Customer Comments and Staff Responses

Below is a summary of the accessibility issues and suggestions for improvement raised by customers at the 2021 Public Forum on Accessible Transit. Customer comments are accompanied by a summary of the current status of each issue.

  • Response to COVID-19 pandemic


    “I have to let Wheel-Trans know that I will be wearing a mask on the bus, but many drivers take off their mask while driving or pull it down. I've let Customer Service know on a couple of occasions, but is anything actually being done?”

    “I have a problem with the policy of not being able to book Wheel-Trans to go get a COVID test. I tried to book a Wheel-Trans ride and answered the preliminary questions honestly, and it told me to contact Reservations, which I did. I was told (a) I couldn't book a ride for that purpose, ever, and (b) since I had admitted I had symptoms, I would not be allowed to use the Wheel-Trans system at all until I could prove that I'd tested negative. This seems to be a catch 22. How are people with disabilities supposed to get a test to show they're negative, if they can't use Wheel-Trans to go to get the test in the first place.”


    Wheel-Trans has constant monitoring and audits to ensure proper compliance of our mask policy.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our Reservationists have been advised to arrange for transportation of customers with symptoms or who need testing who have no other means of transportation. We will issue a reminder to our team about this and we apologize for the inconvenience this caused.

  • Conventional bus design


    “When I am on a regular bus, it is very difficult because I have an extra wide wheel chair which takes up half of the aisle, it's hard to turn, it's super inconvenient for others because they cannot get past me, but also because, since I am not secured, the ride is very rough. By the time I go just a few stops, my wheelchair has bounced around every time the driver hits the brakes”

    “I have a large, older 4-wheel scooter. I have found that I still can not use the buses on the TTC because I need a wider turning radius.”

    “The sound that plays when TTC buses open their doors is very bad, too loud and high.”


    The TTC has worked closely with vehicle manufacturers and ACAT to improve the accessibility of our buses. The passageway space between the front wheel-wells of the current standardized North American low-floor bus designs cannot be made wider. TTC always purchases the widest front doors available and ensures that all components at the front of the bus are arranged in such a way as to not impede the entrance area.

    We would encourage customers to take advantage of securement devices which are available on all TTC buses to make your ride more comfortable. Simply advise the bus Operator that you wish to be secured.

    Thank you for your feedback on bus door sounds. We have added a maximum sound target level to our procurement specifications to resolve this issue going forward.

  • Subway station design


    “Wilson Station is not properly wheelchair accessible. The subway platform has broken edge tiles, uneven platform with tripping hazards, etc. The platform edge gaps, both vertically and horizontally, are still very large.”

    “My issue is about accessibility to elevators in the stations. Did anyone ever think of how to activate doors, press buttons without touching the panels? There is a system out there where there's a unit put in, and through your cell phone, you can open, close, press buttons, do whatever on the elevator without ever touching anything. Because of COVID, that would be great.”

    “Washrooms on the TTC are few and far between. Any plans to increase the number of washrooms on the subway lines?”


    TTC is aware of platform gaps at Wilson Station that exceed our standards. Work is expected to begin in spring 2022 to remediate these conditions, once outdoor temperatures are above freezing.

    Incorporation of public washrooms at existing in-line subway stations cannot be accommodated given high retrofit costs due to limited space availability and required services (water, heating, climate control), cost of security and maintenance, etc. Customers may wish to take advantage of the two-hour transfer which enables customers to exit the subway system to use nearby facilities and re-enter again without paying another fare.

    Thank for you for the suggestion. TTC is currently investigating contactless elevator buttons and will have more information available in 2022.

  • Transit stop design / location


    “On the 121 bus route they have removed bus stops at Market Street, where there are three senior buildings and another with seniors with walkers and families with strollers. We understand the decision to remove the Market Street stops were based on distance between bus stops, not where the need is.”


    The City is introducing cycling tracks to the Esplanade and additionally changing the street operations on the Esplanade to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. These changes include turning the Esplanade into a one-way street to reduce infiltration into the neighbourhood. As a result of this change, TTC buses have to comply with new road designations. TTC is working with the City and improving cycling and all active modes of transportation, and these bus stop changes were required as part of that overall program.

