Board Meeting - October 24, 2012

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Start Time:10:00 AM
Location:Committee Room 4, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1952
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

TTC Board Members

TTC Board Members

  • Chair Karen Stintz
  • Vice-Chair Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Maria Augimeri
  • Commissioner Raymond Cho
  • Commissioner Josh Colle
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner John Parker

TTC Board Members

TTC Board Members

  • Chair Karen Stintz
  • Vice-Chair Glenn De Baeremaeker
  • Commissioner Maria Augimeri
  • Commissioner Raymond Cho
  • Commissioner Josh Colle
  • Commissioner Peter Milczyn
  • Commissioner John Parker

(Public meeting to commence at 10:00 a.m. to deal with Declarations of Interest and a resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public. The Commission will immediately meet in the absence of the public (referred to as “Committee of the Whole”) to deal with confidential items and will reconvene the portion of the meeting open to the public at approximately 1:00 p.m.)

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC by-law to govern Commission proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act.

Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2)

a. Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Contract A35-26 – Risk Management

(This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege)

Education/Training (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29(B) and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (3.1)

a. Office Consolidation

Meeting (Open to the Public) – 1:00 P.M.
Committee Room #1, 2nd Floor, City Hall

Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Public Presentations

Presentations will be heard at 2:00 p.m. Requests to speak must be registered by 12:00 Noon of the business day preceding meeting day.

Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

Supplementary Agenda and Reports

A meeting of the Toronto Transit Commission was held in Committee Room 4, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 commencing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:05 a.m. and re-convened at 1:05 p.m. in Committee Room 1.


K. Stintz (Chair), G. De Baeremaeker (Vice-Chair), M. Augimeri, R. Cho, J. Colle, P. Milczyn and P. Parker (Commissioners), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), D. Dixon (Chief Operating Officer), S. Ghaly (Chief Capital Officer), C. Upfold (Chief Customer Officer), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), M. Stambler (Head of Strategy & Service Planning), D. Garisto (Head of Property Development), J. Lee (Head of Materials & Procurement), A. Bertolo (Chief Project Manager – Spadina Subway Extension), A. Pace (Director – Strategic Partnerships – Transit Expansion), P. Millett (Chief Project Manager – Yonge Subway Extension), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

K. Stintz was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Chair Stintz moved that the Commission approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1951 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

a) TTC Procurement Process

Chair Stintz moved that the report requested at the September 27, 2012 meeting under Business Arising out of the Minutes on transparency and oversight of the TTC procurement process be brought to the November 21, 2012 Commission meeting.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

b) Wheel-Trans Taxi Contracts – Procurement Timelines Update

Chair Stintz moved that the current deferral of the September 27, 2012 report entitled “Wheel-Trans Taxi Contracts – Procurement Timelines Update” be extended until such time that the Auditor General’s report becomes available, but no later than the January 2013 Commission Meeting.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

Committee of the Whole Resolution

Chair Stintz moved that the Commission recess to meet as the Committee of the Whole to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations, employee negotiations, and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.


Meeting (open to the public) – 1:05 p.m.
Committee Room 1, 2ND Floor, City Hall



Public Presentations

a) Old Mill Station Accessibility

Susan A. Lewis and Vera Bergart

(Submitted petition)

The Commission received the deputations for information and referred the matter to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) for report back to the January 2013 Commission Meeting.

b) Plan to Mitigate Disruption during Construction of Scarborough RT

Alan Yule

The Commission received the deputation for information.

Vice-Chair De Baeremaeker moved that TTC staff report back to the Jan. 2013 Commission Meeting on the merits and feasibility of upgrading the proposed Scarborough LRT to a subway extension from Kennedy Station, north through the Scarborough Town Centre, to Sheppard and McCowan.

The motion by Vice-Chair De Baeremaeker carried unanimously.

Commissioner Milczyn moved that TTC staff report back to the Jan. 2013 Commission Meeting on the merits and feasibility of completing a subway loop from Sheppard and McCowan to Sheppard and Don Mills.

