Board Meeting - November 23, 2015

Meeting Info

Date:Monday, November 23, 2015
Start Time:1:00 PM
Location:Committee Room #2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:1992
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
Meeting to commence at 10 am to deal with Declarations of Interest and a resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public. The Commission will immediately meet in the absence of the public (referred to as “Committee of the Whole”) to deal with confidential items and will reconvene the portion of the meeting open to the public at approximately 1 pm.

Declarations of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Resolution to conduct a portion of the meeting in the absence of the public (Committee of the Whole) in accordance with Section 29 of the TTC By-law to Govern Commission Proceedings and Section 190 of the City of Toronto Act.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 1990 held on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Meeting No. 1991 held on Monday, November 2, 2015

Business Arising Out of Minutes

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

Item 1. Chief Executive Officer's Report - November 2015 Update (For Information)

Item 2. Presentation: 2016 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets: Impact of TTC Budget Committee Recommendations (For Action)

Correspondence 1 submitted by Mayor Tory & Chair Josh Colle.
Correspondence 2 submitted by Open Streets TO Inc.

Item 3. Presentation: 2016-2025 TTC Capital Budget (For Action)

Item 4. Park Lawn Streetcar Loop (For Action)

Item 5. Lease for Interim Bus Storage and Maintenance Facility (For Action)

This report is about a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purposes.

Item 6. Procurement Authorization for the Extension of Project Specific Insurance for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (For Action)

Item 7. Personal Injury Litigation Matter (For Action)

This report contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and litigation including communications necessary for that purpose.

Item 8. Procurement of Wireless Telecommunication Services for the Toronto Transit Commission (For Action)

Item 9. Procurement Authorization - Physical Supply of Diesel Fuel to TTC Properties (For Action)

Item 10. Procurement Authorization Amendment to Implement Pre-Boarding Announcements (PBA) on TTC Subway Trains (For Action)

Item 11. Procurement Authorization to Implement Pre-Boarding Announcements (PBA) on TTC Buses (For Action)

Item 12. Procurement Authorization Easier Access Phase III Dupont Station Contract A45-13 (For Action)

Item 13. Procurement Authorization Construction Management Services Contract G85-335 (For Action)

Item 14. Line 5 Eglinton Station Names (Presentation Available) (For Action)

Item 15. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meetings for September 24, 2015 (For Information)

Item 16. TTC Corporate Policy Update - Video Recording in Public Areas (For Action)

Item 17. Outstanding Board Items (For Information)

Item 18. Correspondence - Councillor Mary Fragedakis - Data Predictions for Delays Caused by Accidents on the System (For Action)

Toronto Transit Commission Board

A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, November 23, 2015 commencing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:05 a.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole and reconvened at 1:05 p.m.

Present at Committee of the Whole

J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C. (Vice-Chair), M. Adamson, R. Byers, J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker, R. Lalonde, J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford, R. Leary, S. Reed Tanaka, V. Rodo, B. Ross, G. Shortt, J. Taylor, B. Leck, J. Fraser, J. Lee, M. Cousins, K. McGuire, J. Murray, J. Kervin, K. Sibley, C. Bergquist, K. Lee and D. McDonald.

J. Colle was in the Chair.

K. Rowe, (Chair’s Office) and D. Magisano (Mayor’s Office) were also present.

Present at Public Session

J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C. (Vice-Chair), M. Adamson, R. Byers, J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker, R. Lalonde, J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), S. Reed Tanaka (Chief Capital Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director - Corporate Communications), G. Shortt (Chief Operating Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), K. McGuire (Acting Head - Legal & General Counsel), J. Lee (Head - Materials & Procurement), M. Stambler (Head - Strategy & Service Planning), M. Roche (Head – Finance & Treasurer), J. Kervin (Head – Property, Planning & Development Management), A. Iannucci (Head – Information Technology Services), J. Murray (Chief Project Manager – Construction), J. Fraser (Head – Capital Programming), C. Thoun (Head – Customer Communications), I. Dickson (Manager – Design & Wayfinding), P. Buttigieg (Director – Budgets, Costing and Financial Reporting), J. Imbrogno (Director – Capital Accounting), V. Cosentino (Director – Statistics), M. Ferreira (Director – Treasury Services), K. Lee (Head - Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator –Secretariat Services) were present.
J. Colle was in the Chair.

