Board Meeting - June 18, 2008
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
Toronto Transit Commission Board Members
- Chair Adam Giambrone
- Vice-Chair Joe Mihevc
- Commissioner Sandra Bussin
- Commissioner Glenn De Baeremaeker
- Commissioner Suzan Hall
- Commissioner Peter Milczyn
- Commissioner Anthony Perruzza
- Commissioner Bill Saundercook
- Commissioner Michael Thompson
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Committee Of The Whole Resolution
- Thursday, July 10, 2008
Public Presentations
Presentations will be heard at 2:00 p.m. Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 Noon of day preceding meeting day.
Notices Of Motions
Motions Without Notice
Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation
- 501 Queen Streetcar - Presentation
- Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
- Collective Bargaining Update (FOR ACTION) (The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose)
- Cordova Property – Kipling/Islington Initiative (FOR ACTION) (A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purposes)
- Presentations
- 40 Years Long Service Acknowledgement (FOR INFORMATION)
- Award of Merit Presentation (FOR INFORMATION)
- Subway Station Appearance – Cleanliness Audit Program (FOR INFORMATION)
- Budget Matters
- Procurement Authorizations
- Procurement Authorization – Ventilation Upgrade and Overhead Fuelling Arrow Road, Malvern and Wilson Bus Garages – Contract G60-189 (FOR ACTION)
- Procurement Authorization – Wind Barrier and Additional Heaters for Wilson Garage and Arrow Road Garage – Contract G60-150 (FOR ACTION)
- Procurement Authorization – Contract D3-4 -Fire Ventilation Upgrade Castle Frank Station – Second Exit (FOR ACTION)
- Procurement Authorization – High Park Station Fence Walls Reconstruction and Masonry Repairs – Contract W1-11 (FOR ACTION)
- Procurement Authorization – Supply of Luminator Parts (FOR ACTION)
- Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $200,000 to $500,000 for the Period April 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008 (FOR INFORMATION)
- Procurement Authorization Amendments
- Notice of Awards
- Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization – Bi-Metal Token Supply from Osborne Coinage Company (FOR INFORMATION)
- Service Matters
- Other Business
- Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Memorandum of Understanding – Operating and Maintenance Cost Responsibilities (for action)
- Outstanding Commission Items (FOR INFORMATION)
- Elimination of Adult Tickets (FOR ACTION)
- Commemorative Day Pass for Caribana (FOR ACTION)
- Undergrounding TTC Electrical Infrastructure (FOR ACTION)
- Lytton Subway Work Car Fatality of April 23, 2007 (FOR INFORMATION)
- New Business
- Correspondence
A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.
Supplementary Agenda
A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 commencing at 1:15 p.m.
A. Giambrone (Chair), J. Mihevc (Vice-Chair), M. Thompson, S. Hall, B. Saundercook, P. Milczyn, S. Bussin, G. De Baeremaeker and A. Perruzza (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel), S. MacDonald (Manager - Materials & Procurement), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler (Manager – Service Planning), W. Buffett (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Coordinator – Secretariat Services) were present.
A. Giambrone was in the Chair.
G. Shortt, General Superintendent, Plant Maintenance was present for Item No. 2c).
M. Anders, Marketing Research Director, Marketing & Public Affairs was present for Item No. 8d).
J. O’Grady, Chief Safety Officer, Safety Department was present for Item No. 8f).
G. Carr, Chief Engineer, Operations Planning was present for Item No. 11.
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
a) Committee of the Whole – Thursday, July 10, 2008
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that The Commission approve a resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m. or later on Thursday, July 10, 2008 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
The motion by Vice-Vhair Mihevc carried.
Public Presentations
Chair Giambrone moved that The Commission waive section 13a of the procedural by-law to hear deputations on report Nos. 11, 12 and 13 as such reports were not available to the public prior to the registration deadline of 12:00 Noon the day before the meeting.
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried, with two-thirds of the members present voting in favour.
a) 501 Queen Streetcar
Steve Munro
David Fisher
The Commission received the deputations.
