Board Meeting - February 2, 2011

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room 2, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1929
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

Toronto Transit Commission Board Members

  • Chair Karen Stintz
  • Vice-Chair Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner Maria Augimeri
  • Commissioner Vincent Crisanti
  • Commissioner Frank Di Giorgio
  • Commissioner Norm Kelly
  • Commissioner Denzil Minnan-Wong
  • Commissioner Cesar Palacio
  • Commissioner John Parker

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Committee Of The Whole Resolution


Public Presentations

Presentations will be heard at 2:00pm. Requests to speak must be registered in writing by 12:00 Noon of day preceding meeting day.

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 2, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 commencing at 11:00 a.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

K. Stintz (Chair), P. Milczyn (Vice-Chair), M. Augimeri, V. Crisanti, F. Di Giorgio, N. Kelly, D. Minnan-Wong, C. Palacio, and J. Parker (Commissioners), G. Webster (Chief General Manager), V. Rodo (General Manager – Executive & General Secretary), R. Cornacchia (General Manager – Operations), J. Sepulis (General Manager – Engineering & Construction), B. Leck (General Counsel - Legal), B. Frost (Acting Deputy General Manager – Bus), D. Dixon (Deputy General Manager – Rail), B. Ross (Director – Corporate Communications), M. Roche (Chief Financial Officer), S. MacDonald (Manager –Materials & Procurement), A. Smith (Chief Marketing Officer), M. Stambler, (Chief Service Planning Officer), A. Iannucci (Acting Chief Information Officer), T. Baik (Chief Project Manager – Construction), K. Lee (Assistant General Secretary) and F. Stanois (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

K. Stintz was in the Chair.

M. Roschlau, President & Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) was present for Item 2(a).

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Augimeri moved that the Commission approve the minutes from meeting no. 1927 and special meeting no. 1928 and that the Chair and General Secretary be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Augimeri carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution

a) Committee of the Whole –  Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vice-Chair Milczyn moved that the Commission approve a resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole at 9:00 a.m. or later on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations or employee negotiations and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Vice-Chair Milczyn carried.



Public Presentations

In accordance with section 18 of the procedural by-law Chair Stintz moved receipt of a petition submitted by Commissioner Palacio related to item no. 14 and a petition submitted to the General Secretary related to item no. 14.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

Chair Stintz also moved that the Commission waive section 13a of the procedural Bylaw relating to notice provisions for public presentations to permit deputations from individuals who did not meet the registration deadline of 12:00 noon the day preceeding the meeting.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried on a two thirds vote of the members in attendance.

a) Davisville Yard Site 
Ulli Rath (Request from December 15, 2010 meeting).
Friends of Oriole Park

The Commission received the deputation for information and referred Mr. Rath’s proposal to staff for consultation as part of the master plan for Davisville.

b) TTC Issues

Susan Bender, Daniela Mergarten and Sheryl Linsey
(Request from December 15, 2010 meeting).
Fair Fare Coalition
(Submitted brief)

The Commission received the deputation for information and referred the matter to staff for consideration in the context of the TTC’s multi-year funding strategy.

c) Progress Report 2 – TTC Management Response to Customer Service Advisory Panel

Miguel Avila
(Submitted brief)

The Commission received the deputation for information.
(see item no. 2b for minute).

d) 510 Spadina Streetcar – Request for Additional Service South of King Street – Follow Up

Councillor Adam Vaughan

The Commission received the deputation for information.
(see item no. 7a for minute).

e) Follow-up - Procurement Authorization - Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facilities Fleet Replacement Ashbridges Bay Site Soil Removal and Capping Contract WM60-1

Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon

Councillor Paula Fletcher

Councillor Adam Vaughan

Jamie Kirkpatrick

Andrew Bourgeios

Justin Arjoon
Steve Purificati

Ariel Pulver

Michael Rosenberg

Caron Court

Julia Zucker

Michael B. MacGregor

Bruce Budd

Karl Junkin

Dexter Williams

Chris Yaccato

Nick De Carlo - CAW

Kayeon Lee

The commission received the deputations for information.
(see item no. 11 for minute).