Declarations of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Commissioner Lalonde moved that the Board approve the minutes from Meeting No. 1990 and Meeting No. 1991 and that the Chair and Chief Financial Officer be authorized to sign the same.

The motion by Commissioner Lalonde carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Public Presentations

Prior to proceeding with public presentations Commissioner Minnan-Wong moved a procedural motion to establish a time limit of three minutes on individual deputations, and a total of six minutes for groups and speakers on more than one item.

The motion by Commissioner Minnan-Wong carried on a two thirds vote of the members present.

a) 2016 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budget

Herman Rosenfeld
Paul Codd
Fatima Pique (submitted brief)
Alan Yule
Michael Rosenberg
Mou Hu
Ontario Chinese Seniors Association
German Huberman
Scarborough Campus Studen Union
Andrew Da Rock
(Belka Enrichment Centre)
Daniela Mergarten
Dane Grgas

Suhail Barot
Shaun Cleaver
Sabrina Gopaul
Jane/Finch Action Against Poverty
Celeste Moore
Bob Brent
Sean Meagher
Social Planning Toronto
Emily Daigle

The Board received the deputations for information.

(See Item No. 2 for minute)

b) 2016 – 2025 TTC Capital Budget

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information.

(See Item No. 3 for minute)

c) Line 5 Eglinton Station Names

Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information.

(See Item No. 14 for minute)

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 2015 Update

Prior to proceeding with this item CEO Byford played a video clip of yesterday’s first running of a new PRESTO equipped streetcar exiting the new Leslie Barns facility. The streetcar operated north on Leslie Street via the new connection track, west along Queen Street and then north on Spadina Avenue. CEO Byford said it was a very proud moment and one enjoyed by those who attended the event.

The Board subsequently received the Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 2015 Update for information.

2. Presentation: 2016 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets

Vincent Rodo, Chief Financial & Administration Officer, delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.

The Board received the presentation for information and took the following action:

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

Defer consideration of the TTC Operating Budget until:

a) the TTC receives an indication from the City’s Budget Committee as to the TTC subsidy for 2016;

b) the TTC and City Council fully explores and advocates to the Province for a return to a provincial operating subsidy.

The motion by Commissioner Mihevc lost.

Commissioner Lalonde moved the following motion:

1. Approve the 2016 TTC Operating Budget as discussed in the staff report.

2. Approve the additional 2016 service improvement initiatives recommended by the Budget Committee.

3. Approve a fare increase as outlined in Scenario 7 of the staff report (Appendix G2), with a Metropass freeze, and all other non-fare / non-service recommendations from the TTC Budget Committee.

4. Approve the 2016 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget as discussed in the staff report.

5. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for submission into the City Budget process and confirmation of the 2016 subsidy levels.

Prior to voting on Commissioner Lalonde’s motion the Board dealt with the following amendments:

Commissioner Crisanti moved the following motion:

That the fare scenario approved by the Board includes a freeze on all fare media and cash rates for seniors and students pending the review of the Framework for Transit Fare Equity report due in the first quarter of the New Year.

The motion by Commissioner Crisanti carried unanimously.

Commissioner Campbell moved the following motion:

That TTC fares rise as follows:

i) The price of monthly adult Metropasses increase from $141.50 to $144.00, (1.77% increase)

ii) Adult cash fares increase from $3.00 to $3.25, (8.25% increase)

iii) Token prices increase from 7 tokens for $19.60 to 6 tokens for $18.00 or 7 tokens for $21.00, (6.67%)

iv) Cash fare for students and seniors remain unchanged

v) Metropasses for students and seniors increase from $112.00 to $114.00, (1.79 % increase).

