Board Meeting - November 21, 2016 - Special Meeting

Meeting Info

Date:Monday, November 21, 2016
Start Time:10:00 AM
Location:Committee Room #2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:2003
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Declaration of Office

Joanne De Laurentiis

Declarations of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Meeting No. 2002 held on Wednesday, October 27, 2016

Business Arising Out of Minutes

Public Presentations

Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day. A final deputation list will be distributed at the meeting.

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

Item 1. 2017 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets (For Action)

Correspondence submitted by: Moya Beall; Suzanne Narain; Sharon Lovett; Sharon Yetman; Hamish Wilson.

Item 2. 2017-2026 TTC Capital Budget (For Action)

Correspondence submitted by: Sharon Yetman.

Item 3. Federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) (For Action)

Toronto Transit Commission Board

A Special Meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, November 21, 2016 commencing at 10:05 a.m.

Present at Committee of the Whole

Present at Public Session

J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey, Q.C. (Vice-Chair), R. Byers, J. Campbell, S. Carroll, V. Crisanti, G. De Baeremaeker, J. De Laurentiis, J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford, (Chief Executive Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), C. Upfold (Deputy CEO & Chief Customer Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), S. Reed Tanaka (Chief Capital Officer), J. O’Grady (Chief Safety Officer), M. Palmer (Chief Operating Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), M. Roche (Head – Finance & Treasurer), D. Campbell (Head – Service Delivery Control), P. Maglietta (Head – Training & Development), T. Bal (Head of Internal Audit), M. Piemontese (Acting Head of Materials & Procurement), P. Buttigieg (Director – Budgets, Costing & Financial Reporting), J. Imbrogno (Director – Capital Accounting), P. Pignatari (Manager – Budgets & Costing), S. Colavecchia (Statistical Economist), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Secretariat Services) were present.

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act 


Public Presentations

Item No. 1. 2017 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets 
Alan Yule 
Stephen Donahue 
Don Weitz 
Hamish Wilson 
Ben Bradley 
Mou Hu 
Ontario Seniors Association 

Ray Smith 
Canadian National Institute for the Blind 

Helen Lee 

Suhail Barot 

Jessica Bell and Moya Beall 

James W. 

Rosemary Frei 

Patricia Reid 

Paul Rouillard 

Butterfly Gopal 

Lyn Adamson 

Adina Lebo 
CARP Toronto 

Herman Rosenfeld 

Brenda Thompson and Wendy Fanfare Scarborough Transit Action 

Tim Rourke 

Mary Hynes 

Louise Bark 
Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit 

Emily Daigle 

Mazin Aribi 
Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit 

The Board received the deputations for information.  (See Item No. 1 for minute). 

Item No. 2.  2017 – 2026 TTC Capital Budget 

Alan Yule 

Hamish Wilson 

Emily Daigle 

The Board received the deputations for information.  (See Item No. 2 for minute). 

Item No. 3.  Federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) 

Alan Yule 

Hamish Wilson 

The Board received the deputations for information.  (See Item No. 3 for minute).

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. 2017 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets

Chief Executive Officer Andy Byford delivered a PowerPoint presentation on this item.  The Board received the presentation for information.

Commissioner Mihevc moved deferral of the possible fare increase until a TTC meeting after the Council Budget meeting; and further submit a budget to the city's Budget Committee without a fare increase, but including efficiencies and shortfalls as presented by staff.

The motion by Commission Mihevc lost. The Board subsequently elected to vote separately on each of the six recommendations in the staff report.

Recommendation No. 1

Chair Colle moved adoption of Recommendation No. 1 in the staff report.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Recommendation No. 2(i)

Chair Colle moved adoption of Recommendation No. 2(i) in the staff report.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Recommendation No. 2(ii)

Chair Colle moved the following amendments to Recommendation No. 2 (ii) in the staff report:

1.  That the TTC Board endorse a fare freeze for 2018 to balance with the $0.10 increase in 2017, ensuring that TTC fares stay in line with the rate of inflation.

2.  That the TTC Board request TTC staff to report back to the TTC Budget Committee on the feasibility of harmonizing the TTC Adult pass discount programs (VIP, MDP) and budget implications.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Commissioner Mihevc moved that TTC staff be directed to submit a 2018 operating budget that is devoid of any fare increase.

Chair Colle ruled Commissioner Mihevc’s motion redundant.

A recorded vote was requested for Recommendation No. 2(ii), as amended.

In favour:  Chair Colle, Vice-Chair Heisey, Commissioners Byers, Campbell, Crisanti, De Baeremaeker, De Laurentiis and Minnan-Wong.

Opposed:  Commissioners Carroll and Mihevc

Recommendation No. 2(ii) was approved, as amended

Recommendation No. 3

Chair Colle moved the following motion.

If the city does not agree with recommendation #3 that the TTC Board request TTC staff to: a)   work with City staff on a plan to transition the depreciation expense in the TTC operating budget to the TTC capital budget over a minimum 5-year period and report back to TTC budget committee by June 2017; and,

b)  provide all information requested on both the TTC's operating and capital budgets to City staff.

