Board Meeting - April 30, 2014

Meeting Info

Date:Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Start Time:10:00 AM
Location:Committee Room #1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1971
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act

Minutes Of The Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 1970 held on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2)

  • Davis LLP – Purchase Order Amendment (For Action) (This report contains advice or recommendations that are subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege)

Education/Training (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29(B) and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (3.1)



Meeting (Open to the Public) – 1 p.m.
Committee Room #1, 2nd Floor Toronto City Hall

Minutes of the Previous Meetings

Meeting No. 1968 held on Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Business Arising Out of Minutes


Notices of Motions

  • Bicycle Parking and Public Bicycle Sharing at Union Station

Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentations

Davisville Yard - Co-generation

Item 1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

  • 1a. Report with Confidential Attachment - Davis LLP - Purchase Order Amendment (For Action)

    This report contains advice or recommendations that are subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege.

Item 2. Presentations

Item 3. Budget matters

Item 4. Procurement Authorizations

Item 5. Procurement Authorization Amendments

Item 6. Notice of Awards

Item 7. Service Matters

Item 8. Other Business

Item 9. New Business

Item 10. Correspondence

A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

  • 10a. C-1 The Honourable Eric Hoskins, Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment re: Implementation of support person fare requirements under AODA

  • 10b. C-2 Susan Davidson, ACAT Chair - Forwarding, for information, approved minutes of the February 27, 2014 ACAT General Monthly Meeting

  • 10c. C-3 Ulli Watkiss, City Clerk re: Community Development and Recreation Committee Item 27.5 Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 - Recommended Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (Ward All)

  • 10d. C-4 Councillor Mike Del Grande - Extension of Redlea Avenue/TTC Bus Garage on McNicoll Avenue (Report 8(a))

  • 10e. C-5 Han Dong, MPP Candidate Re: Express bus from Liberty Village to Union Station (petition submitted)

  • 10f. C-6 Jared Kolb Executive Director - Cycle Toronto Re: Notice of Motion - Bicycle Parking and Public Bicycle Sharing at Union Station

Supplementary Agenda and Reports


A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 commencing at 10:08 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:09 a.m. and re-convened at 1:10 p.m.


M. Augimeri (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), R. Cho, J. Colle, G. De Baeremaeker, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey, P. Milczyn, J. Parker and K. Stintz (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), J. Murray (Acting Chief Capital Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), M. Stambler (Acting Chief Customer Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), R. Wong (Acting Chief Operating Officer), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), J. Lee (Head of Materials & Procurement), B. Brown (Chief – Vehicle Engineering), A. Pace (Head of Strategic Partnerships), K. Watson (Senior Manager – Wheel-Trans), D. LoPresti (Transit Planner System Accessibility – Wheel-Trans), C. Thoun (Head of Customer Communications), J. Kelly (Director of Third Party – Property, Planning & Development), J. Dimovski (Senior Project Manager – Construction Department), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

M. Augimeri was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

A. Heisey removed himself from discussion and voting on Item No. 4(a) – Procurement Authorization – Purchase of 40-Foot Low Floor Clean Diesel Buses as he has RRSP shares in New Flyer Industries Canada ULC.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Colle moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1970 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Colle carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

Commissioner Heisey moved that Board member attendance at Committee of the Whole meetings be included in the public minutes for future Board meetings.

The motion by Commissioner Heisey carried.

Committee of the Whole Resolution

Commissioner Colle moved that the Board recess to meet as the Committee of the Whole to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations, employee negotiations, and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Commissioner Colle carried.


Meeting (open to the public) – 1:10 p.m.

Public Presentations

a) Early Economical Relief of Peak Period Congestion on the Yonge Subway and at Bloor and Yonge Stations (Item 10/C2 from the February 24, 2014 meeting)

Josef Kates

The Board referred to staff the presentation provided by Mr. Kates.

b) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – April 2014 Update

Brian Boehlert

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item 3(a) for minute).

c) Procurement Authorization – Purchase of 40 Foot Low Floor Clean Diesel Buses

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information.

(See Item 4(a) for minute).

d) Service Increases and Improvements

Councillor Josh Matlow

The Board received the deputation for information, noting that Chief Executive Officer A. Byford is agreeable to staff reviewing the matter of service on the 74 Mt. Pleasant route during the 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. operating period.

(See Item 9(d) for minute).

