Human Resources and Labour Relations - December 6, 2016
Meeting info
Meeting Minutes
TTC Human Resources and Labour Relations Committee Members
TTC Human Resources and Labour Relations Committee Members
- Josh Colle (Chair)
- Alan Heisey Q.C.
- Joe Mihevc
- Denzil Minnan-Wong
Declarations of Interest - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Resolution - Committee of the Whole
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Business Arising Out of the Minutes
Public Presentations
Public Presentations: December 6, 2016
Requests to speak must be registered by noon of the business day preceding meeting day. A final deputation list will be distributed at the meeting.
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
- CEO Performance Evaluation and Review Process (For Action)
- 2015 Annual Report on Diversity and Human Rights Achievements (For Action)
Presentation: 2015 Annual Report on Diversity and Human Rights Achievements - Collective Bargaining Preparation (This report contains information pertaining to labour relations and employee negotiations) (For Action)
- 2018 Bargaining Considerations (This report contains information pertaining to labour relations and negotiations and contains information that is subject to Solicitor-Client Privilege) (For Action)
- Wheel-Trans Considerations (This report contains information pertaining to labour relations) (For Action)
Present at Committee of the Whole
J. Colle (Chair), A. Heisey Q.C., J. Mihevc and D. Minnan-Wong (Members), A. Byford (Chief Executive Officer), G. Piemontese (Chief People Officer), R. Leary (Chief Service Officer), B. Leck (Head of Legal & General Counsel), K. Watson (Deputy Chief Service Officer), M. MacRae (Director – Employee Relations), B. Morrison (Director – Compensation Services), S. Currie (Human Resources Project Coordinator), K. Lee (Head – Commission Services) and M. Balanco (Administrator – Secretariat Services).
D. Barbini (Hicks Morley) was present for Item No. 4.
D. Magisano (Mayor’s office) and K. Lillyman (Chair’s office) were also present.
J. Colle was in the Chair.
Present at Public Session
In this section
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
A. Heisey moved that the Human Resources & Labour Relations Committee approve the minutes from Meeting No. 5 held on Wednesday, October 14, 2015.
The motion by A. Heisey carried.
Public Presentations
Item No. 2 - 2015 Annual Report on Diversity and Human Rights Achievements
Alan Yule
The Committee received the deputation for information.
(See Item No. 2 for minute)
Presentations/Reports/Other Business
1. Presentation: CEO Performance Evaluation and Review Process
Barbara Shulman, Director – Strategic Recruitment, Compensation and Employment Services, City of Toronto provided a presentation on the Performance Management for Senior Officials.
The Committee thanked B. Shulman for her presentation.
Chair Colle moved the following motion:
That the Committee:
1. adopt a similar tool to that of the City of Toronto Performance Planner for Non-Union Employees for the purpose of conducting ongoing performance reviews for the TTC CEO.
2. direct the CEO to complete a draft 2016 and 2017 performance plan for review.
3. report back to the Human Resources. Labour Relations committee at its meeting on November 17, 2016 and forwarding to the December 20, 2016 Board meeting for final approval.
The Committee approved the motion by Chair Colle and the item was adopted, as amended.
2. Salary Administration Policy
The Committee held this item for an in-camera discussion.
The Committee subsequently received the report for information and adopted the confidential motion approved in-camera.
3. Succession Planning The Committee received the report for information.
4. Flexible Arrangements – Considerations for Collective Bargaining The Committee:
1. Received the confidential information as set out in the confidential attachment; and
2. Authorized that the information set out in the confidential attachment is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information pertaining to labour relations.
3. Adopted the confidential motion approved in-camera.
5. Employee Relations Matter
The Committee:
1. Received the confidential information as set out in the confidential attachment;
2. Authorized that the information set out in the confidential attachment is to remain confidential in its entirety as it contains information pertaining to labour relations. During discussion of this item, staff were requested to provide a report at a future meeting on how TTC evaluates and sets salary ranges for TTC positions.
The meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.