Board Meeting - June 21, 2006

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room #2 (2nd Floor), City Hall – 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1871
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution


  • 2:00 p.m.

Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting To Permit Debate/Public Presentations


  1. Toronto Child Abuse Centre – Making a Difference
  2. Operator Assault Task Force Update
  3. Budget Matters

  4. Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 4 - April 2 to April 29, 2006
  5. Procurement Matters

  6. Procurement Authorization Consultant Design Services Office Renovations Contract G85-219
  7. Procurement Authorization Harvey Shop North-West Corner On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation Program Contract M1-65 
  8. Procurement Authorization Allen Road Southbound Bridge Structure No. SPA-10 + 780B-BR and West Retaining Wall Contract A35-11 
  9. Procurement Authorization Wilson Garage Roof Replacement Contract C1-27 
  10. University Subway Stations Renaissance – Design Enhancement Initiatives - Museum Station Contract U85-8
  11. Procurement Authorization Wilson Station, Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A17-24 
  12. Procurement Authorization Environmental Assessment Study Waterfront West Streetcars Contract G85-218
  13. Procurement Authorization –Supply of Courier and Cartage Services 
  14. Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Safety Equipment
  15. Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Natural Gas
  16. Procurement Authorization Amendment – Deletion of UWE Outdoor Storage System – Orion VII Diesel Buses
  17. Procurement Authorization – Supply Replacement Battery Sets for the CLRV Streetcar Fleet
  18. Procurement Authorization – Armed Guard Services
  19. Procurement Authorization – Environmental Legal Services
  20. Purchase Order Authorization Amendment – Elevator Maintenance Contract
  21. Purchase Authorization – Provision of Inspection  Services Supplied by the Electrical Safety Authority
  22. Purchase of Lamps 
  23. Purchase of Supervisory and Operator Clothing 
  24. Purchase of FBO Parts
  25. Purchase of Ford Parts 
  26. Purchase of Various Communication Components 
  27. Purchase of Minelec Parts
  28. Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $100,000 to $200,000 for the Period April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2006 
  29. Notice of Award – Property and Catastrophe Liability Insurance Renewal – June 1, 2006 
  30. Other Business

  31. 2 Fieldway Road – New Commuter Parking Lot at Islington Station
  32. Retail Leasing – Master Plan for Expansion and Implementation of Kiosk Retail Concept (Presentation Available)
  33. Ridership Growth Strategy: Commuter Parking Expansion – Implementation of Short to Medium Term Expansion Opportunities (Presentation Available) 
  34. TTC Pension Fund Society Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2005 and Bylaw Amendments for Approval
  35. Sick Benefit Association By-Law Changes, Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2005
  36. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 10.12.2 Environment
  37. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 3.1.3 Art in Public Transit Facilities
  38. TTC-TWRC Waterfront Transit Environmental Assessment – Terms of Reference (Report to Follow)
  39. Staff Response to Commission Inquiry
    • Cash Supplement on Fare Media After Fare Increase
    • Transit Pass and Parking Requirements
    • TTC Complaints Process
    • TTC Student Card Photo Process for 905 Students
    • Internet Trip Planning Directives 
  40. Correspondence – See Attached
  41. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, June 21, 2006 commencing at 1:10 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

H. Moscoe (Chair), A. Giambrone (Vice-Chair), J. Mihevc, P. Li Preti, B. Ashton, M. Grimes, S. Bussin, G. De Baeremaeker and B. Saundercook (Commissioners), G. Webster (Interim Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive  & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (Acting General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering and Construction), L. Hilborn (Deputy General Manager - Corporate), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), T. Andrews (Chief Special Constable), S. Blakey (Executive Director - Human Resources), A. Smith (Acting Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator - Secretariat Services) were present.

H. Moscoe was in the Chair.

S. Green, Mayor’s Office was present.

K. Kennedy, Executive Director, Toronto Child Abuse Centre was present for Item No. 1.

R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager – Surface Operations was present for Item No. 2.

