Board Meeting - January 27, 2020

Meeting Info

Date:Monday, January 27, 2020
Start Time:1:00 p.m.
Location:Committee Room 2,
Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
Meeting No:2041

Watch the January 27, 2020 Board Meeting

  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Land Acknowledgement

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Minutes Of The Previous Meetings

Meeting No. 2039 held on Thursday, December 12, 2019
Meeting No. 2040 held on Monday, December 16, 2019

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

Item 1. Chief Executive Officer's Report - January 2020 Update (For Information)

Item 2. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meetings for November 28, 2019 (For Information)

Item 3. Automatic Train Control Alstom Contract Amendment(s) (For Action)

Confidential Attachment - this report contains information related to the security of the property of the municipality or local board.

Item 4. Fitness for Duty Policy: Litigation Update (For Action)

Confidential Attachment – this report is about litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, and contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

Item 5. Supply of Safety Products (For Action)

Item 6. City Council Transmittal - Executive Committee Item 11.23 - Toronto Transit Commission Wheel-Trans Update on Appeal Process and Service Enhancements. (For Action)

Item 7. City Council Transmittal - Planning and Housing Committee Item 10.2: Housing Now - 777 Victoria Park Avenue - Zoning Amendment (For Action)

Item 8. Notice of Motion - Executing Bilingual Subway Signage at New Stations (For Action)

Correspondence submitted by: Cameron MacLeod

Item 9. Subway Air Quality - Toronto Public Health Study (For Action)

Item 10. TTC's 2020-2029 Key Capital Investment Priorities: Subway Infrastructure and Accelerated Vehicle Procurements

A revised Appendix 1 was posted on January 23, 2020.
The Streetcar Procurement chart was updated, and the last two paragraphs were removed as the information is more accurately reflected in the Financial Summary.

618 emails forming a petition were received from members of the public.

Correspondence submitted by: Jill Glessing, Jean-Francois Obregon (A Voice for Transit).

Toronto Transit Commission Board

A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 2, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario on Monday, January 27, 2020 commencing at 10:02 a.m. The meeting recessed at 10:07 a.m. to meet as the Committee of the Whole.  The Board re-convened the public session at 11:48 a.m. and recessed until 1:06 p.m.  

Present - Committee of the Whole

A. Heisey, Q.C. (Vice-Chair), D. Minnan-Wong, B. Bradford, S. Carroll, J. De Laurentiis, J. Karygiannis, R. Lalonde, J. McKelvie, J. Osborne (Commissioners), R. Leary, G. Downie, B. Hasserjian, J. La Vita, B. Leck, K. Llewellyn-Thomas, M. MacRae, F. Monaco, G. Piemontese, N. Poole-Moffatt, S. Reed Tanaka, J. Ross, J. Taylor, K. Watson, R. Wong, A. Cassar, P. Kraft, S. Milloy, C. Finnerty, K. Lee and A. Farnsworth.

Stuart Svonkin (Chernos Flaherty Svonkin LLP) was present for Item 1

D. Magisano (Mayor's Office) was present.

A. Heisey was in the Chair.

Present at Public Session

A. Heisey, Q.C. (Vice-Chair), D. Minnan-Wong, B. Bradford, S. Carroll, J. De Laurentiis, J. Karygiannis, R. Lalonde, J. McKelvie, J. Osborne (Commissioners), R. Leary (Chief Executive Officer), G. Downie (Chief Expansion Officer), B. Hasserjian (Chief Safety Officer - Acting), J. La Vita (Interim Chief Financial Officer), B. Leck (General Counsel), K. Llewellyn-Thomas (Chief Customer Officer), M. MacRae (Executive Director – Business Transformation), F. Monaco (Chief of Infrastructure and Engineering), G. Piemontese (Chief People Officer), N. Poole-Moffatt (Chief of Corporate Affairs), S. Reed Tanaka (Chief Capital Officer), J. Ross (Chief Operating Officer), J. Taylor (Chief of Staff), K. Watson (Deputy CEO – Operations), R. Wong (Chief Vehicle Officer), B. Case (Head, Vehicle Programs), A. Cassar (Director, Budgets, Costing and Financial Reporting), P. Kraft (Head of Property, Planning and Development), J. Imbrogno (Director, Capital Accounting), S. Milloy (Director, Employee Relations), M. Mis (Manager, Service Planning), M. Piemontese (Director, Project Procurement), C. Finnerty (Manager, CEO Business Support, Council Relations), K. Lee (Director, Commission Services) and A. Farnsworth (Co-ordinator – Secretariat Services).

A. Heisey was in the Chair. 

Declaration of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Lalonde moved that the Board approve the minutes of meetings 2039, held on Thursday, December 12, 2019, and 2040, held on Monday, December 16, 2019.

The motion by Commissioner Lalonde carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Order Paper

Vice-Chair Heisey gave notice that the Board approved a motion during the morning session to add Item 1 – CEO Report: January 2020 Update to the in-camera agenda for the purpose of receiving an update on the status of PRESTO arbitration, as the information to be received contained advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Vice-Chair Heisey moved that the Board alter the Order Paper such that Items No. 9 and 10 will be considered before Item 1.