Notice of Motions

a) Bicycle Parking and Public Bicycle Sharing at Union Station

Moved by: Commissioner Heisey

Seconded by: Commissioner De Baeremaeker

Whereas Union Station before its renovation had existing bicycle parking and a Public Bicycle Sharing (Bixi) Station in the plaza in front of Union Station south of Front Street;

And Whereas there is no plan in the current renovated plaza to provide any bicycle parking or Public Bicycle Sharing Station in the plaza in front of Union Station south of Front Street;

And Whereas Metrolinx (letter dated February 29, 2012 attached) recommended that the City of Toronto provide bicycle parking and Bixi Stations directly adjacent to Union Station and its entrances;

And Whereas the City of Toronto Transportation Department has identified possible locations for bicycle parking and Public Bicycle Sharing Station(s) in the plaza in front of Union Station and south of Front Street West;

And Whereas the bicycle is an adjunct to, and support for, public transit users and for the Union Station subway and LRT station and its users in particular;

Be it resolved that the Board:

1. Supports at-grade bicycle parking and a Bicycle Sharing Station (s) directly adjacent to Union Station and its entrances and specifically south of Front Street West and west of Bay Street and east of York Street.

2. Request the Chief Executive Officer to advise the City of Toronto Transportation Department, the Toronto Parking Authority and Facilities Management Staff of the Union Station Revitalization Group of the Board’s position, as set out above.

Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

    a) Davisville Yard – Co-generation

    It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information, noting that TTC staff does not consider co-generation at Davisville Yard as a viable option.


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. a) Davis LLP – Purchase Order Amendment

    It is recommended that:

    1. The Board approve the recommendation as set out in the Confidential Attachment; and

    2. The information as set out in the Confidential Attachment remains confidential until final resolution of the litigation matter.


  3. Presentations
  4. Nil

  5. Budget Matters
  6. a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – April 2014 Update

    It is recommended that the TTC Board forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer, for information.


  7. Procurement Authorizations
  8. a) Procurement Authorization – Purchase of 40-Foot Low Floor Clean Diesel Buses

    It is recommended the Board authorize:

    1. The award of a contract to Nova Bus, a Division of Volvo Group Canada Inc. (Nova) in the amount of $32,638,072.50 in Canadian funds including all applicable taxes for the purchase of 55 Forty Foot Low Floor Clean Diesel Buses (Buses) for delivery in 2015.

    2. The expenditure of funds up to a total allowance amount of $660,000 inclusive of all applicable taxes as an upset limit with respect to the 55 Buses, for the following:

    a) Potential Contract Amendments b) Options c) Alternatives d) Recommended special tools.

    For a total authorized expenditure of up to $33,298,072.50 inclusive of all applicable taxes, related to recommendations 1 and 2 above.


    b) Purchase Authorization – Sedan Meter-based Taxi Service for Wheel-Trans

    The Board deferred this item to the next regular meeting of the Board on May 28, 2014.

    c) Procurement Authorization Arrow Road Garage Bus Hoist Replacement Contract V60-6

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of Contract V60-6, Arrow Road Garage Bus Hoist Replacement to Buttcon Limited (Buttcon) in the amount of $5,812,720.00 inclusive of all taxes on the basis of lowest Total Bid Price.


  9. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  10. a) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project Contract No. A85-70 - Project Controls Services – Additional Contract Authority

    It is recommended that the Board authorize staff to proceed with a Contract Amendment to the Project Controls Services Contract with Stantec Consulting Services Limited in the amount $9,000,000.00 increasing the total upset limit amount from $30,568,503.00 to $39,568,503.00 inclusive of all applicable taxes.


    b) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Design & Supply Radio Based Automatic Train Control for YUS Subway – Contract Changes 19 and 21

    It is recommended that the Board authorize staff to proceed with contract changes to the Design and Supply of Radio Based Automatic Train Control (ATC) for Line 1 YUS (Yonge-University-Spadina) Subway contract with Alstom Power & Transport Canada Inc. (Alstom) no later than May 5, 2014 in the amounts inclusive of applicable taxes as follows:

    1. Include cancellation of Contract Change 16, Design and Installation of ATC on Toronto- York-Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE), credit amount of $19,032,880.55;

    2. Increase $2,644,490.90 for supply of ATC parts for 10 additional subway train sets purchased from Bombardier;

    3. Increase $51,677,167.24 for adding Automatic Train Control to TYSSE, scope changes to Line 1 and contract schedule extension of five years; and

    4. The expenditure of funds up to a total allowance amount of $2,486,940.00 for foreign exchange rate adjustments, extension of existing Letter of Credit for performance of the Contract, and shipping costs. Refer to Appendix 1 for further information.