C. Wheeler, Manager – Property Development was present for Item Nos. 29 and 30.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved That The Commission Approve The Minutes From Meeting No. 1870 And That The Chair And General Secretary Be Authorized To Sign The Same.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the whole resolution

Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved That The Commission Meet As The Committee Of The Whole On Wednesday, July 19, 2006 AT 10:00 A.M., Or Later, To Deal With Litigation Or Potential Litigation Matters, Labour Relations Or Employee Negotiations And To Receive Advice Which Is Subject To Solicitor-Client Privilege.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.


a) Requesting Additional Support for “Computer Labs on Wheels”

Dennis Keshinro
Program Coordinator/President
Belka Enrichment Centre

Kayode Fatoba

The Commission Received The Deputations.

Commissioner Li Preti Moved That The Commission Direct Staff To Accommodate The Request Of The Deputant, Where Possible.

The Motion By Commissioner Li Preti Carried.

Commissioner De Baeremaeker Moved That Staff Be Requested To Report Back On The TTC’s Donation Policy.

The Motion By Commissioner De Baeremaeker Carried.

b) Report No. 35 – TTC-TWRC Waterfront Transit Environmental Assessments – Terms of Reference

Daniel Belanger

Margaret Samuel
Secretary & VP Communications
Central Waterfront Neighbourhood Association

Dave Hanna

The Commission Received The Deputations.

(See Report No. 35 For Minute)

c) Report No. 3 – CGM Report Period 4

Timothy Wright

The Commission Received The Deputation.

(See Report No. 3 For Minute)

Commissioners Correspondence

CC-1 – Vice-Chair Giambrone submitted his communication dated June 21, 2006 entitled, “Special Constables on Surface Routes.”

Commissioner Grimes Moved:

1. That Staff Undertake A Comprehensive Deployment Review Of The Need For Transit Special Constables On Surface Routes That Will Not Negatively Impact The Rollout Of The 5-Year Deployment Plan For TTC Special Constables.

2. That Staff Explore The Possibilities For Deploying New Special Constables On Surface Routes In Consultation With The Toronto Police Service.

3. That The Chief Special Constable Liaise With The Toronto Police Service With Regards To This Review.

The Motions By Commissioner Grimes Carried.

CC-2 – Vice-Chair Giambrone submitted his communication dated June 21, 2006 entitled, “Identification Required for Metropass Federal Tax Credits.”

Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved:

1. That Staff Report On The TTC’s Current Understanding Of The Federal Government’s Requirements And The TTC’s Measures To Meet Them.

2. That All Metropass Purchasers Receive A Receipt Automatically, If Possible, With A Brochure Advising Them To Keep The Receipt For Potential Income Tax Purposes; And Further That Information About Claiming The Credit Be Included In A Prominent Place On The TTC Website.

3. That Staff Report Back On Measures To Add Necessary Information To The Monthly Metropasses.

The Motions By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.


1. Toronto Child Abuse Centre – Making a Difference Award Presentation

On May 10, 2006 the Toronto Child Abuse Centre recognized the TTC Transit Community Watch Program with the Making a Difference Award.

The mandate of the Toronto Child Abuse Centre is the elimination of child abuse and neglect.  The Making a Difference Award is presented to those who share the commitment of the elimination of child abuse and to those who have acted to protect children in our community.

The TTC Transit Community Watch program which began in 1993 encourages all TTC employees to report problems they observe in the community, on the transit system and in the workplace.  TTC employees have on numerous occasions assisted lost children and victims of crime by reporting what they see.

On behalf of all TTC employees, Chair Moscoe accepted the Making a Difference Award from K. Kennedy, Executive Director of the Toronto Child Abuse Centre.

2. Operator Assault Task Force Update

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Presentation – Operator Assault Task Force.”

R. Boutilier, Deputy General Manager – Surface Operations also gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

Commissioner Mihevc Moved That The Commission Endorse The Contents Of The Presentation.

The Motion By Commissioner Mihevc Carried.

Budget Matters

3. Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 4 – April 2 to 29, 2006

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. receive for information the attached Executive Summary of the Chief General Manager’s (CGM’s) report covering the period April 2 to 29, 2006; and

2. Forward a copy of this cover report and the Executive Summary to each City Councillor for information (noting that the detailed CGM’s report is available on request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.