Commissioner Bussin moved that The Commission approve proceeding with the following “next steps”, as detailed in the staff presentation:
1.That staff be requested to incorporate resource requirements into 2009 Operating Budget;
2.That staff be requested to provide an update report at the October 2008 commission meeting; and
3.That unbudgeted funds of $245,000 for six route supervisors be added to the 2008 Operating Budget.
The motion by Commissioner Bussin carried.
b) Report No. 8d) – Commemorative Day Pass for Caribana
David Fisher
The Commission received the Deputation.
(See item 8d) for minutes
c) Report No. 11 – Request for Approval of the
Sheppard East LRT Environmental Assessment Study
John Long
LEA Consulting
David Fisher
Councillor Shelley Carroll
City of Toronto
The Commission received the deputations.
Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation
- 501 Queen Streetcar - Presentation
- Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
- Approved the acquisition of 0 Cordova Avenue to support the Kipling/Islington redevelopment initiative;
- Approved advising City of Toronto Staff of the Commission’s decision; and
- Authorized the public release of the confidential information set out in attachment 1 pertaining solely to the purchase price and deposit upon city council’s adoption of the recommendation in a city staff report which is scheduled for the city council meeting on June 23 and 24, 2008.
- Presentations
- Budget Matters
- Procurement Authorizations
- Procurement Authorization Amendments
- Notice of Awards
- Service Matters
- Other Business
- New Business
- Correspondence
(See public presentation (a) for minute)
a)Collective Bargaining Update
b)Cordova Property – Kipling/Islington Initiative
The Commission:
a)40 Years Long Service Acknowledgement
Chair Giambrone introduced the following employees who achieved forty years of service at the TTC during 2008:
Mervin Dufty, Senior Storeperson
Dennis Dunstan, Operator Queensway
John Harvey, Coach Technician
Henry Sidor, Operator Queensway
On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone and G. Webster, Chief General Manager extended their congratulations to each of these individuals and presented them with a certificate recognizing this outstanding service achievement.
b)Award of Merit Presentation
On March 13, 2008, at 10:05 a.m., TTC Supervisor Robert Shank was despatched to Pape Station for a Passenger Assistance Alarm. Upon arrival he observed a man lying on the floor of the subway car suffering from an apparent heart attack. First Aid was immediately administered by Rob and Nurse Lisa Panzica and Nurse Hilda Bell who were on the train. CPR was performed by the trio until the arrival of EMS who then took over.
On behalf of the Commission, Chair Giambrone presented an Award of Merit to Supervisor Robert Shank and customers Lisa Panzica and Hilda Bell for their prompt and caring actions.
c)Subway Station Appearance – Cleanliness Audit Program
G. Shortt, General Superintendent, Plant Maintenance gave a PowerPoint presentation with respect to this matter.
The Commission received the presentation for information.
a)Chief General Manager’s Report – Period 4 – April 6 to May 3, 2008
It is recommended that the Commission forward a copy of this report to each City of Toronto Councillor for information noting that the detailed CGM’s Report is available upon request from the Office of the General Secretary of the Commission.
a)Procurement Authorization – Ventilation Upgrade and Overhead
Fuelling Arrow Road, Malvern and Wilson Bus Garages Contract G60-189
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to State Group Inc. in the amount of $2,432,600.00 for Contract G60-189, Part A – Ventilation Upgrade, Arrow Road and Malvern Bus Garage
b)Procurement Authorization – Wind Barrier and Additional
Heaters for Wilson Garage and Arrow Road Garage Contract G60-150
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract submitted by Varcon Construction Corporation (Varcon) in the amount of $1,096,415.25 for Contract G60-150, Wind Barrier and Additional Heaters for Wilson Garage and Arrow Road Garage.
c)Procurement Authorization – Contract D3-4
Fire Ventilation Upgrade Castle Frank Station – Second Exit
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Torcom Construction Inc. (Torcom), and the award of Contract D3-4, Fire Ventilation Upgrade – Castle Frank Station Second Exit, in the amount of $5,480,000.00.
