Board Meeting - August 19, 2014

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Start Time:10:00 AM
Location:Committee Room #2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1976
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act

Education/Training (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29(B) and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (3.1)




Minutes of the Previous Meetings

Meeting No. 1975 held on Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Business Arising Out of Minutes


Notices of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

Notice of Motion: TTC and Metrolinx Boards: Cross-Appointments

Item 1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

  • 1a. Runnymede Station - Easier Access Phase III and Masonry Repairs (For Action)

    This report concerns a proposed or pending acquisition of land for municipal or local board purposes.

Item 2. Presentations

Item 3. Budget matters

Item 4. Procurement Authorizations

Item 5. Procurement Authorization Amendments

Item 6. Notice of Awards

Item 7. Service Matters

Item 8. Other Business

Item 9. New Business

Item 10. Correspondence

A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

Supplementary Agenda

Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190(2))

  • b. Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension - Contract A31-1 - Risk Management (For Information)

    This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

  • c. Procurement Authorization Amendments - Union Station Second Platform and Concourse Improvements Contract U2-7 and U85-6 (For Action)

    This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

  • d. Replacement Subway Signal System (For Information)

    This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

  • e. 640 Lansdowne Avenue - Update (For Action)

    This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Notice of Motion

Item 10. Correspondence

A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 commencing at 10:08 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:10 a.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole.

Present - Committee of the Whole

M. Augimeri (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), R. Cho, J. Colle, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey Q.C., J. Parker, J. Pasternak K. Stintz and A. Virmani (Members), A. Byford, S. Ghaly, R. Leary, V. Rodo, G. Shortt, C. Upfold, B. Ross, B. Case, B. Leck, M. Atlas, J. Lee, J. Murray, J. Kelly, K. Lee and D. McDonald.

M. Boscariol and R. Andreacchi (Chair’s Office), A. Drennan (Commissioner Stintz’s Office) and J. Czajka (Deputy 
Mayor Kelly’s Office) were also present.

M. McAree, Willms & Shier, and Councillor A. Bailao were present for Item (e).

M. Augimeri was in the Chair.

Present - Public

The meeting re-convened in public at 1:07 p.m.

M. Augimeri (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), R. Cho, J. Colle, G. De Baeremaeker, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey Q.C., J. Parker, J. Pasternak, K. Stintz and A. Virmani (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), S. Ghaly (Chief Capital Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), G. Shortt (Chief Operating Officer), C. Upfold (Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Customer Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), B. Case (Acting Chief of Staff), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), J. Lee (Head of Materials & Procurement), M. Atlas (Senior Solicitor), J. Kelly (Director – Third Party, Planning and Property), C. Thoun (Head of Customer Communications), P. Millett (Director of Transportation & Operations – Engineering, Construction and Expansion), K. Watson (Senior Manager – Wheel-Trans), M. Darakjian (Head of Pensions), A. Borkwood (Head of Customer Development), M. Cousins (Head of Transit Enforcement), J. Raimondo (Manager of Contract Administration – Materials & Procurement), D. LoPresti (Transit Planner System Accessibility – Wheel-Trans), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

M. Augimeri was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Vice-Chair Adamson moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1974 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.
The motion by Vice-Chair Adamson carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution

Chair Augimeri moved that the Board recess to meet as the Committee of the Whole to deal with litigation or potential litigation matters, labour relations, employee negotiations, and to receive advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

The motion by Chair Augimeri carried.


Meeting (open to the public) – 1:07 p.m.

Public Presentations

a) Motion by Commissioner Heisey: TTC and Metrolinx Boards - Cross Appointments
Miroslav Glavic
The Board received the deputation for information.
(See Items Deferred from Last Meeting for minute).

b) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – August 2014 Update
Domenic Pasqualino
President – Unifor Local 1075
Bob Orr
Assistant to the President – Unifor Canada
John Cartwright
President – Toronto and York Region Labour Council
Steve Munro
Miroslav Glavic
Alan Yule
The Board received the deputations for information.

(See Item No. 3(a) for minute).

c) TTC Pension Fund Society – Review of Plan Documents
Bob Kinnear, President – ATU Local 113
The Board received the deputation for information.

(See Item No. 8(a) for minute).

d) Shelter Buses
Miroslav Glavic
Alan Yule
The Board received the deputation for information.

(See Item No. 8(g) for minute).

e) Staff Response to ATAO Letter
Jamie Besner
Principle, Sussex Strategy Group
(submitted brief)
Gurjeet Dhillon
Scarborough City Cab
Tamene Zerom
(submitted brief)
Wossen Million Hailemarian
Mohammed Raza Hussein
Hubert Leech
Hillel Gudes
The Board received the deputations for information.