  • Customer Education on Accessibility


    “Why is there not a video about the accessibility history of the TTC?”


    Thank you. We will take this feedback into consideration. We do promote new accessibility features including new elevators on our social media channels and on our website. We also update our maps to indicate when new stations become accessible. We also highlighted accessibility milestones in our TTC 100th Anniversary Commemorative Book, which is available for sale on the TTC Shop.

  • Better Information in Alternate Formats


    “I have invisible disability and due to that, both my hands are numb and I have balance problems. I have this sticker, please kneel the bus, please offer me a seat, but I'm unable to use this sticker, because my hands are numb, and I'm unable to take them out of the pocket. Are there any other options available?”


    At this time, we don’t have an alternative to this kneel the bus card / sticker. Customers can speak to the Operator when they approach the door to advise the Operator that they need to lower the bus.

    We have also launched a new accessibility campaign that reminds people that not all disabilities are visible. The campaign is being shared on vehicles, in stations and on social media.

  • Better Information in Subway Stations


    “I'm legally blind. How can I be able to tell which subway is going east, west, north, or south unless there's the new ones that have speakers that you can hear what they're saying instead of being the ones that are crackling and crumbling, that you can't even tell what the heck is happening.”


    We recognize that there were previously issues with external announcement speakers on Line 2 subway trains. These speakers have been upgraded to correct the issue.

  • Better Information Online


    I have found that if I want to take a trip just using the conventional system alone, that when you go and do your trip plan, there's nothing that comes up to indicate that a bus has been diverted en route. I found a bus that was diverted for a whole month, but yet there was no sign at the bus stop, there was no sign on the info line, and there was no information even on the apps.


    Although the Trip Planner appears on the website, it is an embedded iframe that is owned and updated by Triplinx (Metrolinx). Providing updates about bus diversions is feedback we have shared with the Metrolinx team in the past, and we will pass this feedback along as well. You can share additional feedback about the Trip Planner on Triplinx’s website.

  • Support Person Assistance Card


    “May you consider changing your current Support Person Assistance Card policy about renewal. Every three years to perhaps not requiring elders over 70 years old with a permanent disability, as deemed so by doctor's section on the TTC form, to not have to get a renewed form from the doctor's office?”

    “How can I get the form for a Support Person to be with me?”


    Thank you for the suggestions. TTC is reviewing lessons learned from the Support Person Assistance Card and as a result will be considering making changes to the program, including expiry dates.

    Support Person Assistance Card application forms are available in the Fares section of the TTC website. Alternatively, customers may contact TTC's Customer Service Centre to request a form by mail.

  • TTC Customer Service


    “I complained to the TTC about a driver but got no reply. Don't know if it is because I elected for no reply required. What do I do?”


    Our Customer Service Centre will respond to any comments where the customer has indicated that they require a response. Please reach out to us about your concern to discuss further.

  • More elevators and escalators


    “When are you going to finish Yorkdale Station's elevators?”

    “Why is Warden Station not accessible with an elevator especially since there is a large Long-Term Care Home / Rehabilitative Hospital directly up the street?”

    “Can the TTC make a commitment to accessibility that all future stations will include at least two elevators, in each direction of travel, to accommodate future population expansion and also unexpected breakdowns or maintenance?”

    “Why has the TTC expanded the subway to Highway 7 before all subway stations were accessible.”


    The elevator at Yorkdale Station is now completed and the elevator was placed in service in December 2021. Design of elevators and other accessibility improvements at Warden Station are well underway with initial construction planned to begin in 2022. Transforming Warden Station will be a multi-year and multi-phase project which will redevelop the station and make it accessible to everyone, with the first phase expected to be completed in 2024.

    The current schedule for Easier Access improvements is posted online at:

    TTC has added a requirement for two elevators serving two separate entrances to our design standards. It's our understanding that Metrolinx has implemented a similar requirement and will be providing at least two elevators between station levels for stations that they will be constructing as part of the Provincial Subway Program.

    TTC's priorities include expanding the rapid transit system to serve more of the population and bring accessible rapid transit closer to more communities, in collaboration with our delivery partners, in addition to making the existing system more accessible. Neither takes priority over the other.

  • Training for Bus Operators 


    “I would like to hear what kind of orientation or training has been done for Operators.”