d)Procurement Authorization – High Park Station Fence
Walls Reconstruction and Masonry Repairs Contract No. W1-11
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the acceptance of the tender submitted by Phoenix Restoration Inc. (Phoenix) and award of a contract in the amount of $1,141,683.00 for the High Park Station Fence Walls Reconstruction and Masonry Repairs.
e)Procurement Authorization – Supply of Luminator Parts
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a three-year inventory supply contract for the supply of various Luminator parts for the period June 2008 to June 2011 to Luminator Holding LP for an upset limit contract of $1,360,000 USD including applicable taxes, subject to successful negotiations on the terms and conditions.
f)Summary of Authorized Expenditures Between $200,000
to $500,000 for the Period April 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008
It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information. It lists expenditures ($200,000 up to $500,000) for the period April 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008 which were Approved by the Chief General Manager.
a)Notice of Award of Procurement Authorization -
Bi-Metal Token Supply from Osborne Coinage Company
It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Chief General Manager to issue a contract to Osborne Coinage Company in the total upset limit of $2,000,000 USD including taxes, for the supply of 20,000,000 bi-metal tokens to replace the adult ticket. This purchase is a single source contract as the vendor is the only mint authorized to manufacture the proprietary bi-metal token.
a) Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Memorandum
of Understanding – Operating and Maintenance Cost Responsibilities
It is recommended that the Commission:
1.Approve the principles developed between the TTC, York Region and the City of Toronto with respect to operating cost responsibilities for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE) Project.
2.Authorize the Chief General Manager to negotiate and execute and Operating Memorandum of Understanding and any related agreements as necessary, in a form satisfactory to the Commission’s General Counsel, relating to the TYSSE and on terms and conditions as outlined in this report.
3.Authorize the Chief General Manager to negotiate and execute any further agreements and contracts as required relating to the implementation or delivery of the TYSSE Project, in a form satisfactory to Commission’s General Counsel, provided that all costs arising from the agreement(s) are to be paid from the Approved Project budget, if the:
a)principles of the agreement/contract have been previously Approved either by the Commission or City of Toronto Council and theagreement/contract is consistent with the Approved principles, and in case of principles Approved by City of Toronto Council, the principles do not conflict with any Commission policy; or
b)subject matter of the agreement/contract relates to the retention of experts by the Commission to provide advice directly to the Executive Task Force, which has been established to oversee the Project.
4.Forward this report to the Chair of Metrolinx requestingthat Metrolinx provide a firm time table for the resolution of the provision of transitional operating subsidies for the TYSSE Project and the development of a policy for transitional operating subsidies for new rapid transit initiatives.
b)Outstanding Commission Items
It is recommended that the Commission receive for information, the attached list of outstanding Commission items for the period up to and including the meeting of May 21, 2008.
c)Elimination of Adult Tickets
It is recommended that:
•Adult tickets be eliminated and the Commission authorize $3.5 million in unbudgeted expenditures as detailed below, due to the influx of high quality counterfeits from offshore, and the lack of a technically viable or cost-effective short-term production or equipment based solution; and
•The Commission implement a long-term fare media strategy with the ultimate goal of 100% automatic verification of fare media at point of use.
d)Commemorative Day Pass for Caribana
Vice-Chair Mihevc moved that first bullet embodied in the recommendation be amended by changing the price from $20 to $18, so such recommendation reads as follows:
•The TTC offer a two day commemorative Caribana pass valid on August 2 and 3 at a price of $18. The terms of use are the same as the regular TTC Family Day Pass;
The motion by Vice-Chair Mihevc carried.
The commission approved the report, as amended:
Recorded vote:
for: - 7
Chair Giambrone, Vice-chair Mihevc, Commissioner Thompson, Commissioner Hall, Commissioner Saundercook, Commissioner De Baeremaeker and Commissioner Milczyn
Against: - 0
e)Undergrounding TTC Electrical Infrastructure
It is recommended that the Commission request the Chief General Manager to write the City Clerk stating:
•That the TTC does not have funding to place its electrical infrastructure underground for aesthetic reasons;
•That the TTC will co-operate in placing its facilities underground if all funding is provided by the party initiating the request.
Chair Giambrone moved that the report be referred to Deputy City Manager Richard butts for consultation with the city on implementation.
