5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan

We have completed a new 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan (2024-2028). This is a long-term plan that will provide strategic direction for TTC service and customer experience to ensure the TTC continues to serve customers’ evolving transit needs.

In 2019, the TTC prepared its first 5-Year Service Plan & 10-Year Outlook to provide a blueprint for service needs between 2019 and 2024. Five years on, the City of Toronto has emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic facing new realities including financial, social and environmental issues. Addressing these issues demands a clear objective and plan to attract new riders and retain customer loyalty. The Plan is organized into seven pillars of opportunity that seek to improve our customers’ experience through each step in their journey; helping them get where they need to go quickly and reliably, while also increasing comfort and convenience.

During the early stages of engagement, this Plan was proposed and presented to the public as two separate plans — the 5-Year Service Plan and the Customer Experience Action Plan. However, throughout the engagement on these two plans, customers and community partners emphasized how service and customer experience are intertwined. In the final round of public consultation, the Plan was presented as a single, stand-alone document, which takes an integrated approach to improving all aspects of a customer’s journey — from the service the TTC provides, to the ways customers plan and receive information about their trips.

Pillars of opportunity

Pillars of opportunity. Foster a customer-centric mindset. Enhance the transit network. Improve service reliability. Prioritize surface transit. Accelerate integration with regional transit partners and complementary modes of transportation. Enhance safety and comfort at stops, stations and in vehicles. Streamline information and services.

The objective for this Plan is to focus on the TTC’s core competency: mass transit – moving large volumes of customers safely, reliably and swiftly across Toronto and improving how customers experience the system. It will be used as a guide to improve customer experience, make decisions about how to spend funding, and adjust service to meet customer needs and adapt to new realities. The Plan advances the broad objectives of the TTC Corporate Plan to attract new riders and retain customer loyalty.

This Plan will be implemented through TTC programs, policies and initiatives and collaboration with customers, community partners and orders of government. Annual Service Plans (ASPs) detail annual changes the TTC is going to make to its service to implement the 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan and respond to major projects and reflect emerging changes. Each year, the TTC engages with customers and community partners as part of the development of the ASPs, which gives the TTC the opportunity to refine the actions of the 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan and address any changes in priority or need.

Review the full plan: 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan, 2024-2028.

Consultation process

From April to November 2023, the TTC engaged customers, community partners, internal staff, and the public to help inform the 2024 Annual Service Plan and the 5-Year Service and the Customer Experience Action Plan. The engagement followed a four-round process.  

  • Round One – The big picture

    April - May

    From April 26, 2023, to May 22, 2023, we conducted a survey open to customers, TTC employees and the public. The focus of “The big picture“ was to seek feedback to inform the development of the draft plans for the 2024 Annual Service Plan, the 5-Year Service Plan, and the Customer Experience Action Plan. 

    Consultation document

  • Round Two – Closer look at construction

    June - July

    The focus of Round Two was to share and seek feedback on the draft 2024 Annual Service Plan before it is presented to the TTC Board. Specifically, TTC was seeking feedback on its approach to adjusting service as a result of major construction projects.

    Engagement included:

    • a survey
    • stakeholder meetings
    • pop-ups for the public
    • focus groups with TTC customers

    Consultation documents

  • Round Three – Draft concepts

    August -September

    The focus of Round Three was to share and seek feedback on the draft concepts for the 5-Year Service Plan and Customer Experience Action Plan.

    Engagement included:

    • a survey
    • stakeholder meetings
    • pop-up consultations for the public focus groups with women, shift workers, customers with low-income and TTC staff
    • youth-led engagement process

    Consultation documents

  • Round Four – Final drafts

    October - November

    The focus of Round Four was to share and seek feedback on the draft 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan before the plan was presented to the TTC Board.

    Engagement included:

    • a survey
    • stakeholder meetings

    Consultation documents

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