    “How often do drivers get refresher training on where to place securements on wheelchairs?”

    “Why is it that Operators of a bus would not stop to pick me up while I am standing in pouring rain and have flashing lights on the walker I had to support me.”

    “Most of the Operators are polite and do try to help me, but another person said they normally have to ask for help. What is the protocol when the Operator leaves the stop before I have sat down or tapped my PRESTO card?”


    All Operators are trained in customer service and AODA requirements as well as TTC’s Respect and Dignity policy. Operators also receive recertification training yearly on how to properly use securement devices. Operators are required to stop at all stops for customers who are waiting to board. Bus Operators are trained to wait for customers with unsure footing, canes or walkers to be seated before moving off. To report any issues, please contact TTC Customer Service with as much information as possible including the date, time of day, route and 4-digit vehicle number so that we can look into the matter and get back to you.

  • Bus and streetcar ramps


    “Whenever I take a bus on the TTC, some drivers do not offer the ramp. I use a walker and I find the need to ask every time.”

    “If I use the streetcars, I need to use the ramp because I cannot use the other doors because of balance issues. The Operators quite often say the ramp doesn't work. I have waited three or four streetcars before I can get on.”


    Thank you for your feedback. TTC will review changing our policy to require bus Operators to always ask customers using walkers if they would like to use the ramp as suggested.

    Bus and Streetcar Operators are required to deploy the ramp for any customer that requests it. To report any issues, please contact TTC Customer Service with as much information as possible including the date, time of day, route and vehicle number so that we can look into the matter and get back to you.

  • Maintenance


    “The Finch Station elevator has been down for two months. Can you fix this?”


    The elevator between the bus platform and bus concourse at Finch Station was impacted by severe water damage and required extensive repairs. Replacement parts were delayed due to supply chain issues; however, they were received and the elevator was repaired and placed back into service as soon as possible.

  • Safety and Security


    “Stop rolling out Family of Services until safety is dealt with!”

    “Please make sure people aren’t 'camping out' in Access Hubs. This is happening at Jane/Eglinton.”

    “I think as the pandemic slowly recedes, it is a good idea to keep the sanitizers permanent.”


    All Operators have received extensive vehicle operation and AODA related training with respect to properly delivering service to persons with disabilities. If a specific safety related incident is reported it will be thoroughly investigated, and the appropriate actions taken.

    The TTC is working on a larger plan with the City of Toronto to address this concern. We are working with a community outreach program called "streets-to-homes" to assist individuals in need.

    Thank you for your feedback. At this point TTC has no intention to remove hand sanitizer from subway stations.

  • Wheel-Trans Vehicle Design


    “Are the new Promaster buses going to have better suspension?”

    “I am unable to ride on the small Promaster as I have compression fractures in my spine.”

    “Will Wi-Fi be available on all Wheel-Trans rides?”


    We are working on improving the experience on our vehicles.  We will be rolling out the new 7-metre ProMaster vehicle this year which has been reviewed and revised for optimal performance.

    Wi-Fi on Wheel-Trans vehicles is not being pursued at this time.

  • Wheel-Trans cross-boundary travel


    “I am living in Markham, my street is 900 meters from Steeles and my house is 1120 meters and before TTC used to pick me up from my house. But now they stopped. So now I have to go a few kilometers from my home, YRT needs to pick me up from home and drop me at a transfer point, which is more than 10 kilometres, whereas I have to only go a couple of kilometres from my home.”

    “The waiting time to transfer between Mobility Plus and Wheel-Trans is far too long.”

    “GTA transit agencies and the TTC conventional services have cross boundary services/operations inside the City of Toronto and vice versa. Why can't paratransit services of those agencies, including Wheel-Trans vehicles, be allowed to cross with each other?”

    “Can there be better communication between Wheel-Trans and connecting agencies when rides are missed?”


    We have agreements in place with our GTHA transit partners whereby any trips that are more than 1000m or 1km beyond the border, must be completed by the adjacent transit provider. Anything within 1km, can be completed by the local provider. Transfer points are used for customers who require a cross boundary trip.

