Board Meeting - July 19, 2006
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Committee Of The Whole Resolution
- 2:00 p.m.
Notice Of Motion
Councillor Saundercook – Motion of Non-Confidence
Commissioners’ Correspondence
CC-1 Chair Howard Moscoe re: TTC Routes and Garbage
CC-2 Commissioner Joe Mihevc re: Forest Hill Bus 33 Routing
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation
- Operator Assault Task Force Initiatives - Capital Project Approval (Presentation)
- New Subway Train - ACAT Participation in Design Development (Presentation)
- Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 5 April 30 to May 27, 2006
- Ridership Growth Strategy – Status Update
- Procurement Authorization Finch Station – Air Conditioning Replacement in Elevator Machine Rooms Contract Y17-15
- Procurement Authorization Lakeshore Garage – Public Address and Intercom System Contract WT1-16
- Procurement Authorization Miscellaneous Construction Services – Triennial Contract G60-161
- Procurement Authorization - Supply of Miscellaneous Electronic Components
- Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Subway Transfer Paper
- Procurement Authorization for Surface Transfers
- Subway Car Purchase - Status
- New Subway Train – Seating Configuration
- Procurement Authorization – Supply of Non-Revenue Utility Vehicle/Rail Shunter – SRT System
- Purchase Order Amendment Authority – Supply and Installation of New Load Interrupter Switches
- Purchase Order Amendment – Supply of Steel Poles for Overhead System
- Procurement Authorization – Provision of Waste Handling and Disposal Services
- Procurement Authorization Amendment – Option to Purchase 220 40-Foot Low Floor Diesel-Electric Hybrid Orion VII Buses (Presentation Available)
- Purchase of Carbone of America Parts
- Purchase of Brush Parts
- Purchase of Bendix Parts
- Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts
- Installation of the Costi Commemorative Quilt at York Mills Station
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $100,000 to $200,000 for the Period May 1, 2006 to May 31, 2006
- Notice of Award - Purchase of CLRV Centre Bearings
- Notice of Award - Purchase of 1000 MCM Cable
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) – Standards Development
- Proof of Payment Fare Collection at the TTC
- TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 4.17.3 Drugs & Alcohol
- TTC Corporate Policy Review - Operation of TTC Vehicles – Policy 2.1.3
- Free Transit for Canadian War Veterans & Peacekeepers (Remembrance Day and Warriors Day)
- Outstanding Commission Items
- Declare Surplus - A Portion of Islington Transit Property
- Retail Lease Renewal - Moyash Enterprises Limited (Hunts Bakery) - Islington Station
- Greater Toronto Transportation Authority Act, 2006 (Bill 104)
- Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
- TTC Bus Donation Process
- Management Program for Escalators and Elevators
- 33 Forest Hill Routing Change
- Correspondence – See Attached
- New Business
Budget Matters
Procurement Matters
Other Business
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, July 19, 2006 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
Present - Committee of the Whole
H. Moscoe (Chair), A. Giambrone (Vice-Chair), J. Mihevc, B. Ashton, M. Grimes, S. Bussin, G. De Baeremaeker and B. Saundercook (Commissioners), G. Webster (Interim Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (Acting General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering and Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), S. Blakey (Executive Director - Human Resources), A. Smith (Acting Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.
H. Moscoe was in the Chair.
B. Agnew-Iler, Mayor’s Office was also present.
S. Savona, Chair, TTC’s Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation was also present.
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager – Surface Operations was present for Item No. 1
C. Heald, Project Manager – Rail Vehicles was present for Item Nos. 2 and 12.
In this section
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Saundercook Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1871 And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.
The Motion By Commissioner Saundercook Carried.
Committee of the whole resolution
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That The Commission Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, August 30, 2006 At 10:00 A.M., Or Later, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
a) Motion of Non-Confidence in Chair – Commissioner Saundercook
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong
City of Toronto
Councillor Karen Stintz
City of Toronto
Councillor Jane Pitfield
City of Toronto
Councillor Frances Nunziata
City of Toronto
John Cartwright
Toronto York Region Labour Council
Steve Munro
Gord Perks
The Commission Received The Deputations.
(See Notice Of Motion Section For Minute)
b) Report No. 4 – Ridership Growth Strategy – Status Update
Steve Munro
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Report No. 4 For Minute)
c) Report No. 12 – New Subway Train – Seating Configuration
Steve Munro
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Report No. 12 For Minute)
d) Report No. 2 New Subway Train – ACAT Participation in Design Development
Sam Savona
Co-Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation
The Commission Received The Deputation.