Procurement Matters

4. Procurement Authorization Consultant Design Services Office Renovations Contract G85-219

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contract to Freeman + Freeman Design Inc. for Consultant Design Services – Office Renovations in the upset limit amount of $450,000.00 for a three year term commencing from notification of award.


5. Procurement Authorization Harvey Shop North-West Corner On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation Program Contract M1-65

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Dig-Con International Limited (Dig-Con) in the amount of $757,300.90 for Contract M1-65 – Harvey Shop North-West Corner On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation.


6. Procurement Authorization Allen Road Southbound Bridge Structure No. SPA-10 + 780B-BR and West Retaining Wall Contract A35-11

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Bridgecon Construction Ltd. and award of a contract in the amount of $1,248,480.00 for the Allen Road Southbound Bridge and West Retaining Wall Rehabilitation Contract.


7. Procurement Authorization Wilson Garage Roof Replacement Contract C1-27

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the proposal submitted by Trio Roofing Systems Inc. in the amount of $6,395,024.00, for Contract C1-27 Wilson Garage Roof Replacement.


8. University Subway Stations Renaissance – Design Enhancement Initiatives – Museum Station Contract U85-8

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Approve in principle, the design concept proposed for Museum Station;

2. Approve the award of the Museum Station detailed design assignment to Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc. (DSA) on a sole source basis for an upset limit amount of $500,000.00 which includes detailed design and design support during construction; and

3. Authorize TTC staff to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Toronto Community Foundation (TCF) on terms and conditions acceptable to the Commission and General Counsel, to implement the Museum Station design concept as the first project in the University Subway Stations Renaissance Program.


Chair Moscoe Moved:

1. That Staff Be Requested To Ensure That The Design Accommodates The Possibility Of Future Direct Underground Connections To Both The Royal Ontario Museum And Gardiner Museum, If Possible.

2. That staff be requested to convey our thanks to the toronto community foundation, the clean and beautiful roundtable, the ministry of culture and the b. Sugerman foundation for their contributions.

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

9. Procurement Authorization Wilson Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion Contract A17-24

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Dig-Con International Limited in the amount of $480,000 for Contract A17-24 – Wilson Station Commuter Parking Lot Expansion.


10. Procurement Authorization Environmental Assessment Study Waterfront West Streetcars Contract G85-218

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of Contract G85-218 to Lea Consulting Ltd. for the Environmental Assessment Study of the Waterfront West Streetcars to an upset amount of $1,200,000.00.


11. Procurement Authorization – Supply of Courier and Cartage Services

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of purchase orders to Atripco Delivery Services for the supply of courier services and cartage services in the upset limits of $430,000 and $480,000, respectively, for the period of July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2009.


12. Procurement Authorization – Purchase Order Amendment for the Supply of Safety Equipment

It is recommended that the Commission approve issuance of a purchase order amendment to Hansler Smith Limited for the supply of safety equipment to extend the contract expiry date from July 15, 2006 to October 31, 2006 and increase the total contract upset limit amount by $560,000 to $2,660,000.


13. Procurement Authorization – Purchase  Order Amendment for the Supply of Natural Gas

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the issuance of an amendment to the contract with WPS Energy Services of Canada Corp. (WPS) for the supply and transportation of natural gas to exercise the option to extend the expiry date of the contract by two years from August 31, 2010 to August 31, 2012 and to increase the total contract upset limit amount by $20,000,000 to $73,000,000.


14. Procurement Authorization Amendment – Deletion of UWE Outdoor Storage System – Orion VII Diesel Buses

It is recommended that the Commission authorize Contract Amendment C32PY04839 #7 in the credit amount of $256,039.81 to Orion Bus Industries Inc. to delete the provision of an UWE outdoor storage system on the Orion VII diesel buses.


15. Procurement Authorization – Supply Replacement Battery Sets for the CLRV Streetcar Fleet

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a four-year contract to Saft America Inc. for 174 sets of replacement batteries for the CLRV Streetcar fleet in the amount of $725,710.50 US (approximately $843,000.00 CDN).


16. Procurement Authorization – Armed Guard Services

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Intercon Security Limited (Intercon) in the upset limit amount of $1,160,000 for the provision of armed guard services for a three (3) year period commencing October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2009, on basis of only proposal received.


