other Business
27. Council Motions re TTC’s 2004 Budgets
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.
28. Russell Hill Subway Train Accident of August 11, 1995 Due Diligence Checklist Update
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive for information the updated Due Diligence Checklist relating to the Russell Hill Subway Train Accident of August 11, 1995, which provides a status report on the progress toward closing the Coroner’s Jury Recommendations and the TTC’s Internal Team Recommendations.
2. Forward this report to the Chief Coroner of Ontario, the City of Toronto, and the Province of Ontario for information.
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Body Of Future Reports Include Only Outstanding Recommendations And Progress Made Since The Previous Evaluation, And That Other Material Be Included As An Appendix.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
29 Transit Service to Variety Village
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Receive this report for information, noting that:
• Wheel-Trans is operating a trial hourly service between Variety Village and the subway. The service is available to Wheel-Trans registrants and selected Variety Village patrons;
• The service is initially operating to Victoria Park Station, but will shift to Main Street Station once that station becomes accessible in October 2004;
• Several options for providing conventional TTC bus service closer to Variety Village and Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute have been evaluated, but are not recommended for implementation, because they would inconvenience more customers than they would benefit and/or they would not meet the TTC’s minimum financial standard;
• A further report will be presented to the Commission in early 2005 which will review the trial Wheel-Trans service to Variety Village.
2. Forward this report to Variety Village and Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute.
30. 73 Royal York – New Off-Peak Service to Claireport Crescent
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Approve the introduction of new service during the midday and early evening, from Monday to Friday, and during the daytime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, on the 73C ROYAL YORK (Royal York Stn-Claireport via Albion Road) service, for a trial period beginning on January 2, 2005, as described in this report; and
2. Forward this report to City of Toronto Councillor Ford.
Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On Any Potential Reduction In Service To Accommodate This Service Change Prior To The Reduction Being Made.
The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.
31. Bus-Only Lanes (BUS RAPID TRANSIT) Downsview Subway Station to York University: Update
Commissioner Li Preti Moved Adoption Of The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:
“It Is Recommended That The Commission:
1. Approve The Revised Conceptual Design Described Here For The Sheppard/Allen Intersection Component Of The Bus-Only Lanes – Downsview Subway Station To York University Project, Noting That The Revised Design Addresses The Urban Design Concerns Raised By Mr. Gerrit De Boer And The Commission, And That The Design Has Been Reviewed And Agreed-Upon By Staff Of City Planning, City Transportation, And The TTC;
2. Forward This Report To Toronto City Council For Their Consideration Together With The Previously-Approved July 14, 2004 Staff Report On This Subject; And
3. Forward This Report To Councillors Peter Li Preti, Michael Feldman, Maria Augimeri, And Mr. Gerrit De Boer For Information.”
The Motion By Commissioner Li Preti Carried.
Commissioner Li Preti Moved That Staff Be Requested To Continue To Consult With York University On The New Alternative Brought Forward As Part Of Their Deputation.
The Motion By Commissioner Li Preti Carried.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Review The Feasibility Of Adding A Northbound Crossover Right-Turn Lane To The Subject Intersection For Cars In Order To Reduce Conflicts With Northbound Buses.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
32. Staff Response to Commission Inquiries
a) Current Billing Process for Hydro Costs
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 14, 2004 from R. Ducharme, Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Current Billing Process for Hydro Costs.”
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Commissioner Shiner Moved That Staff Be Requested To Advise The Commission If They Re-Experience Problems With The Billings From The City Or On Toronto Hydro’s Accounts.
The Motion By Commissioner Shiner Carried.
C-1 Paul Evans, Assistant Deputy Minister, Infrastructure Strategies Division, Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, Province of Ontario, dated July 14, 2004, regarding the finalization of a five-year capital program contribution agreement between the province, federal government and the City of Toronto.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
C-2 Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of York, dated June 28, 2004 forwarding a copy of Clause No. 1, Report No. 6 entitled, GO Transit Ten-Year Capital Program”, which was adopted by Regional Council at its meeting on June 24, 2004.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
C-3 Patsy Morris, City of Toronto Clerk’s Office dated July 8, 2004 advising of action taken by the City Policy and Finance Committee regarding the report entitled, “If Low Income Women of Colour Counted in Toronto.”
Chair Moscoe Moved The Following Motions:
1. That The Commission Establish An Equity And Human Rights Committee Comprised Of Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Mihevc And Commissioner Balkissoon, With Vice-Chair Mihevc Serving As Chair.
2. That Staff Provide The Necessary Administrative Support And Arrange Meetings For The Committee.
3. That The Authors Of The Subject Report And Representatives Of The Labour Council And The Amalgamated Transit Union Be Advised Of The Dates Of The Meetings.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
Vice-Chair Mihevc Moved That The Communication From The City Clerk Be Referred To The Equity And Human Rights Committee For Consideration.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Mihevc Carried.
C-4 Shaya Petroff, (not dated) forwarding two suggestions for the consideration of the Commission in an effort to save money, improve efficiency and reduce air pollution.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(Also See Deputation ‘B’)
C-5 Myra Rodrigues, dated September 21, 2004 forwarding comments regarding staff report entitled, “Transit Service to Variety Village.”
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(Also See Report No. 29 For Minute)
New Business
a) Fare Media
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Provide The Following Additional Information With Their Report At The October Meeting On The Establishment Of A Weekly Pass:
- Sunday Family Pass Being Extended To A Weekend Pass;
- One Day Pass Be Expanded To Include Use During Rush Hours;
- Feasibility Of Replacing All Paper Tickets With Cash Fares And Lowering The Cash Fare To $2.00 To Coincide With The Introduction Of A Weekly Pass; And
- There Also Be A Later Report On The Feasibility Of Installing Automated Pass Vending Equipment Noting Exactly What We Have Done Today On All Of Our Commuter Parking Lots.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
b) Committee of the Whole Resolution
The Commission Approved A Resolution By Vice-Chair Mihevc To Meet As The Committee Of The Whole At 10:00 a.m., Or Later, On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.