Board Meeting - November 22, 2023 - Rescheduled from October 26, 2023

Meeting Info

Date:Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Start Time:9:30 a.m. – Public Session
Location:Council Chamber, 100 Queen Street West & Virtual Meeting (Hybrid)
Meeting No:2077
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes

Board Members

  • Chair - Councillor Jamaal Myers
  • Councillor Paul Ainslie
  • Joanne De Laurentiis (Citizen)
  • Councillor Stephen Holyday
  • Fenton Jagdeo (Citizen)
  • Ron Lalonde (Citizen)
  • Councillor Josh Matlow
  • Councillor Chris Moise
  • Julie Osborne (Citizen)
  • Councillor Dianne Saxe

Land Acknowledgement

Declaration Of Interest - Municipal Conflict Of Interest Act

Business Arising Out Of Minutes

Public Presentations

The public may submit written comments or register to speak to the TTC Board. The public may speak to the TTC Board in person or by video conference.

Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day by submitting a request to Those who register to speak will be provided with instructions on how to participate in the meeting.

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 2023 (For Information)

2. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meetings for August 31 and September 26, 2023 (For Information)

3. 2024 Annual Service Plan (For Action)

4. Status Update - Fare Integration (For Action)

5. New Subway Train Procurement and Implications for Line 2 Modernization and Future Growth (For Action)

6. Transit Network Expansion Update (For Action)

  • Staff report for Item 6

  • This report was updated on November 20, 2023 to correct an error in Table 3. The Anticipated In-Service year for Yonge North Subway Extension is 2032 and was previously reported as 2033.

  • Decision for Item 6

7. Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements – Procurement Authorization for Toronto Hydro Offer to Connect Agreement (For Action)

8. Bloor Yonge Capacity Improvement – Third Party Construction Co-ordination (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about a proposed or pending land acquisition or disposition of land for municipal or local board purposes) (For Action)

9. Procurement Authorization – Sheppard-Yonge Station Bus Loop – On-Grade Pavement Rehabilitation (For Action)

10.391 Alliance Avenue – Washroom, Locker Rooms and Make-Up Air Units (For Action)

11.Procurement Authorization - Supply of Cummins Parts (For Action)

12.Procurement Authority – Benefit Plan Carrier for the Provision of Employee and Pensioner Benefits (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the City or local board) (For Action)

13.Supply of Microsoft Software and Subscriptions (For Action)

14.2024 Schedule of Meetings (For Action)

15.Chief Executive Officer 2023 Performance Objectives (Confidential Attachment – this report contains information about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees) (Deferred from the July 12, 2023 TTC Board meeting) (For Action)

16.Toronto Transit Commission Cybersecurity Audit - Phase Two: Overall Network Security and Cybersecurity Assessment of Select Critical Systems (Confidential Attachment - this report contains information related to the security of the property of the municipality or local board) (For Action)

17.Audit of the Toronto Transit Commission’s Streetcar Overhead Assets: Strengthening the Maintenance and Repair Program to Minimize Asset Failures and Service Delays (For Action)

Toronto Transit Commission Board

Meeting No.:


Meeting Date:

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A meeting of the TTC Board was held in Council Chamber, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, and by video conference on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 commencing at 9:40 a.m. The meeting recessed at 12:52 p.m. and reconvened at 1:36 p.m. The meeting recessed at 2:42 p.m. to meet as the Committee of the Whole. The Board reconvened the public session at 3:59 p.m.

Present at Committee of the Whole


J. Myers (Chair), J. De Laurentiis (Vice-Chair), S. Holyday, R. Lalonde, C. Moise, J. Osborne, and D. Saxe


R. Leary, M. Atlas, G. Downie, J. La Vita, B. Macgregor, A. Srivastava, D. Shanmuganayagam, C. Finnerty, L. Soto Maya and J. Ishak were present.