(See Item No. 2 And 12 For Minute)
e) Pricing of TTC Senior Fares
Badrudin Jivraj
The Commission Received The Deputation.
Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The Next Meeting On The Feasibility Of Introducing A Seniors Day Pass.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
Notice Of Motion
f) Motion of Non-Confidence – Commissioner Saundercook
Moved By: Councillor Saundercook
Seconded By: Councillor Grimes
Whereas: Commissioner Moscoe Is The Chair Of The Toronto Transit Commission And In Recent Months, Relations Between The Amalgamated Transit Union And TTC Management Have Been Challenged.
Whereas: Under Commissioner Moscoe’s Tenure, Two General Managers Have Vacated Their Offices Citing Political Interference By Chair Moscoe – David Gunn And Most Recently Richard Ducharme. In Addition, Former Chief General Manager Al Leach Vacated His Office For The Same Reasons When Councillor Moscoe Was A Commissioner.
Whereas: Today, The Commission Has Instructed Staff To Start The Process Of Hiring A New Chief General Manager.
Whereas: Councillor Moscoe Violated The Very Important And Sensitive Direction By The Commission At Its Meeting Of May 17th After The Commission Unanimously Supported Management’s Decision Regarding Management – Labour Relations.
Whereas: Councillor Moscoe, As A Passionate Advocate For The TTC Will Clearly Understand That By Stepping Down As Chair, Will Assist The Process Of Hiring A New Chief General Manager.
Therefore Be It Resolved That A Motion Of Non-Confidence Be Placed Before The Commission And That The Chair Resign At The Next Meeting Of The Commission On JULY 19TH, And That A New Chair Be Selected At That Scheduled Meeting.
Vice-Chair Giambrone Called For A Vote On Commissioner Saundercook’s Motion.
For: Commissioner Saundercook, Commissioner Grimes, Commissioner Ashton
Against: Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Giambrone, Commissioner Mihevc, Commissioner De Baeremaeker, Commissioner Bussin.
The Motion By Commissioner Saundercook Lost.
On Conclusion Of The Vote, Commissioner Grimes Submitted His Resignation From The Commission, Effectively Immediately.
The Commission Received Commissioner Grimes Resignation.
Commissioners Correspondence
CC-1 – Chair Moscoe submitted his e-mail dated June 26, 2006 entitled, “TTC Routes and Garbage.”
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Commission Endorse The Request For Trash Containers At All TTC Stops And That This Request Be Forwarded To The City Works Committee For Consideration.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
CC-2 – Commissioner Mihevc submitted his communication dated May 15, 2006 entitled, “Forest Hill Bus 33 Routing.”
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(See Item No. 35C For Minute)
CC-3 – Vice-Chair Giambrone tabled his communication (undated) entitled, “Initial Procedure By-Law Changes and Lobbyist Registry” for consideration at the next meeting.
The Commission Noted The Foregoing.
CC-4 – Vice-Chair Giambrone submitted his communication dated July 19, 2006 entitled, “Car Free Day.”
Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved That TTC Staff Be Requested To Enter Into Discussions With The Sierra Club Of Canada, Ontario Chapter, On Opportunities For The TTC To Participate In A Promotional Activity/Event During Car Free Day Celebrations On September 22, 2006.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.
1. Operator Assault Task Force Initiatives – Capital Project Approval
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 19, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Presentation – Operator Assault Task Force Initiatives – Capital Project Approval.”
R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager – Surface Operations also gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.
After Hearing The Presentation, Chair Moscoe Moved:
1. That The GPS System Chosen Be Of Sufficient Quality To Permit Its Use For Provision Of Real Time Schedule Information To Passengers When Required.
2. That Staff Include Comment On The Integrity Of The Quality Of The Colour System When They Report On Cameras.
3. That the amount of $3.1 million be authorized for the automated stop system.
The Motions by Chair Moscoe Carried.
2. New Subway Train – ACAT Participation in Design Development
(See Item No. 12)
Budget Matters
3. Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 5 – April 30 to May 27, 2006
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period April 30 to May 27, 2006; and
2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM’s report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.