    This results in a total additional authorized expenditure of up to $37,775,717.59 and a total authorized contract value of $128,347,983.20


  11. Notice of Awards
  12. Nil

  13. Service Matters
  14. a) 2014-2018 TTC Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

    The Board approved the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the Board:

    1. advise the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment that, owing to a capital funding shortfall, the TTC cannot meet the AODA requirement that all subway stations be made accessible by 2025;

    2. request the Chair and CEO, as part of the City-TTC Transit Funding Task Force, to seek reinstatement of full funding for the TTC’s accessibility (Easier Access) program; and

    3. forward this report to the City of Toronto, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, noting that:

    • this report fulfills the provincially-legislated requirements in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) for documentation of the TTC’s multi-year accessibility plans;
    • Attachment 1 is a report entitled 2014-2018 TTC Accessibility Plan, which describes in detail the TTC’s plans over the next five (5) years to improve the accessibility of its facilities and services;
    • the TTC is making significant progress on its long-term commitment to make all TTC services accessible: all TTC conventional bus services and subway trains are now accessible, and new accessible streetcars will begin operation in 2014;
    • approximately half of all subway stations are now accessible;
    • the reduction of $240 million in the Easier Access program within the TTC’s 2014 2023 Capital Budget means that funding is not available for implementation of elevators and other Easier Access improvements at 17 stations as follows:

    o Line 1 (Yonge-University-Spadina): Wellesley, College, Spadina, Summerhill, Museum, Rosedale, Glencairn

    o Line 2 (Bloor-Danforth): Greenwood, Lansdowne, Keele, Chester, Christie, Castle Frank, High Park, Old Mill, Warden, Islington

    • full funding of the Easier Access program will need to be restored by 2017 in order to allow the TTC to make all stations accessible by 2025;
    • the Province has not committed funding for the costs of the TTC complying with AODA regulations (approximately $2 million in the 2014 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budget). Additionally, unfunded costs resulting from these Provincial requirements may result in increased TTC subsidy requirements from the City, service reductions, and/or fare increases; and
    • TTC staff will report back to the Board and ACAT on an annual basis on the progress in implementing the goals and objectives of the 2014-2018 TTC Accessibility Plan”.

    Commissioner Heisey also moved the following motion.

    “That the Board direct staff, through the 2015 budget process, to include provisions for elevator redundancies at key transfer stations such as Yonge/Bloor and St. George Stations, with input to the requirements to be provided by ACAT”.

    The motion by Commissioner Heisey carried.

    The item was adopted, as amended.

    b) TTC Express Bus Service at GO Transit Stations

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Receive this report for information, noting that express bus stops on TTC routes will continue to be located where they provide the greatest overall benefit for TTC customers; and

    2. Forward this report to Metrolinx.


  15. Other Business
  16. a) Status of Planning Activities for the McNicoll Bus Garage

    J. Kelly, Director of Third Party – Property, Planning & Development and J. Dimovski, Senior Project Manager – Construction Department provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

    The Board received the presentation and the staff report for information.

    b) Outstanding Board Items

    It is recommended that the Board receive for information the updated list of outstanding Board Items for the period up to and including the meeting of March 26, 2014.


  17. New Business
  18. a) Eglinton Crosstown Construction – TTC Service Plan and Contingencies

    Submitted by: Commissioner Heisey

    Commissioner Heisey moved that the original recommendation be struck out and replaced with the following:


    1. The TTC Board request MX to provide to TTC a quantifiable impact analysis on the commuting time benefits and/or impacts for TTC riders and motorists alike associated with full road closures versus partial road closures for the Eglinton-Crosstown project as a whole, and at key locations (i.e. Allen Road).

    2. In the meantime, TTC staff report back to a future Board meeting, in consultation with Metrolinx and the City of Toronto Transportation Department, on the impact of the Eglinton-Crosstown line construction on bus service and passengers and what TTC’s plan is for addressing it”.

    The motion by Commissioner Heisey carried.

    The item was adopted, as amended.

    b) Customer Service Staffing Levels

    Submitted by: Chair Augimeri


    That TTC staff report to the next Board meeting on customer service staffing levels since 2011, response times to customer inquiries, and other front-line service indicators including Wheel-Trans.


    c) Delivery Vehicles Obstructing Transit Routes

    Submitted by: Commissioner Heisey

    Commissioner Heisey moved that the original recommendation be struck out and replaced with the following:


    1. TTC staff be directed to continue to seek co-operation from Shred-It to ensure steps are being taken by this company to discontinue this unlawful practice;

    2. TTC staff continue to work with the Toronto Police Service (TPS) on priority enforcement of traffic and parking violations on transit routes, including encouraging TPS to escalate enforcement to obstruction violation tickets which carry higher fines on the Queen Street and King Street car routes;

