Board Meeting - December 9, 2014

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Start Time:10:00 AM
Location:Committee Room #2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1977
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act.

Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2)

Replacement Subway Signal System (This report contains advice or communications that are subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege)

Education/Training (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29(B) and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (3.1)


Meeting (Open to the Public) – 1 p.m.

Committee Room #2, City Hall

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 1976 held on Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Business Arising Out of Minutes


Notices of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


Item 1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

Item 2. Presentations

Item 3. Budget matters

Item 4. Procurement Authorizations

Item 5. Procurement Authorization Amendments

Item 6. Notice of Awards

Item 7. Service Matters

Item 8. Other Business

Item 9. New Business

Item 10. Correspondence

A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

Supplementary Agenda


A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 commencing at 10:10 a.m. TTC General Counsel B. Leck administered the Declarations of Office to the new members of the TTC Board appointed by City Council on December 3, 2014. B. Leck also delivered a presentation on matters related to governance, member fiduciary duties, conduct and indemnification.

The meeting recessed at 11:05 a.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole.

Present - Committee of the Whole

J. Colle (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker, A. Heisey Q.C., J. Mihevc, and A. Virmani (Members), A. Byford, S. Ghaly, R. Leary, V. Rodo, G. Shortt, J. Taylor, C. Upfold, B. Ross, J. Lee, K. Lee and D. McDonald.

J. Colle was in the Chair.

Present - Public

The meeting re-convened in public at 1:05 p.m.

J. Colle (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker, A. Heisey Q.C., J. Mihevc, D. Minnan-Wong, A. Virmani (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), S. Ghaly (Chief Capital Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), G. Shortt (Chief Operating Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), C. Upfold (Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Customer Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), M. Palmer (Deputy Chief Operating Officer), J. Lee (Head of Materials & Procurement), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), O. Kobylansky (Head of Bus Transportation), C. Thoun (Head of Customer Communications), K. Watson (Senior Manager – Wheel-Trans), R. Thompson (Chief Project Manager – Scarborough Subway Extension), B. Case (Senior Advisor – CEO’s Office), S. Nicastro (Assistant – Recognition Programs and Events), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

J. Colle was in the Chair.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Virmani moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1976 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole Resolution




Public Presentations

a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November/December 2014 Update

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information.
(See Item No. 3(a) for minute).

b) Procurement Authorization – Scarborough Subway Extension – Tunnel Design Services – Contract FE85-2

Alan Yule

Jean-Pierre Boutros
(submitted brief)

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item No. 4(c) for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation


  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. a) Replacement Subway Signal System

    The Board:

    1. Received a confidential verbal update regarding the replacement subway signal system.

    2. Noted that the information provided in the confidential verbal update is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that is

    subject to solicitor-client privilege.

  3. Presentations
  4. a) TTC Overview

    A. Byford, Chief Executive Officer delivered a PowerPoint presentation entitled “The Road to Modernization”.

    After a round of questions and speaking the Board received the presentation for information.

    b) 40 & 45 Years Long Service Acknowledgement for 2014

    Chair Colle was joined by A. Byford, Chief Executive Officer, and C. Thoun, Head of Customer Communications in presenting the following 
    employees with framed certificates for achieving 40 years of service at the TTC:

    Marion Jurinic
    Wesley Thomas
    Rocco Pagniello
    Antonio Borges
    Victor Galbraith
    Dainora Gadisauskas

    The following employee was presented with a framed certificate for achieving 45 years of service at the TTC:

    Robert Campbell

    Chair Colle also acknowledged the following employees for achieving 40 years of service at the TTC who were unable to attend the meeting:

    Paul Ballantine
    Robert White
    Debra Gyorkos

    On behalf of the TTC Board, Chair Colle thanked the recipients for their dedication and commitment to the TTC for so many years.

    c) Appointment of Members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT)

    Chair Colle was joined by K. Watson, Senior Manager – Wheel-Trans in presenting in-appreciation plaques to the following retiring ACAT


    Debbie Gillespie
    Angela Marley
    Lynn McCormick
    Sarah Adams

    Chair Colle also acknowledged the following retiring ACAT member who was unable to attend the meeting:

    Dr. William Castor

    Following the presentations, the Board approved the recommendation contained in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the Board:

    1. approve the appointment of five candidates to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit, commencing their term on January 1, 2015 and

    ending December 31, 2017 (See Appendix A);

    2. approve the appointment of three candidates to re-establish a pool to draw from in the event a member does not accept or complete their

    term and, if not used, to be short listed automatically for 2016 new vacancies; and

    3. present the retiring five members with in-appreciation plaques and a transit pass in line with the number of years served in their term as

    recognition of their contribution (See Appendix A)”.