The motion by chair Giambrone carried.
f)Lytton Subway Work Car Fatality of April 23, 2007
Chair Giambrone moved the following motions:
1.That the commission receive this report;
2.That the commission endorse the management actions;
3.That our employees and the public be assured that The Commission and management understand how important the issue of safety is and we will do everything practical to ensure the safety of our employees, our customers and the public at large; and
4.That the Chief General Manager be directed to prepare a letter from the chair to the chief coroner of Ontario expressing the commission’s concern for this issue and noting that TTC Management will be presenting a fitness for duty policy to the August 27, 2008 Public Commission Meeting.
The motion by Chair Giambrone carried unanimously.
C-1 The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Federal Minister of Finance, dated June 2, 2008 responding to the Chief General Manager’s communication dated March 13, 2008 concerning federal funding for the Toronto Transit Commission.
The Commission received the communication for information.
C-2 Gary Webster, Chief General Manager, TTC, dated June 5, 2008 forwarding information concerning TTC participation in 2008 Doors Open Toronto Event.
The commission received the communication for information.
C-3 Jeffrey L. Davies, Davies Howe Partners, dated June 11, 2008 forwarding comments regarding Sheppard Avenue East LRT Class EA – June 3, 2008 Final Open House.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
(See Report No. 11 For Minute)
C-4 Hamish Wilson, dated June 17, 2008 forwarding comments regarding the 501 Queen Streetcar service.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
C-5 Hamish Wilson, dated June 17, 2008 forwarding comments regarding the bike network associated with the Bloor Transformation Project of the City of Toronto.
The Commission Received The Communication For Information.
Supplementary Agenda
- Request for Approval of the Sheppard
- Costs and Benefits of a New RT Station at Brimley Road
- Waterfront West LRT Connection to Union Station: Fort York-Bremner Boulevard
;East LRT Environmental Assessment Study
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Approve the recommendation of the joint City/TTC Sheppard East LRT Environmental Assessment (EA) study, that a Light Rail Transit (LRT) line be constructed on Sheppard Avenue East, between Don Mills Station and Meadowvale Road, to provide transit service in that corridor, as outlined in this report;
2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto, and request that City Council, at it’s meeting on July 15, 2008, approve the recommendations of the Sheppard East LRT EA study to allow staff to begin detailed design as soon as possible, and be in a position to begin construction of this first Transit City light rail line in 2009;
3. Request that City Council:
i) authorise staff to submit the final Environmental Assessment Study report for the 30-day public review period, as required to complete the EA process for this project;
ii) advise the Province of Ontario of its approval of this EA study;
4. Note that City Planning is proceeding to amend the Toronto Official Plan so that Sheppard Avenue East, from McCowan Road to Meadowvale Road, is included as a Transit Priority Corridor, in support of this project;
5. Note that City Planning staff have been full participants in the preparation of this environmental assessment. They have reviewed this report, and they concur with its recommendations; and
6. Forward this report to Metrolinx, to confirm previous information that the Sheppard East light rail line is ready to proceed to implementation and, therefore, should be included in Metrolinx’s forthcoming ‘first wave’ funding approval.
The Commission Approved The Report Unanimously.
Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved that TTC and City Of Toronto Staff be requested to consider a grade separated bicycle lane at the design stage of the project; and further that this consideration be extended to all Transit City EA’s.
The Motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.
Commissioner Thompson moved that the presentation by Mr. Long of Lea Consulting be referred to Staff for consideration; and further that Staff meet with Mr. Long to address any additional questions or concerns.
The motion By Commissioner Thompson carried.
Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved that the Commission defer this report until its September 2008 meeting, and that TTC and City of Toronto staff be requested to submit a further report at that time on the feasibility of building a Brimley Road LRT Station.
The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.