    We do have communication with our GTHA transit partners and we encourage customers to inform the provider to contact Wheel-Trans if it is known that the customer will be late for their Wheel-Trans connection and vice versa. Wheel-Trans vehicles are able to operate up to one kilometre beyond the borders of Peel, York and Durham Regions. Any distance beyond that requires a transfer with the Regional Transit Agency at an established accessible transfer location. Meetings with the GTHA Agencies are held several times throughout the year to discuss improving this experience for customers.


    “When will live chat be available with Wheel-Trans customer service?”

    “We hope that when we use the phone to ask some questions or need help, there will be staff who can speak Mandarin to communicate with us.”

    “Priority line is always rude.”


    Live chat is available with Wheel-Trans Customer Service on our Self-Booking Website.

    We offer ‘language line’ services in many different languages including Mandarin. When calling, simply state the language you would like to communicate in and we will connect with an agent who will join the call and can facilitate the conversation.

    When any complaints are received we review the recordings and take appropriate action.

  • Wheel-Trans Access Hubs


    “Can you please explain the Access Hubs? I'm not familiar with those.”


    To support Family of Services, sixteen Access Hubs have been built for transfers between modes of service. These Access Hubs are accessible, large, dry and well lit with the overall goal being to offer a safe hand-off from one mode to another. All sixteen locations are operational and are located at:

    • Meadowvale Loop (Sheppard Avenue East and Meadowvale)
    • Humber College North
    • Jane/Eglinton SW/NE
    • Ellesmere/Neilson SW/ NE
    • Ellesmere/Victoria Park SE/NW
    • Overlea/Thorncliffe SW/NW
    • Yonge/Steeles
    • Bingham Loop (Victoria Park and Kingston Road)
    • Freshmeadow/Don Mills (Steeles)
    • Kipling/Dixon NW/SW
    • Long Branch Loop
  • Wheel-Trans dispatch/pick-up


    “Kindly update your Scarborough General Hospital Dialysis address. There is no dialysis in the main entrance.”

    “Who does the bookings on the computer. I have had many late medical appointments or I am 30 minutes early!”

    “One driver told me he only had 2 minutes for pickups and drop offs before he could move on to his next pickup.”

    “I got picked up at Women's College from a driver that came all the way from Scarborough which made no sense. There were so many other Wheel-Trans vehicles going in and out that could have brought me home quicker.”

    “When the city closes down an area of downtown for an event or Raptors game, they do not let Wheel-Trans through and the distances are too far. What will you do to fix this so there are exceptions for drivers to go through?”

    “Last weekend, I was not able to get dropped off at Yorkdale Station, due to construction. Why is Wheel-Trans not able to go to the GO Station? It is very difficult to get in front of Nordstrom and walk to the station with a walker and luggage.”

    “Last Friday I had a pick up, and according to dispatch, the ride was there and left without any notification. Even though I had submitted a phone number and instructions to ring door bell or knock on door, dispatch said they don't do that nor leave no show. My question is, if they don't call, knock on door/ring door bells etc., why is the field there to do so when booking rides?”

    “The door-to-door service is great. However, it would be lovely to be able to schedule a return, a little sooner than originally booked. This is possible with DARTS in Hamilton.”

    “My question concerns the return rides, especially for hospital appointments. It is not always easy to anticipate the end time for the appointment and in some cases, the end of the appointment is way ahead of the pickup time. Is there any way to adjust the pickup time?”

    “The sedans are getting pickup/drop off information via their tablets and are not provided with enough information. Are the drivers allowed to call customers to find out where they?”

    “Upgrade your computer-generated confirmation voice messaging to patient's requested time coinciding the reservation time of departure and arrival time from home to destination and not change the requested reservation time.”

    “Why are substitute rides sent to me when they are very difficult and uncomfortable to use? My doctor has sent a letter describing my disabilities!”


    Thank you the feedback regarding the dialysis entrance at Scarborough General Hospital. We will confirm the correct entrances with the facility and make the changes in our system. Most hospitals have multiple entrances in our system to assist with various trip purposes. To ensure that the correct entrance is used for your trip, Wheel-Trans customer service can assist in setting up your profile with favourites so that your trip is seamless and you are brought to and from the correct entrance.