The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried.

Public Presentations

Item No. 4: Fitness for Duty Policy: Litigation Update
Derek Moran

The Board received the deputation for information (see Item 4 for minute).

Item No. 8: Notice of Motion – Executing Bilingual Subway Signage at New Stations
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information (see Item 8 for minute).

Item No. 10: TTC’s 2020-2029 Key Capital Investment Priorities: Subway
Infrastructure and Accelerated Vehicle Procurement
Joel Sterling
Hojoong Lee
Milen Tewelde
Moiya Beall
Emily Daigle
Sean Meagher
Hamish Wilson

The Board received the deputations for information (see Item 10 for minute).

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – January 2020 Update

The Board received the Chief Executive Officer’s Report – January 2020 Update, and a confidential update on PRESTO arbitration, for information. 

2. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for November 28, 2019.

ACAT Chair Mazin Aribi and Vice-Chair Marian McDonell introduced this item. 

Following the ACAT Chair and Vice-Chair’s comments the Board received for information the approved minutes from the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for November 28, 2019.


3. Automatic Train Control Alstom Contract Amendment(s)

Commissioner Lalonde moved the following motion:

That staff conduct an extensive lessons-learned review of the Automatic Train Control (ATC) project prior to presenting a business case for the implementation of ATC on Line 2.

The motion by Commissioner Lalonde carried.

The staff recommendations were considered as follows:

It is recommended that the Board:

  1. Approve the recommendations set out in the Confidential Attachment.
  2. Authorize that the information in the Confidential Attachment remains confidential until such time as the negotiations with Alstom are finalized and a contract amendment(s) is issued.


4. Fitness for Duty Policy: Litigation Update

Vice-Chair Heisey moved the following motion:

Be it resolved that:

  1. The Board reiterates its support for random drug and alcohol testing at the TTC;
  2. The Board supports the recommendation of the Auditor General of Ontario;
  3. The Board supports the efforts of the Ontario government to act on the Auditor General’s recommendation;
  4. Staff contact the Minister of Labour, Minister of Transportation and the Attorney General to express the TTC Board’s support for random drug and alcohol testing; and
  5. Staff work with the Government of Ontario in support of developing a legislative regime that supports random drug and alcohol testing.

The motion by Vice-Chair Heisey carried.

Commissioner Minnan-Wong moved the following motion:

That the Board directs staff to disclose the financial information in the confidential attachment once the matter has been settled.

The motion by Commissioner Minnan-Wong carried.

The staff recommendations were considered as follows:

It is recommended that:

  1. The TTC Board adopt the confidential recommendations set out in Confidential Attachment 1;
  2. The purchase order with external counsel, Blakes LLP, be extended to December 31, 2022; and
  3. Authorize that the information provided in Confidential Attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety, as it contains information subject to solicitor-client privilege.

5. Supply of Safety Products

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Authorize the award of a contract to Hansler Smith Ltd. for the supply of safety products, in the total upset limit amount of $12,309,000 (including applicable taxes), for a three-year period from February 11, 2020 to February 10, 2023 on the basis of the lowest evaluated bid pricing; and
  2. Delegate authority to the CEO to add up to $8,891,000 (including applicable taxes) to the contract with Hansler Smith Ltd. to cover the cost of safety products during the two-year optional period from February 11, 2023 to February 10, 2025, as the contract allows TTC staff to exercise extension options under the same contract terms, up to a maximum of two years beyond the expiration of the initial three-year term.


6. City Council Transmittal – Executive Committee Item 11.23 – Toronto Transit Commission Wheel-Trans Update on Appeal Process and Service Enhancements

It is recommended that the TTC Board consider City Council’s decision, as follows:

  1. That the Toronto Transit Commission Board request Wheel-Trans staff to meet with parents, grandparents and caregivers of infants and children as soon as possible to streamline the process of bringing strollers onto Wheel-Trans vehicles to ensure accessible and consistent services across the system, and to provide an update to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee in the first quarter of 2020.


7. City Council Transmittal – Planning and Housing Committee Item 10.2: Housing Now  – 777 Victoria Park Avenue – Zoning 

It is recommended that the TTC Board consider City Council’s decision, as follows:

  1. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and request the Toronto Transit Commission, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, to advance a detailed design of a rebuilt facility at Dentonia Park Golf Course combining golf course parking and a Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off facility and bring forward plans and budget requests through the annual budget process in the future.


8. Notice of Motion – Executing Bilingual Subway Signage at New Stations 

Commissioner Minnan-Wong moved the following motion:

That the Board directs staff to report back on a Wayfinding Strategy that reflects local neighbourhoods and any linguistic concentrations.

The motion by Commissioner Minnan-Wong carried.

The staff recommendations were considered as follows:

The TTC Board directs that:

  1. TTC staff report back through the Wayfinding Strategy on the costs to install bilingual signage in any existing subway station undergoing an overhaul, reconstruction or renovation.
  2. That the report also identify costs for all new wayfinding signage to be bilingual.


Correspondence submitted by: Cameron MacLeod.