T. Anderson, S. Ali, G. Mark and A. Krupowics were also present.

J. Myers was in the Chair.

Present at Public Session


J. Myers (Chair), J. De Laurentiis (Vice-Chair), S. Holyday, F. Jagdeo, R. Lalonde, J. Matlow, C. Moise, J. Osborne and D. Saxe


R. Leary (Chief Executive Officer), M. Atlas (General Counsel), K. Campbell (Chief Diversity and Culture Officer), G. Downie (Chief Capital Officer), B. Hasserjian (Chief Safety Officer), J. La Vita (Chief Financial Officer), B. Macgregor (Deputy CEO), F. Monaco (Chief Operations and Infrastructure Officer), S. Naraine (Chief People Officer), N. PooleMoffatt (Chief of Corporate Affairs), W. Reuter (Chief Strategy and Customer Officer (Acting)), A. Srivastava (Chief Information Security Officer), R. Wong (Chief Transportation TTC Board Minutes Meeting No. 2077 November 22, 2023 and Vehicles Officer), A. Gibson (Executive Director - Fare Technology and System Stewardship), L. Lui (Head, Service Planning & Scheduling), M. Mis (Head, Strategy and Foresight), D. Shanmuganayagam (Head, Information Technology Services), K. Thorburn (Executive Director - Corporate Initiatives), C. Finnerty (Director - Commission Services), L. Soto Maya (Coordinator - Secretariat Services) and J. Ishak (Administrator - Secretariat Services) were present.

T. Anderson (Auditor General), A. Chan (Assistant Auditor General), S. Ali (Assistant Auditor General, IT & Strategy), G. Mark (Audit Director), and A. Krupowics (Senior Audit Manager, IT & Cybersecurity), and A. Dressler (Chair, Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit) were also present.

M. Mason (Chair’s Office) and C. Alexander (Mayor’s Office) were also present.

J. Myers was in the Chair.

Land Acknowledgement

Chair Myers acknowledged that the TTC Board was meeting on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. He also acknowledged that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

Declaration of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Commissioner Osborne moved that the TTC Board approve the Minutes of Meeting No. 2075 held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, and Special Meeting No. 2076 held on Friday, October 27, 2023.

The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.

Business Arising Out of the Minutes


Committee of the Whole

Chair Myers moved the following motion:

That the TTC Board recess as the Committee of the Whole to consider the following confidential item.

Security of the property of the municipality or local board

16.Toronto Transit Commission Cybersecurity Audit - Phase Two: Overall Network Security and Cybersecurity Assessment of Select Critical Systems

The motion by Chair Myers carried.

Public Presentations

Item No. 3. 2024 Annual Service Plan
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information (See Item No. 3 for minute)

Item No.4. Status Update - Fare Integration
Alan Yule
Adam Cohoon

The Board received the deputations for information (See Item No. 4 for minute)

Item No.5. New Subway Train Procurement and Implications for Line 2 Modernization and Future Growth
Chloe Tangpongprush

The Board received the deputations for information (See Item No. 5 for minute)

Item No.6. Transit Network Expansion Update
Alan Yule

The Board received the deputation for information (See Item No. 6 for minute)

Item No.8. Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvement – Third Party Construction Co-ordination
Adam Cohoon

The Board received the deputation for information (See Item No. 8 for minute)  

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 22, 2023

R. Leary, Chief Executive Officer, and F. Monaco delivered a verbal presentation on this item.

Commissioner Moise moved receipt of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 2023 for information.

The motion by Commissioner Moise carried.


2. Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting August 31 and September 26, 2023

A. Dressler, ACAT Chair, delivered a verbal presentation on this item. Commissioner Osborne moved receipt of the Approved Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit (ACAT) General Monthly Meeting for August 31 and September 26, 2023 for information The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.


3. 2024 Annual Service Plan

W. Reuter, Acting Chief Strategy and Customer Officer, and L. Lui, Head, Service Planning & Scheduling delivered a presentation on this item. Chair Myers moved to adopt the report recommendations, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Approve the 2024 Annual Service Plan, its associated proposed route changes, which includes adding new transit service to streets not currently being served, and some removals of transit service on streets with existing transit service, and endorse the funding requirements noted in the Financial Summary of this report for consideration in the TTC 2024 Operating Budget and 2024-2033 Capital Plan.
  2. Approve routing changes resulting in service introduced and removed on roadways outlined in Appendix 5.
  3. Forward the 2024 Annual Service Plan to all City Councillors, the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services, General Manager of Transportation Services, Chief Planner, as well as the General Managers of Brampton Transit, Durham Region Transit, Metrolinx, Miway and York Region Transit.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


4. Status Update - Fare Integration

Commissioner Saxe moved the following motion:

That Recommendation 1 be amended to include the following:

f. The Province and Metrolinx, in consultation with the TTC, will be solely responsible for public communications and related change management activities and costs, in event the Province does not provide ongoing full funding for the program, and that communication will clarify cancellation is not the decision of the TTC or the City of Toronto.

