The TTC’s Easier Access Program is making subway stations accessible. TTC will be working to build elevators that will make King Station accessible. The project will take place in two phases:
Construction crews on behalf of TTC began construction work at street-level on Elevator E1 on Melinda Street and Elevator E3 Yonge and Colborne Streets in January 2023.
What to expect during:
Construction crews and construction vehicles will be present in the area.
Work is conducted in stages, protective hoarding will be in place, street parking/roadways will be reduced in areas of construction.
Noise, vibration and work hours:
Noise, dust and vibration associated with construction can be expected with this work. Efforts will be made to keep levels to a minimum.
Majority of the work will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday to Friday. As permitted, some weekend and overnight work may be required during the course of this project for safety and efficiency.
Traffic Management:
Plans are subject to change.
Image of Elevator E1 on Melinda Street:
Image of Elevator E3 at Colborne Street and Yonge Street between King Street and Wellington Street:
Yonge Street will be reduced to one lane in each direction for the project to complete work safely.
One lane between Scott Street to Yonge Street on Colborne Street will be maintained with no access to southbound Yonge Street.
Local traffic only will be allowed on Jordan and Melinda Streets.
The “no left turn” signage has been eliminated at Northbound Yonge and King Streets as well as Westbound King and Jordan Streets.
Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times with periodic detours.
No impact to TTC streetcars, buses or subway service is expected during construction.
For further information:
Tyrell Ramsay, Community Liaison Officer,