17. Procurement Authorization Environmental Legal Services

It is recommended that the Commission authorize:

1. a contract amendment to Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers (“Willms”) in the amount of $100,000.00 bringing the total authorized upset limit amount to $745,894.02; and

2. staff to proceed with a public tender with respect to new environmental legal work for a 4-year period commencing January 1, 2007.


18. Purchase Order Authorization Amendment – Elevator Maintenance Contract

It is recommended that the Commission authorize an amendment for $120,000.00 to the contract for elevator maintenance with KONE Inc., to increase the total contract upset limit amount to $2,164,597.59 and extend the contract expiry from June 30, 2006 to August 31, 2006.


19. Purchase Authorization – Provision of Inspection Services Supplied by the Electrical Safety Authority

It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a Purchase Order to the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) in the total upset limit amount of $864,000.00 to renew the Continuous Safety Services Agreement for the period June 1, 2006 to December 31, 2009.


20. Purchase of Lamps

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of various lamps to the following companies for the period from September 2006 to September 2009:

- Powertrade Electric Limited for $420,000 including applicable taxes.

- Paul Wolf Electric for $165,000 including applicable taxes.

- Litemor for $98,000 including applicable taxes.

- House of Electrical Supplies for $73,000 including applicable taxes.

- Bibico Electric Incorporated for $56,000 including applicable taxes.

- Westburne Ruddy Electric for $21,000 including applicable taxes.

- MCI Service Parts Incorporated for $14,000 including applicable taxes.

- Robertson Electric Wholesale for $3,000 including applicable taxes.

- British Auto Supply for $1,000 including applicable taxes.

- Wesco Distribution Canada LP for $1,000 including applicable taxes.


21. Purchase of Supervisory and Operator Clothing

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of operator clothing to the following companies for the period from September 2006 to September 2009:

- Toronto Grace Fashions Incorporated for $297,000 including applicable taxes.

- R. Nicholls Distributors Incorporated for $158,000 including applicable taxes.

- Muir Cap & Regalia Limited for $124,000 including applicable taxes.

- T.Q. Knits Worldwide Incorporated for $51,000 including applicable taxes.


22. Purchase of FBO Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the awarding of a three-year inventory supply contract for FBO parts to F.B.O. for the period from June 2006 to July 2009 for an upset limit of $370,000 including applicable taxes.


23. Purchase of Ford Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the following for inventory:

1. Additional funds for the purchase order with Thorncrest Sherway Incorporated for $158,000 resulting in a revised upset limit of $1,108,000.

2. The award of an inventory supply contract for the supply of various Ford parts to Donway Ford Sales Limited for $286,000, including applicable taxes, for the period following Commission approval to April 2008.


24. Purchase of Various Communication Components

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of three-year inventory supply contracts for the supply of various communication components to the following companies for the period from June 2006 to June 2009:

- Wireless Source for $392,000 including applicable taxes.

- Glentel Incorporated for $190,000 including applicable taxes.

- Advantech Communication Systems for $15,000 including applicable taxes.


25. Purchase of Minelec Parts

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of various Minelec parts for the period June 2006 to June 2009 to Minelec Limited for an upset limit of $746,000 including applicable taxes.


26. Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $100,000 to $200,000 for the Period April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2006

It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($100,000 up to $200,000) for the period April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2006, which were approved by Senior Management.


27. Notice of Award – Property and  Catastrophe Liability Insurance Renewal – June 1, 2006

It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Moscoe, Commissioner Ashton and the Chief General Manager for the placement of its Property and Catastrophe Liability insurance policies through Marsh Canada (the Commission’s insurance broker), for one year from June 1, 2006, with the following provisions:

Property Insurance

• A per loss limit of $200,000,000.

• A deductible of $1,000,000 per occurrence.

• An annual premium of $2,721,610 (incl. 8% Provincial Sales Tax).

Catastrophe Liability Insurance

• A liability limit of $100,000,000 ($95,000,000 in excess of a $5,000,000 retained limit).

• An annual premium of $1,255,716 (incl. 8% Provincial Sales Tax).