And that Recommendation 3 be added, as follows:

3. Direct TTC staff to work with the Province of Ontario to obtain a commitment for stable, long-term funding for this program post 2026 to fully reimburse the TTC and ensure the continuation of this program.

The motion by Commissioner Saxe carried.

Chair Myers moved to adopt the item as amended, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Authorize the CEO to enter into a Fare Integration agreement with Metrolinx (on behalf of the Province of Ontario) subject to the following principles and in a form satisfactory to the TTC General Counsel:
a. The TTC will continue to establish fare policy and set fares for TTC services;
b. The Province of Ontario through Metrolinx will reimburse 100% of eligible trips to transit systems for their respective foregone farebox revenue;
c. The subsidy provided will be based on actual transfer transactions, as opposed to a formula;
d. The Province of Ontario will commit funding to March 2026, after which the Fare Integration Removal of Double Fares program will either be extended or, alternatively, the current fare structure will be reinstated; and
e. For customers, there will be no adjustments to fares, transfer window duration, or fare policies to offset program costs.
f. The Province and Metrolinx, in consultation with the TTC, will be solely responsible for public communications and related change management activities and costs, in event the Province does not provide ongoing full funding for the program, and that communication will clarify cancellation is not the decision of the TTC or the City of Toronto.

2. Direct TTC staff to work with the Province of Ontario to obtain a commitment for stable, long-term funding for this program post 2026 to fully reimburse the TTC and ensure the continuation of this program.

3. Direct TTC staff to work with the Province of Ontario to obtain a commitment for stable, long-term funding for this program post 2026 to fully reimburse the TTC and ensure the continuation of this program.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


5. New Subway Train Procurement and Implications for Line 2 Modernization and Future Growth

Chair Myers moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Direct the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer to prioritize funding in the 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan submission to fully fund the City’s onethird share of the revised estimated cost of the 80 new subway trains estimated at a total cost of $3.2 billion.

2. Direct the Chief Executive Officer, subject to confirmation of full funding for a base order of the New Subway Train procurement to:
a. Issue an RFP for a minimum of 55 new subway trains to replace the T1 trains on Line 2, and include options for a minimum of 25 Line 1 growth trains and future train requirements based on the fleet requirements outlined in this report.
b. Include with the base order the 15 expansion trains required by Metrolinx for the Scarborough Subway Extension and the Yonge North Subway Extension, subject to confirmation of full funding for these trains by Metrolinx.  

3. Direct the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to prioritize $130 million in funding in the 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan submission to implement a 30-Year State of Good Repair program for the full fleet of Line 2’s T1 trains at a preliminary estimated cost of $163 million.

4. Direct the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to prioritize funding in the 2024-2033 Capital Budget and Plan submission to advance in parallel risk mitigation activities for Line 2 at a cost of $4.836 million over 2024 to 2025 for:
a. An implementation planning study for a T1 Fleet 10-Year Life Extension Overhaul Program; and
b. An updated condition assessment and feasibility assessment of extending the life of the Line 2 fixed-block signalling system.

5. Forward this report to the City of Toronto, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Ontario Ministry of Finance, and Infrastructure Canada to inform ongoing intergovernmental discussions for funding on new trains for Line 2 and Line 1 and associated infrastructure, and request commitment of matching funding in the 2024 Provincial and Federal budget.

6. Forward this report to Metrolinx, York Region, and York Region Rapid Transit Corporation for information.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


6. Transit Network Expansion Update

Commissioner Osborne moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer, to authorize additional positions to flexibly respond to the resource requirements of the Metrolinx Subway Program, subject to the following conditions:
a. Confirmation is received from Metrolinx for the TTC’s 2023 Annual Work Plan for the Provincial Priority Subway Projects, and Metrolinx agrees to fund all costs associated with the additional positions fully; and
b. Changes to authorized complement and gross expenses under this delegated authority are reported as part of quarterly variance reports.

The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.


7. Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements – Procurement Authorization for Toronto Hydro Offer to Connect Agreement

Commissioner Jagdeo moved to adopt the item, as follows: It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Authorize the TTC CEO or delegate to enter into an “Offer to Connect” (OTC) agreement and award of a contract to Toronto Hydro Electric System Limited on a sole-source basis in the amount of $5,666,370.79, including HST, to cover the costs associated with the OTC expansion in support of the Bloor-Yonge Capacity Improvements project.

The motion by Commissioner Jagdeo carried.