    We attempt to schedule trips as close as possible to your requested times but this is not always possible. Our scheduling software maximizes transportation efficiencies while adhering to customer requests when able to. Our scheduling and dispatch system also ensures that there is ample time for travel between pick ups and boarding.  Pick ups and drop offs are determined at the time scheduled and locations that are designated for a Wheel-Trans pick up/drop off as well.  Wheel-Trans is working with many agencies to improve the customer experience. Our scheduling and dispatch system makes changes to the schedule to find the right fit and at times there may be exceptions based on time of day.  We are working diligently to ensure that trips scheduled fits with time and location.

    We work very closely with our Closures and Diversions team at the TTC to assist with the best locations for our vehicles to travel during major events.

    Operators are not required to knock on doors or ring bells/buzzers as per our Door to Door Customer Policy. We encourage you to only include notes that detail specific directional information for the Operator. Samples of this information include: blue door, grocery store entrance at plaza, etc. In addition, customers can sign up for trip arrival notifications. This will trigger an automated phone call 10 minutes prior to the vehicle’s arrival which should help ensure customers are ready for their trip at the pick-up location.

    An early pick-up feature is now available on our Self-Booking Website. If service is available, you will be offered an earlier trip.

    Unfortunately, contracted drivers do not have access to customer telephone numbers and cannot contact customers directly.

    Our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system provides trip confirmation calls as well as trip reminder calls. It communicates the actual pick-up times of customer trips once they have been scheduled. We do our best to match the scheduled time with the requested time but this is not always possible due to trip demand and vehicle/operator availability. Our IVR system does not have the ability to also communicate what the original requested trip time was. The scheduled system is designed to honour the requested arrival or departure times. Negative 30 mins for arrival and plus 30 for departures. Trips are first scheduled using a 30-minute pick-up window. An estimated pick-up time within that pick-up window is provided the evening before the trip. Alternative times are offered to the customer at the time of booking, however the customer can request the original requested time to be placed on a waiting list

    Regarding vehicle types that are not possible for you to use, please call our Wheel-Trans Customer Service team at 416-393-4111 and we would be happy to put a vehicle exemption on your file as long as you have supporting medical documentation from your health care provider.

  • Wheel-Trans service reliability


    “I was waiting for the ride. It didn't show up. I waited over half an hour. And I checked with Wheel-Trans, and it said that TTC was supposed to be there at a certain time.”

    “Great idea to get the call ready for the Wheel-Trans ride, although Operators have been late 15 to 30 minutes from pickup time. Should we report them?”

    “Can Wheel-Trans send a notification when the rides are running late?”

    “Why is there sometimes notification of 10 minutes before the driver gets to you, even though it's not correct, because they're late?”

    “Have only recently started to use Wheel-Trans due to spouse's hip replacement surgery. Only three return trips, booked in advance, and each one was problematic. In the last booking to hospital due to complications, vehicle never even showed up, and no notice was given! When spoke with Customer Service, was advised drivers are not obligated to phone client if they are going to be late or not coming.”

    “Your Wheel-Trans buses are quite prompt at picking up. It is the contract taxis that are picking up late. This causes anxiety to your customers and some doctors will cancel the appointment cause the patient is late.”


    Wheel-Trans strives to maintain a reliable service and we are able to achieve being within 20 minutes of the pick-up time for 97 percent of our trips. Every effort is made to accommodate 90% of trips within 20 mins of the pick-up time. We are achieving this most of the time.  The ETA is now also available on the Self-Booking Website when scheduled on our bus vehicles. This will be expanded to taxi vehicles in 2023/24. Our dispatch staff work with our Operators to maintain this high level. We address excessive lateness with Operators when delays are due to operator related lateness.

    Wheel-Trans works very hard to ensure that each customer is picked up at the scheduled pick-up time. We make all efforts to contact customers if we will be more than 30 minutes late. If your ride is over 30 minutes late, please call our Priority Line to advise our Dispatch Team. Customers also have the option to sign up for vehicle arrival notifications, which trigger an automated call that is placed 10 minutes prior to the vehicle's arrival. Our customer service department would be happy to set these up for you. Unfortunately, not all vehicles are currently equipped with GPS. Therefore, you may receive a call based on the scheduled time. All vehicles including contracted taxis will have GPS in 2023/24. Additionally, we will be launching a "Where's My Ride" feature in early November, which will allow customers to locate their vehicle on a map prior to arrival. More details on this will be shared with our customers over the next couple weeks.