4. Ridership Growth Strategy – Status Update
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Recommendation #2 Contained In The Report Be Amended To Read As Follows:
2. Forward This Report To The City Of Toronto Through The Planning And Transportation Committee, The Ontario Ministry Of Transportation And The Appropriate Federal Government Department For Information.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
The Commission Approved The Report, As Amended.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That As A Part Of The 2007 Budget Process, The 2007-2011 Five-Year Budget Forecast, The Report On “Building A Transit City” And The Ridership Growth Strategy, That Staff Report Back On The Proposal To Establish A Goal Of 3% Ridership Increase On An Annual Basis With The End Goal Of Achieving 500 Million Rides By 2010.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
Procurement Matters
5. Procurement Authorization Finch Station – Air Conditioning Replacement in Elevator Machine Rooms Contract Y17-15
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Servocraft Limited (Servocraft) in the amount of $241,004.50 for Contract Y17-15, Finch Station – Air Conditioning Replacement in Elevator Machine Rooms.
6. Procurement Authorization Lakeshore Garage – Public Address and Intercom System Contract WT1-16
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by JK Quality Electronics Ltd. in the amount of $221,742.74 for Contract WT1-16, Lakeshore Garage – Public Address and Intercom System.
7. Procurement Authorization Miscellaneous Construction Services – Triennial Contract G60-161
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the Proposal for Miscellaneous Construction Services – Triennial submitted by Black & McDonald Limited in the upset limit amount of $750,000.00 for the period commencing with Notification of Award to September 30, 2009.
8. Procurement Authorization – Supply of Miscellaneous Electronic Components
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Newark In One in the total upset limit amount of $4,250,000 for the supply of miscellaneous electronic components for a three year period from August 1, 2006 to July 31, 2009.
9. Procurement Authorization for the Supply of Subway Transfer Paper
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to MAG 2000 Plus, for the supply of subway transfer paper in the amount of $600,127.50 for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009.
10. Procurement Authorization for Surface Transfers
It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order to Moore Canada in the amount of $2,482,243.20 for the supply of Surface Transfers for the period January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009.
11. Subway Car Purchase - Status
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.
12. New Subway Train – Seating Configuration
C. Heald, Project Manager, Rail Vehicles provided a verbal update with respect to this matter.
S. Savona, Co-Chair, TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation advised that ACAT’s comments regarding the new subway car design would be available for consideration at the next Commission meeting.
T. Andrews, Chief Special Constable also provided comment on the contents of a report issued by the U.S. Federal Transit Administration dated November 2004 entitled, “Transit Security Design Considerations, which was distributed by Commissioner Mihevc.
Commissioner Saundercook Moved That The Report Be Deferred Until The Next Meeting.
The Motion By Commissioner Saundercook Lost.
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Recommendation Contained In The Staff Report Be Struck Out And Replaced With The Following:
Whereas: Safety Is A Critical Consideration In All Activities At The TTC; And
Whereas: The Commission Endorses The System Safety Plan And Its Objectives; And
Whereas: The TTC Must Ensure That Customers Have A Comfortable And Pleasant Experience When Riding Transit And Are Treated With Respect As Valued Customers; And
Whereas: The TTC Must Continue To Find Ways To Make Transit An Attractive Alternative To Travel By Car; And
Whereas: The Commission Has Previously Stated That, In The Design Of The New Subway Cars, The Seating Configuration Should Be Of The Mixed Sideways-Front/Back Type Found In The T-1 Car, And Should Be Made Of Comfortable Materials And Design, Similar To What Is Found In The T-1 Cars, In Order To Provide Passengers With A Comfortable Ride Which Allows And Encourages Social Interaction; And
Whereas: The TTC Is Committed To Ensuring That All Of Its Facilities And Vehicles Are Fully Accessible; And
Whereas: The TTC’s Advisory Committee On Accessible Transportation Has Stated That, In Order To Maximize Accessiblity And Movement Of Mobility Devices And Aids, There Should Not Be Centre Stanchions Within Subway Cars:
Therefore Be
It Resolved: That The Commission Reaffirm Its Position That The Seating Configuration For The New Subway Cars Be Of The Mixed Sideways-Front/Back Type Found In The T-1 Cars, And That The Seating Be Made Of A Comfortable Design And Material Which Is Similar To What Is Found In The T-1 Cars And Which Is Not All Metal; And
Be It Further
Resolved: That The New Subway Cars Not Have Centre Stanchions; And
Be It Further
Resolved: That, Working Within This Design Context, Staff Be Directed To Identify And Incorporate All Possible Safety Features And Improvements In The Design Of The New Subway Cars, With The Objective Of Maximizing The Safety Of The New Subway Cars, Consistent With The Objectives Of The System Safety Plan.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
13. Procurement Authorization: Supply of Non-Revenue Utility Vehicle/Rail Shunter – SRT System
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the proposal submitted by Mross Import Service Ltd. (Mross) in the amount of $619,517.00, for the Supply of a Unimog Utility Vehicle/Rail Shunter for the SRT system. TTC will self-assess the Ontario Retail Sales Tax of $46,756.00 bringing the total required authorized amount to $666,273.00.