f) Ashbridges Bay Streetcar Maintenance & Storage Facility – Motions Referred by Budget Committee

Caron Court

The commission received the deputation for information.
(see item no. 12 for minute).

g) 2011 Operating Budget – Service Re-allocations:  Follow-up Report

Councillor Frances Nunziata

Councillor Joe Mihevc

Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby
(Submitted petition)

Councillor Josh Matlow
Councillor Adam Vaughan

Councillor Robinson

Susan Davidson, ACAT Chair
(submitted brief)

Emily Shelton

John McCord

Priscilla Wong

Joanne Flint

Abdalla Al-Baalawy
(Submitted petition)

Joy Gordon
(Submitted brief)

Bev Salmon and Allan Levine
Glenorchy Residents Association

Catherine Ure 
Principal, Park Lane School

Philip Gordon

Preethy Sivakumar 
Organizer, Toronto & York Region Labour Council

Saira Peesker
(Submitted brief)

Henry Ssali 
Student, University of Toronto

Richard Sunichura 
York University Graduate Students’ Association

Jonathan Allan
(Submitted brief)

Professor Elizabeth Littlejohn

Steven Zhou

Lisa Pozhke

Darshika Selvasivam

Edward Lantz

Lester Brown 
Past President, Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association
(Submitted brief)

Sharon Howarth
(Submitted brief)

Kayeon Lee

Susan Gapka

Jilary Massa
Ryerson Students’ Union

Rathika Sitsabaiesen

Margaret Meredith

Justin Arjoon

Kenadee Moffitt
Co-Founder, Toronto Junior Roller Derby League

Pagalavan Thavarajah
(Submitted petition)

Guled Arale
(Submitted petition)

Mark Schemeit
Absent (Submitted brief)

Allison Barrie

Michael Rosenberg

Miroslav Glavic
Absent (Submitted brief)

Olga Kremko

Senait Zeweldi

Andrew Crawford

Hamish Wilson
(Submitted brief)

Paul Scrivener

Paul Codd

Maureen Codd

Laurel Rothman and Julius Velikolud

Walied Khogali

Raj Rama

John Quarterly

Zexi Wang
(Submitted brief)

The commission received the deputations for information.
(see item no. 14 for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. a) Proposed TTC Head Office Lease

    The Commission:

    1. Approved the recommendations as set out in the confidential attachment, as amended; and

    2. Noted that the information in the confidential attachment remains confidential until such time as the transactions, which are the subject of the report, are completed.

  3. Presentations
  4. a) Canadian Urban Transit Association National Transit Employee Recognition Award

    Michael Roschlau, President & CEO, Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) joined Chair Stintz in presenting the CUTA National Transit Employee Recognition Award to Sue Cannon and family, wife of the late John Cannon, TTC Chief Information Officer.

    Anthony Iannucci, Acting Chief Information Officer, also spoke for a few moments about Mr. Cannon’s work as a founding member of the Ontario Chapter of the CIO Association of Canada.  In Mr. Cannon’s honour, the CIO Association will present annually the John Cannon Award to the winner of the Ted Rogers School of IT Management (ITM) Case Competition.

    Following the presentation, the Commission received the report for information.

    b) Progress Report 2 – TTC Management Response to Customer Service Advisory Panel

    R. Cornacchia, General Manager – Operations, gave a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

    The Commission received the presentation for information.

    Commissioner Minnan-Wong moved adoption of recommendations no. 1 and no. 2 in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the commission:

    1. Receive the attached matrix updating the status of the recommendations contained in the customer service advisory panel report, dated august 23, 2010; and

    2. Approve the creation of the customer service advisory group, to include commissioners, outside customer service specialists, the chief general manager and appropriate staff; and”.

    The motion by commissioner Minnan-Wong carried.

    chair Stintz moved adoption of recommendation no. 3 in the staff report, as follows:

    3. “Endorse in principle the draft customer service business plan, as detailed in the staff presentation”.

