Board Meeting - January 28, 2014

Meeting Info

Date:Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room #1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1968
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act


Confidential Attachments (TTC Procedural By-Law Section 29 and City of Toronto Act Section 190 (2)


Minutes Of The Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 1967 held on Thursday, December 19, 2013

Business Arising Out Of Minutes


Notices Of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Commissioners’ Correspondence


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

  • a. Changes to Bus Stop Locations at Planned New Pedestrian Crossing Signal on Burnhamthorpe Road (For Information)

    Deferred from the December 19, 2013 meeting.

Item 1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)

Item 2. Presentations

Item 3. Budget matters

Item 4. Procurement Authorizations

Item 5. Procurement Authorization Amendments

  • 5a. Procurement Authorization Amendment - Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project - Contract No. A85-97 - Construction Management Services - Additional Contract Authority (For Action)

Item 6. Notice of Awards

Item 7. Service Matters

Item 8. Other Business

Item 9. New Business

Item 10. Correspondence

A correspondence summary will be distributed at the meeting.

Supplementary Agenda


A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 commencing at 1:10 p.m.

Present - Committee of the Whole

K. Stintz (Chair), M. Adamson (Vice-Chair), M. Augimeri, R. Cho, J. Colle, G. De Baeremaeker, N. Di Donato, A. Heisey, P. Milczyn, J. Parker and A. Virmani (Board Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), A. Bertolo (Chief Project Manager – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project), B. Hughes (Acting Chief Customer Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), G. Shortt (Acting Chief Operating Officer), C. Upfold (Acting Chief Service Officer), A. Kobylansky (Head of Bus Transportation), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), M. Stambler (Head of Strategy and Service Planning), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

K. Stintz was in the Chair.

M. Leo-Oliver (Manager – Special Events) and S. Nicastro (Recognition Programs and Events Assistant) were present for Item 2(a) – 45 Years Long Service Acknowledgement for 2013

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Vice-Chair Adamson moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1967 and that the Chair and Chief Financial & Administration Officer be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Vice-Chair Adamson carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes

Prior to commencing with the Public Presentations portion of the agenda Chair Stintz read a number of customer highlights received during the month of January.

The first communication publicly read by Chair Stintz was from a customer thanking TTC front line staff for their marvellous work in keeping the system operating during the ice storm and during the recent severe cold weather alerts. The following communication was a letter of support and thanks to the TTC for the next bus arrival system at surface stops. The third letter commends an Operator for her initiative and concern for elderly customers in salting icy sidewalk areas which she sourced from the subway. The next letter commends an Operator who demonstrated excellent customer service and patience in waiting for them to arrive at the stop despite the fact that he had a green light and could have moved off. The final communication was from a customer who was extremely appreciative of the assistance provided by an employee at Union Station when they were having difficulty locating the boarding location for service to the Harbourfront Centre.

The Board extended its appreciation to all of these employees for their role in promoting a positive image of the TTC in the performance of their duties.

Committee of the Whole Resolution




Public Presentations

a) Improving Safety when Loading Passengers on the New Streetcars

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information.

Commissioner Heisey moved that the proposed ideas in the presentation by the deputant be referred to staff for review and report back to the Board.

The motion by Commissioner Heisey carried.

b) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – January 2014 Update

Brian Boehlert

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item 3(a) for minute).

c) Procurement Authorization – Accessible Taxi Service Contract P34PN13755

Nick Comsa
Wossen Million (submitted brief)
Yitbarek Gebremariam
Sagid Mujhal, President iTaxi
Mohammad Reza Hosseinioun, iTaxi
Hillel Gudes
Emily Greene

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item 4(a) for minute).

d) Improving Pedestrian Safety and Customer Journey Times: Transit Stops

Councillor Pam McConnell, City of Toronto
Miroslav Glavic
David Fisher
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item 7(b) for minute).

e) Time-Based Transfers

Bob Brent
Miroslav Glavic
David Fisher
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputations for information.
(See Item 7(c) for minute).

Notice of Motions


Motions Without Notice


Items of Which Notice has Previously Been Given


Items Deferred From Last Meeting to Permit Debate/Public Presentation

a) Changes to Bus Stop Locations at Planned New Pedestrian Crossing Signal on Burnhamthorpe Road

It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information, noting that:

  •  City Council recently approved a new midblock traffic signal for pedestrians on Burnhamthorpe Road, roughly midway between Meadowbank Road and Laurel Avenue as a means of improving pedestrian crossing safety in this area;
  • once those signals are installed, TTC staff plan to remove the bus stops that are currently in place at both of the neighbouring intersections and consolidate them into a single pair of bus stops at the new signal, so that those TTC customers who cross Burnhamthorpe Road, when walking to and from the bus stops, are encouraged to take advantage of that crossing protection;
  • the local Councillor for Ward 5, Peter Milczyn, upon hearing of the TTC’s plans to modify the stop locations, indicated that he would prefer to leave the bus stops in their current locations;
  • TTC staff will be meeting with Councillor Milczyn, and with Ward 3 Councillor Peter Leon, and communicating with the affected residents, to explain the rationale for placing transit stops as close as possible to protected crossings such as traffic signals; and
  • City staff agree with the TTC’s rationale for placing transit stops at signals and PXO’s, in support of improving pedestrian safety on city streets.
  1. Reports with Confidential Attachments (Committee of the Whole)
  2. Nil

  3. Presentations
  4. a) 45 Years Long Service Acknowledgement for 2013

    Chair Stintz presented Frits Heemskerk with a framed certificate for achieving 45 years of service at the TTC on July 2, 2013.

    On behalf of the TTC Board, Chair Stintz thanked Mr. Heemskerk for his dedication and commitment to the TTC for the past 45 years.

  5. Budget Matters
  6. a) Chief Executive Officer’s Report – January 2014 Update

    It is recommended that the TTC Board forward a copy of this report to (1) each City of Toronto Councillor and (2) the City Deputy Manager and Chief Financial Officer, for information.


  7. Procurement Authorizations
  8. a) Procurement Authorization – Accessible Taxi Service Contract P34PN13755

    K. Watson (Senior Manager – Wheel-Trans), M. Piemontese (Director – Project Procurement) and D. LoPresti (Transit Planner, System Accessibility - Wheel-Trans) provided a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

    The Board received the presentation for information and adopted the recommendation in the staff report, as follows:

    “It is recommended that the Board authorize the award of contracts for the Accessible Taxi Service to the following companies in the upset limit amounts indicated below, with a duration of five years from Notification of Award, on the basis of the highest total weighted scores:

    • Associated Toronto Taxi Cab Co-Operative Limited, $30,000,000
    • 1145659 Ontario Limited o/a Checker Taxi, $30,000,000
    • Royal Taxi Inc. $ 30,000,000
    • 1210670 Ontario Inc. o/a Scarborough City Cab, $30,000,000

    Total Overall Upset Limit Amount, $120,000,000

    There is an option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, subject to reasonable negotiated rates, which can be exercised at the TTC’s sole discretion, prior to the expiry of the base 5-year term by issuance of a Contract Amendment with the appropriate approval in accordance with the Authorization for Expenditure Policy”.

    Commissioner Virmani was noted in opposition to the foregoing.

  9. Procurement Authorization Amendments
  10. a) Procurement Authorization Amendment – Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Project – Contract No. A85-97 – Construction Management Services – Additional Contract Authority

    It is recommended that the Board authorize Contract Amendment No. 5 to Morrison Hershfield Ltd. (MH) in the amount of $10,000,000.00, increasing the total upset limit amount from $40,000,000.00 to $50,000,000.00.


  11. Notice of Awards
  12. NIL

  13. Service Matters
  14. a) 79 Scarlett Road Route – New Off-Peak Service on St. Clair Avenue West

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. Approve the implementation of new off-peak service on the 79B Scarlett Road (Runnymede Station to Lawrence and Jane via St. Clair) branch, during the weekday middays and early evenings (Monday to Friday), and during the daytime on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, effective March 30, 2014; and

    2. Forward this report to Councillor Nunziata.


    b) Improving Pedestrian Safety and Customer Journey Times: Transit Stops

    The Board deferred this item to the next meeting of the Board to facilitate consultation with affected Councillors and ACAT. In addition, the Board directed staff to consult with Councillor P. McConnell, independent of this item, on the concerns she raised about the stop on Sherbourne Street at Front Street East.

    c) Time-Based Transfers - Update

    It is recommended that the Board:

    1. note that:

    • it is feasible to convert the TTC’s existing “continuous trip” transfer system to a “time-based transfer” system where transfers are valid for a set time limit after entering the system;
    • There would be a net revenue loss to the TTC with a time-based transfer approach. Even though time-based transfers could be expected to attract some new customers to transit, many more customers who currently pay tow fares within a short time period would no longer be required to do so;
    • It is estimated that an “unrestricted use” time based-transfer that is valid for 120 minutes would result in $20 million of lost revenue annually, and a 90 minute interval would result in $12 million in lost revenue annually (99% of all transferring customers on the TTC do so within 90 minutes of their first boarding, and all transfers are made within 2 hours);
    • With the exception of this revenue loss, all other aspects of a time-based transfer system would appear to be positive for both customers and employees.
    • There are ways of restricting the use of a time-based transfer to reduce revenue losses. For example the transfer could be restricted such that customers are not allowed to use the transfer to re-board the route on which it was issued. This type of restriction would make the approach less attractive to customers and be more complex to explain and enforce that an “unrestricted” approach;
    • The approach has been requested frequently by customers to aid them in making stop-over transit trips (for daycare, dry cleaning, etc.) and for short return trips (eg out and back to lunch) typically at off-peak times. A time-based transfer would undoubtedly increase the number of customer journeys. Depending upon the split between peak and off-peak journeys, this increase would both increase revenue but also require increased service. This increased service would likely require some degree of increased subsidy;
    • Time-based transfers are used by most other transit properties both locally and internationally;
    • All time-based transfer options create an enforcement/security issue at subway stations as transfer-issuing machines are unattended and the withdrawal of multiple transfers (particularly at unattended entrances) will be an enforcement issue. This risk can be mitigated by not accepting transfers that have been issued at that station or on connecting routes (as is done today);
    • When the PRESTO Farecard system replaces the TTC other fare media, it will provide an opportunity to efficiently convert the TTC’s transfer system to being time-based if desired. Until that time, implementation would require temporary arrangements that would be difficult to implement and confusing to customers and;
    • Implementing a time-based transfer system will make the implementation of a transfer system easier for PRESTO and therefore save development costs and ease implementation.

    2. Direct staff to:

    • Further refine the business case for moving to a time-based transfer system;
    • Consider the implementation of a time-based transfer system as part of the 2015 TTC operating budget options;
    • End the trial of the time-based transfers on the 512 St. Clair route if the implementation of a time-based transfer across all of the TTC is not implemented as part of the 2015 TTC operating budget and;
    • Define a policy for the use of time-based transfers during times of significant disruption as a result of new transit construction.


  15. Other Business
  16. a) Outstanding Board Items

    It is recommended that the Board receive for information the updated list of outstanding Board items for the period up to and including the meeting of December 19, 2013.


  17. New Business
  18. a) Transit Priority at Surface Vehicle Entrances and Exits to Subway Stations

    Submitted by Chair Stintz:

    As the TTC continues to deal with record ridership growth, the need to minimize delays to transit vehicles has never been so significant. The TTC’s new streetcars and the new articulated buses will bring much needed additional capacity to our network of surface services, but it is also important to create operating conditions where TTC vehicles can move efficiently and without obstruction. The TTC and the City of Toronto have implemented some excellent initiatives over the years, including much-increased service levels and hours of service, transit priority signals, and the rights-of-way on the 509 Harbourfront streetcar, the 510 Spadina streetcar, the 512 St. Clair streetcar, the York University busway and, most recently, the increasing of fines for illegal parking, standing, and stopping on major arterial roads during peak periods.

    That said, one area of the transit network that remains susceptible to delays due to traffic and parking problems is the surface vehicle entrance/exit ways (driveways) to subway stations. These driveways are typically not signalized, so buses and streetcars are frequently obstructed, within metres of their station destinations, by stopped, standing, or parked vehicles. The delays incurred when buses or streetcars have trouble accessing or departing stations should be examined to identify possible solutions.

    In London, England the city uses white painted lettering directly applied to the roadway indicating “Keep Clear” for the purpose of advising motorists that they are in an area or zone where stopping, standing or parking is problematic. There may be merit in implementing some sort of similar approach at TTC subway stations where traffic congestion regularly impedes the movement of TTC vehicles.

    In this regard, staff are requested to report back to the February 24, 2014 meeting of the TTC Board with comments and recommendations pertaining to potential solutions to expedite the movement of buses and streetcars when entering and exiting subway stations.


    b) Cogeneration: Possible TTC Opportunities

    Submitted by Chair Stintz:

    Cogeneration is the process of using a single fuel source to generate both electricity and thermal heat from the combustion of a single fuel source; the waste heat generated by creating electricity is used to heat nearby buildings. Cogeneration is a very efficient way to generate both heat and electricity. Downtown Toronto already has an extensive steam heat system that heats many major downtown buildings.

    The TTC has an existing stack near its head office at Yonge and Davisville that could be part of a cogeneration system serving the heating needs of nearby apartment and office buildings and the electricity needs of the TTC.

    There may be opportunities for the TTC to generate additional revenue by leveraging this asset with a private sector cogeneration partner and staff are asked to prepare a report on such opportunities.


    c) TTC Express Bus Connections at GO Rail Stations

    In accordance with Section 41(b) of the By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings this request under New Business was added to the agenda by majority vote.

    Submitted by Commissioner Cho:

    That staff be requested to report back on the feasibility of having TTC express buses stop at GO rail stations where they intersect. One such example where this type of service improvement is possible is at the Milliken Station.