The total amount is derived as follows:
Base Proposal Price / $726,450.00
Delete supply & installation of 2 couplers / (142,000.00)
Subtotal / $584,450.00
GST@6% / 35,067.00
Award Value /$619,517.00
ORST@8% / 46,756.00
Required Authorization / $666,273.00
14. Purchase Order Amendment Authority – Supply and Installation of New Load Interrupter Switches
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order Amendment Authority to The State Group Inc. (State) in the amount of $102,703.25 for the supply and installation of load interrupter switches at the Park Hill Substation as part of the ongoing Substation Electrical Rebuild Project.
15. Purchase Order Amendment – Supply of Steel Poles for Overhead System
It is recommended that the Commission authorize contract amendment C31PK05847-#3 in the amount of $255,000.00 to Powco Steel Products (Powco) for the supply of specialized shared use steel poles and pylons for installation on the St. Clair Avenue West Transit Improvement Project.
16. Procurement Authorization – Provision of Waste Handling and Disposal Services
Chair Moscoe Moved:
1. That Consideration Of The Report Be Deferred.
2. That Vice-Chair Giambrone, Who Is Also The Vice-Chair Of The Works Committee, Be Directed To Convene A Meeting Between TTC Staff And The General Manager Solid Waste At The City Of Toronto To Explore Alternative Options; And
3. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back At The Next Meeting.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
Commissioner De Baeremaeker Moved That If It Is Not Possible To Extend The Tender Validity Date For This Contract To Permit The Deferral That The Chair Be Authorized To Take Appropriate Action In Dealing With This Matter.
The Motion By Commissioner De Baeremaeker Carried.
17. Procurement Authorization Amendment – Option to Purchase 220 40-Foot Low Floor Diesel-Electric Hybrid Orion VII Buses
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. authorize staff to exercise the contract option with Orion Bus Industries of Mississauga (Orion) in an amount of $169,472,711.92 including all taxes, bonding, manuals and training for the purchase of 220 40-foot low floor diesel-electric hybrid Orion VII buses for delivery in 2007, subject to approval by Council of the City of Toronto, and
2. Forward a copy of this report to the Council of the City of Toronto for approval to proceed with the award of this contract option for the purchase of 220 40-foot low floor diesel-electric hybrid Orion VII buses for delivery in 2007, and
3. Note that this procurement is based on the approved bus fleet plan as shown in “Appendix 1” attached, and the 2006-2010 Capital budget program approved by the Council of the City of Toronto on December 12, 2005, and
4. Authorize staff to negotiate a price with Orion Bus Industries for the option to purchase up to 100 additional buses with the intent of making an award no later than March 31, 2007 for delivery in the first quarter of 2008. The request for Budget approval for this purchase will be included in the 2007 to 2011 Capital Budget submission under Capital Project 4.11 – Purchase of Buses.
5. Authorize staff to dispose of those buses retired as a result of the purchase of the 220 new buses in the best interest of the Commission.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Incorporate Ridership Growth Strategy Goals, As Well As Contingency Buses When Determining The Number Of Buses Required.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
chair moscoe moved that staff report on a price for clean diesel buses if the subsidy for hybrid buses is no longer available.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved That Bike Racks Also Be Included As An Option.
The Motion By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.
18. Purchase of Carbone of America Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, additional authority in the amount of $560,000 to Carbone of America (LCL) Ltd. for the additional supply of Carbone of America parts for the period ending January 31, 2009 resulting in revised upset limits of $2,660,000.
19. Purchase of Brush Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, additional authority in the amount of $390,000 to Sherwood Electromotion Incorporated for the additional supply of Brush parts for the period ending June 27, 2008 resulting in revised upset limit of $2,140,000.
20. Purchase of Bendix Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of Bendix parts to the following companies for the period from August 2006 to August 2009:
- Bartlett-Provincial Brake Incorporated for $2,670,000 including applicable taxes.