The motion by Commissioner Campbell lost.

Commissioner Carroll moved the following motion:

a) That TTC fares be established that provide the same trip multiple for Adult, Senior and Student Metropass purchasers; and

b) That TTC staff employ a singular trip multiple approach to future PRESTO-based transit fare scenarios.

Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved the following amendment to Commissioner Carroll’s motion:

That the following statement precedes Parts A and B of the motion:

“That staff be requested to report back on the following:”, so such recommendation now reads as follows:

“That staff be requested to report back on the following:

a) That TTC fares be established that provide the same trip multiple for Adult, Senior and Student Metropass purchasers; and

b) That TTC staff employ a singular trip multiple approach to future PRESTO-based transit fare scenarios”.

The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.

The motion by Commissioner Carroll carried, as amended.

Vice-Chair Heisey moved the following motion:

That the Board request TTC staff, and staff of the Transportation Services Department, City of Toronto, to provide a joint presentation to the TTC Board in six-months’ time on the parking and traffic management initiatives in use, and those being looked at, to improve transit service on routes affected by scheduled subway closures
The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried unanimously.

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

That the Board approve the Service Improvements recommended by TTC staff (Page 7) in the staff report, as follows:
 Earlier Sunday Service
 Bus Service Reliability
 Streetcar Service Reliability
 New and Enhanced Express Bus Service
 Subway Service Reliability
 Line 1: 3-Minute-or-Better Service
 New Streetcar Service on Cherry Street

The motion by Commissioner Mihevc lost.

Commissioner Mihevc further moved:

1. That the Board approve the Service Improvements recommended by the TTC Budget Committee, as follows:

 Earlier Sunday Service
 Bus Service Reliability
 Streetcar Service Reliability
 New and Enhanced Express Bus Service
2. Forward the remaining service initiatives to the City's Budget Committee for possible funding, including:
 Subway Service Reliability
 Line 1: 3-Minute-or-Better Service
 New Streetcar Service on Cherry Street
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.
Chair Colle moved the following motion:

1. The TTC Board direct TTC staff to begin discussions with the Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) regarding:

 Ways to maximize revenue for the TTC from TTC parking lots
 Any additional partnership opportunities that might exist between the two organizations that could result in improved service for TTC customers, new or enhanced revenue streams, and any potential operational efficiencies for the TTC

2. Report back to the Board in Q3 2016 with the results of these discussions.

3. Request that the TPA present to the TTC Board regarding their role in improving mobility in Toronto.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Chair Colle further moved:

The TTC Board direct TTC staff to report back in Q2 2016 on a long-term strategy for dramatically increasing non-fare revenue that includes, but it is not limited to:

 Clearly defined annual and long-term revenue targets, including an ongoing Board reporting schedule;

 The designation of a member of TTC staff tasked with the mandate of increasing non-fare revenue
 Options for TTC licensing and merchandising strategies that would promote and enhance the TTC brand while generating additional revenue
 A review of the advertising, licensing, and merchandising programs at the New York MTA, London Underground, and other systems for best practices and strategies that could be adopted by the TTC
 A menu of potential customer amenities and services that could be introduced in stations and throughout the system that would improve the customer experience while generating additional revenue
 A review of the performance to date of the current advertising contract
 A review and lease expiration timeline of all current contracts for service providers that generate non-fare revenue including, but not limited to, retail concessionaires, newspaper providers, and commercial lease holders

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Chair Colle moved adoption of Commissioner Lalonde’s motion, as amended.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Correspondence was received on this item from:
 His Worship Mayor John Tory and TTC Chair Josh Colle
 The Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit Executive
 Open Streets TO Inc.
3. Presentation: 2016 – 2025 TTC Capital Budget
The Board opted to forego receipt of the staff presentation on this item.
Chair Colle moved the following motion:
That the TTC Board direct TTC staff to:

1. Accelerate plans for TTC head office consolidation and report back with an accommodation strategy that includes an inventory of all existing TTC office locations and leases, a consolidation timeline, an overview of organizational office needs, and potential sites for consolidated head offices;

2. Accelerate plans for TTC warehousing consolidation and report back with a warehouse strategy that includes an inventory of all existing TTC warehouse locations and leases, a consolidation timeline, an overview of organizational warehouse needs, and potential sites for a consolidated warehouse;

3. Consult with Build Toronto and the Toronto Real Estate Services Division on the TTC’s head office and warehouse needs;

4. Report quarterly in the CEO’s report to the Board with status updates on the head office and warehouse consolidation acceleration plans;

5. Report back in Q3 2016 with a list of all unused, vacant, and non-TTC occupied properties and lands owned by the TTC and after consulting with Build Toronto and the Toronto Real Estate Services Division identify any properties which could be deemed surplus by the TTC; and

6. Initiate discussions regarding the long-term plans for the leased commuter parking lot at Yorkdale Station and any cost and revenue benefits of replacing the parking capacity at a different site and/or monetizing the value of the current lease.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

Direct staff to prepare the 2017 TTC Capital Budget for presentation to the TTC Budget Committee and Commission in the late Spring 2016 to allow for a due diligence deeper dive into selected areas.

The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.

Chair Colle moved adoption of the item, as amended.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

4. Park Lawn Streetcar Loop

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Receive the decision of the TTC Budget Committee; and

2. Forward this report, as amended, to the City Clerk in response to City Council’s request from its meeting on March 10-11, 2015, to the City Planning and Transportation Services Departments, and to Metrolinx.


5. Lease for Interim Bus Storage and Maintenance Facility

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Adopt the confidential recommendations contained in the confidential attachment to this report; and

2. Authorize the public release of the confidential information contained in this report once a lease has been executed.


6. Procurement Authorization for the Extension of Project Specific Insurance for the Toronto – York Spadina Subway Extension

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Authorize the extension of project specific insurance coverage for the construction of the Toronto–York Spadina Subway Extension, through the TTC’s insurance broker, Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc. (JLT), which includes Builders Risk property insurance, Wrap Up liability insurance and Environmental Impairment liability insurance, in the upset amount of $7,799,708 inclusive of tax.


7. Personal Injury Litigation Matter

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Authorize the recommendation as set out in the Confidential Attachment; and

2. Authorize that the information provided in the Confidential Attachment is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information that is subject to solicitor – client privilege.


8. Procurement of Wireless Telecommunication Services for the Toronto Transit Commission

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Approve the Procurement Authorization to Telus in the total amount of $7.6 million, inclusive of any applicable taxes and a 20% contingency. This contingency is to accommodate for any increases in usage and/or additional services that may be required. The contract is to commence on January 1, 2016 for the supply of wireless telecommunication services until December 31, 2019.


9. Procurement Authorization – Physical Supply of Diesel Fuel to TTC Properties

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Authorize the award of a contract to Suncor Energy Products Partnership (Suncor) for the physical supply and delivery of diesel fuel (based on 91 million litres each year), on the basis of lowest bid, up to the total upset limit amount of $182,500,000.00 (incl. taxes) for a two year period commencing January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017.


10. Procurement Authorization Amendment to Implement Pre-Boarding Announcements (PBA) on TTC Subway Trains
It is recommended that the Board:

1. Authorize a Purchase Authorization Amendment to Bombardier, in the amount of $11,762,510.13, inclusive of all applicable taxes, for the installation of PBA equipment on one TR trainset and for the supply of all materials required for the modification of all TTC subway and SRT vehicles.


11. Procurement Authorization to Implement Pre-Boarding Announcements (PBA) on TTC Buses

It is recommended that the Board approve:

1. The award of a contract to Luminator Holding L.P. for the supply of Pre-Boarding Announcement kits in the total amount of $4,271,934.75 U.S (USD), which converts to $5,565,049.40 Canadian (CAD) based on an exchange rate of 1.3027 dated October 20, 2015 and is inclusive of HST, brokerage, duty fees, etc., on the basis of sole source. This amount is in addition to the $331,343.75 USD (which converts to $431,641.50 CAD) for a partial delivery of 125 kits for the Orion VII 1201 and 1274 model buses that has already been authorized by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).