    Commissioner Minnan-Wong requested a recorded vote on this motion.

    In favour: Chair Stintz, Commissioner Crisanti, Commissioner Kelly and Commissioner Palacio.

    Opposed: Commissioner Minnan-Wong

    Not present for the recorded vote:  Vice-Chair Milczyn, Commissioner Augimeri, Commissioner Di Giorgio and Commissioner Parker.

    The motion by Chair Stintz carried on a vote of 4 to 1.

    Chair Stintz also moved the following motions:

    1. That the TTC endorse the establishment of a skill-based Commission and work in partnership with the city on a model for the TTC.  That consideration be given to the establishment of a citizen steering committee to oversee and provide input into the model.

    2. That the Chair of the customer service sub-committee work to establish a process for citizen representatives on the customer service advisory panel.

    The motions by Chair Stintz carried.

    c) Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Steeles West Station Approval of 
     Final Design, Finishes and Artwork

    The commission elected to forego receipt of the presentation on this item and approved the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the Commission approve the following changes to the previously approved conceptual design, and the station finishes and artwork for Steeles West Station, which will be presented through the public consultation process:

    • Relocation of the main entrance located on the North side of Steeles Avenue;
    • Redesign of the two station entrances;
    • Relocation of TTC traction power substation to grade; and
    • The addition of a new East-west road linking Northwest gate to Track & Field Road, and an additional bus driveway from Northwest gate to the North end of the TTC bus terminal”.
  5. Budget Matters


  6. Procurement Authorizations
  7. a) Summary of Authorized Expenditures between $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 for the Period November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010

    It is recommended that the Commission receive this report for information.  It lists one Expenditure ($1,000,000 to $5,000,000) for the period November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 which was approved by Senior Management.


  8. Procurement Authorization Amendments 


  9. Notice of Awards
  10. a) Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Highway 407 Station and the Northern Tunnels – Contract A35-26

    It is recommended that the Commission receive the notice of award of Chair Stintz, Vice-Chair Milczyn and the Chief General Manager authorizing the award of a contract to Obrascon Huarte Lain, S.A. (OHL,SA) and FCC Construccion, S.A. Joint Venture, in the amount of $404,387,479.00 for Contract A35-26, Highway 407 Station and the Northern Tunnels.

  11. Service Matters
  12. a) 510 Spadina – Additional Service South of King Street – Follow Up

    Chair Stintz moved that the commission approve the recommendation contained in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the commission:

     1.  Note that additional service south of King Street on the 510 Spadina streetcar route is not warranted at this time;

     2.  Note that additional service would increase annual direct TTC operating costs by approximately $525,000; and
     3.  Forward this report to Councillor Vaughan”.

    The motion by Chair Stintz carried.        

    Chair Stintz further moved that the proposals brought forward by Councillor Vaughan for the consideration of the commission be referred to staff for report back at the next commission meeting.

    The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

  13. Other Business
  14. a) Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Accessible Built Environment:  Final Proposed Standard – Next Steps

    It is recommended that the Commission:

    1.  Endorse the staff position that the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) Accessible Built Environment Final Proposed Standard should not specifically provide requirements for transportation related elements, noting that:

    • TTC staff participated in the provincial standards development process;
    • Transportation elements have not been defined in the Final Proposed Standard; and
    • TTC staff are working with other public transportation organizations in Ontario to define guideline requirements for transportation elements for the accessible built environment. 

    2.  Forward the staff recommended mass transportation specific guidelines to the Minister of Community and Social Services for consideration; and  

    3.  Request the Minister of Community and Social Services to confirm that the requirements contained in the Final Proposed Standard do not apply to mass transit facilities.

    b)    Appointment of Directors – Sick Benefit Association

    It is recommended that the Commission appoint Orest Kobylansky, General Superintendent – Bus Maintenance and Patricia Daniels, Director – Benefit Services - Human Resources as Director’s of the TTC Sick Benefit Association.


    c) Appointments - TTC Audit Committee

    The Commission approved the appointments of Commissioners F. Di Giorgio, N. Kelly and D. Minnan-Wong to the TTC Audit Committee.