- Freightliner Mid Ontario for $164,000 including applicable taxes.
- MCI Service Parts for $146,000 including applicable taxes.
- Orion Bus Industries Limited for $53,000 including applicable taxes.
- Fort Garry Industries Limited for $41,000 including applicable taxes.
21. Purchase of Rockwell Meritor Brake Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the following for inventory:
1. Additional funds for the purchase order with Orion Bus Industries Limited for $221,000 resulting in a revised upset limit of $6,538,000 (including applicable taxes) to the period ending November 2007.
2. Additional funds for the purchase order with Fort Garry Industries for $455,000 resulting in a revised upset limit of $588,000 (including applicable taxes) to the period ending November 2007.
3. The award of an inventory supply contract for the supply of various Rockwell Meritor brake parts to New Flyer Industries Canada ULC for $17,000, including applicable taxes, for the period commencing award following Commission approval to November 2007.
22. Installation of the Costi Commemorative Quilt at York Mills Station
It is recommended that the Commission accept this report for information, noting that in order to complete the installation, TTC will have to incur additional unbudgeted engineering costs of $40,000 which will require authorization by the Commission.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That The Commission Authorize $40,000 To Cover The Engineering Costs Detailed In The Report.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried
23. Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between
$100,000 to $200,000 for the Period May 1, 2006 to May 31, 2006
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period May 1, 2006 to May 31, 2006, which were approved by Senior Management.
24. Notice of Award – Purchase of CLRV Centre Bearings
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Giambrone and the Interim Chief General Manager authorizing for inventory an issuance of an amendment in the amount of $181,371.33 to Canadian Bearings Limited for the additional supply of CLRV centre bearings resulting in a revised value to $247,000.94.
25. Notice of Award – Purchase of 1000 MCM Cable
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Moscoe, Vice-Chair Giambrone and the Interim Chief General Manager for inventory of a contract to Anixter Canada Incorporated for the supply of 1000 MCM Cable in the amount of $1,088,130 including applicable taxes.
Other Business
26. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) – Standards Development
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Convey to the Minister of Community and Social Services its concern that the process being used to develop accessibility standards for the transit industry, in support of the AODA, is based on unrealistic deadlines and with little attention to, or understanding of, the feasibility and operational and cost implications of the proposed standards. This could result in substantial unexpected costs and/or a net deterioration in the provision of accessible transit services,
2. Forward this report to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, the Ontario Ministry of Finance, the Ontario Regional Committee of the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA), the Ontario Community Transportation Association (OCTA), and the City of Toronto, and
3. Note that:
• The TTC, working together with its Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation (ACAT), has developed a comprehensive plan for making its transit system accessible, and is implementing the plan on a staged timetable consistent with the funding available from taxpayers and transit riders;
• The primary purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) (June 2005) is to “develop, implement and enforce accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities … by January 1, 2025”;
• The Province is proceeding to develop standards for “customer service” and for “transportation” and has made commitments to initiate a standards development process for the “built environment”, “employment”, and “information and communications” later in 2006 and early 2007;
• A member of TTC staff, and four other transit industry representatives, have been selected to participate in the 27-member Transportation Standards Development Committee (T-SDC) established by the Minister of Community and Social Services. Due to the potential implications of the standards on transit operators throughout the Province, the Ontario transit industry has also established a broadly-based Resource Team to support the transit industry representatives on the T-SDC;
• The City of Toronto has representative on the Customer Service Standards Development Committee (CS-SDC), and TTC staff have been exchanging information with City of Toronto staff on the two standards development processes currently underway;
• The standards could have significant implications for the way in which accessible transit services are to be provided, and the cost of those services; however, the standards are still being developed and the cost and operational implications remain uncertain;
• The Province is not planning to provide additional funding for any changes to services, facilities, or operations required as a result of the standards;
• The Province has established an extremely-aggressive timetable for the development and adoption of standards for the transportation sector, with a target of finalizing specific standards by September 2006 and, following a 45-day public review period later in 2006, adopting the standards, by regulation, in 2007;
• With this timetable, it is impractical for there to be a comprehensive review of the proposed standards, and their operational and cost implications for the TTC, in advance of the standards being adopted;
• Experience elsewhere with the development of accessibility standards has shown that there can be unintended negative consequences related to the adoption of standards. For example, the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards in the US resulted in dramatic increases in some transit costs, and pressure to reduce the overall amount of service provided to help offset the cost increases;
• TTC staff share the concerns of many transit operators in Ontario, that, based on the draft standards put forward to date, the standards may have significant operating and cost implications for the transit industry, and that the current process for establishing standards may have unforeseen consequences. The broad concern is evident by the transit industry letter attached to this report;
• Staff will continue to participate, in the Provincial process to develop accessibility standards and will report on the implications of the proposed standards when additional information is available.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved:
1. That The TTC Have As Its Official Position, Its Support Of The Aoda And Its Intent To Pursue Aggressively Its Accessiblity Goals.