(See Item No. 13 for minute).

f) Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto
Cameron McLeod
Executive Director, Code RedTO
(submitted brief)
Steve Munro
Alan Yule
Hamish Wilson
(submitted brief)
Jessica Bell
Herman Rosenfeld
Brenda Thompson
David Soknacki
Jim McMillan
The Board received the deputations for information.

(See Item No. 17 for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given

a) Motion by Commissioner Heisey: Making the TTC System Fully Accessible by 2025

Commissioner Heisey moved withdrawal of this motion.

The motion by Commissioner Heisey carried.

Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

  • Motion by Commissioner Heisey: TTC and Metrolinx Boards - Cross Appointments

The Board received this item without recommendations.

  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. a) Runnymede Station (Easier Access Phase III and Masonry Repairs)It is recommended that the Board:Approve the recommendations, as set out in the Confidential Attachment; andNote that the information in the Confidential Attachment remains confidential until such time as the transaction, which is the subject of the report, is complete.Approved

  3. Presentations
  4. PRESTO Implementation at the TTC – Status Update

    Allan Foster, Project Manager - Farecard Team, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

    The Board received the presentation for information.

  5. Budget Matters 
  6. a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – August 2014 Update

    Commissioner Pasternak moved the following motion entitled “TTC Board's Condemnation of Hateful Comments”.
    That the TTC Board condemn in no uncertain terms the offensive and discriminatory remarks made by a TTC employee to the media at a rally at Queen's Park on Saturday July 26, 2014.

    That the TTC Board affirms its view that Toronto is a city of respect and tolerance and that all TTC employees must be held to the highest standard.

    That the TTC Board affirms corporate policy that all employees must "conduct themselves, while on duty, in a manner which does not jeopardize the integrity or the image of the TTC. To conduct themselves, while off duty and in issued uniform or clothing, equipment or TTC vehicle, in a manner that does not jeopardize the integrity and image of the TTC."

    TTC affirms its view that Toronto remain a destination of respect, tolerance and safety and that the importation of world conflict zones is contrary to these ideals.

    The motion by Commissioner Pasternak carried.

    Chair Augimeri moved the following motion:

    That the Board refer the comments of the deputants with respect to the labour disruption in Thunder Bay to staff for contractual discussions with Bombardier, with particular attention to be paid to issues of public safety.

    The motion by Chair Augimeri carried.

    The Board adopted the item, as amended.

    b) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 2013 Management Letter Follow-up Report

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Receive the attached follow-up report on the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PWC) management, for information; and
    2. Approve the forwarding of the attached report to the City Clerk for appropriate committee referral.

  7. Procurement Authorizations
  8. a) Procurement Authorization – Consultant Design Services – Contract G85-323

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of Contract G85-323 for Consultant Design Services to the following companies in the upset limit amounts in Canadian funds indicated below, with a duration of three years from the Notification of Award, on the basis of highest total weighted scores:

    HDR Corporation $5,000,000.00
    AECOM Canada Ltd. $5,000,000.00
    URS Canada Inc. $5,000,000.00
    NORR Limited $5,000,000.00
    Total Overall Upset Limit Amount $20,000,000.00


    b) Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Traction Power Substations Equipment Installation – Contract A75-23

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of a contract to Black & McDonald Limited in the amount of $9,763,429.39 for Contract A75-23, Traction Power Substations Equipment Installation.


  9. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  10. NIL

  11. Notice of Awards
  12. Nil

  13. Service Matters
  14. a) 404 East York Community Bus – Response to Councillor Davis

    Chair Augimeri moved the following motion:

    “That the Board, on a one-time basis, make an exception to the policy to facilitate the installation of speed humps on the section of roadway where the TTC 404 Community Bus operates”.

    The motion by Chair Augimeri carried.

    The Board adopted the item, as amended.

  15. Other Business
  16. a) TTC Pension Fund Society – Review of Plan Documents

    The Board received this item without recommendations.

    b) Proposed Entrance Connection at Don Mills Subway Station

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Approve, in principle, the entrance connection between a new development located at 70 Forest Manor Road, known as Emerald City, and Don Mills subway station; and

    2. Authorize the execution of an Entrance Connection Agreement in accordance with the Toronto Transit Commission’s Entrance Connection Policy, and any other agreements arising as a result of the entrance connection, all on terms and conditions acceptable to the TTC’s General Counsel.


    c) Conversion of Woodbine Station Second Exit to Automatic Entrance

    It is recommended that the Board receive this report as a status update on the functional conversion of the second exit at Woodbine Station to an automatic entrance. Future conversions of second exits to automatic entrances will be assessed as part of the public consultation process.


    d) Glencairn Station Skylight Replacement Public Art Concept

    It is recommended that the Board approve the public art concept for the new Glencairn Station skylight, as described in this report.


    e) TPAP Amendment for Train Storage Facility – Yonge Subway Extension

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Approve the Train Storage Facility Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum Yonge Subway Extension.