Other Business

28. 2 Fieldway Road – New TTC  Commuter Parking Lot at Islington Station

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Authorize the TTC’s General Counsel to take the necessary actions to assign the existing license between Hydro One and Finer Space (Fieldway) Corporation (the owner/developer of the lands at 2 Fieldway Road) to the TTC.  The existing term expires December 31, 2007, however the licence contains two five-year renewal options, extending the expiration date to December 31, 2017;

2. Authorize TTC staff to negotiate and finalize the conveyance of a permanent easement, having a minimum width of 6.0 metres, in favour of the City of Toronto and Hydro One taken from the 2 Fieldway Road lands, in a form satisfactory to all parties and at no cost to City/TTC, to serve as a vehicle access road to accommodate the TTC’s commuter parking lot in the hydro corridor noting that TTC agrees to reimburse Finer Space up to a maximum of $5,000 (charged as an unbudgeted expenditure to the 2006 TTC Operating Budget) to cover Finer Space legal costs directly associated with but not limited to: negotiation, drafting, execution and registration of legal documentation.  Finer Space shall provide detailed labour and material breakdowns covering its legal costs to the TTC for review and approval prior to the TTC making payment;

3. Authorize an unbudgeted Operating Budget expenditure of $175,000 in 2006 to undertake interim site improvements to the Hydro corridor to facilitate and operate a commuter lot, pending the completion of future capital improvements to construct a permanent lot to TTC design standards, by issuing a Purchase Order Amendment to the Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) for Purchase Order Number PC35572 to carry out the work and therefore authorize a contract change in the amount of $175,000;

4. Authorize an unbudgeted operating expenditure of $73,600 ($18,400 per month) for the balance of 2006 for the operation and maintenance of the lot including realty taxes, licence fees (as a result of assuming the Hydro One lease from Finer Space) and TPA operating and maintenance costs.  These payments will be effective from the date of occupancy, September, 2006, to the balance of the term of the existing licence, December 31, 2007.  For 2007, $220,800 will be included in the 2007 TTC Operating Budget;

5. Recognize that the costs to operate and maintain the lot (approximately $200 per space per year, $23,100 for the balance of 2006) will require a further Purchase Order amendment for TPA for Purchase Order Number PC35572 which will be the subject of a separate Commission report; and

6. Request staff to report back and obtain Commission approval on the pricing of the lot.


29. Retail Leasing – Master Plan for Expansion and Implementation of Kiosk Retail Concept

C. Wheeler, Manager – Property Development gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

The Commission Received The Presentation And Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

“It Is Recommended That The Commission Approve Expanding The Retail Leasing Portfolio By Adding New Locations As Outlined In This Report For Both Full Size Stores And The Implementation Of Kiosks.”

30. Ridership Growth Strategy: Commuter Parking Expansion - Implementation of Short to Medium Term Expansion Opportunities

C. Wheeler, Manager – Property Development gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

The Commission Received The Presentation And Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Report, As Listed Below:

It Is Recommended That The Commission:

1. In Keeping With The Ridership Growth Strategy (“RGS”), Approve The Expansion Of Surface Commuter Parking Lots At Kipling, Kennedy And Islington Stations As Outlined In This Report Resulting In 635 New Parking Spaces;

2. Direct Staff To Include In The TTC Capital Program (2007-2011) Budget Review Process The Necessary Capital Funding To:

A) Implement The Above Rgs Initiative Of An Estimated Cost Of $5.8M; And

B) Investigate The Feasibility Of Relocating The Wilson North And Wilson West Commuter Parking Lots Into The Department Of National Defence (“DND”) Lands Located On The North Side Of Wilson Avenue West Of The TTC Station Facilities To Facilitate Redevelopment Of The North And West Lots At An Estimated Cost Of $250,000.”

Chair Moscoe Moved:

1. That Staff Include In Their Investigation, The Feasibility Of Providing A Surface Parking Lot To Replace The Abandoned Upper Wilson Station On A Premium Pay Basis.

2. That Staff Meet With City Planning Staff North District And The Local Councillor To Review Future Commuter Parking At The Lawrence West Station In Association With The Major Redevelopment At Adjacent Properties.

