Wilson Station Rehabilitation on Allen Road - Construction Commencement
Effective April 1, 2025to late2025
What is Happening and Why
Constructed in the mid-1960s (and last modified in 1976), the Wilson Station’s mezzanine bridge and bus underpass, which are part of the Allen Road infrastructure, are deteriorating. TTC is undertaking a vital state-of-good repair project to rehabilitate these two structures. Completing the work will ensure TTC maintains the long-term safety of the bridge and our transit operations and avoids significant long-term risks/costs from deferred maintenance.
What to Expect:
Temporary closure of the on-ramp to Highway 401 from Allen Road southbound for approximately 60 days from April to June 2025. Alternative access to Highway 401 via Dufferin Street, Keele Street, Wilson Avenue, Yonge Street, and Yorkdale Road (no trucks).
Single lane reductions on Allen Road northbound and southbound for approximately 200 days intermittently from April to October 2025; there may be concurrent work southbound and northbound.
Expect traffic delays in the construction area.
Some noise, vibration, and dust are expected.
No impact on TTC service due to this construction.
Construction Zone and Laydown Area
Work hours
Work on Allen Road will typically take place from Mondays to Saturdays between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. and Sundays between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m.
Work inside the station and the underside of the bus underpass will be done during non-operating hours (Monday to Saturday 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. and Sunday 2 a.m. to 7 a.m.).
Any overnight work will be communicated when specific dates are available.
TTC service
Subway and bus services will not be impacted by this construction.