TTC Safety Guide
At the TTC, your safety is our top priority. Our team of Operators, Customer Service Agents, TTC Special Constables, and supervisory personnel are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment.
You can quickly identify TTC employees by their uniform and distinctive TTC crest. Please take note of the following safety tips:
Bus and Streetcar Safety Tips
- Avoid running to prevent slips, falls, or accidents.
- Never try to stop a TTC vehicle by running in front of it. The driver may not see you.
- Do not stick your arms or head out the window.
- Stand behind the white line inside a TTC vehicle and hold onto stanchions to avoid falling when standing.
- Carry bags, parcels, and backpacks in front of you and keep them clear of the doors when boarding or leaving vehicles.
- Wait for the streetcar to stop and open its doors at streetcar stops, then look left and ensure approaching traffic has stopped before stepping onto the street. When exiting, look right and walk directly to the sidewalk.
- Assist children on and off the vehicles to avoid separation.
Subway Station and Train Safety Tips
- Keep a safe distance from the yellow platform edge until the train comes to a complete stop and the doors are opened.
- Mind the gap between the train and the platform.
- Assist children and avoid separation on the train.
- Pay attention to door chimes and flashing lights warning of door closure. Do not board the train once the chimes start ringing.
- Do not force open car doors to prevent injury.
- Do not go down to the tracks. Notify a TTC uniformed employee if something is dropped on the tracks
Escalator and Stairs Safety Tips
- Step on and off carefully and hold the handrail.
- Stand facing forward and keep parcels off the handrails.
- Keep clothing and shoes clear of the sides and tie shoelaces.
- Be considerate of others and don't rush them.
- If you have a mobility device or stroller, please use the elevators.
- Keep children under supervision, and don't let them use the escalator alone.
Stair Safety Tips
- Walk and hold the handrail.
- Keep to the right to allow others to pass.
- If you have a mobility device or stroller, please use the elevators.
Request Stop Program: Safety and Convenience for Nighttime Bus Travellers
The Request Stop program is available for solo bus travellers from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Customers feeling vulnerable can exit the bus between regular stops by requesting one TTC stop in advance. The operator will stop safely for you to exit through the front doors.
Reminder: Request Stop is not available on streetcars. Streetcars travel in the middle of the roadway too far from the sidewalk to let customers exit the vehicle safely at an unmarked stop.
TTC Safety Features and Personal Safety Tips
- Designated Waiting Areas (DWAs) have intercom access, benches, railing, enhanced lighting, closed-circuit-television (CCTV) cameras, and payphones.
- Intercoms are located in DWAs, in elevator cabs, at elevator landings, and on both sides of all fare lines. They let you talk directly to the Customer Service Agent on duty.
- Walk with confidence when going to or from a TTC stop. Avoid distractions, use well-lit areas, and be alert to your surroundings.
- Lock your car, keep valuables out of sight, and do not leave your vehicle running.
- Avoid distractions, hold bags tightly, and carry wallets inside your front pocket to avoid pickpocketing.
For additional safety tips, please visit our dedicated Emergency Protocols page.