Human Resources and Labour Relations - August 5, 2015

Meeting info

Date:Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Start Time:1:00 pm
Location:7th Floor Executive Boardroom, 1900 Yonge Street
Meeting No:1
  • Agenda
  • Meeting Minutes
A meeting of the TTC Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee was held on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 in the 7th Floor Executive Boardroom, TTC Head Office, 1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, commencing at 1:05 p.m. The meeting recessed at 1:30 p.m. on resolution to meet as the Committee of the Whole and reconvened at 1:55 p.m.


J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C., and J. Mihevc (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), C. Upfold (Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Customer Officer), V. Rodo (Chief Financial & Administration Officer), B. Ross (Executive Director of Corporate Communications), B. Morrison (Director – Compensation Services), S. Milloy (Director – Employee Relations), K. Lee (Head of Commission Services) and D. McDonald (Co-ordinator – Corporate Secretariat Services) were present.

J. Colle was in the Chair.

D. Hoad and K. Ko of the Hay Group were present for Item 3.

Declarations of Interest – Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Public Presentations

a) Development of an Executive Compensation Policy Alan Yule The Board received the deputation for information. (See Item 3 for minute).

Presentations/Reports/Other Business

1. Presentation: Organizational Overview

The Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee opted to forego the PowerPoint presentation from staff and received the material in written form, with a request that this presentation also be shared with the other members of the TTC Board.

2. Terms of Reference

It is recommended that the Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee:

1. Approve the attached Terms of Reference; and

2. Forward the approved Terms of Reference to the TTC Board for information.


3. Development of an Executive Compensation Policy

Commissioner Mihevc moved the following motion:

1. That a third recommendation be added to the staff report, as follows:

“3. Request TTC staff to provide a compensation comparable between various executive and senior staff positions and front-line staff from 1998 to present”.

2. That Item 5 in the Implementation Points (page 2 of the staff report) be amended to include the word “Canadian” before the word “public” so such statement now reads as follows:

“Develop a relevant comparator group of Canadian public sector organizations”.

3. That a new Implementation Point be added to the list on Page 2 of the staff report, as follows:

“12. That the working and reporting relationship be directly with the Chair of the TTC”.

The motion by Commissioner Mihevc carried.

Chair Colle moved the following motion:

i) That Item 11 in the Implementation Points (page 2 of the staff report) be amended by deleting the words “City Council” and replacing them with “City Manager”, so such statement now reads as follows:

“Approve recommended program and present to City Manager by October 30, 2015”.

The motion by Chair Colle carried.

The item was adopted, as amended.

4. Organizational Span of Control Review

The Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee referred this item to the TTC Board for information.

5. Litigation of the TTC Fitness for Duty Policy

The Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee referred this item to the TTC Board, without recommendations.

The meeting adjourned at 2:05 p.m. 

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