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

31. TTC Pension Fund Society Annual Report  and Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2005 and Bylaw Amendments for Approval

It is recommended that the Commission:

a) Receive the Pension Fund Society’s Annual Report and audited financial statements for the fiscal period ended December 31, 2005 for information; and

b) Approve the Pension Fund bylaw amendments contained therein.


32. Sick Benefit Association Bylaw Changes,  Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Fiscal Period Ended December 31, 2005 and Bylaw Amendments for Approval

It is recommended that the Commission accept for information the attached copies of the Sixtieth Annual Report of the Sick Benefit Association (SBA), along with the Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2005.

These reports were approved by the Board of Directors and will be published in the Pension Fund Newsletter, and will be presented to the membership at the Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday, June 25, 2006.

It is recommended that the Commission sanction the attached amendments to the By-laws of the Association, effective on the date indicated in the attached, as approved by the Board of Directors.


33. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 10.12.2 Environment

Vice-Chair Giambrone Moved That The Policy Be Referred Back To Staff For Further Review To Determine If More Detailed Information Should Be Included In The Policy.

The Motion By Vice-Chair Giambrone Carried.

34. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 3.1.3 Art in Public Transit Facilities

Chair Moscoe Moved That The Policy Be Referred Back To Staff And That Staff Be Requested To Meet With The Chair To Discuss This Matter Further.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

35. TTC-TWRC Waterfront Transit Environmental Assessment – Terms of Reference

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Authorize the submittal of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for Waterfront Transit Environmental Assessments (EA) to the Ministry of Environment (MOE);

2. Forward this report to the Planning and Transportation Committee of the City of Toronto for their consideration.


Chair Moscoe Moved That The Issues Raised By The Deputants Be Referred To Staff For Consideration As Part Of The Environmental Assessment.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

Staff Response to Commission Inquiries

a) Cash Supplement on Fare Media after Fare Increase

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Cash Supplement on Fare Media after Fare Increase.”

The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Memorandum, As Listed Below:

“Staff Recommends That No Changes Be Made To Current Policy Of Requiring A Cash Supplement On “Old” Tickets After A Fare Increase. The Financial Loss To The TTC By Removing The Supplement And Allowing The Use Of “Old” Tickets For A Month At The Pre Fare Increase Tariff Would Be A Minimum Of $1,000,000 And Could Be Greater Depending On The Extent Of Ticket Hoarding By Riders. To Put The Complaint In Perspective, Over The Past Six Fare Increases The TTC Has Received On Average Less Than Two Complaints Per Fare Increase Regarding The Cash Supplement On Tickets. No Changes Are Recommended To The Current Treatment Of Tokens In Relation To A Fare Increase.”

Chair Moscoe Moved That A Copy Of The Memorandum Be Forwarded To The Complainant.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

b) Transit Pass and Parking Requirements

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Transit Pass and Parking Requirements.”

The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Memorandum, As Listed Below:

“Based On Input Provided By City Of Toronto Planning Staff On Their Estimate Of Timing To Provide The Data Required To Assess This Issue, TTC Staff Will Report Back At The September 2006 Commission Meeting.”

c) TTC Complaints Process

The Commission had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – TTC Complaints Process.”

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

Chair Moscoe Moved:

1. That The Commission Establish A Complaints Review Committee With Up To Five Members.

2. That Staff Be Requested To Canvass The Commissioners To Determine Their Interest In Participating On The Complaints Review Committee.

3. That Terms Of Reference For The Complaints Review Committee Be Developed And Approved By The Commission.

4. That The Matter Of Authorization To Use Personal Information Be Referred To The Complaints Review Committee To Develop Methodology For Receiving Consent To Use Data And To Ensure That All Verbal Complaints Are Expressed In Written Form.

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

d) TTC Student Card Photo Process for 905 Students

The Committee of the Whole had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – TTC Student Card Photo Process for 905 Students.”

The Commission Approved The Recommendation Contained In The Memorandum, As Listed Below:

“Staff Will Continue To Send The TTC Student Discount Card Application Form To All Eligible York, Peel, Durham And Halton Schools, And Will Continue To Process Cards For Those Students At The TTC’S Year-Round Central Facility At Sherbourne. Arrangements Will Again Be Made To Operate The York Photo Facility At The Commencement Of The 2006 School Year. In Addition, Staff Will Write To Peel, Halton And Durham Regions To Gauge Interest For Re-Establishing Local Temporary Photo Facilities For The Commencement Of The 2006/2007 School Year.”