The motion by Commissioner Milczyn carried.

c) Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study (DRTES) – Phase 1 Strategic Plan

Alan Yule

Brian Boehlert

Sharon Yetman
Transit Flow Technologist
Platform Technology Consultancy

David Fisher

Hamish Wilson

The Commission received the deputations for information.
(See Item No. 2(b) for minute).

d) Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Schedule Status Update

Sharon Yetman
Transit Flow Technologist
Platform Technology Consultancy

The Commission received the deputation and referred the presentation to staff for information. 
(See Item No. 13 for minute).

Prior to commencing with the next public presentation Chair Stintz moved that the Commission waive Section 13(a) of the Procedures Bylaw relating to notice provisions for public presentations to permit a deputation from Sharon Yetman on Item 8(f).

The motion by Chair Stintz carried on a two thirds vote of the members present.

e) Commuter Parking Lot Pricing

Sharon Yetman
Transit Flow Technologist
Platform Technology Consultancy

The Commission received the deputation for information.
(See Item No. 8(f) for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice

Moved by: Chair Stintz
Seconded by: Commissioner Parker

At the May 30th, 2012 Commission Meeting, as part of the Report Entitled “LRT Projects in Toronto – Project Delivery”, the Commission directed:

“That the TTC direct staff to expedite the signing of a Master Agreement with Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario that outlines provision such as governance model, dispute resolution mechanism, and amendment clauses, by the September 2012 Commission Meeting.”

TTC staff have negotiated a Master Agreement with Metrolinx and the City of Toronto that outlines a governance model, dispute resolution mechanism, and operating principles for the LRT Projects in Toronto (the LRT Projects are defined in the May 30, 2012 Commission Report).


That the Commission authorize the CEO to sign any and all agreements necessary with Metrolinx and the City of Toronto, if applicable, relating to the delivery of the LRT Projects in Toronto, in a form satisfactory to TTC’s General Counsel.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation



1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Contract A35-26 – Risk Management

The Commission:

1. received a confidential verbal update regarding risk management related to Contract A35-26;
2. noted that the information provided in the confidential verbal update is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Prior to commencing with the Presentations portion of the agenda, Chair Stintz took the opportunity to read several reports submitted by customers detailing exceptional service they received from TTC staff. The communications summarized incidents where employees responded in extraordinary fashion to assist customers during their transit trips. Chair Stintz, and the rest of the Commission, thanked the employees involved for the great service they are providing to TTC customers.

2. Presentations

a) Transit Oriented Development and the Sustainable City
Ronald A. Altoon, Altoon Partners LLP, provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item. Accompanying Mr. Altoon were Lorne Braithwaite and Don Logie of Build Toronto.

The Commission received the presentation for information.

b) Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study (DRTES) – Phase 1 Strategic Plan

B. Dawson, Manager – Service Planning, provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

The Commission received the presentation for information.

Commissioner Parker moved that future transit expansion plans consider a DRL east of Yonge as a priority, and that study be commenced on the merits of eventually extending the line along the Don Mills corridor to the proposed terminal at Don Mills and Eglinton.

The motion by Commissioner Parker carried.

Commissioner Colle noted in opposition to the foregoing motion.

Commissioner Cho moved that:

  1. The TTC write a letter, on behalf of the Commission, to the leaders of the Federal Conservative, Liberal, Green and New Democratic Party requesting their plan to meet future public transit ridership demand in the city's downtown core.
  2. The TTC write a letter on behalf of the Commission to the leaders of the Provincial Conservative, Liberal, Green and New Democratic Party requesting their plan to meet future public transit ridership demand in the city's downtown core.
  3. The TTC make the responses publicly available.

The motion by Commissioner Cho carried.

Commissioner Parker noted in opposition to the foregoing motion.

