Board Meeting - July 12, 2023
Meeting Info
Meeting Minutes
Board Members
- Chair - Councillor Jon Burnside
- Councillor Paul Ainslie
- Joanne De Laurentiis (Citizen)
- Councillor Stephen Holyday
- Fenton Jagdeo (Citizen)
- Ron Lalonde (Citizen)
- Councillor Nick Mantas
- Councillor Chris Moise
- Julie Osborne (Citizen)
Land Acknowledgement
Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act
Minutes Of The Previous Meetings
Meeting No. 2073 held on Monday, June 12, 2023
Business Arising Out Of Minutes
Public Presentations
The public may submit written comments or register to speak to the TTC Board. The public may speak to the TTC Board in person or by video conference.
Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day by submitting a request to Those who register to speak will be provided with instructions on how to participate in the meeting.
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
Item 1: Chief Executive Officer’s Report – July 2023 (For Information)
- Staff report for Item 1
- An administrative correction was made to the file on July 11 to correct the page order.
- Presentation – Bus Design Innovation Program
- Presentation – TTC Board Service Update (July-August/September Outlook)
- Decision for Item 1
Item 2: Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for May 25, 2023 (For Information)
Item 3: Chief Executive Officer 2022 Annual Performance Evaluation and 2023 Performance Objectives (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees) (For Action)
Item 4: Wheel-Trans Transformation Program 2023 Update (For Action)
- Staff report for Item 4
- Correspondence Submitted by: TTC Riders
- Presentation – Wheel-Trans Transformation Program 2023 Update
- Decision for Item 4
Item 5: 2023 Accessibility Plan Status Update (For Action)
Item 6: SAP Program: Contract Award for Transit Operations Workforce Management Solution and Implementation Services (For Action)
Item 7: Warden Station Bus Terminal Redevelopment – Delegation of Authority (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the City or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value) (For Action)
Item 8: Install New Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) and Distribution System at Inglis Building – Delegation of Authority (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the City or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value) (For Action)
Item 9: Procurement Authorization for Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements – Early Works – Utility Works (For Action)
Item 10: Procurement Authorization - St Clair Station – Streetcar Off-Loading Platform Utility Relocation (For Action)
Item 11: St Clair West Loop Replacement (For Action)
Item 12: Spadina Station Escalator Modernization (2B2E, 2B3E) (For Action)
Item 13: Procurement Authorization – Supply of Cummins Factory Remanufactured Engines (For Action)
Item 14: Procurement Authorization - TTC Uniform and Work Clothing (For Action)
Procurement Authorization for TTC All Risks Property Insurance Renewal (For Action)
Toronto Transit Commission Board
Meeting No.:
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Committee Room 1, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario and by video conference on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 commencing at 1:05 p.m. The meeting recessed at 4:00 p.m. to meet as the Committee of the Whole. The Board reconvened the public session at 4:47 p.m.
Present at Committee of the Whole
J. Burnside (Chair), J. De Laurentiis (Vice-Chair), P. Ainslie, S. Holyday, F. Jagdeo, N. Mantas, C. Moise and J. Osborne
C. Finnerty J. Monk (Chair’s Office) was also present. J. Burnside was in the Chair.
Present at Public Session
J. Burnside (Chair), J. De Laurentiis (Vice-Chair), P. Ainslie, S. Holyday, F. Jagdeo, N. Mantas, C. Moise and J. Osborne
R. Leary (Chief Executive Officer), M. Atlas (General Counsel), K. Campbell (Chief Diversity and Culture Officer), G. Downie (Chief Capital Officer), A. Gibson (Chief Strategy and Customer Officer (Acting)), B. Hasserjian (Chief Safety Officer), J. La Vita (Chief Financial Officer), F. Monaco (Chief Operations and Infrastructure Officer), N. Poole-Moffatt (Chief of Corporate Affairs), R. Wong (Chief Transportation and Vehicles Officer), N. Ehlers (Head - Special Constable Service), M. Hagg (Manager - Customer Policy), L. Liu (Head - Service Planning and Scheduling), D. Marshall (Manager - Process Analysis and Improvement), J. Montagnese (Executive Director - Finance), C. Penman (Head – Wheel-Trans), D. Shanmuganayagam (Chief Information Officer),K. Thorburn (Executive Director, Corporate Initiatives) C. Finnerty (Director - Commission Services) and J. Ishak (Administrator - Secretariat Services) were present.
