Board Meeting - January 23, 2008

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1892
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Section Title

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook
  • Commissioner Michael Thompson

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Section Title

  • Chair Adam Giambrone
  • Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
  • Commissioner Sandra Bussin
  • Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Suzan Hall
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
  • Commissioner Bill Saundercook
  • Commissioner Michael Thompson

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution

  • Committee of the Whole Agenda - January 23, 2008
    1. Review of MinutesDecember 6, 2007
      • December 6, 2007
      • December 18, 2007
    2. Business Arising Out of Minutes
    3. Odell Human Rights Complaint (FOR ACTION) (The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose)
      (Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board)
    4. Yonge/Alvin Development (St. Clair Station) (FOR ACTION)
      (A proposed or pending acquisition of land for municipal or local board purposes)
    5. Outstanding Items List (FOR INFORMATION)
      (The security of the property of the municipality or local board)
    6. Correspondence
    7. New Business
  • Committee of the Whole Supplementary Agenda - Wednesday, January 23, 2008
    1. Flu Pandemic Planning Update (PRESENTATION) (FOR INFORMATION)
      (The security of the property of the municipality or local board)
    2. St. Clair West Station Bus/Streetcar Loop Rehabilitation - Status Update (FOR ACTION)
      (Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality of local board)

    Committee of the Whole Resolution - Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Public Presentations

Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 noon of day preceding meeting day.

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Budget Matters


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

  1. Procurement Authorizations
  2. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  3. Notice Of Awards
  • Other Business
  1. Outstanding Commission Items (FOR INFORMATION)
  2. TTC Corporate Policy Review - Policy 13.3.4 Annual Report (FOR ACTION)
  1. Staff Response To Commission Inquiry


  2. Correspondence
  3. New Business

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 commencing at 1:15 p.m.


A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), M. Thompson, S. Hall, B. Saundercook, P. Milczyn,  S. Bussin and A. Perruzza (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), A. Chocorlan (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. Blakey (Executive Director - Human Resources), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator – Secretariat Services) were  present.

A. Giambrone was in the Chair.

R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans was present for Item No. 13.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting nos. 1890 and 1891 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution

a) Committee of the Whole Agenda – January 23, 2008

The Commission received the Committee of the Whole agenda from the meeting held on January 23, 2008.

b) Committee of the Whole Resolution

Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that the Commission meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m., or later on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.



Public Presentations

a) Report 2f) – Procurement Authorization - 
 Purchase of an Internet Trip Planning Application

 Joe Clark

 The Commission received the deputation.

 (see report 2f) for minute)

b) Report No. 10 – 501 Queen Streetcar Route: Issues and Solutions

 Peter Lambert

 John Bailes
 Secretary, East Toronto Chapter of Professional Engineers of Ontario

 Carole Stimmell
 Editor, Beach Metro News
 (Submitted communications)

 Steve Munro

 Mike Olivier
 Transit Campaigner, Sierra Club of Canada

 David Fisher

 Matthew Kemp

 Hamish Wilson
 (Submitted communication)

 The Commission received the deputations.

 (see report no. 10 for minute)

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
    1. NIL
  2. Presentations
  3. 1. Recognition of TTC Employees’ 40 Years Long Service Milestone

    Chair Giambrone introduced the following employees who achieved forty years of service at the TTC during 2007:

    Garry Clark, Operator, Arrow Road
    Edward Yasney, Operator, Wheel-Trans
    Jackie Southorn, Transportation Payroll Assistant
    On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone and G. Webster, Chief General Manager extended their congratulations to each of these individuals and presented them with a certificate recognizing this outstanding service achievement.