  • Wheel-Trans trip length


    “With diabetes, sometimes you have to go to the bathroom. What can you do and can you ask the driver to stop somewhere or can you book in a washroom stop every hour?”

    “I echo the sentiments about Family-of-Services being inaccessible and takes double the time.”

    “Will drivers ever be allowed to use Google Maps to allow drivers to find the best route at that time?”


    A courtesy washroom request can be made to the operator and they will try and accommodate.

    We are constantly improving our on vehicle system to ensure the navigation is accurate as part of our Scheduling and Dispatch upgrade. The duration of a Family of Services trip should be close to the duration of a full conventional TTC journey. Typically, this would be longer than a door-to-door trip, but not always.

  • Wheel-Trans eligibility 


    “Can a passenger determine for themselves the level of service they need? i.e. conditional or unconditional? Is it possible for us to not lose Wheel-Trans service door-to-door? I very much depend on it and someone has likely assessed that I may not need as much. This would place me in a very difficult travel situation.”

    “Unconditional passengers, who's disabilities are permanent or unchanging and have been long existing customers, should not have to be reassessed. Is there a way Wheel-Trans can assume this is not necessary, or put something on the passenger file to ensure this?”

    “I was hoping that I do not lose the status of being unconditional. I am blind. I do have difficulty with moving around the stations, and my hope is that I can continue to use the door-to-door service. Is there a point of time that all unconditional users due to those services will be withdrawn? And can a conditional user prevent that from happening?”

    “I am a Wheel-Trans customer who tried to sign up but what denied. What is the eligibility level am I at and can you help me sign up again?”

    “Why do people who are listed as unconditional have to go through all the headaches, getting redone and, how can I get a form for special medical appointments.”

    “Shouldn't everyone using a mobility device be allowed the "bad weather" condition? I've been asked to resubmit my application as there was no weather/temperature condition applied.”

    “Your publicity and promotion is saying that you are looking to put Wheel-Trans customers into Family Services and cutting door to door customers by 50%? Is this true?”


    Re-registration is required for any customer who registered for service prior to January 1, 2017. This is to comply with the regulations set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act(AODA). Prior to January 1, 2017, all Wheel-Trans customers were designated with ‘unconditional eligibility’. However, as of January 1, 2017, there are now three categories of eligibility(conditional, unconditional and temporary) and these ‘legacy’ customers must be appropriately categorized to ensure we provide the suitable level of service for them. Any questions regarding eligibility or forms required for re-registration can be directed to Wheel-Trans Customer Service at 416-393-4111 or by email at

    We have not yet made it mandatory to re-register for those who had Wheel-Trans eligibility prior to Jan 1, 2017. However, this will likely take place later in 2022.

    Our Customer Service team uses the information applicants submit in their application to determine eligibility. This is information that the applicant and their health care provider submit. Our team then assigns the appropriate eligibility based on that information. If an applicant does not agree with their eligibility, they are free to appeal the decision and have a functional assessment take place with a registered occupational therapist (OT). If the applicant still does not agree with the eligibility that is assigned after the OT has made their determination, they are free to ask for an appeal panel meeting where a panel makes a determination. The panel consists of a transit professional, a member of the disability community and a different OT from the functional assessment. We have a 'Winter' condition but do not unilaterally assign this to all customers with a mobility device. Each customer’s abilities differ and we rely on the information in the application to determine the appropriate conditions.

    There is no target. Wheel-Trans assesses each customers’ application individually. Close to 100% of all applicants applying for Wheel-Trans service qualify for unconditional, conditional or temporary service. Approximately 53% of the active customer base has unconditional eligibility, 35% conditional eligibility, and 12% temporary eligibility

  • Wheel-Trans Family of Services


    “When a Family-of-Service trip drops a rider at the subway or picks up, please make sure there is seating.”

    “I have tried Family of Services and have too much difficulty with it. My first try had me walking too much between each pick-up/drop-off spot, and at the first subway drop-off there was a very long walk to get downstairs and then no seating available. I got to the destination subway stop and my ride would not be there for 15 minutes. And no seating outside or inside to wait for my pick-up. The trip took twice the time of a direct trip.”