    2 Forward this report to City Council through the appropriate committee for approval, and to authorize staff to submit the EPR Addendum to the Ministry of Environment.


    f) Board Enquiry Regarding Individuals and Businesses that Defraud the TTC: Legal Opinion Following Convictions
    It is recommended that the Board receive this report as information.


    g) Shelter Buses

    It is recommended that the Board receive the following report in response to a TTC Board request and that further reporting be discontinued.


    h) Explanation of Subway Closures

    It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information.


  17. New Business
  18. NIL

  19. Correspondence
  20. C1 – Grant Humes, Executive Director Toronto Financial District BIA, in support of Proof of Payment system on streetcars to improve transit access.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 17 for minute).

    C2 – Councillors G. Perks, M. Layton, C. Ramkhalawansingh and P. McConnell requesting immediate introduction of rear door boarding and Proof of Payment system on the 504 King streetcar route.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 17 for minute).

    C3 – Councillor M. Layton regarding fare integration on the Lakeshore West GO Line from Exhibition Place to Union Station.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    C4 – Phillip Webb, Cities Centre University of Toronto regarding shelter buses for the Police and Fire Departments.
    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 8(g) for minute).

    C5 – Commissioner Josh Colle recognizing the exemplary community service and support of various individuals during the Underground Freedom Train Ride Event, 2014.

    Commissioner Colle presented the item and the Board subsequently received the communication, with thanks.

    C6 – Hamish Wilson regarding transit east of Yonge Street.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    C7 – Yves P. Fournier regarding the Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto report.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 17 for minute).

    C8 – Councillor Ceta Ramkhalawansingh regarding the Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto report.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 17 for minute).

    C9 – Michael Binetti, Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP, regarding Wheel-Trans accessible taxi service.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    (See Item No. 13 for minute).

    C10 – Michael Creek, Working for Change and Doris Grinspun, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, regarding TTC advertising.

    Chair Augimeri moved the following motion:

    “Although the ad which is the subject of this correspondence has been removed, be it resolved that TTC staff report back on:

    1. Exploring the advertising complaint procedure: numbering each and every complaint so as to facilitate it's "case file" nature and so that a complainant can track their complaint;

    2. How the TTC goes about the process of approving advertising”.

    The motion by Chair Augimeri carried.

Supplementary Agenda

    Notice of Motion

    a) A High Line Park and/or Trail on the berm on the east side of Allen Road between Kennard Avenue and Sheppard Avenue

    Moved by: Commissioner Pasternak:

    Seconded by: Commissioner Parker

    Whereas a berm exists on the east side of Allen Road from about Kennard Avenue in the north to just north of Sheppard Avenue in the south;

    Whereas the University-Subway line and its supporting equipment run in part under this berm;

    Whereas the berm represents a unique opportunity to connect existing walk ways and lane ways along the Allen Road; 

    itself in creating an elevated walkway or path on the berm referred to above.

    2. If restrictions or problems exist, recommendations for remediation.

    3. Any alternatives or ideas that can leverage this essential north-south walking corridor.


    1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

    b) Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension – Contract A31 – Risk Management

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Receive a confidential verbal update regarding risk management related to Contract A31-1.

    2. Note that the information provided in the confidential verbal update is to remain confidential in its entirety
    as it contains information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


    c) Procurement Authorization Amendments – Union Station Second Platform and Concourse Improvements – Contract U2-7 and U85-6

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Approve the confidential recommendation related to Contract U2-7 as set out in the confidential attachment;

    2. Note that the confidential information provided in the confidential attachment remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; and

    3. Authorize Contract Amendment No. 14 for Contract U85-6, Consultant Design Services - Union Subway Station Second Platform and Concourse Improvements with AECOM Canada Ltd. In the amount of $2,800,000.00 for additional Design Services increasing the total upset limit amount from $15,604,484.47 to $18,404,484.47.


    d) Replacement Subway Signal System

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Receive a confidential verbal update regarding the replacement subway signal system.

    2. Note that the information provided in the confidential verbal update is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


    e) 640 Lansdowne Avenue - Update

    The Board:

    1. Approved the recommendation as set out in the Confidential Attachment, as amended; and

    2. Noted that the information set out in the Confidential Attachment remain confidential in its entirety as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

    11. Presentation – Low Floor Streetcar Features and Service Launch Preparedness

    Chris Upfold, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Customer Officer delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

    The Board received the presentation for information.