  4. Budget Matters
    1. NIL
  5. Procurement Authorizations
  6. a) Procurement Authorization Ventilation System Upgrade
      and Modifications Malvern Garage Bus Storage Contract H1-4

     It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Servocraft Limited (Servocraft) in the amount of $4,524,000.00 for Contract H1-4, Ventilation System Upgrade and Modifications Malvern Garage Bus Storage.


    b) Procurement Authorization – Transit City Light
     Rail Transit Consulting Services Contract TC85-1

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of the following contracts, in the total upset limit amount of $2,750,000, for feasibility studies and environmental assessments on Transit City Light Rail Transit Program projects to the companies in the upset limit amounts listed below:

    i) Contract TC85-1A in the upset limit amount of $425,000 to Delcan Corporation for the environmental assessment of the Finch West LRT line;

    ii) Contract TC85-1B in the upset limit amount of $425,000 to IBI Group (in joint venture with ARUP Canada Incorporated) for the feasibility study and environmental assessment of the Scarborough/Malvern LRT line;

    iii) Contract TC85-1C in the upset limit amount of $1,350,000 to Transit City Group (a joint venture of Giffels Associates Limited and UMA/AECOM) for the environmental assessment of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT line; and

    iv) Contract TC85-1D in the upset limit amount of $550,000 to Hatch Mott MacDonald Limited for the feasibility study and environmental assessment of the Jane Street LRT line.


    Commissioner Perruzza moved that when the environmental assessments are undertaken that they be conducted with a view to covering off any federal environmental assessment requirements that may arise in the future.

    The motion by Commissioner Perruzza carried.

    c) Procurement Authorization – Project Management Contract G85-211

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the release of $4,700,000 for the period of March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009, bringing the total released amount to $14,767,000 for Contract G85-211, Project Management with Delcan Corporation, Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd., UMA Engineering Ltd. (DHU) Joint Venture.


    d) Procurement Authorization – Construction Management Contract G85-213

     It is recommended that the Commission authorize the release of $4,000,000 for the period of March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009 bringing the total released amount to $9,800,000 for Contract G85-213, Construction Management with MMR Managers, a Joint Venture with Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited and McCormick Rankin Corporation.


    e) Procurement Authorization – Supply of Superlube Rail Grease

    It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a one-year inventory blanket order for the supply of rail grease for the period March 2008 to March 2009 to Magmar/Colony Distribution for $517,709.50 including applicable taxes.


    f) Procurement Authorization – Purchase
     of an Internet Trip Planning Application

     It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of contracts to Trapeze Software Inc.:

    1. In the total amount of $94,185.50 (including applicable taxes) for the implementation of the Pilot Project for a 3 month period; and

    2. In the total amount of $1,629,290.50 (including applicable taxes) for the Online Schedule & Trip Planning Application & Application Infrastructure Provider (hosting) Services for a five year period, pending successful completion of the Pilot Project.


    g) Procurement Authorization – Supply of Fare Media Cards

     It is recommended that the Commission approve the issuance of a purchase order in the total upset limit of $21,645,000 to Giesecke & Deverient (G&D) for the supply of fare media cards for a five year period from May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2013 on the basis of a single source.


    h) Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $200,000 to
     $500,000 for the Period November 1, 2007 to November 30, 2007

    It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.  It lists expenditures ($200,000 up to $500,000) for the period November 1, 2007 to November 30, 2007, which were approved by the Chief General Manager.

  7. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  8. a) Procurement Authorization Contract Amendment -
     ATC Provisions on the TR Trains YUS ATO Resignalling

     It is recommended that the Commission authorize a Contract Amendment No. 4 to Bombardier Transportation Canada Inc. (Bombardier), in the amount of $3,744,727.15 including taxes, or $96,018.64 per train, for additional provisions to facilitate more effective future fitment of Automatic Train Control (ATC) equipment on the base order of 39 Toronto Rocket trains.  The Contract Amendment represents an increase of $3,644,727.15 to the previously approved Change Directive of $100,000.00.


    b) Procurement Authorization Amendment –
    Provision of Debit/Credit Card Processing Services

     It is recommended that the Commission approve the extension of the contract with Global Payments Canada Inc. for the provision of debit/credit processing services for an additional two years to July 15, 2010 and increase the upset limit by $660,000, for a revised upset limit amount of $1,301,102.87.


    c) Purchase Order Amendment – Installation and
    Removal of Poles for the Streetcar Overhead System

     It is recommended that the Commission authorize a Purchase Order Amendment to the Purchase Order No. C31PJ06932 with Black & McDonald Limited (B&M) for the installation and removal of poles for the Streetcar Overhead System increasing the contract upset limit by $2,400,000.00 for a total upset limit amount of $4,200,000.00.