J. Monk (Chair’s Office) was also present.
J. Burnside was in the Chair from 1:05 p.m. to 3:38 p.m. J. De Laurentiis assumed the Chair at 3:38 p.m. J. Burnside reassumed the Chair at 3:56 p.m.
Land Acknowledgement
Chair Burnside requested C. Finnerty to acknowledge that the TTC Board was meeting on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. C. Finnerty also acknowledged that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit.
Declaration of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Commissioner Mantas moved that the TTC Board approve the Minutes of Meeting No. 2073 held on Monday, June 12, 2023.
The motion by Commissioner Mantas carried.
Business Arising Out of the Minutes
Committee of the Whole
Chair Burnside moved the following motion: That the TTC Board recess as the Committee of the Whole to consider the following confidential item: Information about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees 3. Chief Executive Officer 2022 Annual Performance Evaluation and 2023 Performance Objectives
The motion by Chair Burnside carried.
Public Presentations
Item No.4. Wheel-Trans Transformation Program 2023 Update
Jane Rowan
Jean Greenberg
Jennifer Conroy
Adam Cohoon
Janet Rodriguez
Chloe Tangpongprush
The Board received the deputations for information (See Item No. 4 for minute)
Item No.5. 2023 Accessibility Plan Status Update
Jennifer Conroy
Adam Cohoon
The Board received the deputation for information (See Item No. 5 for minute)
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
1. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – July 2023
R. Leary, Chief Executive Officer, delivered a verbal presentation on this item.
R. Wong, Chief Transportation and Vehicles Officer and A. Falotico, Local 113 delivered a presentation on the Bus Design Innovation Program.
L. Lui, Head of Service Planning and Scheduling and N. Poole-Moffatt, Chief of Corporate Affairs delivered a Service Update – July-August/September Outlook.
Commissioner Mantas moved receipt of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report – July 2023 for information.
The motion by Commissioner Mantas carried.
2. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for May 25, 2023
E. Tanny, ACAT Vice Chair, delivered a verbal presentation on this item. Commissioner Mantas moved receipt of the Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for May 25, 2023 for information
The motion by Commissioner Mantas carried.
3. Chief Executive Officer 2022 Annual Performance Evaluation and 2023 Performance Objectives
Chair Burnside moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Direct that the confidential information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 remain confidential in its entirety, as it relates to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including a municipal or local board employee.
The motion by Chair Burnside carried.
4. Wheel-Trans Transformation Program 2023 Update
C. Penman, Head of Wheel Trans delivered a presentation on this item.
Commissioner Ainslie moved the following motion:
That the TTC Board request staff to explore the implementation of a community bus service in Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood and report back as part of the TTC’s Annual Service Plan review.
The motion by Commissioner Ainslie carried.
Chair Burnside moved to adopt the item as amended, as follows:
- Forward a copy of this report to City Councilors for information 2. That the TTC Board request staff to explore the implementation of a community bus service in Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood and report back as part of the TTC’s Annual Service Plan review.
The motion by Chair Burnside carried.
5. 2023 Accessibility Plan Status Update
Commissioner Mantas moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Receive this report for information.
The motion by Commissioner Mantas carried.
6. SAP Program: Contract Award for Transit Operations Workforce Management Solution and Implementation Services
Commissioner Holyday moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
1. Authorize the award of a contract for the provision of a Transit Operations Workforce Management Solution and Implementation Services to GIRO Inc. in the amount of $19,444,838, inclusive of HST, for a nine-year term, with two optional four-year extension terms, at the TTC’s sole discretion; and
2. Delegate authority to the TTC’s Chief Executive Officer to execute the first four-year term extension option valued at $6,193,910 and the second four-year term extension option valued at $5,444,049, subject to the following:
a. The scope of services and the term value remaining the same; and
b. Confirmation of 2a above by the Chief Financial Officer.
The motion by Commissioner Holyday carried.