    12. Presentation – Customer Journey Times

    The Board deferred this item to the next regular meeting of the Board.

    13. Staff Response to ATAO Letter

    Following member rounds of questions and speaking Chair Augimeri requested CEO A. Byford to speak.

    On a Point of Order Commissioner De Baeremaeker requested a ruling from the Chair on whether the CEO is permitted to speak at this particular point in the proceedings.

    Commissioner Stintz subsequently moved a motion to permit CEO A. Byford to speak.

    Commissioner De Baeremaeker requested a recorded vote on Commissioner Stintz’s motion.

    In favour: Chair M. Augimeri, Vice-Chair M. Adamson, Commissioners J. Parker, J. Colle, K. Stintz and J. Pasternak
    Opposed: Commissioner G. De Baeremaeker

    The motion by Commissioner Stintz carried on a vote of 6 to 1.

    Not present for the recorded vote: Commissioners R. Cho, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey Q.C. and A. Virmani.

    Following CEO A. Byford’s summary remarks Commissioner Stintz moved the following motion:

    “That the recommendation in the staff report be struck out and replaced with the following:

    The Board directs TTC staff to meet with ML&S staff to discuss issues raised by the ATAO and that the contracts not be re-opened."

    The motion by Commissioner Stintz lost.

    Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved the following motion:

    “That TTC amend the Accessible Taxi Service Contract to add HST to the minimum driver rate”.

    The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.

    The Board adopted the item, as amended.

    14. Wellesley Station Second Exit/Automatic Entrance – Procurement Authorization Fire Ventilation Upgrade – Contract S3-16

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of a contract to Bondfield Construction Company Limited (Bondfield) in the amount of $8,262,786.00 for Contract S3-16, Fire Ventilation Upgrade Second Exit/Automatic Entrance Wellesley Station.


    15. Procurement Authorization Amendment – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project Contract A85-97 – Construction Management Services Additional Contract Authority

    It is recommended that the Board authorize Contract Amendment No. 8 to Morrison Hershfield Ltd. (MH) in the amount of $9,000,000.00, increasing the total upset limit amount from $50,000,000.00 to $59,000,000.00.


    16. Coxwell Station Easier Access Phase III and On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation – Procurement Authorization - Contract D45-8

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of a contract to J.J. McGuire General Contractors Inc. in the amount of $12,599,500.00 for Contract D45-8 Easier Access Phase III and On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation, for the installation of elevators and associated equipment.

    It is also recommended the Board authorize delegation of authority to the CEO for a contract change allowance of up to $2,771,890.00 (22% of the contract value) for a total authority of $15,371,390.00.


    17. Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto

    Chair Augimeri moved the following motion:

    “That recommendation #4(a) in the staff report be replaced with the following:

    Request the CEO of the TTC to include the proposed service improvements, set out in Recommendation 1, within the TTC’s forthcoming 2015 Operating Budget and 2015-2024 Capital Budget for consideration as part of the 2015 budget process.

    Furthermore, that as part of the 2015 operating and capital budget process, TTC management report on the following:
    1. A review of the bus fleet and the issues related to life extension of vehicles to provide a pool for service improvements in 2015-2016.

    2. A projection of the requirements for bus service to handle both the normal ridership growth and the additional service needed to improve reliability and reduce crowding during peak periods in 2015 and beyond.

    3. An estimate of the cost, timing and operational issues related to leasing and operating bus storage areas on an interim basis.

    4. An estimate of the earliest date at which new buses could be procured to replace the life-extended fleet and to continue expansion of peak service.

    5. A review of needs for maintenance and storage facilities to accommodate growth from items 1-4 above taking into account future reductions in bus requirements due to the opening of the TYSSE, the Crosstown LRT and other planned rapid transit lines.

    6. A review of the streetcar fleet and the issues related to retention of enough vehicles to provide for peak period improvement of service on routes where new streetcars are not planned to operate until 2016 or later (King, Queen, Carlton, St. Clair)”.

    The motion by Commissioner Augimeri carried.

    Commissioner Pasternak moved the following motion and requested a recorded vote be taken:
    “That recommendation #1 be amended to include the words "in principle" and "after thorough

    In favour: Commissioners J. Pasternak, R. Cho, A. Heisey Q.C., J. Colle, A. Virmani and N. Di Donato.

    Opposed: Chair M. Augimeri, Vice-Chair M. Adamson, Commissioners K. Stintz, G. De Baeremaeker and J. Parker

    The motion carried on a vote of 6 to 5.

