Board Meeting - April 27, 2016 - Joint Metrolinx-TTC meeting

Meeting Info

Date:Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Start Time:6:00 PM
Location:Metrolinx, Union Station West Wing, Peter R. Smith Boardroom, 4th Floor, 97 Front Street West
Meeting No:1998
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 1996 held on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

At its February 25, 2016 meeting, the TTC Board approved a temporary suspension of its meeting rules in order to participate in this joint meeting with the Metrolinx Board.

The live-stream for this meeting is available on the official TTC YouTube channel.

Item 1. Chairs' Remarks

20 minutes (6 p.m. to 6:20 p.m.)
Rob Prichard / Josh Colle

Item 2. TTC Update

20 minutes (6:20 to 6:40 p.m.)
Andy Byford

Item 3. Metrolinx Update

20 minutes (6:40 to 7:00 p.m.)
Bruce McCuaig

Item 4. Fare Integration Update

20 minutes (7 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.)
Leslie Woo / Chris Upfold

Item 5. PRESTO Implementation Update

20 minutes (7:20 to 7:40 p.m.)
Robert Hollis / Chris Upfold

Item 6. Light Rail Transit Update, including Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West Projects

15 minutes (7:40 to 7:55 p.m.)
John Jensen

Item 7. Roundtable Discussion

30 minutes (7:55 to 8:25 p.m.)
Open Discussion for Attendees

Item 8. Next Steps

5 minutes (8:25 to 8:30 p.m.)
Rob Prichard / Josh Colle

Item 9. Adjournment

Rob Prichard

Toronto Transit Commission Board

A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 commencing at 1:07 p.m. The meeting recessed at 2:15 p.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole and reconvened at 3:40 p.m.

Present at Committee of the Whole

 J. Robert S. Prichard 

Bruce McCuaig  
Andy Byford 

Mary Martin, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary  

Upkar Arora  
Rahul Bhardwaj 
Bryan Davies  
Iain Dobson  
Janet Ecker 
Bill Fisch 
Anne Golden  
Marianne McKenna 
Bonnie Patterson  
Howard Shearer  
Carl Zehr

Josh Colle, Chair 
Alan Heisey Q.C., Vice-Chair 
Maureen Adamson, Citizen 
Rick Byers, Citizen 
Shelley Carroll, Councillor 
Vincent Crisanti, Councillor 
Ron Lalonde, Citizen 
Joe Mihevc, Councillor 
Denzil Minnan-Wong, Councillor 
John Campbell, Councillor, TTC Board Member 
Glenn De Baeremaeker, TTC Board Member 
Rose Patten, Metrolinx Board Member 
His Worship Rob Burton, Mayor, Town of Oakville 
Wayne Emmerson, Regional Chair and CEO, York Region 
Helen Ferreira-Walker, Chief Human Resources Officer 
Robert Hollis, Executive Vice President, PRESTO

John Jensen, Chief Capital Officer, Metrolinx 
Greg Percy, President, GO Transit 
Judy Pfeifer, Vice President, Strategic Communications 
Robert Siddall, Chief Financial Officer, Metrolinx 
Leslie Woo, Chief Planning Officer, Metrolinx 
Greg Crone, Strategic Initiatives and Policy Advisor, City of Hamilton 
Aman Gill, Special Assistant, City of Mississauga 
Susan Reed Tanaka, Chief Capital Officer, TTC 
Vincent Rodo, Chief Financial & Administration Officer, TTC 
Brad Ross, Executive Director – Corporate Communications, TTC 
Joan Taylor, Chief of Staff, TTC 
Chris Upfold, Deputy CEO & Chief Customer Officer, TTC 

Present at Public Session

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of Previous Meetings


Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Public Presentations


Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Chair’s Remarks

Chair Prichard called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  
Together Chair Prichard and Chair Colle welcomed the Metrolinx and TTC Board Members, members of senior management, and colleagues from the cities and regions of Burlington, Durham, Hamilton, Mississauga, and Oakville, including His Worship Rob Burton, Mayor of the Town of Oakville and Regional Chair and CEO Wayne Emmerson, York Region.   
Chair Colle presented each Metrolinx Board Member with a TTC pin to mark the continuation of Metrolinx and the TTC’s important working relationship. 
Chair Prichard noted the importance of the meeting in demonstrating the TTC and Metrolinx’s partnership.  Although Metrolinx and the TTC may differ in their mandates, perspective, and ultimate accountability to the Province and City Council respectively, both serve the public and are joined by their goal of delivering transit services to the citizens of the Region and Toronto.  This joint goal underscores the need for Metrolinx and the TTC to work together to achieve success.