  9. Notice of Awards
  10. a) Notice of Award of Contract – Procurement 
    Authorization – Customs Brokerage and Freight Forwarding Services

     It is recommended that the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager receive this Notice of Award of a contract to UTI Canada Inc. in the upset limit amount of $1,510,000 for a seven year period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2014 for the provision of customs brokerage and freight forwarding services.


  11. Service Matters
    1. NIL
  12. Other Business
  13. 5. Outstanding Commission Items

     It is recommended that the Commission receive for information the attached list of outstanding Commission items for the period up to and including the meeting of December 6, 2007.


    6. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 13.3.4 Annual Report

    It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy, as amended, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’.


  14. New Business
    1. NIL
  15. Correspondence
  16. C-1 Joe Clark, dated January 21, 2008 forwarding comments regarding Pape and Museum Station renovations.

    The Commission received the communication for information.

    C-2 Joe Clark, dated January 21, 2008 requesting higher standard of drafting in TTC station renderings.

    The Commission received the communication for information.

    C-3 Joe Clark, dated January 21, 2008 providing a review of the first year of oversight of TTC signage destruction and neglect.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
    C-4 Councillor Mark Grimes, City of Toronto, dated January 23, 2008 requesting that any studies/reviews on route structuring by the Commission to the 501 streetcar service, be done in consultation with the Councillors of the wards that would be affected by any modifications.

    The Commission received the communication for information.

     (see report no. 10 for minute)

Supplementary Agenda

  1. 501 Queen Streetcar Route: Issues and Solutions
  2. M. Stambler, Manager, Service Planning gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    Commissioner Bussin moved adoption of the staff recommendation contained in the report, as listed below:

    “It is recommended that the Commission support the actions as described in this report and as summarized as follows:

    1.TTC staff have implemented the following initiatives to immediately improve service reliability on the 501 Queen Streetcar route:

    •Customer-focussed route management short-turn practises;

    •Assignment of “Service Assistance Crews” (SAC) to the line to assist in responding to service irregularities, either by the insertion of gap cars to the gap in the route or by taking over for the operator, thereby reducing short-turns;

    •Assignment of additional supervisory to the route;

    •Workforce availability issues at the streetcar divisions have been addressed to ensure adequate workforce to allow the consistent delivery of service;

    •Careful monitoring of vehicle assignments to the route to minimise the use of smaller CLRV’s; and

    2.note the following:
    •It is extremely challenging to operate reliable and regular fixed-rail transit service in a mixed-traffic environment where the TTC has no control over the multitude of factors which delay or obstruct service;

    •TTC staff have been concerned about, and have taken various measures to improve the quality of service on all of the TTC’s streetcar lines, for a number of years;

    •TTC staff attended a public meeting on December 4, 2007, pertaining to the quality of service offered on the 501 Queen Streetcar route;

    •TTC staff also attended a second meeting on this topic, on December 10, 2007, called by Councillor Bussin, and attended by representatives of the local Business Improvement Areas (BIA’s) and residents’ associations for the ward 32 beaches-east York area;

    •TTC staff are committed to test various means by which the quality of the 501 Queen Streetcar route (and all other streetcar routes which operate in mixed traffic) may be improved, and these are described in this report; and,

    3.Note that staff will report back no later than May, 2008 on:

    •The improvement on service reliability as a result of the actions being implemented;

    •The status of other reviews/studies as set out herein;

    •Specific actions that we recommend be considered by the Toronto Police Services board and the City of Toronto to address the issues that are under their control; and,

    4.Forward this report to Councillors Grimes, Saundercook, Perks, Giambrone, Pantalone, Vaughan, Rae, McConnell, Fletcher, Bussin, and Ashton; to City of Toronto transportation services, and to the Toronto Police Services.”

    The motion by Commissioner Bussin carried.

    Commissioner Bussin moved the following motions:

    1.That staff be requested to provide a monthly report on unplanned service cancellations.

    2.That the TTC initiate discussions with City of Toronto transportation services on identified locations on the Queen Streetcar route wherein chronic delays in service may be improved through transportation services solutions; and that local Councillors be included in these actions.

    3.That in relation to recommendation 1 concerning route management of short turning practices, staff provide Commissioners with a report on the performance measurements to be established to more accurately monitor service performance.