  19. Correspondence
  20. C1 – Angela Marley, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) forwarding the approved minutes of the November 28, 2013 ACAT General Monthly meeting.

    The Board received the communication for information.

    C2 – Philip Webb, Cities Centre, University of Toronto, regarding transit priority at traffic signals.

    The Board received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for report back to the Board, if necessary.

    C3 – David S. Crawford regarding the placement of transit stops.

    The Board received the communication for information.
    (See Item No. 7(b) for minute).

    C4 – David Fisher regarding the placement of transit stops.

    The Board received the communication for information.
    (See Item No. 7(b) for minute).

    C5 – Phylis Coles, President, Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association regarding the placement of transit stops.

    The Board received the communication for information.
    (See Item 7(b) for minute).

    C6 – Hamish Wilson regarding the placement of transit stops.

    The Board received the communication for information.
    (See Item 7(b) for minute).

    C7 – Hamish Wilson regarding options for regeneration.

    The Board received the communication for information and referred the correspondence to staff for their consideration in preparing the requested report to the Board.
    (See Item 9(b) for minute).

    Upon completion of the final item on the agenda Chief Executive Officer A. Byford presented Chair K. Stintz with a streetcar mounted plaque in appreciation for her service as Board Chair from December 8, 2010 to February 22, 2014. Chair Stintz, in turn, took the opportunity to thank the TTC and its employees for their support and assistance during her term.

    The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Supplementary Agenda


Time-based transfer study

The Board unanimously approved to further study the conversion of the continuous-trip transfer system to a time-based transfer system.

Board members also directed staff to consider implementing a time-based transfer system as part of the 2015 operating budget; end the time-based transfer trial on the 512 St Clair route if a TTC-wide time-based system is not adopted in 2015; and define a policy for use during times of significant disruption due to new transit construction.

The TTC report estimates that a transfer valid for 120 minutes would result in a $20-million revenue loss versus a 90-minute transfer, which would equate to a $12-million loss. Either option would require ongoing subsidy to make up for these losses.

The current transfer is valid for one continuous trip, without stopovers and with no backtracking. A time-based transfer is valid for boarding a vehicle or entering a station without paying another fare for a pre-determined time (i.e. 90 or 120 minutes).

The report was prepared in response to a request last December made by TTC Chair Karen Stintz to review the current transfer policy with the introduction of the Presto fare card system at the TTC.

Transit stops study

The Board discussed a staff report on the subject of improving pedestrian safety and customer journey times with respect to TTC bus and streetcar stops. Board Members voted to refer the subject for consultation with affected Councillors and the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit and report back at the February Board meeting.

Accessible taxi service contracts

Board Members approved the award of contracts worth $120 million to Associated Toronto Taxi Cab Co-operative Ltd., Checker Taxi, Royal Taxi Inc. and Scarborough City Cab for new accessible taxi services. The contracts take effect in July and will ensure continuous and reliable Wheel-Trans service to registered riders with physical disabilities for the next five years.

79B Scarlett Rd trial starts March 30

The TTC Board approved a trial of a new off-peak service on the 79B Scarlett Rd branch (Runnymede Station to Lawrence Avenue and Jane Street, via St. Clair Avenue West). Starting on March 30, buses will run during the weekday middays and early evenings from Monday to Friday, and during the daytime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The 79 Scarlett Rd bus route links Runnymede Station with the Scarlett Road neighbourhood in the west end of Toronto. The adjustment is expected to improve overall service for customers.

TTC to study express bus stops at GO stations

Board Members approved a motion by Commissioner Raymond Cho for TTC staff to report back on the feasibility of having TTC express buses stop at GO rail stations where they intersect. One such example where this type of service improvement is possible is at Milliken Station.

Requests from the Chair

The Board approved two requests for staff reports from TTC Chair Karen Stintz on the following:

  • “Cogeneration is a very efficient way to generate both heat and electricity. Downtown Toronto already has an extensive steam-heat system that heats many major downtown buildings. The TTC has an existing stack near its head office at Yonge and Davisville that could be part of a cogeneration system serving the heating needs of nearby apartment and office buildings and the electricity needs of the TTC. There may be opportunities for the TTC to generate additional revenue by leveraging this asset with a private-sector cogeneration partner and staff are asked to prepare a report on such opportunities.”
  • “One area of the transit network that remains susceptible to delays due to traffic and parking problems is the surface vehicle entrance/exit ways (driveways) to subway stations. These driveways are typically not signalized, so buses and streetcars are frequently obstructed, within metres of their destinations by stopped, standing or parked vehicles. The delays incurred when buses or streetcars have trouble accessing or departing stations should be examined to identify possible solutions, and report back to the Feb. 24, 2014 meeting.”
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