The motion by Chair Colle carried and Recommendation No. 3 was approved, as amended.

Recommendation No. 4

Commissioner De Baeremaeker moved that the following statement be added to Recommendation No. 4:

“and further that TTC staff provide the City budget staff with information on TTC budget and information requests for consideration as part of the City’s 2017 Operating and Capital budget process”.

The motion by Commissioner De Baeremaeker carried and Recommendation No. 4 was approved, as amended.

Commissioner Crisanti moved the following motions:

1) That the Board direct staff to submit a formal request to the Province of Ontario whereby the Province will assume the remaining $61M shortfall in the TTC Operating budget.

The motion by Commissioner Crisanti lost.

2) That TTC staff incorporate the feasibility/merit of a pilot project that uses a VIP model of special fare rates for low income families and seniors for the purpose of attracting increased ridership to potentially boost revenues, as part of the upcoming Transit Fare Equity Program.

The motion by Commissioner Crisanti lost.

3) That senior fares be exempt from a fare increase as described in the 2017 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets staff report.

Chair Colle ruled Part 3 of Commissioner Crisanti’s motion redundant.

Recommendation No. 5

Chair Colle moved adoption of Recommendation No. 5 in the staff report.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Recommendation No. 6

Chair Colle moved adoption of Recommendation No. 6 in the staff report.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Commissioner Campbell moved the following motion:

That staff be requested to report back through the TTC Budget Committee on the financial impact of the following possible changes to fare media: 
1. Freezing the cost of the Metropass 
2.  Making the Metropass non-transferrable 
3.  Eliminating the Metropass 
4.  Eliminating the Student Post-Secondary Metropass 
5.  Instituting a Presto Monthly Metropass similar to the example as follows: 
 a)   $120 - 42 trips ($2.86/ trip) 
 b)   $130 – 47 trips ($2.77/trip) 
 c)   $140 – 52 trips ($2.69/trip) 
 d)   $150 - 57 trips ($2.63/trip) 
6.  Eliminating VIP Tier 2 and VIP Tier 3 discounts 
7. Eliminating the MDP (monthly discount plan) discount 
8.  No cash fare increase on seniors and students 
9.  Cash fare increase on students and seniors from $2.00 to $2.25 
The motion by Commissioner Campbell lost. 
Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motions: 
i) Direct TTC staff to work with the Commission on and advocacy campaign directed at the Province, using advertising spaces available throughout TTC vehicles and subway stations, such campaign to encourage the province to support operating costs of the TTC. 
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc lost. 
ii) Request staff to report in the first quarter of 2017 on the loading standards to be used to determine TTC service, noting historical changes since amalgamation, and with recommendations to ease overcrowding and build ridership.  
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried. 
iii) Request a detailed briefing note by end of 2016 on fare increases for the last 20 years, by category, with comparisons to CPI. 
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.

Commissioner Byers moved the following motion:

1. That the TTC Budget Committee starts its consideration of the upcoming budget in June each year, and that a first draft TTC budget be available for the June Budget Committee meeting.

The motion by Commissioner Byers carried.

Commissioner Carroll moved the following motion:

i) Request staff to provide the total hours of service, per mode, per month, for the past 2 years, and that such report be included on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board.

The motion by Commissioner Carroll carried.

Chair Colle moved adoption of the item, as amended.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

Correspondence on the item submitted by:    
Moya Beall, Ward 36

Suzanne Narain, Civics & Environment Commissioner – U of T Graduate Students Union

Sharon Lovett

2. 2017 – 2026 TTC Capital Budget

The Board opted to forego receipt of the staff presentation on this item.

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

i) Request TTC staff to work with the Chair of the TTC on a reporting process for Commission tracking of major capital projects. 
The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried. 
Commissioner Minnan-Wong moved the following motion: 
i) That staff be requested to report back on deleting the TTC specific 40% Canadian content requirement, in favour of the provincially mandated 25% Canadian content requirement for bus purchases. The motion by Commissioner Minnan-Wong carried. 
Chair Colle moved adoption of the recommendations in the staff report. 
The motion by Chair Colle carried.

3.  Federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) 
The Board adopted the recommendations in the staff report, as follows: 
It is recommended that the Board:

1) Approve the list of Toronto Transit Commission’s priority capital projects for funding under the Federal Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) in the amount of $1.363 billion as outlined in Appendix A. 
2) Authorize PTIF related amendments to the 2016-2025 Capital Budget as follows: 
 a) Increase the project approval for the 2016 approved Capital projects for the Toronto Transit Commission projects list as summarized in Appendix A;

 b) Provide project approval for those projects that were deemed previously unfunded (in the 2016-2025 Council approved Capital Budget) and for new initiatives that are included in the 2017-2026 Capital Budget as summarized in Appendix A.

3) Forward this report to City Council for approval.

The meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.

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