  15. New Business
  16. NIL

  17. Correspondence
  18. C1 – Dennis Fotinos, President & CEO, Enwave Energy Corporation requesting an opportunity to work with TTC staff to explore the development of district energy nodes around TTC subway stations.

    The Commission received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for report back to the commission.

    C2 – Sharon Yetman regarding Steeles West Station.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
     (see report no. 2(c) for minute).

    C3 – Joe Clark regarding the placement of Metro boxes in the subway.

    The Commission received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for consideration.

    C4 – Ross Cation in opposition to the TTC Maintenance & Storage Facility at Ashbridges Bay.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
     (see report no. 11 for minute).

    C5 – Councillor Mike Layton in support of the TTC Maintenance & Storage Facility at Ashbridges Bay.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
     (see report no. 11 for minute).

    C6 – Councillor Janet Davis in opposition to proposed service reductions.

    The Commission received the communication for information.
    (see report no. 14 for minute).

Supplementary Agenda

    1. Follow Up – Procurement Authorization Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facilities Fleet Replacement – Ashbridges Bay Site Soil Removal and Capping Contract No. WM60-1 
      It is recommended that the Commission:

    1. Approve the attached report entitled “Procurement Authorization Low Floor Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facilities Fleet Replacement – Ashbridges Bay Site Soil Removal and Capping Contract WM60-1” which was deferred from the December 15, 2010 meeting;

    2. Note that staff have  met with the local Councillors and their staff to provide answers to their questions related to the Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF).


    1. Ashbridges Bay Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility – Motions Referred by Budget Committee

    The Commission approved the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:

     “It is recommended that the Commission:

    • Support staff efforts to proceed immediately with the soil removal and capping contract for the Ashbridges Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility;
    • Direct staff to investigate the feasibility and costs of locating some of the new streetcars at the Hillcrest yard and/or the adjacent hydro corridor and exhibition place loop recognizing that additional streetcar storage at alternative sites does not change the need for the Ashbridges Bay Streetcar Maintenance and Storage Facility”.

    Chair Stintz moved that staff continue to look at route re-allocations, working with Councillor Fletcher on this, and report back to the Commission.

    The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

    1. Accessible Transit Services Plan:  2010 Status Report

    It is recommended that the Commission forward this report to the City of Toronto, Metrolinx, the Ontario Ministries of Community and Social Services, Transportation, Energy and Infrastructure, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, noting that:

    • this report fulfils the provincially-legislated requirement in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 for an annual documentation of the TTC’s accessibility plan;
    • the TTC is making steady progress in the implementation of its Accessible Transit Services Plan, with accessibility initiatives underway on bus, streetcar, and rapid transit modes;
    • the status of the TTC’s current activities to improve the accessibility of its facilities and services is described in more detail in the attached Appendix 1, entitled, TTC Accessible Transit Services Plan - 2010 Status Report;
    • due to budget constraints, the TTC will not be able to retrofit subway stations with elevators and accessibility features as quickly as previously planned. Previous plans called for all stations to be retrofitted by 2020, while the current plan defers this completion date to 2024;
    • Provincial regulations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, 2005 (AODA) are being enacted, and these will apply to all public sector agencies, including the TTC. The TTC is in compliance with the regulations for customer service that came into effect January 2010. A consolidated regulation for standards for accessible transportation, employment, and communications is expected to be posted for public review early in 2011. The regulation for standards for the built environment will follow at a later date. The Commission has made the Province aware of concerns with the proposed standards, in particular requesting that the Province take the lead on implementation of elements of the standards rather than down-loading the responsibility and costs onto service providers;
    • The Province has not made a commitment to fund the costs of complying with the AODA regulations. Additional, unfunded costs resulting from the Provincial requirements may result in increased TTC subsidy requirements from the City, service reductions, and/or fare increases.