2. That The Commission Request The Minister Of Community And Social Services To Reconsider The Established Timetable For Development Of These Standards So The Result Will Be A Process For The Development Of Standards For The Transit Industry That Allows For Adequate Time To Ensure That The Approved Standards Achieve The Intended Results, And Reflect The Practical, Functional Realities Of Providing Transit Services In The Province.
3. That The Commission Request That The Minister Of Community And Social Services Include, In The Proposed Standards, A Requirement That All Streetcar Services In The Province Of Ontario Be At Least 33% Accessible By 2015 And 100% Accessible By 2025.
The Motions By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Staff Report And Commissioner Mihevc’s Motions Be Referred To The City Budget Advisory Committee For Information.
The Motion By Commissioner Ashton Carried.
27. Proof-of-Payment Fare Collection at the TTC
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Confirm the continued use of the proof-of-payment (POP) fare collection system for streetcar services on Queen Street, along with the requirement for exclusively-dedicated staff resources for enforcement of the system;
2. Approve the hiring of two new full-time staff to be fully-and-exclusively-dedicated to fare inspection and enforcement on POP routes;
3. Note that:
• The streetcar services operating on Queen Street (501 QUEEN, 502 DOWNTOWNER, 503 KINGSTON RD, and 508 LAKE SHORE) have been operating with proof-of-payment since 1990, at designated times of the day, primarily to allow faster, all-door loading on the larger, three-door Articulated Light Rail Vehicle (ALRV) streetcars. These are the only regular services at the TTC currently operating with proof-of-payment.
• Proof-of-payment fare collection improves transit operations by speeding up passenger loading and reducing delays resulting from serving stops, because it allows passengers who already have a proof-of-payment (transfer, Metropass or other pass) to use all doors for boarding and alighting. The issue of passenger boarding and alighting times becomes increasingly important with larger vehicles that have three or more sets of doors, such as the ALRV streetcar.
• The reduction in delay achievable through POP also improves service reliability which, in turn, means that streetcars are better able to accommodate surge loading at individual stops.
• It is expected that the new Light Rail Transit (LRT) streetcars which the TTC is planning to buy to replace the current aging streetcar fleet, will have at least three sets of doors, and the low-floor design will not allow the operator to collect fares on these vehicles in the same way as is done at present. This will require that the routes on which these vehicles will operate use proof-of-payment fare collection to allow all-door boarding.
• There are costs associated with the operation of a proof-of-payment fare system because of the requirement for the constant presence of fare inspection and enforcements officers. Also, typically, fare evasion is higher on proof-of-payment systems than on the TTC’s current “pay-on-entry” system where all fare transactions are personally overseen by the operator of the vehicle.
• Staff will develop an implementation plan for the expansion of the proof-of-payment system to some, or all, of the streetcar network in conjunction with the introduction of new LRT streetcars; and
4. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for information.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back In One Year On The Proof-Of-Payment System, With A View To Expanding The System To Other Lines.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
28. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 4.17.3 Drugs and Alcohol
It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy 4.17.3, Drugs and Alcohol, which is attached hereto as Appendix A.
29. TTC Corporate Policy Review Operation of TTC Vehicles - Policy 2.1.3
It is recommended that the Commission approve TTC Corporate Policy 2.1.3, Operation of TTC Vehicles, which is attached as Appendix A.
30. Free Transit for Canadian War Veterans and Peacekeepers (Remembrance Day and Warriors’ Day)
It is recommended that the Commission approve free TTC travel for Canadian War Veterans and Peacekeepers on Remembrance Day and Warriors’ Day, on an annual basis.
Outstanding Commission Items
It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the attached list of outstanding Commission items for the period up to and including the meeting of May 17, 2006.