8. Bloor Yonge Capacity Improvement – Third Party Construction Co-ordination

Vice-Chair De Laurentiis moved to adopt the item, as follows:

  1. It is recommended that the TTC Board: 1. Authorize the execution of the Design and Construction Management Agreement and any other agreements required, including but not limited to the property agreements, to enable a new chiller plant to be located at 2 Bloor Street East.
  2. Adopt the recommendation set out in Attachment 1 – Confidential Information and authorize that the information contained in the Confidential Attachment remain confidential until such time as a final agreement is executed.

Vice-Chair De Laurentiis carried.


9. Procurement Authorization – Sheppard-Yonge Station Bus Loop – On-Grade Pavement Rehabilitation

Commissioner Osborne moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Authorize the award of Contract Y7-8, Sheppard-Yonge Station – On-Grade Pavement Rehabilitation, to Bronte Construction in the amount of $12,168,782.22, inclusive of HST, on the basis of the lowest total compliant bid price.

The motion by Commissioner Osborne carried.


10.391 Alliance Avenue – Washroom, Locker Rooms and Make-Up Air Units

Commissioner Moise moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Authorize the award of Contract X60-10 for 391 Alliance Avenue – Washroom, Locker Rooms and Make-Up Air Units to Brook Restoration Limited (Brook Restoration) in the amount of $7,987,655.21, including HST on the basis of lowest complaint total bid price.

The motion by Commissioner Moise carried.


11.Procurement Authorization - Supply of Cummins Parts

Commissioner Holyday moved to adopt the item, as follows: It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Authorize the award of contracts for the supply of Cummins parts, for a one-year period commencing January 1, 2024, for a total upset limit of $16,322,000, inclusive of HST, to the following eight companies, in accordance with their respective upset limits, inclusive of HST:
a. Rush Truck Centres of Canada Limited for the supply of 534 parts in the total upset limit amount of $10,787,000;
b. CBM NA Inc. for the supply of 59 parts in the total upset limit amount of $1,657,000;
c. Tokmakjian Inc. dba TOK Performance for the supply of 27 parts in the total upset limit amount of $1,505,000;
d. J. D. White Associates, Inc. dba White Associates for the supply of five parts in the total upset limit amount of $861,000 USD (which is equivalent to $1,140,000 CAD);
e. Ashcon International Inc. for the supply of 32 parts in the total upset limit amount of $489,000 USD (which is equivalent to $647,000 CAD);
f. Brandt Tractor Ltd. - Truck & Trailer for the supply of five parts in the total upset limit amount of $478,000; TTC Board Minutes Meeting No. 2077 November 22, 2023
g. Neopart Transit LLC for the supply of one part in the total upset limit amount of $75,000 USD (which is equivalent to $97,000 CAD); and 2077.11 Procurement Authorization – Supply of Cummins Parts
h. Mississauga Bus, Coach & Truck Repairs Inc. for the supply of one part in the total upset limit amount of $11,000 CAD.

The motion by Commissioner Holyday carried.


12.Procurement Authority – Benefit Plan Carrier for the Provision of Employee and Pensioner Benefits

Commissioner De Laurentiis moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Authorize the award of a contract for the administration of the TTC’s health and dental benefits and health and wellness programs (Category A and Category E) to Green Shield Canada on the basis that the initial contract term is for a fiveyear period commencing January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2028, with an upset limit of $18.50 million (inclusive of applicable taxes) for administration fees, premiums and stop loss pooling charges over the initial five-year contract term.

2. Authorize the award of a contract for the provision of Long Term Disability, Group Life Insurance, Line of Duty Death as well as Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits (Category B and Category C) to Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, whereby the final agreement will be subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the TTC General Counsel, on the basis that:
a. The initial contract term is for a five-year period commencing January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2028, with an upset limit of $40.36 million (inclusive of applicable taxes and exclusive of employee contributions) for administration fees, premiums, and stop loss pooling charges over the initial five-year contract term;
b. City Council has granted authority to the City of Toronto’s Controller to enter into an agreement with Manufacturers Life Insurance Company subsequent to the conclusion of negotiations; and
c. Toronto Police Service’s Chief of Police has authority to enter into an agreement with Manufacturers Life Insurance Company subsequent to the conclusion of negotiations.  

3. Authorize the award of a contract for the provision of employee family assistance programs (Category D) to TELUS Health Virtual Care Inc. on the basis that the initial contract term is for a five-year period commencing January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2028, with an upset limit of $7.79 million (inclusive of applicable taxes) for employee family assistance programs and related services over the initial five-year contract term.