    1. 2011 Operating Budget:  Service Re-allocations – Follow-up

    M. Stambler, Chief Service Planning Officer, gave a PowerPoint presentation on this item. 

    Commissioner Kelly moved that the 162 Lawrence-Donway and the 116 Morningside routes be removed from the list of recommended service changes.

    Commissioner Kelly requested that the vote be split for each route.

    On the 162 Lawrence-Donway route, the motion lost.

    On the 116 Morningside ROUTE, the motion lost.

    Commissioner Crisanti moved that staff review all of the routes and services prior to the implementation date to ensure that no routes were improperly assessed under this criteria.

    The motion by Commissioner Crisanti carried.

    Commissioner Augimeri moved that recommendation no. 1, revision statement 2, be amended to remove “which have between 10 and 15 boardings per bus service-hour, and” so such statement now reads as follows:

    “Revision:  Services whose customers would have to walk further than 600 metres to an alternative service, are not recommended for elimination/re-allocation;”

    The motion by Commissioner Augimeri lost

    Commissioner Palacio moved the following motions:

    1. That service re-allocations, including minor reductions and improvements, be reported to the commission on a quarterly, or semi-annual basis, based on the service thresholds established by the Commission.

     2. That TTC Management staff be requested to report back to the Commission on the accuracy of ridership on transit routes that are affected and may qualify to have the service reinstated where the ridership trend may be justified.

    The motions by Commissioner Palacio carried.

    Chair Stintz moved approval of the recommendations in the staff report.

    The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

    The meeting recessed at 11:01 a.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

    The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Off-peak service re-allocations approved

On Feb. 2, after weeklong information sessions with the community, and  numerous deputations from the public and local councillors, Commissioners endorsed and approved a revised set of services recommended for elimination/re-allocation effective in May. Of the original recommended service re-allocations presented in January, service will be retained on 67 time periods of the 215 total time periods identified for reductions. Seven of the 48 routes that were originally proposed to have reductions will have no changes. More than 90 per cent of the 148 time periods being reduced were added in 2008 as part of the TTC’s Ridership Growth Strategy.

Soil removal contract awarded, construction to begin on Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility

On Feb. 2, after hearing numerous deputations from the public and local councillors, Commissioners approved the award of a contract worth $51.4 million to EllisDon Corporation and GFL Waste and Recyling Solutions Corp. for soil removal and capping work that is required in advance of the construction of the new Ashbridges Bay Maintenance and Storage Facility. The carhouse at Lake Shore Boulevard East and Leslie Street will be home to the TTC’s future light rail vehicles for the legacy streetcar network.

Commissioners also voted, on a separate report, to direct TTC staff to investigate the feasibility and costs of storing some of the new light rail vehicles at the Hillcrest Complex and/or the adjacent hydro corridor, as well as at the Exhibition Place streetcar loop. The current construction schedule for the completion of the Ashbridges Bay facility is the end of 2013.

TTC responds to Customer Service Advisory Panel recommendations

On Feb. 2, Commissioners received and endorsed a status report, and a draft Customer Service Business Plan, responding to 78 recommendations contained in the Customer Service Advisory Panel report dated August 2010. The Board also approved the creation of a Customer Service Advisory Group. TTC staff presented the draft plan, which addressed customer care and system design issues.

Contract award for Spadina subway extension work

On Feb. 2, Commissioners approved the award of a contract worth $404.3 million to Obrascon Huarte Lain, S.A. and FCC Construccion S.A. Joint Venture for more than seven kilometres of twin tunnelling work between Finch West and Vaughan Corporate Centre Stations, and for the construction of the Highway 407 Station on the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension.

Design and artwork approved for Steeles West Station

On Feb. 2, Commissioners approved the design, art and finishes for Steeles West Station on the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension. It will include a 1,850 commuter parking lot, 12-bay TTC bus terminal, five-bay YRT bus terminal and a passenger pick-up-and-drop-off area.

A public selection process chose realities:united, a studio led by brothers, Jan and Tim Edler as the public artists. They have worked in close collaboration with the architectural design team to develop a concept called LightSpell, which is described as a “super-sculpture” of light and art.

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