7. Warden Station Bus Terminal Redevelopment – Delegation of Authority
Commissioner Moise moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Delegate authority to the TTC Chief Executive Officer to award Contract E4-13, Warden Station Redevelopment, provided the contract award value is within the TTC Construction Cost Estimate, as summarized in the Confidential Attachment and subject to prior confirmation by the Chief Capital Officer and Chief Financial Officer.
- Approve the recommendations set out in the Confidential Attachment, and authorize that the information remains confidential until such time as Contract E4-13, Warden Station Redevelopment, is awarded. The motion by Commissioner Moise carried.
8. Install New Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) and Distribution System at Inglis Building – Delegation of Authority
Commissioner Osborne moved to adopt the item, as follows: It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Delegate authority to the TTC Chief Executive Officer to award Contract N1-25 – Install New UPS and Distribution System at Inglis Building, provided that the contract award value is within the TTC Construction Cost Estimate, as set out in the Confidential Attachment and subject to prior confirmation by the Chief Capital Officer and Chief Financial Officer.
- Authorize that the information in the Confidential Attachment remains confidential until such time as Contract N1-25 – Install New UPS and Distribution System at Inglis Building is awarded.
The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.
9. Procurement Authorization for Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements – Early Works – Utility Works
Commissioner Jagdeo moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Authorize the award of Contract S40-14, Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements – Early Works – Utility Works to Clearway Construction Inc., in the amount of $9,914,055.00, inclusive of all taxes, on the basis of lowest total bid price.
The motion by Commissioner Jagdeo carried.
10.Procurement Authorization - St Clair Station – Streetcar Off-Loading Platform Utility Relocation
Commissioner De Laurentiis moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Authorize the award of Contract S40-15 St Clair Station – Utility Relocation to Duron Ontario Ltd. in the amount of $6,084,236.40, inclusive of all taxes on the basis of the lowest total compliant bid price.
The motion by Commissioner De Laurentiis carried.
11.St Clair West Loop Replacement
Commissioner Moise moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Authorize the award of Contract A65-46 for St. Clair West Loop Replacement to Duron Ontario Ltd. (Duron) in the amount of $7,268,595.05, inclusive of all taxes based on the lowest compliant total bid price.
The motion by Commissioner Moise carried.
12.Spadina Station Escalator Modernization (2B2E, 2B3E)
Commissioner Osborne moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board: 1. Authorize the award of Contract A45-16 – Spadina Station Escalator Modernization (2B2E, 2B3E) to TK Elevator (Canada) Limited (TKE) in the amount of $5,242,748.00, inclusive of all taxes, on the basis of being the only qualified bidder and providing an acceptable bid. The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.
13.Procurement Authorization – Supply of Cummins Factory Remanufactured Engines
Commissioner Jagdeo moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Authorize the contract award to City View Bus Sales and Service Ltd. in the amount of $10,833,102.41 (inclusive of HST and core charges) for the supply of 153 Cummins factory-remanufactured engines for the TTC’s Nova 12-metre (40-foot) buses on the basis of the lowest-priced compliant bid received.
The motion by Commissioner Jagdeo carried.
14.Procurement Authorization - TTC Uniform and Work Clothing
Commissioner Osborne moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
1. Authorize the TTC Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and approve the issuance of 29 contracts for the period ending December 31, 2025 on a single source basis to the following vendors, in the total upset limit amount of $9,100,000 including applicable taxes as follows:
a. The Uniform Experts to supply uniforms for Transit Operators, Supervisors, Station Collectors and Customer Service Agents for a total upset limit of $4,400,000, including taxes;
b. Mark’s Work Warehouse to supply maintenance work clothing for a total upset limit of $3,400,000, including taxes; and,
c. 10 remaining vendors to supply garment accessories for Transit operators, uniforms for Special Constables and Fare Inspectors for a total upset limit of $1,300,000 including taxes.
The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.
15.Procurement Authorization for TTC All Risks Property Insurance Renewal
Commissioner De Laurentiis moved to adopt the item, as follows:
It is recommended that the TTC Board:
- Authorize the purchase order in the amount of $8.344 million (inclusive of 8% Provincial Sales Tax) to Marsh Canada Limited (Marsh), as the TTC’s broker of record, for the renewal of the 2023 annual All Risks Property insurance program.
The motion by Commissioner De Laurentiis carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Osborne, the meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.