Chair Stintz moved that the City Clerk be requested to forward this report, along with the Master Agreement with Metrolinx and Infrastructure Ontario, to the October City Council Meeting.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

Chair Stintz further moved adoption of the report, as amended.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

3. Budget Matters


4. Procurement Authorizations

a) Procurement Authorization – Wilson Complex Wheel Lathe – Contract C1-39

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of Wilson Complex Wheel Lathe Contract C1-39, to Buttcon Limited (Buttcon) in the amount of $8,168,770.00 on the basis of lowest bid and evaluated price.


b) Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Design, Build and Supply of Station MCC and UPS Back-Up Power Equipment – Contract A75-21

It is recommended that the Commission authorize the award of a contract to Nedco, a Division of Rexel Canada Electrical, (Nedco) in the amount of $7,256,963.96 for Contract A75-21, Design, Build and Supply of Station MCC and UPS Back-Up Power Equipment.


5. Procurement Authorization Amendments

a) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Contract No. 85-75F – Sheppard West Station – Contract Amendment No. 6

It is recommended that the Commission authorize Contract Amendment No. 6 to Aecom Canada Ltd. (Aecom), in the amount of $2,000,000.00, increasing the total upset limit amount to $18,135,274.00. This will provide for complete engineering support, inspection services and design revisions during the remaining period of construction work.


6. Notice of Awards


7. Service Matters


8. Other Business

a) 2013 Commission Meeting Schedule

It is recommended that the Commission approve the following 2013 meeting schedule dates, and that the published schedule serve as notice for these meetings:

  • Monday, January 21, 2013
  • Monday, February 25, 2013
  • Wednesday, March 27, 2013
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Friday, May 24, 2013
  • Monday, June 24, 2013
  • Wednesday, July 24, 2013
  • Wednesday, September 25, 2013
  • Wednesday, October 23, 2013
  • Monday, November 18, 2013
  • Thursday, December 19, 2013


b) TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 5.3 Procurement

Vice-Chair De Baeremaeker moved that this item be referred to the November Commission meeting so staff can review and report back on the following proposed amendments to TTC Corporate Policy 5.3 Procurement:

  1. All qualified bids must disclose their contractor experience in the GTA and the percentage of work done by the firm in the GTA and in Canada;
  2. All qualified bids must have a signed engagement agreement with sub-contractors by the close of the bid period and to have documentation available upon request by TTC procurement staff;
  3. All qualified bid packages to include documentation that provides proof of insurance, WSIB and worker safety record in the last 2 years.

The motion by Vice-Chair De Baeremaeker carried.

c) TTC Corporate Policy Review – Policy 13.5 Authorization for Expenditures & Other Commitments

It is recommended that the Commission approve the following TTC Corporate Policy as amended for implementation effective November 1, 2012, which policy is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’:

Policy 13.5, Authorization for Expenditures and Other Commitments.
Delete Policy 13.11.6, Delegation of Departmental Expenditure Authority and transfer various clauses to Policy 13.5 (above).


d) Gateway - Lease

It is recommended that the Commission approve the following:

  1. The execution of a lease agreement with Tobmar Investments International Inc. (Tobmar) for the continued operation and management of the Gateway Newsstands in the subway system under the terms and conditions outlined in this report and further detailed in a letter from Mr. Michael Aychental, CEO – Tobmar Investments International Inc., dated October 1, 2012 (Attachment 1);
  2. Amend the existing lease agreements with Tobmar associated with the bakeries, cafes and lottery locations to consolidate the terms for ten (10) years commencing December 1, 2012 to November 31, 2022 with a five (5) year option, adjust the rents and further amendments, as set out in this report and Attachment 1;


e) Yonge/Eglinton – Transfer of Leaseholds to Build Toronto

At the request of the local Councillor who will be meeting with Build Toronto to discuss plans for the future, Chair Stintz moved deferral of this item to the November Commission meeting.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

f) Commuter Parking Lot Pricing

It is recommended that the Commission authorize staff to implement the following price changes effective January 1, 2013:

  1. Don Mills – increase from $5 daily flat rate to $6 daily flat rate.
  2. Kennedy East – increase from $3 daily flat rate to $4 daily flat rate.
  3. Delegate the authority to the CEO to make parking rate changes to reflect market conditions.


9. New Business

10. Correspondence

C1 – Valdo Tammark, ACAT Chair, forwarding for information the approved minutes of the August 30, 2012 ACAT General Monthly Meeting.