32. Declare Surplus – A Portion of Islington Transit Property
Commissioner De Baeremaeker Moved:
1. That The Staff Report Be Received For Information.
2. That City Staff, In Consultation With TTC Staff, Negotiate A Deal With Snc-Lavalin Group Inc. In Regards To Bloor-Islington That Optimally Balances The Needs Of The City And The TTC.
3. That City Staff And TTC Staff Brief An Ad Hoc Group Comprised Of The Mayor, Or His Designate, The Local Ward Councillor, And Councillor De Baeremaeker Representing The TTC Commission On A Bi-Weekly Basis Or More Frequently As Required Until Negotiations Are Completed Or Terminated.
4. That City Staff And TTC Staff Report Back To The August 30, 2006 Commission Meeting.
The Motion By Commissioner De Baeremaeker Carried.
33. Retail Lease Renewal – Moyash Enterprises Limited (Hunts Bakery) – Islington Station
It is recommended that the Commission approve renewing the retail lease agreement with Moyash Enterprises Limited (Hunts Bakery) at Islington Subway Station to allow for a five-year renewal period.
34. Greater Toronto Transportation Authority Act, 2006 (Bill 104)
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.
Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
a) TTC Bus Donation Process
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 19, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – TTC Bus Donation Process.”
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Commissioner De Baeremaeker Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back To The Next Meeting On Ways And Means That The TTC Could Facilitate The Donation Of Four Road Worthy Buses To The Belka Enrichment Centre, Including A Request For Staff/Suppliers To Donate Material And Labour.
The Motion By Commissioner De Baeremaeker Carried.
b) Management Program for Escalators and Elevators
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 19, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Management Program for Escalators and Elevators.”
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Chair Moscoe Moved:
1. That Staff Revise The Elevator Protocol To Ensure That Someone Within The Local Station Environment Has Direct Accountability For Ensuring The Elevator Is Operational; And
2. That Staff Be Requested To Report Back To The Next Meeting.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
c) 33 Forest Hill Routing Change
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 19, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – 33 Forest Hill Routing Change.”
The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Commence A Six Month Trial Of The Proposed Routing Change For The 33 Forest Hill Service As Detailed In Exhibit 1 Of The Staff Memorandum.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
C-1 M. J. Calla, Executive Director, Costi Immigrant Services dated July 6, 2006 requesting the TTC’s support in finalizing work concerning the Hoggs Hollows Memorial Quilt.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(See Item No. 22 For Minute)
C-2 T. Allen, dated July 11, 2006 requesting the TTC to reverse its decision to remove staff from the west side entrance at the Sheppard Station and the possible provision of a new walkway to the staffed entrance on Sheppard.
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Communication Be Referred To Staff For Report.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
C-3 Philip Webb, dated July 17, 2006 forwarding comments regarding staff report #27 entitled, “Proof-of-Payment Fare Collection at the TTC.”
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(See Item No. 27 For Minute)
C-4 Elliott Rosenberg, dated July 17, 2006 expressing support for the proposed six month trial for a new route for the Forest Hill bus.
The Commission also received numerous other communications concerning this matter.
The Commission Received The Communications For Information.
(See Item No. 35C For Minute)
New Business
a) Smoking on the TTC
Chair Moscoe submitted his communication dated July 12, 2006 entitled, “Smoking on the TTC.”
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
b) TTC Charter Costs for Metropolis 2006
The Commission had before it a memorandum dated July 19, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “TTC Charter Costs for Metropolis 2006.”
Commissioner Ashton Moved That The Commission Waive The Charter Costs Of $2,189.00 And That The City Of Toronto Be So Advised.
The Motion By Commission Ashton Carried.
c) Personal Expenses – Commissioner Bussin
Chair Moscoe Moved That The Commission Authorize The Reimbursement Of Unavoidable Personal Expenses Totalling $1,189.15 Incurred By Commissioner Bussin As A Result Of The Emergency Commission Meeting Held On June 7, 2006.
The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.
d) Budget Meetings
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That City Budget Advisory Committee Members And The Mayor’s Office Be Invited To All TTC Budget Meetings.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
e) Future of Scarborough RT
Commissioner Mihevc Moved That Staff Be Requested To Facilitate A Joint Meeting Of The Toronto Transit Commission And The Scarborough Community Council Concerning The Future Of The Scarborough RT.
The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.
f) Junction and Lambton Bus Routes
Commissioner Saundercook Moved That Staff Be Requested To Review The Feasibility Of Combining The Junction And Lambton Bus Routes As Part Of The Service Improvement Process.
The Motion By Commissioner Saundercook Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.