Toronto Transit Commission statement
Recent media reports have highlighted unacceptable and unsafe actions by individual TTC employees. The management of the TTC takes these allegations seriously and has taken action to deal with individual incidents. Like many organizations, there is an employee discipline process that must be followed and respected.
The TTC demands, at a minimum, that its 12,000 employees conduct themselves with professionalism, and treat all customers, and the public-at-large, with courtesy and respect. Not doing so can result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Individuals will be held accountable for their actions.
While the vast majority of our employees are professional and courteous, often going above and beyond the call of duty, there are incidents where the TTC and the public are let down by the behaviour of individuals. These behaviours cannot be tolerated.
The TTC convened a Customer Service Advisory Panel last year to help address customer service concerns. The TTC and its Board are taking action to improve customer service and instill a culture throughout the organization that places customer service as a priority along with safety. The TTC will also be part of a fulsome City of Toronto management review that will be conducted this year.
Torontonians should be assured that every incident that is brought to the TTC’s attention is dealt with seriously and expeditiously.