New TTC signage, colour-coded line numbers to ease subway station navigation
The Toronto Transit Commission launched the trial today of new wayfinding signage at Bloor-Yonge Station as part of its efforts to improve and ease navigation of the subway system and its stations. Improved wayfinding is a 2014 Customer Charter commitment under “informative.”
In October last year, the TTC board endorsed a presentation by staff to apply already-existing line numbers and colour-coding to the four subway and RT lines, make greater use of pictograms, and improve station entrance signage across the city.
Subway lines are not being renamed; rather, applying line numbers and colours already in use to existing line names will make navigating the TTC that much easier for frequent, occasional and first-time riders, as well as those whose first language is not English.
Line 1 is being applied to the Yonge-University-Spadina line; Line 2 to the Bloor-Danforth line; Line 3 to the Scarborough RT; and Line 4 to the Sheppard line. The TTC will apply lines five through seven to the future LRT lines approved and funded by Metrolinx to its wayfinding system. The now-under construction Eglinton-Crosstown line will become Line 5 when it opens. The numbers reflect the order in which a line was built.
Subway platforms will also see enhanced “you are here” maps to further aid riders using the system. There will also be improved signage for those with disabilities.
St George Station, the TTC’s second busiest subway interchange station, will receive new wayfinding signage in the coming weeks. Staff will then begin surveying customers as they pass through both stations to gather feedback. Any necessary refinements will then be made before roll-out across the TTC by the end of 2015. No new money is required for this project, as all design and production is being done-in-house. Printing costs will be absorbed within existing printing budgets.
Greeters will be at Bloor-Yonge Station this week to explain the changes to customers. The TTC wants and needs public feedback. Go to or send an email to In its ongoing efforts to clearly explain what the TTC does and why, a short video has been posted to TTC’s YouTube channel that explains the benefits of the new wayfinding system.
TTC Chair Maria Augimeri will be at Bloor-Yonge Station with the TTC’s Chief Customer Officer, Chris Upfold at 3 p.m. today for a walk-through of the new wayfinding system.