  5. Budget Matters 
  6. a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November/December 2014 Update

    It is recommended that the TTC Board forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and

    Chief Financial Officer, for information.


  7. Procurement Authorizations
  8. a) Procurement Authorization – Structural Assessment and Design Services – Triennial Contract G85-328

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of Contract G85-328 for Structural Assessment and Design Services Triennial Contract to

    the following companies in the upset limit amounts in Canadian funds indicated below, with a duration of three years from the Notification of

    Award, on the basis of highest total weighted scores:

    AECOM Canada Ltd. $1,650,000.00
    HDR Corporation $1,650,000.00
    LEA Consulting Ltd. $1,650,000.00
    Morrison Hershfield Ltd. $1,650,000.00
    SNC – Lavalin Inc. $1,650,000.00
    URS Canada Inc. $1,650,000.00

    Total Overall Upset Limit Amount $9,900,000.00


    b) Lease Extension for Construction Office – 895 Don Mills Road

    It is recommended that the Board approve:

    1. Extending the term of the lease dated November 4, 2009, between Fana Park Centre Corp. (the “Landlord”) and the Toronto Transit

    Commission (the “Tenant”), for Suite 106, 895 Don Mills Road (the “Lease”) for a further term of five (5) years and two (2) months at a cost of

    $408,704 in accordance with the offer described in this report; and

    2. Funds for leasehold improvements to the leased space in the amount of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000.00), including applicable taxes.


    c) Procurement Authorization – Scarborough Subway Extension – Tunnel Design Services – Contract FE85-2

    It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of Contract FE85-2 for Tunnel Design Services for the Scarborough Subway Extension

    (SSE) to Hatch Mott MacDonald Limited, in the upset limit amount of $30 million, in Canadian funds, with a duration of five (5) years from the

    Notification of Award, on the basis of highest total weighted score.


  9. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  10. NIL

  11. Notice of Awards
  12. a) Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization – Malvern Garage On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation – Contract H1-14
    It is recommended that the Board receive the notice of award of Chair Augimeri, Vice-Chair Adamson and the Chief Executive Officer authorizing

    the award of Contract H1-14, Malvern Garage On-Grade Paving Rehabilitation to Duron Ontario Ltd. (Duron) in the amount of $6,161,720.50

    inclusive of all taxes.


    b) Notice of Award – Procurement Authorization – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Supply of Switch Machine Layouts –

    Contract A70-17

    It is recommended that the Board receive the notice of award of Chair Maria Augimeri, Vice-Chair Maureen Adamson and the Chief Executive

    Officer authorizing the award of contract A70-17 to Ansaldo STS Canada Inc. (Ansaldo) in the amount of $5,242,512.96 for Supply of Switch

    Machine Layouts.


  13. Service Matters
  14. NIL

  15. Accessibility Issues
  16. a) Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit Commission Shares in Toronto Coach Terminal Inc.

    It is recommended that the Board approve the attached proxy to exercise the 10,000 Toronto Transit Commission shares in Toronto Coach

    Terminal Inc. for any Toronto Coach Terminal Inc. Shareholders Meeting that is held during the year 2015.


    b) Proxy to Vote Toronto Transit Commission Shares in Toronto Transit Infrastructure Ltd.

    It is recommended that the Board approve the attached proxy to exercise the 1,000 Toronto Transit Commission shares in Toronto Transit

    Infrastructure Limited for any Toronto Transit Infrastructure Limited Shareholders Meeting that is held during the year 2015.


    c) Appointments – TTC Audit Committee

    The Board approved the appointments of Commissioners A. Heisey (Chair), M. Adamson, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker and N. Di Donato to the

    TTC Audit Committee.

    d) 2015 Board Meeting Schedule

    It is recommended that the Board approve the following 2015 meeting schedule dates, and that the published schedule serve as notice for

    these meetings:

    Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Monday, June 22, 2015
    Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Wednesday, July 29, 2015
    Thursday, March 26, 2015 Monday, September 28, 2015
    Wednesday, April 15, 2015 (Special Board Strategy) Wednesday, October 28, 2015
    Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Monday, November 23, 2015
    Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Wednesday, December 16, 2015


  17. Other Business
  18. a) Management and Board Members Engage the Customer – The Calgary Experience

    Submitted by Commissioner A. Heisey, Q.C.