It is recommended that the Commission:
1. Approve the concept of constructing a light rail transit right-of-way alignment in the Bremner Boulevard-Fort York corridor, between Union Station and Exhibition Place, as described in this report, to serve both as the necessary connection for the future construction of the Waterfront West Light Rail Line, and as an important service to meet the needs of the rapidly- and densely-developing Railway Lands and Fort York Neighbourhood, noting that:
• the Waterfront West Light Rail Line will introduce a new, dedicated transit right-of-way linking the developing areas of Mississauga, southern Etobicoke, The Queensway, Parkdale, and Exhibition Place with Toronto’s central business district and, in so doing, will remove 3 million car trips and 10 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year;
• the Railway Lands and Fort York Neighbourhood, located between the Waterfront West LRT and Union Station, are being developed extremely quickly, so the need for high-capacity transit in this area has become more urgent;
• the number of riders who will travel via the Waterfront West LRT in the Railway Lands-Fort York Neighbourhood area is approximately 44,800 per day, or about 13.7 million per year, which is roughly equal to the ridership on the 501 QUEEN streetcar route;
• analytical and modelling work which has been done as part of the environmental assessment (EA) for the Bremner-Fort York Light Rail Line has concluded that the existing Fleet Street-Bathurst Street-Queens Quay right-of-way will not be able to accommodate the total volume of light rail vehicles which will be travelling between Union Station, and Exhibition Place and points west;
• another east-west connecting link between Union Station and Exhibition Place will be essential if the Waterfront West LRT is to provide attractive, reliable, and fast service;
• the most logical and feasible alternate link would be the Bremner-Fort York LRT Corridor which is already under study;
• for this corridor, west of Bathurst Street, operational analyses and modelling have demonstrated that the “under the Gardiner Expressway” alignment, as described in this report, would be best for both transit and traffic operations;
• there is opposition to this alignment because, although it is literally underneath the Gardiner expressway amid concrete support columns, the land is part of the Fort York National Historic site;
• all of these findings will be formalized in the Environmental Assessment Study Report for the Bremner-Fort York Light Rail Line which is currently in preparation;
• for the reasons described in this report, there is a need to expedite the approvals, funding, and construction of the Bremner-Fort York LRT line;
2. Request City of Toronto Council to endorse this report; and
3. Request Metrolinx to provide funding for this vital component of the Transit City Light Rail network, because it will provide a sustainable-transportation alternative for residents and workers in what will soon be one of the most densely-developed areas in the entire GTHA, and will lay the foundation for the Waterfront West Light Rail Line.
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Sheppard East Lrt Update
TTC staff recommended a preferred design for an LRT on Sheppard Avenue, operating in reserved lanes in the middle of the street from Don Mills Station to Meadowvale Road in the northeast part of Toronto. Late last year, the Commission approved engineering and design work on the Sheppard East, Etobicoke-Finch West and Eglinton-Crosstown LRT lines – three of the seven Transit City projects. These three lines were ranked as the most appropriate choices to get under way first.
LRT stands for Light Rail Transit. While these electrically powered rail vehicles are the same basic technology as Toronto’s current streetcars, these will present something new and completely different for Toronto – larger, low-floor, bi-directional vehicles with a fare system that allows boarding on all doors.
Adult Ticket To Be Phased Out
Commissioners approved the elimination of the Adult ticket to stave off losses to due counterfeiting. Sunday, September 28 will be the last day that Adult tickets will be accepted as valid fare to ride the TTC. Customers will have from September 15 to the end of October to exchange their tickets. Commissioners also approved the purchase of 20 million bi-metal tokens to replace the tickets at a cost of $2 million.
Lytton Workcar Accident Report
Commissioners received a report on the Lytton subway workcar fatality in 2007. The detailed report outlined one causal factor and four root causes. TTC Safety staff will report back to the Commission on the Management Corrective Action Plan in six months.
Special Caribana Pass On The Way
Commissioners approved a special two-day commemorative Caribana Pass valid on August 2nd and 3rd. The cost of the special edition pass is $18. The pass will be available at all Collector Booths and selected ticket agents in the city.
TTC Employee, Riders Receive Award Of Merit
TTC Chair Adam Giambrone presented merit awards to TTC Chief Mobile Supervisor Rob Shank and riders Liza Panzica and Hilda Bell. Shank was called to Pape Station where a customer was suffering a heart attack on a train. He and the two nurses, who were riding the same train, performed first aid until emergency crews arrived.