The Commission received the communication for information.

C2 – Councillors P. Fletcher and M.M. McMahon, City of Toronto, proposing the name “Leslie Barns” for the Ashbridges Bay TTC facility.

The Commission referred the item to staff for report to the November Commission meeting to allow the opportunity for public deputations on the matter.

C3 – Andrew Schulz regarding the Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study (DRTES) – Phase 1 Strategic Plan.

The Commission received the communication for information.
(See Item No. 2(b) for minute).

Supplementary Agenda

11. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – Period 8 (July 29, 2012 to August 25, 2012)

It is recommended that the Commission forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer, for information.


12. Wireless Network in the Subway System

Chair Stintz moved deferral of this report to the November Commission meeting to facilitate a briefing on the item.

The motion by Chair Stintz carried.

13. Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Schedule Status Update

It is recommended that the Commission:

1. Receive this report noting that:

  • The Toronto-York Spadina Subway (TYSSE) project worked to a compressed schedule.
  • The TYSSE project faced schedule impacts that are not unusual for a project of this size and complexity.
  • The scheduled completion date is adjusted to the fall of 2016.

2. Forward this report for information to the TYSSE Executive Task Force, the Move Ontario Trust and the Management Committee, established under the Building Canada Fund Contribution Agreement for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension.


The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study

Commissioners unanimously accepted the findings of a report detailing the demand and benefits of a Downtown Relief Line. The report, jointly prepared by TTC/City of Toronto staff, in co-operation with Metrolinx, is titled Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study -- Phase 1 Strategic Plan. It's a strategic review of the need for rapid transit facilities in the downtown over the coming decades, with a focus on the specific problem of addressing overcrowding on the Yonge Subway. The report projects transit ridership coming from the Toronto suburbs and beyond into the downtown core will grow by 51 per cent by 2031.

The Commission also confirmed its support for City Council's 2009 decision directing that Metrolinx be requested to prioritize the Downtown Relief Line in advance of the Yonge North Extension in order to accommodate capacity issues resulting from the extension of the Yonge Subway (to Richmond Hill).

Commission requests feasibility studies

Commissioners approved motions by Vice-Chair Glen De Baeremaker and Commissioner Peter Milczyn requesting that TTC staff report back at the January 2013 Commission meeting on the merits and feasibility of converting the Scarborough RT to a subway -- instead of the currently-approved light rail -- from Kennedy Station, north through the Scarborough Town Centre, continuing on to Sheppard and McCowan, and the further extension of such a subway from Sheppard and McCowan to Sheppard and Don Mills.

CEO Report: 2012 ridership projection

TTC ridership continues to grow with year-to-date results 2.4 per cent above budget. The growth is being driven by strong Adult Monthly Metropass sales, which are 5.3 per cent above budget. This favourable trend is anticipated to continue for the remainder of 2012. The ridership projection for the year has been increased to 514 million from the previous forecast of 511 million.

Spadina Subway opening extended to 2016

Commissioners received a report on the schedule status of the subway extension project, which indicated the completion date has been adjusted for fall 2016 from December 2015. The report stated that longer-than-expected funding approvals and station design agreements, complex utilities relocation, contractor performance and the tragic death of a contracted worker on Oct. 11, 2011 have contributed to the project schedule extension.

Commuter lot pricing changes

Commissioners approved a $1-increase at two of its commuter parking lots. Effective on Jan. 1, 2013, the TTC will charge a $6 daily flat rate at the Don Mills lot (up from $5) and a $4 daily flat rate at the Kennedy East lot (up from $3). The pricing change is expected to generate about $81,000 annually.

Commission meeting schedule for 2013

Commissioners approved the 2013 schedule of board meetings at Toronto City Hall as follows (held at 1 p.m. unless otherwise indicated): Monday, January 21; Monday, February 25; Wednesday, March 27; Wednesday, April 24; Friday, May 24; Monday, June 24; Wednesday, July 24; Wednesday, September 25; Wednesday, October 23; Monday, November 18; and Thursday, December 19.

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