TTC ice storm update-10:30 p.m.
No service on the SRT and Sheppard lines. Both lines are not expected to open before the end of service.
15 Shuttle buses are operating on the SRT line and 14 on the Sheppard line (including the 85 Sheppard East Service)
De-icing trains continue to operate on the Bloor-Danforth and Yonge-University-Spadina lines.
Trains continue to bypass Islington, Yorkdale and North York Centre stations due to ongoing AC power outages.
All buses that service Islington Station are diverting to Kipling Station. All buses that service Victoria Park Station are diverting to Main Station.
Trains on the Bloor Danforth line are turning back at Woodbine due to power issues at Victoria Park and Warden Stations. Shuttle buses operating between Woodbine and Kennedy.
Multiple diversion and delays on all bus routes.
Streetcars: Full service has resumed on the 506 Carlton route. 3 Streetcars are operating on the 505 Dundas route. 10 Streetcars are operating on the Queen route. 9 Streetcars are operating on St. Clair. 1 Streetcar operating on Bathurst. Test cars operating on all other routes. Shuttle buses continue to operate.
505 Dundas route is diverting via Bathurst, College, Bay due to a sinkhole at Beverley.
The TTC will issue another update tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m.