12. Procurement Authorization – Easier Access Phase III Dupont Station Contract A45-13

It is recommended that the Board authorize:

1. Award of Contract A45-13 Easier Access Phase III Dupont Station to Bondfield Construction Company Limited in the amount of $10,103,330.00 inclusive of all taxes on the basis of lowest total bid price.


13. Procurement Authorization Construction Management Services Contract G85-335

It is recommended that the Board:

1. Authorize the award of Contract G85-335 – Construction Management Services to MMM Group Limited (MMM) in the upset limit amount of $60,000,000.00 Canadian dollars with duration of five years from Notification of Award.


14. Line 5 Eglinton Station Names

The Board opted to forego the staff presentation on this item.

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

That the Board approve changing the name of the Eglinton West integrated station to “Cedarvale”, as per Option B of Recommendation No. 3 in the staff report.

The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.

Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved the following motion:

That the TTC support changing the proposed name for Lebovic Station to Hakimi Station and request Metrolinx to also support naming the station Hakimi Station.

The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.

Vice-Chair Heisey moved the following motion:

Whereas the TTC Board in February 2015 approved a motion supporting cross-appointments between the TTC and Metrolinx Boards, and that this decision of the Board be referred to the City Manager for consideration in any future report to Council responding to Council’s request of the Province to undertake a comprehensive review of the Metrolinx Board governance structure; and

Whereas Metrolinx Board Chair Robert Prichard and Metrolinx President & CEO Bruce McCuaig delivered a presentation to the TTC Board on June 22, 2015 entitled “Working Together”; and

Whereas Chair Robert Prichard in discussion with the TTC Board in follow-up to the presentation indicated his support for the holding of a joint meeting of the TTC and Metrolinx Boards; and

Whereas, the TTC Chair has written a letter to Metrolinx on November 3, 2015 to initiate moves towards a joint meeting;

Be it resolved that:

a) In addition to the consultation requirements set out in Recommendation No. 4 of the

staff report, that the TTC Board, together with the Metrolinx Board, hold a joint TTC / Metrolinx Board meeting on
 a Saturday, or weekday evening, for a public consultation on all proposed station names at a venue located on the future Line 5 in January or February 2016; and

b) The TTC Chair write a follow-up letter to the Chair of Metrolinx requesting the Metrolinx Board’s recommendations as to the timing and any preferred locations for the first joint TTC/Metrolinx Board meeting for the purpose stated above.

The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried.

Chair Colle moved adoption of the item, as amended.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

15. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for September 24, 2015

The Board received for information the approved minutes from the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting of September 24, 2015.

16. TTC Corporate Policy Update - Video Recording in Public Areas

Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved that the words “a maximum” be removed from the recommendation in the staff report so such recommendation now reads, as follows:

“It is recommended that the Board:

1. Approve amending TTC Corporate Policy 3.3.1 – Video Recording in Public Areas (Sections 5.1.1 and 7.6.1) to change the current retention period for video images on buses and streetcars (excluding Wheel-Trans vehicles) from 15 operational hours to 72 hours”.

The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried.

Chair Colle moved adoption of the item, as amended.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

17. Outstanding Board Items

The Board received this report for information.

18. Correspondence: Councillor Mary Fragedakis, Ward 29, Toronto-Danforth – Data Predictions for Delays Caused by Accidents on the System

The Board referred the correspondence from Councillor Fragedakis to staff for consideration.