    3. TTC staff consult with City of Toronto Transportation Services on what initiatives have been implemented, and those that are being considered, that provide a greater disincentive to illegal parking and traffic infractions of this nature, and report this information back to the Board. This report should also include information from TTC staff on the use and effectiveness of TTC Route Supervisors who currently have the authority to issue parking tickets;

    4. TTC Chair write to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee requesting that the City consider seeking the implementation of a parking fine system of escalating parking fines for repeat offenders and multiple offences, as well as the expansion of tow away zones on streetcar routes in congested areas, as the current fine regime is not inhibiting illegal parking; and

    5. TTC staff report back on what a program of targeted enforcement of illegally stopped vehicles of all natures on King between Bathurst (or Spadina) and Church could achieve in terms of reduction of journey times and what this would represent in terms of cost savings of providing (should streetcars be available) equivalent service increases”.

    The Board deferred consideration of the item and requested staff to report back to the next meeting on what action is being taken on the various issues outlined in the amended motion, including what City of Toronto Transportation staff has done since City Council’s October 8, 2013 resolution on Item NM39.16 - Maintaining Traffic Flow in the Downtown Area.

    d ) Service Increases and Improvements

    Commissioner Colle moved that the first sentence in the recommendation be amended by deleting “June” and inserting “January 2015”, so such recommendation now reads as follows:


    That TTC staff report to the January 2015 Board meeting on the cost (for consideration in the 2015 budget process), including capital costs, of: (1) improving service levels and quality in the form of more-frequent service and reduced crowding, broken down by period of operation (e.g. – morning peak period, weekday midday, etc.); (2) introducing new and improved

    services such as more express bus service or the previously-discussed network of ten-minute-or-better bus routes; and (3) any other service innovations or improvements which TTC staff believe warrant consideration by the Board and/or Council including the possibility of extending the life of the current streetcar fleet or provide additional service. The report should include discussion of the impact on capital projects and funding of any such decisions”.

    Commissioner Heisey moved that the first sentence in the recommendation be amended by deleting “June” and inserting “August 2014”, so such recommendation now reads as follows:


    That TTC staff report to the August 2014 Board meeting on the cost (for consideration in the 2015 budget process), including capital costs, of: (1) improving service levels and quality in the form of more-frequent service and reduced crowding, broken down by period of operation (e.g. – morning peak period, weekday midday, etc.); (2) introducing new and improved services such as more express bus service or the previously-discussed network of ten-minute-or-better bus routes; and (3) any other service innovations or improvements which TTC staff believe warrant consideration by the Board and/or Council including the possibility of extending the life of the current streetcar fleet or provide additional service. The report should include discussion of the impact on capital projects and funding of any such decisions”.

    Chair Augimeri first called for a vote on Commissioner Colle’s motion.

    The motion by Commissioner Colle carried.

    Commissioner Heisey’s motion was deemed redundant.

    The item was adopted, as amended.

    e) Slowed Construction during Pan Am Games and Related Bus Availability

    Submitted by: Chair Augimeri


    That TTC staff consider the planned 2015 construction moratorium due to the Pan Am Games and report back on whether that moratorium would materially reduce the number of buses required and designated for construction-related services and, in turn, increase the number of buses available for regularly-scheduled service for the entirety of 2015. The report should include discussion of the effects of any such increase in available buses on both the capital and operating budgets for 2015.


    f) Free Wi-Fi Service on all TTC Buses and Streetcars

    Submitted by: Commissioner De Baeremaeker


    That TTC staff report back to the June 24, 2014 Board meeting regarding the feasibility of providing free Wi-Fi service on all TTC buses and surface transit with such report to examine:

    a) the capital and operating cost of providing such a service using our traditional budget process and how this service would compare to other priorities identified in our capital and operating budgets; and

    b) the possibility of providing this service free to the TTC and its customers through private/public partnerships.


  19. Correspondence
  20. C1 – The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment regarding implementation of the Transportation Standard under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR).

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item 7(a) for minute).

    C2 – Susan Davidson, ACAT Chair, forwarding for information the approved minutes of the February 27, 2014 ACAT General Monthly meeting.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    C3 – City Clerk Ulli Watkiss forwarding City Council’s decision on Community Development and Recreation Committee Item 27.5 Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 – Recommended Neighbourhood Improvement Areas.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    C4 – Councillor Mike Del Grande regarding the extension of Redlea Avenue and the TTC McNicoll Bus Garage.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    (See Item 8(a) for minute).

    C5 – Han Don, MPP Candidate Trinity-Spadina regarding implementation of an express bus service from Liberty Village to Union Station (petition submitted).