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Examine The Feasibility Of Recording The Mailing Addresses, Postal Codes And/Or Internet Addresses Of The 905 Students.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

e) Internet Trip Planning

The Committee of the Whole had before it a memorandum dated June 21, 2006 from G. Webster, Interim Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Internet Trip Planning Directives.”

The Commission Received The Memorandum For Information.

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Be Requested To Write To The City Information Technology Department To Inquire On The Status Of A Motion Passed By Council To Build A Platform To Accommodate TTC Realtime Information As It Relates To The 311/511 Projects.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.


C-1 Sam Savona, Co-Chair, TTC Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation dated May 29, 2006 requesting that the members of the ACAT Design Review Sub-Committee participate in meetings between members of the Commission and TTC staff on the design of the new subway cars.

Chair Moscoe Moved:

1. That The Communication Be Referred To Staff, And That Staff Be Requested To Meet With Acat To Deal With The Concerns Raised.

2. That Staff Be Requested To Submit A Report On The Results Of Their Deliberations With Acat, And That Acat Be Invited To Attend The Commission Meeting When The Report Is Brought Forward.

The Motions By Chair Moscoe Carried.

New Business

a) Authorization for Travel – Commissioner Mihevc

The Commission Approved A Travel Request By Commissioner Mihevc To Attend The Apta Transit Board Members Seminar And Board Support Workshop In Montreal, Quebec From July 22-25, 2006.

b) Rehabilitation of Glencairn Subway Station

Chair Moscoe Moved That Staff Bring Forward A Report On Plans To Rehabilitate The Glencairn Subway Station.

The Motion By Chair Moscoe Carried.

c) Presentation Given to City Budget Advisory Committee Re: 2006-2010 Capital Program

V. Rodo, General Manager – Executive & General Secretary gave an overhead slide presentation with respect to this matter.

The Commission Received The Presentation For Information.

d) Federal Government Funding – Spadina Subway Extension

Commissioner Li Preti Moved:

1. That The Commission Request The Minister Of Finance To Provide A Commitment To Federal Government Funding Of The Spadina Subway Extension Into Vaughan; Matching The Commitment Of The Province Of Ontario’s Amount, To Be Placed In The Trust Fund For The Spadina Subway Extension From Downsview Station To The Vaughan Corporate Centre, And That The Minister Of Finance Work With The Provincial Government To Finalize The Arrangements For This Funding Contribution.

2. That Mayor Miller, Chair Moscoe And Members Of The Ttc Spadina York Subway Extension Committee Attempt To Meet With Theminister Of Finance To Discuss Budget Implications.

The Motions By Commissioner Li Preti Carried.

e) Motion of Non-Confidence – Commissioner Saundercook

Moved By: Councillor Saundercook

Seconded By: Councillor Grimes

Whereas: Commissioner Moscoe Is The Chair Of The Toronto Transit Commission And In Recent Months, Relations Between The Amalgamated Transit Union And Ttc Management Have Been Challenged.

Whereas: Under Commissioner Moscoe’s Tenure, Two General Managers Have Vacated Their Offices Citing Political Interference By Chair Moscoe – David Gunn And Most Recently Richard Ducharme. In Addition, Former Chief General Manager Al Leach Vacated His Office For The Same Reasons When Councillor Moscoe Was A Commissioner.

Whereas: Today, The Commission Has Instructed Staff To Start The Process Of Hiring A New Chief General Manager.

Whereas: Councillor Moscoe Violated The Very Important And Sensitive Direction By The Commission At Its Meeting Of May 17th After The Commission Unanimously Supported Management’s Decision Regarding Management – Labour Relations.

Whereas: Councillor Moscoe, As A Passionate Advocate For The TTC Will Clearly Understand That By Stepping Down As Chair, Will Assist The Process Of Hiring A New Chief General Manager.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved That A Motion Of Non-Confidence Be Placed Before The Commission And That The Chair Resign At The Next Meeting Of The Commission On July 19th, And That A New Chair Be Selected At That Scheduled Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


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