The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

TTC Board approves 2016 TTC Budgets

The Board approved the TTC’s 2016 Operating, Wheel-Trans and Capital Budgets. The budgets will be forwarded to the City of Toronto for submission to the City Budget process and for confirmation of the 2016 operating subsidy level. Here is what was approved:

2016 Operating Budget

Board members approved expenses totalling $1.76 billion, with an assumed operating subsidy of about $475 million. To balance its budget, the TTC would need a total subsidy of $515 million. The TTC is projecting a ridership level of 553 million in 2016, while maintaining its cost-recovery rate at 71 per cent – one of the highest in North America. The Operating Budget is facing a $40-million shortfall.

The Board approved a 10-cent increase in the price of a single Adult token ($2.90 from $2.80) and proportionate increases to other fares, and a 25-cent increase in the Adult Cash fare effective Jan. 3, 2016. Board members also approved a price freeze on Metropasses as well as a price freeze on all Senior and Student fares (including Cash) pending the City-led review of the Framework for Transit Fare Equity report due in the first quarter of 2016.

The Board also approved a series of motions, including:

  • Approve the additional 2016 service improvement initiatives recommended by the TTC Budget Committee, as follows:
    • Endorse the implementation of earlier Sunday subway service for 2016 and approve the implementation of earlier service on connecting bus and streetcar routes.
    • Bus Service Reliability.
    • Streetcar Service Reliability.
    • New and Enhanced Express Bus Service.

In addition, the Board approved forwarding the remaining service initiatives to the City’s Budget Committee for possible funding, including: Subway Service Reliability; Line 1: Three-minute-or-better Service; and New Streetcar Service on Cherry Street.

  • That TTC staff report back on establishing fares that provide the same trip multiple for Adult, Senior and Student Metropass purchasers; and that TTC staff employ a singular trip multiple approach to future PRESTO-based transit fare scenarios.
  • The TTC Board direct TTC staff to begin discussions with the Toronto Parking Authority regarding:
    • Ways to maximize revenue for the TTC from TTC parking lots.
    • Any additional partnership opportunities that might exist between the two organizations that could result in improved service for TTC customers, new or enhanced revenue streams, and any potential operational efficiencies for the TTC.
    • Report back to the Board in third quarter of 2016 with the results of these discussions.
    • Request that the TPA present to the TTC Board regarding their role in improving mobility in Toronto.
  • That the Board request TTC staff, and staff of the Transportation Services Department, City of Toronto, to provide a joint presentation to the TTC Board in six-months’ time on the parking and traffic management initiatives in use, and those being looked at, to improve transit service on routes affected by the scheduled subway closures.
  • The TTC Board direct TTC staff to report back in second quarter of 2016 on a long-term strategy for dramatically increasing non-fare revenue that includes, but is not limited to:
    • Clearly defined annual and long-term revenue targets, including an ongoing Board reporting schedule.
    • The designation of a member of TTC staff tasked with the mandate of increasing non-fare revenue.
    • Options for licensing and merchandising strategies that would promote and enhance the TTC brand while generating additional revenue.
    • A review of advertising, licensing and merchandising programs at the New York MTA, London Underground and other systems for best practices and strategies that could be adopted by the TTC.
    • A menu of potential customer amenities and services that could be introduced in stations and throughout the system that would improve the customer experience while generating additional revenue.
    • A review of the performance to date of the current advertising contract.
    • A review and lease expiration timeline of all current contracts for service providers that generate non-fare revenue including, but not limited to, retail concessionaries, newspaper providers and commercial lease holders.

2016 Capital Budget

Board members approved a total of $1.17 billion for the 2016 portion of the 2016-2025 Base Capital Budget. The budget continues to provide for state-of-good-repair projects and legislated requirements (92 per cent of the total in the 10-year envelope). The 2016-2025 Capital Budget is worth $9.3 billion, of which $3.9 billion (or 42 per cent) is dedicated to the purchase or overhaul of the revenue and non-revenue fleets.

Based on current funding assumptions, there is sufficient funding available to cover 2016 budgeted expenditures. But over the next five-year period the TTC is facing a $873-million shortfall; over the total 10-year-period the shortfall grows to $2.8 billion.