4. Delegate authority to the CEO to exercise contract extension options, which allow up to a maximum of two additional one-year terms beyond the expiration of the initial five-year term for each contract, from January 1, 2029, to December 31, 2030, with estimated increases in contract upset limits as follows, if exercised:
a. Green Shield Canada contract upset limit increase of $10.08 million (including applicable taxes) for administration fees, premiums, and stop loss pooling charges;
b. Manufacturers Life Insurance Company contract upset limit increase of $23.26 million (including applicable taxes and exclusive of employee contributions) for administration fees, premiums and stop loss pooling charges; and
c. TELUS Health Virtual Care Inc. contract upset limit increase of $3.48 million (including applicable taxes) for employee family assistance programs and related services;

5. Approve the recommendations in the Confidential Attachment and authorize that the remain confidential until such time contracts are established to provide all services commencing in 2024.

The motion by Commissioner De Laurentiis carried.


13.Supply of Microsoft Software and Subscriptions

Commissioner Holyday moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Authorize the award of the Enterprise Subscription Agreement (ESA) contract to Microsoft Canada for the Supply of Microsoft Cloud Subscriptions in the amount of $15,959,000 inclusive of HST for a three year term, commencing February 1, 2024.
  2. Authorize the award of the Select Plus Agreement contract for the Supply of Microsoft Software to CDW Canada Corp. as the licensing solution reseller selected by the competitive process conducted by Supply Ontario in the amount of $5,660,000 inclusive of HST for a three year term, commencing January 1, 2024.

The motion by Commissioner Holyday carried. Approved

14. 2024 Schedule of Meetings

Commissioner Moise moved to adopt the item, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Approve the 2024 meeting schedule in Attachment 1 to this report and that the published schedule serve as notice for these meetings.

The motion by Commissioner Moise carried.


15.Chief Executive Officer 2023 Performance Objectives

Chair Myers moved to refer the Chief Executive Officer 2023 Performance Objectives presentation to the November 28, 2023 Human Resources Committee meeting for consideration.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


16.Toronto Transit Commission Cybersecurity Audit - Phase Two: Overall Network Security and Cybersecurity Assessment of Select Critical Systems

T. Anderson (Auditor General) delivered a presentation on this item.

Chair Myers moved to adopt the item, as amended, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

  1. Adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to this report, as amended, from the Auditor General.
  2. Forward this report to City Council for information through the City's Audit Committee.
  3. Recommend City Council authorize the public release of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report from the Auditor General at the discretion of the Auditor General, after discussions with the appropriate Toronto Transit Commission and City Officials.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


17.Audit of the Toronto Transit Commission’s Streetcar Overhead Assets: Strengthening the Maintenance and Repair Program to Minimize Asset Failures and Service Delays

F. Monaco, Chief Operations and Infrastructure Officer, and P. Hrovat delivered a presentation on this item. T. Anderson, Auditor General, and A. Chan, Assistant Auditor General, delivered a presentation on this item. Commissioner Saxe moved the following motion: Direct staff to report to the Audit & Risk Management Committee by the end of Q2 2024 on the state of preventative maintenance for the overhead system, and that the report include a remediation plan, if required. The motion by Commissioner Saxe carried.

Chair Myers moved to adopt the item, as amended, as follows:

It is recommended that the TTC Board:

1. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to support continuous improvement and increase streetcar service reliability by:
a. Reassessing and strengthening existing policies and procedures in Streetcar Overhead Operations to provide more criteria and clarity on the nature and extent of the root cause analysis and investigation required for service delays;
b. Determining the root causes for those delays that require investigation according to the policy, in order to prevent the same issues from recurring; and
c. Developing and implementing a process in Streetcar Overhead Operations to ensure compliance with the policies and procedures regarding root cause analyses and investigations of service delays.

2. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to improve communication and information sharing across relevant streetcar and other departments, in order to support continuous improvements and reduce the number of fail-to-operate switch emergency calls. Information collection and sharing across these departments should include:
a. Collecting and tracking appropriate and relevant data regarding fail-to-operate switch emergency calls, including but not limited to switch IDs, number of calls, and their results; and
b. Using the data collected to perform root cause analyses and investigations with the goal of reducing the number of fail-to-operate switch emergency calls.

3. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and use a centralized database of Overhead Operations' assets across departments (Streetcar Infrastructure, Transit Control, Streetcar Transportation) to ensure Streetcar Overhead Operations is using an accurate and complete asset database, including a centralized switch inventory, to inform their operational decision-making and optimize their resource allocation.

4. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to implement policies and procedures in Streetcar Overhead Operations, including oversight and monitoring policies and procedures, to ensure the assets in the Maintenance Schedule are always accurate and complete, and that any required asset changes, additions, and/or removals are made to the Maintenance Schedule on a timely basis.

5. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to implement policies and procedures in Streetcar Overhead Operations to ensure all completed work orders are recorded on the Maintenance Schedule, in order to plan, manage, and schedule preventative inspections in an efficient manner that optimizes the use of time and resources.

6. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to review, update, and approve all maintenance and inspection policies, procedures, and manuals in Streetcar Overhead Operations to ensure they are accurate, complete, and relevant, and provide training to staff on them.

7. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to:
a. Review and update the annual preventative inspection targets in Streetcar Overhead Operations on both an annual and as-needed basis; and
b. Establish policies and procedures to provide clear guidance in Streetcar Overhead Operations on which source data and information is needed for the reassessment.

8. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to establish and implement standard time expectations for common preventative inspections in Streetcar Overhead Operations and incorporate them into the employee performance evaluation.

9. Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to install and enable GPS on Streetcar Overhead Operations’ non-revenue vehicles to effectively monitor and assess performance.

10.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to:
a. Ensure policies, procedures and manuals in Streetcar Overhead Operations provide clear directions as to how preventative inspections’ activity tasks, results, and observations should be performed (including the measurement method) and documented; and
b. Develop and implement an oversight process in Streetcar Overhead Operations (e.g., quality assurance audit program, spot checks, increased supervision) to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the documented work orders and consistency of the work performed.

11.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and implement formalized processes in Streetcar Overhead Operations to:
a. Ensure preventative inspections comply with annual inspection targets; and
b. Ensure preventative inspections are scheduled and completed in accordance with Overhead Operations’ specified time intervals.

12.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and implement policies and procedures in Streetcar Overhead Operations to:
a. Provide clear expectations and training as to how crews should communicate and document preventative inspections that are only partially completed; and
b. Track and ensure partially completed inspections are appropriately rescheduled to be fully completed.  

13.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and implement policies and procedures for Streetcar Overhead Operations’ preventative and corrective maintenance program, which includes but is not limited to providing:
a. A set of criteria for each asset type to determine if corrective maintenance and repair work orders need to be generated, based on risks and implications;
b. Clear timing expectations for reviewing completed preventative inspections and generating any necessary corrective maintenance work orders; and
c. Clear criteria and timing expectations for the prioritization and completion of corrective maintenance work orders, based on risks and implications.

14.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and implement in Streetcar Overhead Operations:
a. Standard Operating Procedures that outline the steps to be taken to ensure the measuring tools used by crews during inspections (e.g., calipers) are in good working order; and
b. An oversight process to monitor and ensure compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures.

15.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop a comprehensive Maximo implementation plan to ensure Maximo is implemented as both an enterprise asset management system and workflow process management system for Streetcar Overhead Operations. This implementation plan should include, but not be limited to:
a. Detailed implementation target dates and timelines; and
b. Implementation of Maximo Anywhere to all crews, not just emergency crews.

16.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to provide appropriate Maximo training to responsible frontline crews/technicians/staff and management in order to fully leverage existing Maximo technology for Streetcar Overhead Operations.

17.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to review and update Streetcar Overhead Operations’ asset inventory and job plans/activity tasks in Maximo to ensure they are complete, accurate, and up-to-date, in order to support the planning and completion of repair and maintenance work.

18.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to develop and implement a process in Streetcar Overhead Operations using Maximo to track the real-time status of work orders to support ongoing work order management and supervision.

19.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to leverage Maximo to collect and track observations from Streetcar Overhead Operations’ assets inspections, and information about maintenance and repairs activities, that can be used for data mining and trend analysis to support Key Performance Indicator reporting and inform decision-making.

20.Request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to improve the Key Performance Indicator reporting for Streetcar Overhead Operations by:
a. Establishing clearly defined, appropriate, outcome-focused Key Performance Indicators and targets;
b. Developing short- and long-term strategies to meet these targets;
c. Regularly reassessing to determine whether Key Performance Indicators and targets need to be revised; and
d. Retaining supporting data and verifying the accuracy of data used for Key Performance Indicator reporting, ongoing oversight, and management decision-making.

21.Forward this report to City Council for information through the City's Audit Committee.

The motion by Chair Myers carried.


On a motion by Vice-Chair De Laurentiis, the meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.

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