    4.That staff be requested to report back at the may Commission meeting on the status of the implementation plan and on the study to determine if the line would operate more reliably if it were split into two or more sections.

    5.That staff be requested to develop a strategy to measure customer satisfaction as a result of interventions outlined in this report.

    The motions by Commissioner Bussin carried.

  3. Chief General Manager’s Report Period 11 November 4 to December 1, 2007
  4. It is recommended that the Commission forward a copy of this report to the City of Toronto Budget Committee, and each City of Toronto Councillor for information noting that the detailed CGM’s Report is available upon request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.


  5. Procurement Authorization Amendment – Supply of Bus Brake Parts
  6. It is recommended that the Commission authorize for inventory, additional authority in the amount of $438,300 USD ($449,500 CDN) to Graham-White Manufacturing Company for the additional supply of bus brake parts for the period ending August 2009 resulting in a revised upset limit of $842,300 USD ($863,800 CDN).


  7. Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation
  8. It is recommended that the Commission approve:

    1.the appointment of five (5) candidates to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation commencing January 2008 and ending December 31, 2010;

    2.the appointment of four (4) candidates to re-establish a pool to draw from in the event a member does not accept or complete their term and if not used to automatically be short listed for 2009 new vacancies; and

    3.a revision to Section 2.3 in the ACAT Terms of Reference to allow for a replacement for the ACAT Chair Ex-Officio and language clean-up.


    R. Thacker, General Superintendent, Wheel-Trans also acknowledged the following outgoing members of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation:

    Ibrahim AdanCarol Anne Monet
    Heather GreenHelen Jackson (not present)
    Garnett Martin

    On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone thanked the above individuals and presented them with a plaque in recognition of their hard work and dedication to the Committee.

  9. TTC Corporate Policy Review – Defence and Indemnification of Employees
  10. It is recommended that:

    1.the Commission approve the following amended TTC Corporate Policy, 9.3.2 – Defence and Indemnification of Employees, which is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’ (“Policy 9.3.3”); and

    2.the Commission approve the elimination of TTC Corporate Policy 9.4.3 – Indemnification of Employees from Action, as this policy has been merged into policy 9.3.3.


  11. TTC Corporate Policy – Special Events: Bay Lower Facility
  12. It is recommended that the Commission approve this new corporate policy dealing with procedures for holding special events for external organizations at the Bay Lower facility.


  13. Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Operation of TTC Heritage Streetcars
  14. The Commission had before it a memorandum dated January 23, 2008 from G. Webster, Chief General Manager entitled, “Staff Response to Commission Inquiry – Operation of TTC Heritage Streetcars.”

    The Commission received the memorandum for information.
    Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that staff be requested to report on charter rates with a view to finding a balance between affordability and cost recovery.

    The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.

    The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

TTC Action On 501 Queen Route

Commissioners endorsed numerous measures currently being undertaken by the TTC to improve service on the 501 Queen streetcar route. New initiatives include: customer-focused short-turning practices, strategically placed operating crews along the line and additional on-street Route Supervisors. 
TTC staff was requested to undertake a joint effort with Toronto Transportation Services to find solutions to chronic delay locations along the route. Staff will also explore the option of splitting the lijavascript:void(0);ne and report back to the Commission in May on the results of all its measures.

Transit City Approvals 

Commissioners approved $2.7 million to conduct feasibility studies and environmental assessments for the following four Transit City LRT lines: Finch West, Scarborough/Malvern, Eglinton Crosstown and Jane. Environmental assessments are already underway on the Sheppard East, Don Mills and Waterfront West LRTs.

New Members Join Advisory Committee

Commissioners welcomed incoming members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation (ACAT): Bill Castor, Adam Cohoon, Susan Davidson, Karen Lee and Angela Marley. They also thanked outgoing members: Carol Anne Monet, Ibrahim Adan, Garnett Martin, Heather Green and Helen Jackson. 

ACAT is an advisory group that represents the needs and concerns of persons with disabilities who use TTC services.

40-Year Awards

Commissioners thanked three TTC employees – Garry Clark, Edward Yasney and Jackie Southorn – for 40 years of dedicated service with the Commission.

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