    The Board unanimously adopted the item, as amended

    The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto

The TTC Board unanimously approved in principle a transit service improvement report entitled, Opportunities to Improve Transit Service in Toronto. The report outlines nine bus and streetcar service initiatives that can be implemented in the short- to medium-term and would improve the quality, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit service in Toronto. Those initiatives are:

  • Implement all-door boarding and proof-of-payment on all streetcar routes.
  • Reduce wait times and crowding on bus and streetcar routes.
  • Establish a city-wide network of 10-minute-or-better bus and streetcar services.
  • Expand the Express route network with new and improved express bus routes.
  • Implement more transit priority measures.
  • Add resources to improve service reliability and route performance.
  • Operate all routes all day, every day across the city.
  • Change the one-trip-per-fare to a two-hour-travel-privilege-per-fare (time-based transfer).
  • Expand the overnight bus and streetcar network. 
    Board Members also approved a motion by TTC Chair Maria Augimeri requesting the TTC CEO to include the proposed service improvements within the TTC’s forthcoming 2015 Operating Budget and 2015-2024 Capital Budget for consideration during the 2015 budget process, and that TTC management report back on the following:
  • A review of the bus fleet and the issues related to life extension of vehicles to provide a pool for service improvements in 2015-2016.
  • A projection of the requirements for bus service to handle both the normal ridership growth and the additional service needed to improve reliability and reduce crowding during peak periods in 2015 and beyond.
  • An estimate of the cost, timing and operational issues related to leasing and operating bus storage areas on an interim basis.
  • An estimate of the earliest date at which new buses could be procured to replace the life-extended fleet and to continue expansion of peak service.
  • A review of needs for maintenance and storage facilities to accommodate growth from Items 1-4 taking into account future reductions in bus requirements due to the opening of the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension, the Crosstown LRT and other planned rapid transit lines.
  • A review of the streetcar fleet and the issues related to retention of enough vehicles to provide for peak-period improvement of service on routes where new streetcars are not planned to operate until 2016 or later (King, Queen, Carlton and St Clair).

The report will be forwarded to the City of Toronto, Metrolinx, the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada, the regions of York and Durham, and the cities of Mississauga and Brampton.

 TTC's next-generation Streetcars

Board Members received a presentation from TTC staff on the introduction of the next-generation streetcars to the 510 Spadina route. On Aug. 31, the first, new accessible streetcar will begin service along Spadina Avenue, providing customers with greater comfort and capacity and a transformational new ride in Toronto.

A total of 204 new vehicles will be rolled out over the next five years:

  • 2014: 510 Spadina.
  • 2015: 511 Bathurst and 509 Harbourfront.
  • 2015-16: 505 Dundas.
  • 2016-17: 501 Queen, 508 Lakeshore and 504 King.
  • 2018-19: 512 St Clair, 502 Downtowner, 503 Kingston Road and 506 Carlton.

Subway closures schedule

The TTC Board received for information a report detailing the reasons for ongoing subway closures and a schedule of planned closures for the remainder of 2014:

  • September 6-7: Bloor to Lawrence; for track, signalling, CCTV work.
  • October 11-13: St George to Union to Bloor; for signalling work.
  • October 18-19: Bloor to Eglinton; for track and signalling work.
  • November 1-2: Bloor to Eglinton; for track and signalling work.
  • November 8-9: Bloor to Eglinton; for signalling work.
  • November 15: Bloor to Eglinton; for track work.
  • November 15: Warden to Kennedy; for track work.
  • December 6-7: Bloor to Union; for signalling work.

Presto update

Board Members received a presentation from TTC staff on the status of Presto on the TTC. The Presto fare-payment system will roll out in two waves. Wave 1 will see Presto payment on the first 50 new streetcars on the Spadina, Bathurst Harbourfront and Dundas routes, and at a total of 26 subway stations, by mid 2015. Wave 2 will see the balance of the streetcar fleet, all TTC and Wheel-Trans buses and the remaining subway stations equipped with Presto devices. Presto payment on the new streetcars will be launched in November 2014. Interim fare-payment equipment will be installed for new streetcars going into service prior to the November launch of Presto.

Underground Freedom Train

On behalf of the TTC Board, Commissioner Josh Colle thanked TTC staff for their efforts to make the second annual Underground Freedom Train ride on Aug. 1, Emancipation Day, a memorable event for the thousands of people that participated in the midnight ride from Union to Downsview stations.

Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 9

The next scheduled TTC Board Meeting at City Hall is on Tuesday, December 9.

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