    “Family of Services, I am terrified of taking the subway due to the gap between the platform and the train.”

    “What is the procedure when a person books to take Wheel-Trans to a subway station and finds that the elevator is broken and you can’t do the stairs?”

    “I’m hoping to use family of services if I'm able. I'm wondering how that will work if there are unplanned glitches, delays, etc, in the TTC subways or buses.”

    “I agree about using Family-of-Services - the connections are terrible and distant for people with mobility issues. Also, some seniors have cognitive issues and are not able to safely navigate transit. It often takes me two times the time to take transit as an able-bodied person than getting a drive, so using Family-of-Services is challenging for people who are infirm. My mother is a Wheel-Trans client who could use Family-of-Services when she was more mobile and now absolutely can not since she's wheelchair bound.”

    “Is it still mandatory that ACAT members use Family of Services?”


    The TTC is currently assessing station seating and making recommendations to add additional benches for customers travelling using the Family of Services.

    We understand that Family of Services is not for everyone and only those customers with conditional eligibility may be required to travel using a combination of Wheel-Trans and our conventional system in the future. We encourage customers to utilize our Travel Training program to familiarize themselves with the conventional system of bus, streetcar and subway. It can also assist customers with the tools to navigate unforeseen circumstances while travelling on the conventional system. The Travel Training Specialist can be reached by emailing or by phone at 647-614-9396.

    We do acknowledge that Family of Services trips can take longer than a direct door to door trip but if you would like to share the specific details of this trip with us, we would be happy to look into any issues related to walking distance. To do so, please call us at 416-393-4111 or email us at

    In the majority of cases, Wheel-Trans dispatch staff will be made aware of any service delays, diversions or elevator outages and the customer brought to another location, or directly to their destination. Should the delay happen after the customer has been dropped off, the customer can contact the Wheel-Trans' priority line at 416-393-4311 to be accommodated, or alert TTC staff to contact Wheel-Trans on their behalf.

    No, it has never been mandatory for ACAT members to use Family of Services. They are free to travel using FOS if they choose. However, in the future, with the implementation of Conditional Trip Matching, those with conditional eligibility may be required to travel using FOS when none of their conditions are present. This applies to all conditional customers, not just ACAT members.

  • Wheel-Trans smartphone app and website


    “Is there an app already available for the riders of Wheel-Trans? If not, when is there going to be one?”

    “When will Track Your Ride be activated? Will it work with Apple products such as an iPad?”

    “Can you put accessibility features on the Wheel-Trans booking site?”


    Wheel-Trans is currently in the pilot phase of Mobile App. We expect to make the application available to all our customers later in 2022.

    The Where's My Ride feature has been launched on the Self-Booking Website, along with several other software upgrades and enhancements, and should work with all modern browsers. Details of the upgrades have been shared with our customers.

    The self-booking website is an accessible site. Information on system accessibility can be found at

  • Better training: Wheel-Trans 


    “My wheelchair does not fit in any of the van taxis, therefore I don't have any personal knowledge. But I hear a lot about how awful it is for many customers. I have observed this as well, apparently they do not show much care for their passengers.”

    “Many of the taxis for Wheel-Trans have food odor and are packed with driver’s personal belongings! How should we report this?”


    A reminder will be sent to drivers regarding proper operating and driving procedures that ensures safe travel. Unfortunately, if a mobility device is too large to fit safely in an accessible taxi, a vehicle exemption for this vehicle will be placed on file.


    A reminder regarding a scent free vehicle will be sent. Please report any such incidents to Wheel-Trans Customer Service.

  • Wheel-Trans maintenance


    “Can they properly maintain all Wheel-Trans vehicles, because some of them don't have ramps, the securements are not there.”

    “How can you ensure cleanliness of your taxi vans vehicles in picking up passengers. Often drivers do not clean or disinfect their vehicles. It is extremely worrying during this time.”



    All Wheel-Trans vehicles, including contracted taxis and accessible mini-vans, are inspected and audited on a regular basis to ensure they have the proper ramps and securements in place.


    A reminder has been issued for Contractors/Drivers to clean the vehicles on a regular basis. Drivers are required to disinfect the vehicle prior to the start of service and once mid shift.

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