Greenwood Station
Station Improvements
For the latest construction updates, see our construction notices page.
Project Overview
The TTC’s Easier Access Program is making subway stations accessible. The TTC is conducting work at Greenwood Station to make it accessible. Elevators are scheduled to be in service in mid-2025*.
*Pending weather, possible third-party union strikes and unforeseen site conditions and events.
This work will include a barrier-free path from the main entrance to all levels of the station including installation of:
- Two elevators to access eastbound and westbound platforms
- Automatic sliding station entry doors
- Improved signage
- CCTV – Security cameras along the accessible pathway
- Public art installation as a part of the TTC Public Art Program
- Please view the construction overview presentation
If you have questions, please contact: Jorida Malevi Jorida.Malevi@ttc.ca, 647-526-0923
Cross Section Image of Station Elevators
Learn more about how we’re making transit more accessible with TTC’s Easier Access program. All TTC Easier Access projects are reviewed by ACAT (Advisory Committee on Accessible Transit).
For more information about the Greenwood Second Exit/Entrance project: New Second Exit/Entrance Planning and Consultation Process.
Frequently Asked Questions
What work is being done at Greenwood Station?
The TTC’s Easier Access Program is making subway stations accessible. The TTC is conducting work at the intersection of Strathmore Boulevard & Linnsmore Crescent to make Greenwood Station accessible. Elevators are scheduled to be in service in mid-2025.
The project will create a barrier-free path from the main entrance to all levels of the station, including installation of:
- Two elevators to access eastbound and westbound platforms
- Automatic sliding station entry doors
- Improved signage
- CCTV – Security cameras along the accessible pathway
- Public art installation as a part of the TTC Public Art Program
Why does it take TTC several years to retrofit a station with elevators?
Retrofitting the station with multiple elevators (due to its side platform boarding) has required extensive utility upgrades including to the century-old watermain. Similarly, TTC must coordinate with 3rd party utilities (cable, gas) to relocate major utilities and then re-enforce underground structures to allow for safe elevator shaft construction. Third party labour strikes in 2022, supply chain challenges during COVID-19, and underground site conditions have impacted the project schedule.
When will the elevators be in service?
Elevators are scheduled to be in service in mid-2025.
When will the intersection at Linnsmore Cres. and Strathmore Blvd. reopen?
The intersection was restored for vehicular/pedestrian traffic on July 28, 2024.
When will the escalator between street level and concourse level resume service?
The concourse to the street level escalator resumed service on October 25, 2024.
When will the bus loop reopen at Greenwood station?
The bus loop reopened on September 1, 2024.
What measures has TTC taken to control dust and vibration onsite?
TTC has installed vibration monitoring devices in areas closest to the construction site to continuously monitor construction vibration. The construction at Greenwood Station follows standard City protocol.
What has TTC done to enhance traffic and pedestrian safety?
Traffic signs have been placed in coordination with City Transportation staff.
In addition to the City-approved signage plan, the contractor has added several additional signs to slow down traffic, pylons were placed to delineate traffic from pedestrians to increase safety, and Police presence was provided in this location several times. The City has also added extra signs (One-way arrow signs and Do Not Enter signs) at this location.
Where can I obtain more information about this Project?
The website is regularly updated with Project information. Construction notices are posted on the website and shared with the neighbours. If you wish to be added to our mailing list, please email Jorida.Malevi@ttc.ca


Contact us
If you are interested in receiving updates about this project, please email your contact information to the project's Community Liaison Officer.
Please be sure to include your name, address (including city and postal code), phone number and email address. Also, please let us know how you prefer to be contacted – by email, regular mail or both.
Jorida Malevi
Community Liaison Officer