    In Calgary, Mayor Naheed Nenshi recently initiated the operation of a special bus where senior transit managers and members of the Calgary

    Transit Board travel with the public.

    The bus operates on different routes on different days and is free of charge to customers in exchange for their feedback during the trip on

    how the transit system can be made better. Customers can speak directly with Board members and management staff, or they can provide their

    comments on post-it-notes which are made available throughout the vehicle.


    That staff report back on the Calgary experiment and how the TTC management and Board could emulate a similar system.


  19. New Business
  20. C1 – Susan Davidson, Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) forwarding the approved minutes from the June 26, July 31 and

    August 28, 2014 General Monthly meetings.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    C2 – Susan Davidson, Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) forwarding for information the approved minutes from the

    September 25, 2014 General Monthly meeting.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    C3 – Susan Davidson, Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) regarding safety for passengers boarding and exiting a stopped


    The Board referred the communication to staff for report back.

    C4 – Alan Yule requesting the opportunity to speak at a future meeting on enhancing transit service levels in the east/west transit corridor of

    south Etobicoke.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    C5 – Sharon Yetman regarding the Scarborough Subway Extension project.

    The Board received the communication for information.
    (See Item 4(c) for minute).

    C6 – Councillor Gord Perks regarding Transit Enforcement.

    The Board referred the communication to staff.

    The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

  21. Correspondence
  22. NIL

Supplementary Agenda


TTC Board starts new term

In its first meeting of the new, four-year term, the elected City Councillors appointed to the TTC Board were sworn-in on Dec. 9. New TTC Chair Josh Colle leads the 11-member Board joined by Councillors: John Campbell (Ward 4 Etobicoke Centre), Shelley Carroll (Ward 33 Don Valley east), Vincent Crisanti (Ward 1 Etobicoke North), Glenn De Baeremaeker (Ward 38 Scarborough Centre), Joe Mihevc (Ward 21 St. Paul’s) and Denzil Minnan-Wong (Ward 34 Don Valley East and Deputy Mayor).

The seven appointed Councillors joined the four current citizen Commissioners: Maureen Adamson (TTC Vice-Chair), Nick Di Donato, Alan Heisey Q.C. and Anju Virmani.

TTC Aduit Committee appointees

The Board appointed the following members to the TTC Audit Committee: Maureen Adamson, Vincent Crisanti, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Nick Di Donato and Alan Heisey Q.C. (Chair).

The Road to Modernization

The new TTC Board received a presentation from CEO Andy Byford entitled, The Road to Modernization. The presentation outlined the TTC’s five-year mission to modernize the TTC from top to bottom, provided a progress report on actions taken on the Corporate Plan’s seven strategic objectives, and gave a summary of the organization’s five mega-projects:

  • Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension.
  • Automatic Train Control/Re-signalling of Line 1 (Yonge-University).
  • PRESTO implementation.
  • New streetcar rollout/Leslie Barns.
  • Employee engagement and culture change in the workplace.

New members named to ACAT

The Board named five new members to the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT): Margaret Hageman, Nicole Cormier, Joan Jordan, Valdo Tammark and Howard Wax. They begin their three-year terms on Jan. 1, 2015.

Commissioners thanked outgoing members: William Castor, Debbie Gillespie, Angela Marley, Lynn McCormick and Sarah Adams.

ACAT is comprised of Toronto citizens who advise members of the TTC on difficulties faced by people with disabilities and seniors, and recommends the elimination of barriers to accessible public transit.

TTC Board meeting schedule for 2015

Commissioners approved the 2015 schedule of Board meetings at Toronto City Hall as follows (held at 1 p.m. unless otherwise indicated): Wednesday, January 21; Wednesday, February 25; Thursday, March 26; Wednesday, April 15 (Special Board Strategy); Wednesday, April 29; Wednesday, May 27; Monday, June 22; Wednesday, July 29; Monday, September 28; Wednesday, October 28; Monday, November 23; and Wednesday, December 16. The Board requested TTC staff to investigate the possibility of holding one meeting in Etobicoke, Scarborough and North York.

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