9. Subway Air Quality – Toronto Public Health Study


It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Adopt the recommendations from the report, HL13.8 - Subway Health Impacts Study, including:
    1. Implementing PM2.5 mitigation measures that can be delivered in the short-term, including actions related to employee awareness and training programs, state of good repair (materials, equipment, procurement and procedures) and engineering reviews, as described in the report;
    2. Identifying medium- and long-term mitigation measures, with a priority on Line 2, that can be implemented, to further improve air quality, as described in the report, including:
      1. Reviewing operational systems and procedures, such as Automatic Train Control (ATC), train frequency and ventilation systems;
      2. Reviewing procurement specification and deployment plans for replacement trains for future line modernization;
      3. Including consideration of the potential improvements to air quality in the TTC's study of platform edge doors;
      4. Monitoring levels of subway PM2.5 and evaluating the PM2.5 mitigation strategies that are implemented;
    3. Requesting that TTC staff report back on opportunities for air quality improvement in the TTC subway system, including a review of emerging information and technology that has the potential to reduce air pollution in the subway system;
    4. Identify funding requirements through future budget processes to develop and implement further PM2.5 mitigation measures.


10. TTC’s 2020-2029 Key Capital Investment Priorities: Subway Infrastructure and Accelerated Vehicle Procurement 

Commissioner Carroll moved the following motion:

  1. That the TTC Board directs the TTC CEO to submit to the May 2020 TTC Board meeting a business case analysis for action on an expedited procurement plan for 20 and up to 60 streetcars included in the revised 2020 Capital Budget.
  2. That the TTC Board directs the TTC CEO to report back to the Board by Q3 2020 on a vehicle procurement strategy for implementation to be included as part of the 2021 Capital Budget for the outstanding vehicles identified in the revised 2020 Capital Budget.

The motion by Commissioner Carroll carried.

Commissioner De Laurentiis moved the following motion:

That TTC staff conduct an economic benefit analysis in partnership with appropriate City staff that will identify the specific and broad underlying impetus that a properly funded and maintained Toronto transit system provides to business competitiveness and job creation in the Toronto region specifically, and Ontario as a whole.

The motion by Commissioner De Laurentiis carried.

The staff recommendations were considered as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Approve key capital priorities for the application of $4.23 billion in net new funding made available through the dedicated City Building Fund and one-time Federal Gas Tax amount as follows:
    1. $3.09 billion to provide full funding between 2020 and 2029 for the following subway infrastructure investments:
      1. $1.50 billion of the total estimated cost of the $4.26 billion required to initiate the Line 1 Capacity Enhancement program.
      2. $817 million of the total estimated cost of the $3.92 billion required to initiate the Line 2 Capacity Enhancement program.
      3. $623 million of the total estimated cost of the $877 million required to continue implementation of Line 2 Automatic Train Control (ATC) Resignalling project.
      4. $158 million to fully fund Other Subway Infrastructure state-of-good-repair projects.
    2. $1.14 billion for net new investments toward the procurement of new vehicles and related systems, as follows:
      New Subway Trains
      1. $458 million, representing approximately 1/3 of the 10-year cost for 62 trains, to replace the legacy fleet of T1 trains on Line 2 required for delivery in 2026 through 2030, and which will require an additional $122 million to fund the 1/3 cost between 2030 and 2034.
      2. $165 million, representing approximately 1/3 of the total estimated cost of $494 million towards procurement of 18 trains to meet growth in ridership demand on Line 1 required for delivery in 2026-2027.
        T1 Subway Train Maintenance and Overhaul
      3. Subject to the approval of Recommendation 1.b.1, and in lieu of the previously planned T1 life extension overhaul (LEO), that $74 million be allocated for the state-of-good-repair preventative maintenance of T1 vehicles to ensure they remain safe and reliable until 2030 when they will be fully replaced at end-of-life by the 62 new trains.
      4. Subject to the approval of Recommendations 1.b.1 and 1.b.3 that $474 million approved in the 2020-2029 Capital Budget & Plan for the T1 life extension overhaul (LEO) program provided to prolong the life of the T1 fleet by 10 years beyond its 30-year design life due to lack of available funding be reinvested in the purchase of vehicles.
        Bus and Wheel-Trans Buses
      5. $772 million, with $686 million representing approximately 1/3 of the estimated 10-year cost, towards the procurement of 614 of the 1,575 buses required; $64 million for eBus charging system infrastructure; and $22 million to fully fund the next 4 years of Wheel-Trans bus procurements or 232 of the 498 buses required.
        New Streetcars
      6. The remaining $140 million, representing approximately 1/3 of the total cost for the procurement of 60 new streetcars required to meet projected growth on streetcar routes until 2026.
  2. Approve an amended 2020-2029 Capital Budget & Plan of $11.92 billion and a 15-year Capital Investment Plan of $35.2 billion.
  3. Forward this report to the City’s Budget Committee as the amended 2020-2029 Capital Budget & Plan for the Toronto Transit Commission for consideration with the City of Toronto’s Capital Budget & Plan scheduled for City Council approval on February 19, 2020.


618 emails forming a petition were received from members of the public.

Correspondence submitted by: Jill Glessing, Jean-Francois Obregon (A Voice for Transit).

The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

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