TTC driving change with Anti-Racism Strategy

The TTC is taking significant new steps to address systemic racism within the transit system. At its June meeting, the TTC Board made a landmark decision by adopting the TTC Anti-Racism Strategy, demonstrating a commitment to dismantling barriers and promoting inclusivity.


“The TTC’s commitment to anti-racism is not just a symbolic gesture but a concrete plan of action to create a more just and inclusive transit system,” said Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow. “By centering the voices and experiences of marginalized communities, the TTC is taking proactive steps to dismantle systemic racism and build a more equitable future for all riders, and fostering a transit system that is safe, welcoming, and accessible to everyone.”


“There are very few organizations that touch the lives of as many people in Toronto as the TTC does – this is why it is so important to adopt this action-oriented approach that will steer the TTC along a path of anti-racism, belonging and inclusion,” said TTC Chair Jamaal Myers. “Everyone, in all of their unique diversity, belongs on TTC vehicles, on TTC property, and in TTC workplaces. The Anti-Racism Strategy is a blueprint to create these welcoming spaces by taking action to eradicate racial discrimination and systemic barriers faced by customers, prospective riders, and the broader community.”


“Since the introduction of the TTC’s 10-Point Action Plan on Diversity and Inclusion in 2020, we have made great progress in creating a TTC that is more welcoming and inclusive for our customers and employees,” said TTC CEO Rick Leary. “With tremendous support from the TTC Board, we are now moving forward with our Anti-Racism Strategy which is a critical step toward ensuring everyone who works at or rides the TTC can do so without fear of racist, discriminatory, or hateful acts. This is something we are all firmly committed to.”


Driving Change: TTC’s Anti-Racism Strategy


At its June meeting, the TTC Board approved the TTC’s first system-wide Anti-Racism Strategy – a critical step toward the transit agency’s goal of dismantling systemic racism and building an inclusive transit system.


Shaped by feedback and guidance of members of Black, Indigenous and racialized communities, the Strategy aims to eradicate systemic barriers faced by customers and the broader community that stem from racism and racial discrimination. They also aim to prevent racial bias and racial profiling, and enhance the TTC’s system-wide anti-racism approach.


There are seven strategic objectives and actions:


  • Adopt and implement a new Anti-Racism Policy across the TTC.


  • Review and develop TTC policies through anti-racism analysis.


  • Expand collaborative opportunities for anti-racism engagement and consultation.


  • Build anti-racism accountability and transparency.


  • Use disaggregated race-based data to inform decision-making.


  • Embed anti-racism into people management.


  • Build anti-racism awareness, understanding, and competencies through knowledge-sharing and training.


In line with its commitment to transparency and accountability, the TTC will publish an annual measurement report to track progress on the objectives and outcomes of the Anti-Racism Strategy. This report will provide stakeholders with a clear view of the TTC’s efforts to advance anti-racism initiatives and address systemic issues.


The Anti-Racism Strategy will undergo regular reviews every five years, informed by recommendations from an Anti-Racism Strategy Review Task Force. This iterative process ensures that the TTC remains responsive to the evolving needs and challenges related to racism and discrimination within the transit system.


For further details about Driving Change: TTC’s Anti-Racism Strategy visit

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