2. TTC Update

Andy Byford, CEO, Toronto Transit Commission, presented an update on TTC activities. In 2013 the TTC adopted a strategic plan to modernize the TTC.  Under this plan significant progress has been made to improve system performance, and service reliability.  These measures have contributed to a significant increase in customer satisfaction.  
At the same time, the TTC is undertaking several major projects including: the Spadina subway extension; system-wide PRESTO deployment; replacement of the TTC’s signalling system with advanced train controls; and the deployment of new streetcars.  The TTC has also been focussed on effecting cultural change, and on implementing improved business and project processes. 
The Metrolinx Board members commended the TTC on these important achievements.  The Metrolinx Board members asked about the following matters:

. The TTC’s role in land use planning around station developments, and specifically how the TTC links these considerations to the neighbourhoods and people surrounding new stations/services.  Mr. Byford noted the importance of the TTC working with City planning to ensure that all relevant land use considerations are taken into account and maximized.

. The TTC’s role in transit planning generally.  Mr. Byford confirmed that the TTC and City planning staff work together closely on all major transit projects.  Chair Colle noted the importance of this collaborative relationship in order to ensure all planning objectives are taken into account.

. The TTC’s procurement methods and the management of any cost overruns.  Mr. Byford acknowledged that the TTC is considering alternatives to its traditional design-bid-build contracts in order to minimize project risks such as cost overruns.

. The timing of completion and impact on service capacity of the TTC’s automated train control project.  Mr. Byford described the TTC’s communications-based train control system.  Once fully deployed TTC staff believe it will add 20% more ridership capacity.  However, ridership is also expected to grow during this period. There is an ongoing need to consider other methods to address capacity issues.

. Opportunities for Metrolinx to provide input on the TTC’s next 5 year strategic plan.

3. Metrolinx Update

Bruce McCuaig, President and CEO, Metrolinx, presented a Metrolinx update.  Through the regional transportation plan Metrolinx has made progress in transforming the way the region moves.  In particular, Regional Express Rail (“RER”) and work with the City of Toronto on integrating SmartTrack present opportunities to transform the current commuter service to a true regional system that moves in both directions at high frequency.  RER also presents an opportunity to better align regional and local services.

Metrolinx’s vision, mission and values include “playing as a team.”  Metrolinx views this objective as key to its mandate to work together with internal and external stakeholders to achieve common objectives.  For example, Metrolinx is seeking ways to extend the relationships created during delivery of the Pan Am/Parapan Am Games to help address shared transportation concerns such as service disruptions.  PRESTO is also a regional commitment that will help serve the shared customers of the region.  Other ways that Metrolinx is working with other regional transit agencies include: wayfinding harmonization; sharing experiences on project delivery including community benefits programs; and the current work underway on service and fare integration options and opportunities.

The TTC Board members asked about the following issues:

. How Metrolinx’s projects are scoped for alternative finance and procurement (“AFP”) project delivery through Infrastructure Ontario (“IO”).  Mr. McCuaig noted that each project presents its own unique context which must be considered when selecting the appropriate procurement approach.  Projects exceeding $100 million will be evaluated by Metrolinx and IO to determine the most effective project delivery method through a value-for-money assessment.  

. Metrolinx’s role in transit and land use planning in the region, given the complexities and number of other authorities in this area.  Mr. McCuaig described how Metrolinx’s regional

transportation plan is linked to the Province’s growth projections under the Growth Plan.  Metrolinx also works closely with local authorities to integrate land use with transit when planning new corridors or services. Metrolinx also partners with various regional municipalities on the development of the regional transportation plan’s mobility hubs. 

. How RER station locations are identified, and how the needs of the local versus long distance commuter are taken into consideration.  Mr. McCuaig described Metrolinx’s work with the City and other municipalities on identifying key station locations for further planning analysis.  Metrolinx also believes moving people within Toronto is an important objective of RER which will require integrated service planning and fare structures in order to achieve its full benefits.  Staff expect to bring their recommendations on station locations to the Metrolinx Board in June.  This same analysis will also be brought forward to the City’s Executive Committee and City Council.  Mr. McCuaig also described how Metrolinx’s station locations work has facilitated opportunities to consider the potential for mixed-use transit oriented development.