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    C6 – Jared Kolb, Executive Director – Cycle Toronto regarding Notice of Motion a) Bicycle Parking and Public Bicycle Sharing at Union Station.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Notice of Motion (page 3) for minute).

    The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda

  1. Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications – Contract Numbers A70-14 and A70-18
  2. On motion by Chair Augimeri, the Board recessed as the Committee of the Whole at 3:00 p.m. to receive advice on this item which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

    The Board re-convened in public at 3:30 p.m. and adopted the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the Board authorize a total expenditure up to $36,109,922.25 for Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, as set out below and detailed in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C.

    1. The award of a Contract, designated as A70-14, to Thales Canada, Transportation Solutions (Thales) in the amount of $11,755,189.81, inclusive of HST, for Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, which includes a credit of $3,928,800.00 to eliminate Downsview service track (Appendix A, Option 4).

    2. The award of a Contract, designated as A70-18, to Thales in the amount of $24,354,732.44, inclusive of HST, for T1/TR - Wilson Yard Connection and Wilson Yard Signal System Modifications, including the following specified options:

    a) Re-Signalling of Wilson Yard in the amount of $12,850,182.00 (Appendix B, Option 3), and

    b) Relocation of Zone Control Panel in the amount of $179,704.00 Canadian dollars (Appendix B, Option 5)”.

    The meeting adjourned at 3:31 p.m.

TTC to purchase more 12-metre, low-floor buses

The TTC Board approved the award of a contract worth $32.6 million to Nova Bus (a Division of Volvo Group Canada Inc.) for the purchase of 55, 12-metre (40-foot), low-floor, clean-diesel buses for delivery in 2015. The additional vehicles are required to improve customer service and vehicle reliability, and address future ridership growth. Funding for the purchase is included in the 2014 Capital Budget.

TTC Board approves Accessibility Plan

Board Members approved the 2014-2018 Accessibility Plan and recommended TTC staff advise the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Employment that, owing to a capital funding shortfall, the TTC cannot meet the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requirement that all subway stations be made accessible by 2025. The Board also requested the TTC Chair and CEO, as part of the City-TTC Transit Funding Task Force, seek reinstatement of full funding for the TTC’s Easier Access (accessibility) program. The report will be forwarded to the City of Toronto, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

The reduction of $240 million in the 2014-2023 Capital Budget for Easier Access initiatives means that funding is not available for elevator installation and other accessibility improvements at 17 stations.

Update on the future McNicoll Bus Garage

Board Members received a presentation from TTC staff on the status of planning activities for the future McNicoll Bus Garage. The TTC is planning on starting construction of a new bus division/garage at the corner of Kennedy Road and McNicoll Avenue in Scarborough in 2016. The new facility will have capacity to store and maintain 250, 12-metre (40-foot) and 18.3-metre (60-foot) buses.

A new garage is required to add capacity for the TTC’s growing bus fleet, which is needed to carry increasing numbers of riders. The new garage will cost $181 million, but the TTC is currently facing a $101-million shortfall in the 2014-2023 Capital Budget. Community consultations began last fall. The next public consultation meeting is scheduled for May 14.

Customer service staffing levels

Board Members approved a motion by Chair Maria Augimeri for TTC staff to report back at the next Board Meeting on customer service staffing levels since 2011, response times to customer inquiries and other front-line service indicators, including Wheel-Trans.

Eglinton Crosstown impacts

The TTC Board approved a motion by Commissioner Alan Heisey for TTC staff to request Metrolinx to provide to the TTC a quantifiable impact analysis on the commuting time benefits and/or impacts for TTC riders and motorists alike associated with full road closures versus partial road closures for the Eglinton Crosstown project as a whole, and at key locations (i.e. Allen Road). TTC staff is also to report back at a future Board Meeting on the impact of the Eglinton Crosstown Line construction on bus service and passengers and what the TTC’s plan is for addressing it.

Improving service levels

Board Members approved a motion by Chair Maria Augimeri for TTC staff to report back in January 2015 on the cost (for consideration in the 2015 Budget process), including capital costs, of:

  •  Improving service levels and quality in the form of more frequent service and reduced crowding, broken down by period of operation (i.e. morning peak period, weekday midday, etc.).
  • Introducing new and improved services, such as more express bus service or the previously discussed network of 10-minute-or-better bus routes.
  • Any other service innovations or improvements, which TTC staff believes warrant consideration by the Board and/or Council, including the possibility of extending the life of the current streetcar fleet or provide additional service. The report should include discussion of the impact on capital projects and funding of any such decisions.

Next meeting of the TTC Board

The next scheduled TTC Board Meeting at City Hall will be on Wed., May 28.

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