The 2016 Budget also includes $320 million for the construction of the Spadina Subway Extension and $142 million for the Scarborough Subway Extension.

The Board also approved a series of motions, including:

  • Accelerate plans for TTC head office consolidation and report back with an accommodation strategy that includes an inventory of all existing TTC office locations and leases, a consolidation timeline, an overview of organizational office needs and potential sites for consolidated head offices.
  • Accelerate plans for TTC warehousing consolidation and report back with a warehouse strategy (including the same components as listed above).
  • Consult with Build Toronto and the Toronto Real Estate Services Division on the TTC’s head office and warehouse needs.
  • Report quarterly in the CEO’s Report to the Board with status updates on the head office and warehouse consolidation acceleration plans.
  • Report back in third quarter of 2016 with a list of all unused, vacant and non-TTC occupied properties and lands owned by the TTC and after consulting with Build Toronto and the Toronto Real Estate Services Division identify any properties, which would be deemed surplus by the TTC. 
  • Initiate discussions regarding the long-term plans for the leased commuter parking lot at Yorkdale Station and any cost and revenue benefits of replacing the parking capacity at a different site and/or monetizing the value of the current lease.
  • Direct staff to prepare the 2017 TTC Capital Budget for presentation to the TTC Budget Committee and Commission in late spring 2016 to allow for a due diligence deeper dive into selected areas.

2016 Wheel-Trans Budget

Board members approved expenses totalling $123.7 million, with an assumed operating subsidy of $116.7 million. The funding will maintain a 24/7 specialized service and a customer unaccommodated rate at 0.5 per cent. Wheel-Trans is planning improvements to its Community Bus service as well as upgrades to its reservations, booking and scheduling system, and to its call centre telephone system. Total ridership in 2016 is projected at an all-time-high of 3.7 million trips, with revenues at $7 million.

Crosstown station renaming

Board members voted to support changing the proposed name for Lebovic Station to Hakimi Station and requested Metrolinx to also support the name Hakimi Station. The Board also approved renaming Eglinton West Station to Cedarvale Station. Metrolinx is building the Eglinton Crosstown LRT (Line 5) and three of the LRT stations will integrate into the existing TTC subway stations.

TTC approves contract for diesel fuel

Board members approved the award of a contract worth $182.5 million to Suncor Energy Products Partnership for the supply and delivery of No. 2 Clear-Diesel-Refined fuel for a two-year period from Jan. 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017. This will ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel for the TTC bus fleet (based on 91 million litres each year). The current contract with Suncor expires Dec. 31, 2015.

Contracts for pre-boarding announcement equipment

Board members approved the award of a contract worth $11.7 million, inclusive of all applicable taxes, to Bombardier for the design, prototype installation and supply of all materials for the installation of external pre-boarding announcement equipment on all subway and SRT trains. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requires all transportation agencies to equip their public transit vehicles with electronic systems that externally announce the route, direction, destination or next major stop as a pre-boarding announcement to intending passengers at stops.

A second contract worth $5.6 million was awarded to Luminator Holding, H.P. for the installation of external pre-boarding announcement equipment on all TTC buses.

Video recording policy amendment

Board members approved an amendment to the TTC’s Corporate Policy governing digital video recordings in public areas of the transit system. The retention policy has been updated to retain video images for 72 hours on buses and streetcars (excluding Wheel-Trans vehicles) from the previous 15 operational hours.

Contract awarded for Dupont Station elevators

Commissioners approved the award of a contract worth $10.1 million to Bondfield Construction Company Limited for the installation of three elevators and associated easier access features at Dupont Station. Construction is scheduled to begin next spring.

Upcoming Board meetings

The next scheduled regular TTC Board meeting will be on Wed., Dec. 16 at Toronto City Hall, starting at 10 a.m., with the public session starting at 1 p.m. The public meeting will be live-streamed on the Official TTC YouTube channel. The Nov. 23 meeting was the first to be broadcast on YouTube.

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