4. Fare Integration Update

Leslie Woo, Chief Planning Officer, Metrolinx, and Chris Upfold, Deputy CEO & Chief Customer Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, presented an update on fare integration work underway.   
Metrolinx and the TTC share the common goals of addressing the fare barriers between the TTC, the 905-region, and GO Transit.  RER and SmartTrack modelling work also demonstrate improved results if a common fare that facilitates tranfers between services is adopted.  Key areas of ongoing focus include:  the customer experience; practical issues relating to implementation; and balancing ridership and revenue concerns.  Analysis of the three preferred fare integration options is ongoing, and includes consultations and technical discussions with regional transit agencies, municipal officials, and staff.   
The Board Members discussed TTC operational implications which could arise from a reduced co-fare or fare based on travel mode (ie. bus, streetcar, or subway) solution.  The Board Members also asked about the potential to implement integrated fare tests to see how customers respond.  Staff noted that test cases will be hard to implement without full PRESTO deployment, and that revenue and operational cost issues would still need to be considered. 
The TTC Board emphasized the importance of keeping the TTC system seamless and integrated, and the need to consider lost ridership revenues. 
Staff confirmed that all of these issues remain in discussion.  A further update is expected in June.

5. PRESTO Implementation Update

Robert Hollis, Executive Vice President, PRESTO, and Chris Upfold presented an update on TTC PRESTO implementation.  Recent key accomplishments include TTC legacy streetcar deployment, purchase and installation of new modern PRESTO-enabled fare gates (currently being installed throughout the system), improving customer access to and use of PRESTO by having PRESTO cards available at more places (including through existing TTC vending machines), and PRESTO ambassadors to help customers learn how PRESTO works. 
The Board Members asked about other retail opportunities to improve availability of PRESTO cards.  Staff confirmed that a retail strategy is underway through the PRESTO strategic partnership initiative.  

6. Light Rail Transit Update, including Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West Projects

John Jensen, Chief Capital Officer, Metrolinx, presented an update on Metrolinx’s light rail transit projects, including Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West.  Eglinton Crosstown station construction has now begun, and the Finch West LRT construction project is in procurement with preferred proponents to be identified by the fall.  Finch will begin construction in 2017 and be operational in 2021.  Once completed, both systems will be operated by the TTC under agreement with Metrolinx. 
The Board Members asked about the status of the Eglinton Crosstown test vehicle.  Staff confirmed that the Bombardier pilot vehicle is late but is being monitored closely. 
The Board Members asked whether the Eglinton Crosstown and Finch LRT will be extended into the airport.  Staff confirmed that Metrolinx is working with the City and the Greater Toronto Airport Authority to optimize the Eglinton Crosstown corridor into Mississauga.  The Finch LRT corridor is currently designed to terminate at Humber College to permit future extension down Highway 427 and into the airport, however this is not currently under discussion.   
The Board Members asked about Eglinton Crosstown operating costs.  Metrolinx staff confirmed that multi-party discussions between the Province, Metrolinx, the City, and the TTC on the commercial aspects of operating agreement have just begun. The Master Agreement requires that the operating agreement be completed two years before operations begin. 
Under the project agreement with Metrolinx, Crosslinx must maintain the Eglinton Crosstown system and vehicles for thirty years.  The TTC and Metrolinx operating agreement will set out how Crosslinx’s maintenance responsibilities will work with the TTC’s operational responsibilities.  
7. Roundtable Discussion

 Chair Prichard and Chair Colle invited the Board Members to participate in a roundtable discussion.  The Board Members made the following comments: 
. His Worship Mayor Burton and Regional Chair Emmerson thanked the Metrolinx Board for the opportunity to participate in today’s meeting.  Both were pleased with their partnership with Metrolinx, and expressed interest in future opportunities to join the Board and work together.

. The Board Members expressed interest in exploring other opportunities to work together on issues of mutual concern including:  improving the customer experience; operational safety; and sharing lessons learned locally and internationally on project procurement, management and implementation issues.

. In terms of project procurement, Board Members discussed how each project must be considered individually to determine appropriate procurement method based on risks, costs, benefits, and desired outcomes.  Metrolinx has had success establishing a design excellence group that has oversight and input into the design process and outcomes.

8. Next Steps

Chair Prichard and Chair Colle thanked all the Board Members for participating in the joint session.   
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. 
J. Robert S. Prichard, Chair 
Mary Martin, Secretary

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