TTC Safety Guide: Emergency Protocols
What to do in an emergency on a bus or streetcar
- Alert the Operator if you’re on a bus
- Use the intercom to speak to the Operator if you’re on a streetcar
The intercom button is located on the wall in the middle of every streetcar, to the right of the raised circular Stop and Ramp Request button. It is positioned near the bottom of a two-way speaker and can be identified by a raised bell image within the circular button. When this button is pushed, a light will appear above it to indicate it has been pushed. You will also feel the button lower when you push it. The Operator will respond from his cab and you will be able to talk through the speaker. A talk light and listen light are also located above and to the left of the intercom button. These will light up when the system being used, but no further action is required from you in this area of the intercom.
Both the Stop and Ramp Request and Passenger Emergency Intercom buttons are at a located at an accessible height, making it easy for all customers to use.
- Bus and streetcar Operators have an alarm system and two-way radios to summon assistance.
- In an emergency, Operators can also turn on an audible alarm to attract the attention of police or passersby. An Operator can turn on flashing lights on the outside of the vehicle.
What to do in an emergency at a subway station
- Customer Service Agents, TTC Special Constables and supervisory personnel are available to assist. TTC employees can easily be identified by their uniform and TTC crest.
- Intercoms are located in Designated Waiting Area (DWA), in elevator cabs, at elevator landings, and on both sides of all fare lines. The intercom connects to TTC staff, who will contact emergency responders if required.
- Turn off the track power if necessary. For example, if a person has fallen to the tracks or someone is caught in the door of a car and the train starts moving, you should cut the track power. Go to the nearest Emergency Power Cut Cabinet. There is one at each end of every subway platform; it is marked by a blue light. The instructions on the panel will show you how to cut the power to the tracks in both directions.
What to do in an emergency in the subway
- If there is a situation that requires emergency medical, police or fire services, press the yellow emergency alarm strip. The emergency alarm is a yellow strip located above the windows, along the wheelchair positions and near the doors of the subway car.
- When the emergency alarm is activated, the subway will proceed to the next station. The alarm alerts Transit Control, where specially trained staff triages the situation and contact 9-1-1, if required.
Other TTC safety features
- Public Telephones are located on all subway station platforms, at station entrances and in many bus and streetcar transfer areas.
- In an emergency, call 9-1-1. Calling 9-1-1 is always free. When police, fire, or medical emergencies occur, call 9-1-1. Trained emergency call takers will provide you with the information and assistance you need. Your exact location is on a sign near each telephone.
- Security Mirrors are located at many points in the transit system. They will help you to see around corners or into other passageways.
- Download the SafeTTC app, text or use the webform to send messages directly to Transit Control. Transit Control will respond and send emergency assistance if required.
Request Stop Program
- The Request Stop program is available to all customers travelling alone by bus between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Request Stop allows any customer who is feeling vulnerable to get off the bus between regular TTC stops.
- The request should be made at least one TTC stop ahead of the desired location.
- The Operator must be able to stop safely in order to meet your request.
- Exit the bus via the front doors, the rear doors will remain closed.
- Reminder: Request Stop is not available on streetcars. Streetcars travel in the middle of the roadway too far from the sidewalk to let customers exit the vehicle safely at an unmarked stop.
Report it
If you are the victim of a crime, it is important that you immediately report it to a TTC employee, TTC Special Constable or Toronto Police Officer. Provide detailed information about the incident such as suspect description, date, time, location and if possible TTC vehicle number.
If you see something suspicious report it to a uniformed TTC employee.
View a video on who can help in TTC stations.
View a video to find out about what to do in an emergency on a subway or in a station.
For additional safety tips, please visit our dedicated General Safety page.